

仁爱版七年级英语 (下)教材梳理篇(2)



1 12 个月份 , 序数词 , 四季 , sport , birthday, date , celebrate , party , present , shape , circle , ago , square , football, special , candle , surprise , smart , count , climb , anything , word , mean, recite , poem , magic , enjoy , fall , wash , happen , stand , lie , truth ,everyone , angry , silent, blow , breath , delicious , funny , weather , warm ,season , hot , rain , snow , cloudy , sunny , rainy , windy , bright ,temperature , low , trip , wear , holiday , travel , umbrella , remember ,shine , passage , arrive , busy , leaf, report , together , interest , sound , expensive, camera , tent , raincoat , enter, wet , point , touch , lucky , pass , stay ,greeting , festival , .dumpling , Christmas , sweet , luck , believe , full ,important , prepare , open , gift , start , whole , knock , shout , hold , race, national , capital , burn



beborn 出生

justnow 刚才

dosome cleaning/ washing/ reading 打扫卫生/洗洗东西/读点书

justnow/a moment ago 刚才

havea good ( great , wonderful , nice) time/enjoy oneself 玩得愉快

take...to... 把……带到……

takephotos/ pictures 照相,拍照

begood at/ do well in 擅长于某事;某方面做得好

atthe age of 在……的年纪

withthe help of/with one's help 在……的帮助下

enjoyoneself 过得愉快

atonce 立刻,马上

standup 站立,起立

comeback 回来,回想起来

falldown 摔倒;倒下;倒塌

tella lie 撒谎

byhand 手工

makea silent wish 许愿

blowout 熄灭, (风等)吹灭

inone breath 一口气

takea walk 去散步

goout 出去,熄灭

lateron 后来

bedifferent from 与……不同

comeback to life 复苏,复活

bebusy doing sth./ with sth. 忙于做某事/某事

gettogether 聚会,联欢

placesof interest 名胜

apair of 一双,一副

takesth. with sb. 随身携带/带在身上

takeoff 脱掉;摘掉;起飞

pointto 指向

makemoney 挣钱

putup 挂起;举起;(广告等)

preparefor 为……做准备

stayup 深夜不睡,熬夜

knockon/at 敲击,敲打



1.—When/Where were you born?

—Iwas born 时间/地点.

2.—When is your birthday?

—May 13th.

3.—What's the date today?

—It'sMay 8th.

4.—What's the shape of your present?


5.—How long /wide is it?

—It's24/6.4 centimeters long /wide.

6.—What do we use it for?

—Weuse it to study English.

7.—Can you dance or draw?

—Ican dance. I can do it a little /very well.

8.—What else can you do?

—Ican dance and play the guitar.

9.Did you hurt yourself?

10.—Did you sing a song at the party?

—Yes, I did. / No , I didn't.

11.What happened to Michael at the party?

12.What time did you come back home last night , Judy?

13.How could you lie to me?

14.Why didn't you tell me the truth?

15.It's a good time to climb /for climbing mountains.

16.Which season do you like best , spring, summer, autumn or winter?

17.What's theweather like in spring? /How is the weather in spring?

It's WaI1l1.It's a good season for flying kites.

18.You need to take an umbrella when you go out.

19.Winter lasts from December to February.

20.I think you can go anytime.

21.In Indonesia, you mustn't point to anything with your foot.

22.You should /shouldn't take off your shoes.

23.How was yourtrip?

It waswonderful.

24.How did youtravel there?

By train.

25.How long wereyou there?

Only five days.

26.Please give my best wishes to your parents.

27.I hope to get together with them.

28.I'd like to visit some places of interest in China.

29.Christmas is the most important festiva1 in many countries.

30.In China, celebrating Spring Festival is a big event.




What'sthe weather like in summer?

Howis the weather in...?

What'a fine day!


It'ssunny/ rainy/ cloudy/windy/ snowy/foggy.

What'sthe temperature?

Thelow temperature is 20'C and the high temperature is 25'C.

Thetemperature is between 20'C and 25'C.


How long is it?

It's 20centimeters long.

How wide is it?

It's 15centimeters wide.

Howtall /high is the building?

It's130 meters tall /high.

Thebuilding has 85 floors/stories.


Shecan't sing any Chinese songs.

Can you dance?

Yes , I can./Yes , a little. /Yes , very well. /No , I can't. /No , not at all.

I canswim now, but I couldn't swim when I was five.

He'sable/unable to pass the math exam.


Iwant to go to England.

Wheredo you plan to go for your holidays?

Wherewould Tony like to go?

I'11go with you.

I'mgoing to see my head teacher this afternoon.

I'dlike to make a phone call to her after class.

Iwant/hope to find an English pen friend;'

Iplan to go to Hangzhou this summer.

Iwon't see the movie again.

I'mnot going to buy the book.

Idon't want to live in the big city.




2.掌握can/could 的用法。


4.掌握want to/planto/wish to/hope to/would like to的用法。




1. It is 24centimeters long. 24厘米长。

此句型是对物体形状的描述: It is /lt's 数词 单位 形容词。如:

Itis/lt's 15 centimeters wide. 15 厘米宽。


Howwide /heavy/ high /deep is it? 它多宽///?

Howtall is he/ she? 千也/她多高? (常指人的身高)

2. That would bea surprise for Mrs. Brown. 那将给布朗夫人一个惊喜。

asurprise 意为'一个惊喜' give sb.a surprise意为'给某人一个惊喜'surprise为名词。

: We will givehim a surprise when he comes back. 他回来时,我们将给他一个惊喜。

【链接】(1) surprise作名词时,还有短语: in surprise 惊讶地, to one'ssurprise 令某人惊奇的是。如:

He lookedup in surprise. 他惊讶地抬起头。

Muchto my surprise , I passed. 压根儿没想到,我及格了。

(2)surprise 还可以作动词,意为'使惊奇' '使感到意外'。如:

Theaccident didn't surprise us. 这起事故并不使我们感到意外。

(3) 常用短语还有be surprised at...,意为'对……感到惊奇'。如:

Weare all surprised at his coming. 我们对他的到来都感到惊奇。

3. Can you danceto disco or perform ballet? 你会跳迪斯科还是芭蕾舞?

该句型为选择疑问句 , or用来连接两个结构相同的成分,不能用yes/no进行回答。如:

Do you likeapples or oranges? 你喜欢苹果还是椅子?

I like apples. 我喜欢苹果。

4. Kangkang isgood at playing soccer , while Michael does well in basketball. 康康擅长踢足球,而迈克尔篮球打得好。


Tom'sfather is short while his mother is very tall.汤姆的父亲很矮而他的母亲却很高。


Hewas reading while 1 was writing. 我在写字,他在念书。

(2)while 还可以作名词,只用单数形式,意为'一会儿'。如:

Theytalked for a while. 他们谈了一会儿。

I'11be back in a little while. 我一会儿就回来。

5. Six years agoI there was something wrong with her eyes. 六年前,她的眼睛出了问题。


Shecame back from Beijing a few days ago. 她几天前从北京回来了。

(2)there is/ was something/ nothing wrong with ... 意为'……出了问题''……没有问题还可以表示为: something/ nothing is/ was wrong with...。如:

Nothingis wrong with your bike. 你的自行车什么毛病都没有。

6. What's theweather like in summer? 夏天天气怎么样?


What'sthe weather like ... ?Howis the weather ... ?

: How is theweather in summer?


Whatwill the weather be like tomorrow? /How will the weather be tomorrow? 明天的天气如何?

7. Of course Iplease remember to wear warm clothes. 当然,请记住穿暖和的衣服。

rememberto do sth. 意为'记住要去做某事',remember doingsth. 表示'记得做过某事'

: Pleaseremember to close the door when you go out. 你出去的时候请记得把门关上。

Heremembered sending the , letter. 他记得把信寄出去了。

【链接】与remember 用法相类似的词还有forget forget to dosth. 意为'忘记要去做某事' , forget doingsth. 意为'忘记做过了某事'。如:

Heforgot to post the letter. 他忘记把信寄出去了。(信还在他的手中)

Heforgot posting the letter. 他忘记己经把信寄出去了。(信已经不在他的手中)

8. It is theharvest season , and the farmers are busy harvesting. 这是一个收获的季节,农民们正忙于收割。

bebusy doing sth. = be busy with sth.忙于做某事。如:

My motheris busy doing housework /with housework.我母亲正忙于做家务。

9. On this day ,people eat sweet dumplings for good luck , ...在这一天,人们吃汤圆祈祷好运,……

luck 作名词,运气,好运。如:

Goodluck to you! 祝你好运。

【链接】(1) luck 的形容词是lucky ,意为'幸运的',在句中作定语、表语。如:

Youare a lucky girl.你是个幸运的女孩。

He islucky. 他很幸运。

(2)luck 的副词是luckily,意为'幸运地,荣幸地'。如:

Luckily, she passed the exam. 幸运的是,她通过了考试。



1. each/ every

(1)They _________ have different ideas.

(2) _________boy knows it.

【分析比较】each every 都可作形容词,有时可以互换。

Eachone of us has his duty. = Every one of us has his duty. 我们每个人都有自己的职责。each 还可作副词和代词,指两个或两个以上人或物中的每一个,强调个体。在句中作主语、同位语、状语。(1)题意为'他们每个人都有不同的想法', 故填each。如:

Eachof them drinks milk every day. 他们每个人都天天喝牛奶。(主语)

Weeach speak English well. 我们每个人都能说流利的英语。(同位语)

Youcan buy sweaters for only 35 yuan each. 你可以以每件35 元的价格买到毛衣。(状语)

every只用作形容词,在句中作定语,指三个或三个以上人或事物之中的每一个,强调全体。(2) 题意为'所有的男孩都知道它'故填Every. :

Thesun shines every day. 太阳每天照耀着大地。

2. sometimes/ sometimes/ sometime/ some time

(1)________ I go to bed very late.

(2)President Hu came to the United States ________ last year.

(3)We'll take a vacation ________ in September.

(4) Iwant to live with my parents for ________ this summer.



Mariasometimes takes the subway home. 有时玛丽亚乘地铁回家。

sometimes '几次'之意times 是次数。故(2)some times.

sometime可作副词,意为' (将来或过去的)某个时候'。故(3) sometime. 又如:

Ourhouse was built sometime around 1990. 我们的房子建于1990 年左右。


Mr.Wang , the sometime headmaster of our school , is friendly to everyone. 王先生,我们学校的前任校长,他对每个人都很友好。

sometime 意为'一段时间'。故(4) some time 。又如:

Lastyear , he stayed at home for some time. 去年,他在家待了一段时间。

3. hope/ wish

(1) I__________ it will be fine tomorrow.

(2) I__________ I were taller.

(3) I__________ to see you soon.

(4) I__________ myself to be a fairy.

【分析比较】这两个词作为动词都可表示祝愿。在表示愿望时 ,hope 接从句用来表达可能实现的愿望,故(1)hope; wish 接从句则表示这种愿望不可能实现,只是一种假设,故(2) wish

这两个动词都可接动词不定式作宾语 ,wish 后可接动词不定式作宾语补足语的复合宾语结构,而hope不能。故(4) wish; (3) hope


Ihave no hope of going with him. 我不希望同他一起去。

Givemy best wishes to you. 给你最美好的祝愿。

4. happen/ takeplace

(1) What一一一_ to Michael atthe party?

(2)Great changes 一一一inChina in recent years.

【分析比较】happen take place 都是不及物动词,均指发生。happen 是一般用语,表示偶然发生。如: No one knowswhat happened to him. 没有人知道他发生了什么事。takeplace 意为必然的发生,有迹象的、可预见性的发生,没有偶然的意思,如:Thewedding ceremony took place last week. 婚礼上周举行。

(1) 题意为'在聚会上迈克尔发生了什么事?'(偶然性) ,故填happened.

(2) 题意为'中国在近几年已经发生了巨大的变化。'(可预见性) , 故填have taken place

Practice makes perfect






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