

No Trouble At All 英语课本剧



Narrator    慕书缘

1.      Old Man  陈元博

2.      Driver    武晓鹏

3.      Student 1  杜雅婷

4.      student 2  梁雪

5.      Student 3  矫杨

6.      Student 4  郑广博

7.      Policeman  孙翼聪

8.      Medical Worker 1 张子博

9.      Medical worker 2 乔婧



Narrator:Today we are going tell you a story. Four college students come to Teda for avisit. But they witness a terrible accident. Let’s see what happens.


Old Man: (walking with a walking stick, anewspaper in hand.一手拄拐杖,一手拿报纸)

People say now it is the best of all times. People are wealthierthan any time. Life is really convenient. The skyscrapers, and the cars. Howbrilliant they are! But They also say it’s the worst of all times! People justhave lost their manners and morals!. Look at today’s paper! Another accident! Aman was knocked down and was run over. The driver ran away. No man dared torescue because they were afraid that the victim would frame them and accusethem of causing the trouble. So they all believe: Don’t trouble trouble until troubletroubles you.” What a sad thing and what a world!

 Imust be careful while walking home. Lucky that it’s only one block away. Thereshould be no problem.(continues walking)


Driver: (Driving while talking on the phone边开车边打电话)

Oh, dear. Do you want to have a look at mycar? It’s a brand new BMW. Ok, I’ll drive to your place and see you soon. Ohno!!!

Old man:  Ah.

(Sound of braking and the old man isknocked down.刹车声)


Driver: (in his seathesitating) Oh my god. Is he dead?I must drive away. If I get caught, I will go to jail and pay lots of money.Go,Go, Go. (Sees no one is looking, turns and leaves. )


Old man: (lying on the ground, groans)Help, Help….



(4 College Students are drivingl)

S4: (driving )This is the first time for meto come to TEDA. It’s really a fantastic city. Isn’t it?


(Other students) Yes, it is. What a moderncity! I never knew it was so developed. See the broad road! Wow!


S1: Look at that new BMW. It’s brand new. Ilove it.


S2:Yes, look at his plate number. BT250.Isn’t it funny?


S3. But I notice something strange. He isin such a hurry. Look, he nearly hit a tree. And what’s that red on the frontof the car? Isn’t is blood? Yes, it’s blood!


S4:(while driving) Why is he in such ahurry?


Old Man: Help, Help… (passes out)


All: (surprised) An accident! See that manon the ground!


S4: (stops the car)


S1: (gets off the car and comes near to OldMan, but not very close)

He must be seriously wounded. See theblood?


S2: Yes, he is bleeding. What shall we do?He is dying.


S1. We should save him.


S4:No, we mustn’t. Haven’t you heard thatthe wounded people often frame those who try to help them. I don’t want totrouble trouble.


S1: Maybe you are right. But what if hedies if we don’t save him immediately? We could save him if we try.


S2: I agree. We must do something.


S3: Not me. I won’t trouble trouble.


S4. Not me, either. I’ve heard lots of suchthings. When he wakes up, he will accuse you of hitting him. It’s just how ithappens.


S1: Listen, I think it’s only right tohelp. If he dies, how would you feel many years later to recall such a thing? Iwill be condemned by the consciousness.


S2.I agree. There’s no time to lose. Hurry.Let’s do something.


Mary, You call the ambulance and I call thepolice. You two protect the spot, will you?


S3.(hesitating, not knowing whether toleave or stay)


S4.All right, if you say so. But let mepull the car over.(drives the car out)


S1: (callingthe First Aid Center)120

MW:1Hello. First Aid Centre. May I help you?

S1:Wejust witnessed an accident. An old man was knocked over and he is bleedingbadly.

MW1: Can you tell me where it is?

S1. Weare on the corner of Third Avenue and Binhe Road. Please come quick.

MW1:All right. We’ll arrange that quickly. Thanks for calling.


S2: (callingthe Police) 110 .

MW2:Hello. The Police station. How can I help you?

Thereis an accident on the corner of Third Avenue and Binhe Road. The driver hasjust escaped.

MW2:Weare coming as soon as possible.  Have youcalled 120?

S2:Yes . We have called the First Aid Centre. They are coming soon.

MW:Thank you.


S3: we must do something before they come.


S4: Yes, we must stop the bleeding. Hurry.

(They use their clothes to stop the old man’sbleeding.)


S1: (to S3) Did you say the white BMW hadblood on its front ?


S3: Yes, I’m pretty sure.


S4: And he was in such a hurry and nearlyhit a tree when he was driving back.


S1. Ok, tell what you saw to the policewhen they come.


(Sirens of ambulance and the police car)


(Two medical workers come in, then apoliceman)

MW 2:Where is he wounded?


S1: On the leg, and the head. He is bleedingbadly.


MW2: Please help raise his head and leg abit higher. And help us put him in the ambulance. Thanks.


Policeman: Only a second: Let me take a fewpictures. (taking pictures)


(They help the medical workers put the old manout.)


Policeman: Thank you for your help. Willyou answer some of my questions?


S1. Sure.


P: Did you see how it happened?


S1. No, when we got off our car, he wasalready lying there. He groaned a bit and then passed out.


S3. But we saw a white car was verysuspicious. It was a new white BMW. It changed direction in a great hurry and …


S4: I saw something red in the front of hiscar. It looked like blood.


P: Did you see the plate number?


S2: Yes, I did. It was BT 250. Very funny.


P: (writing down) Which direction did he goin?


(4 students): In that direction.(pointing)


P:Ok. Thank you. Thanks for yourcooperation. A moment please.


P: (Making a call.) Johnson. It’s me.Teddy. Pay attention to a new white BWM with the plate number BT 250.It’s goingin your direction. He is suspicious of hitting down a man. Over.

(to the students)

Thank you for what you have done. We needyour help .You will have to go with me to the police station for an interview.We need your evidence.


Ss: All right. No problem. We are glad tohelp.


Narrator: Later, the driver who caused theaccident was caught and was brought to justice. And good news. The old man wassaved because of the immediate help of the students.


(The driver is brought in with his handscupped, very upset)


Narrator: Such is our story. What we wantto illustrate is that the world needs us to be warmhearted, to be helpful. Onlywhen everyone is ready to help can this world be a better place for us to livein. Thank you.

ALL: Thank you. (quit)

Music.(Heal the world)



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