



Unit 2 Saving the earth

Topic 1 I can’t stand the environment here.

1.I cant stand the environment here. 我无法容忍这儿的环境。

stand 表“容忍;忍受”,后接名词、代词及动名词做宾语。

eg: I cant stand thatman, he talks too much. 我忍受不了那个人了,他话太多了。

     I cant stand waiting any longer. 我再也等不了了。

2.What do you mean by sth. ?    某物是什么意思呢

= What’s the meaning of sth ? = What doessth. mean?

3.I hope I can move from here soon.  我希望我能早点从这儿搬走。


   =I hope to move from here soon.   我希望早点从这儿搬走。

4There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into theriver.


 There be sb. / sth. doing sth.   表有某人/ 某物正在做某事。

eg: There are some birds singing in thetree. 树上有些鸟儿在歌唱。

  There is a little girl crying in the street. 街上有个小女孩在哭。

5stop doing sth.  停止做(正在进行的)事

stop to dosth.  停下来去做(另一件)事

eg: Its late. They will stop working and (stop) to have supper. 很迟了。他们将停下来吃晚饭。

  The students stopped talking and to listen to the teacher. 学生们停止说话去听课。

6Im sorry formaking so much noise. 很抱歉我弄出这么大的噪音。

   besorry for doing sth.   表对做过的事感到抱歉    be sorry to do sth.   表对当前的事感到抱歉

 eg:  Im sorry for waking you upyesterday. 很抱歉昨天把你弄醒了。

Im sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打扰你了。

Im sorry to hear that.  听到那个(消息)感到很遗憾。

7 Recently it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear nobetter than 65-year-old people do,…近来据报道,美国许多青少年的听力和65岁的老人一样差。

     no better than 表“同……(几乎)一样差; 不比……做得好”

eg: Lucy did no better than Lily in the exam. 露西和莉莉考得几乎一样糟.

    = Lucy almost did as badly as Lily in the exam.

8.复习现在完成时中延续性的动作或状态和由for / since 引导的一段时间状语搭配使用。

a)for 时间段”  since 时间点” 都表“一段时间”,常用Howlong 提问。

b) 如句中含有非延续性动词,则改为相应的延续性动词或状态。

Topic 2 How does pollution hurt the earth?

1. It says that China has become the worlds largest producer and user ofcoal.  它(文章)写到中国已经成为世界上最大的煤炭生产和消费国。

sth. saysthat 此句型中主语是事或物,say表用“文字、数字”说明信息。

eg: It says Happy New Year! on the card. 卡片上写着“新年快乐!”。

  The clock says that it is 20:00 now. 这面钟显示现在是2000

2. As we know, none of us likes pollution. 众所周知,没有人喜欢污染。

  noneno one 的区别:

none “全无”,既可指人也可指物,后常跟of 的短语; 作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数;no one只指人,后不能跟of 的短语; 作主语时,谓语动词只用作单数。

eg: He has read none of these books.(指物)这些书他一本都没看过。

  None of my friends like/ likes drawing.(指人)我的朋友们没有一个喜欢画画。

   Noone is here. 没有一个在这儿。

none回答how many/ much的问题;no one回答who的问题。 如:

 A:How many students come to school by taxi? B: None.

有多少的学生搭出租车来上学? 没有人。

 A:How much water is there in the bottle? B: None.瓶子里有多少水?一点儿也没有。

 A:Who is in the room?  B: No one.谁在房中?没有人。

3.When it rains, the soil will be washedaway.下雨时,土壤就会被冲走。

       will be 过去分词为一般将来时的被动语形式。

eg: The earth will be blown away by thewind.  泥土将会被风刮走。(被动语态)

   =The wind will blow away the earth. 风将会把泥土刮走。(主动语态)

4A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. 许多肥沃的土地已经变成了沙漠,留下的是遍地黄沙。

a) change into = turn into  把…..()变成…

eg: Please change/ turn English intoChinese. 请把英语变成汉语。

  When the traffic lights change/ turn into green, we can go.


b) leaving only stand现在分词短语作状语, 表伴随主动。

eg: The children went away, talking andlaughing.  孩子们说着、笑着离开了。

  The girl is looking for her mother, crying loudly.  这个女孩大声地哭着在寻找她的母亲。

5Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. They can alsoprevent the sand from moving toward the rich land. 树可以防风固土,也可阻止风沙吹进良田。

stop / prevent sb. /sth. (from ) doing sth.阻止/ 防止 某人或某物做某事

keep sb./sth. from doing sth.   阻止/ 防止 某人或某物做某事

eg: Trees can keep water from running away.树可以防止水土流失。

6.in danger of ( doing ) sth.   处于做某事的危险中

eg: They are in danger of losing theirlives. 他们正处于失去生命的危险中。

7.cut down 砍到

EgMany trees are cut down every years

8. You may either take a bus or a taxi. 你们可能搭公车去或者是搭出租车去。

   a)eitheror “要么…要么…并列连词,连接主语时,根据就近原则选取谓语动词。

 eg:You may come either today or tomorrow. 你要么今天来,要么明天来。

  Either you or he is right. 要么你对,要么他对。

   b)either 单独使用时,是代词,表“二者之一”既可指人也可指物;用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数。如:

   A:Would you like coffee or tea?  B: Either is OK


    Either of us is right. 我们俩中有一人是对的。

Topic 3 Let’s be greener people.

1.We should use both sides of paper, andreuse plastic bags rather than throw them away. 我们应该把纸的两面都使用,将塑料袋再次使用而不是轻易扔掉。

both 修饰复数名词;而 either 修饰单数名词; 

eg: There are a lot of trees on both sidesof the road.

   =There are a lot of trees on either side of the road.  在路的两边有许多树。

2.Everyone is supposed to do it. 每个人都应该那样做。

be supposed to do sth.指(按规定、习惯、安排等)应当做某事;相当于should; 用于否定句时,表“允许”; 

eg: Teachers are supposed to/ should know alot. 老师应该知道很多。

  You are not supposed to smoke here. 这里不允许抽烟。

3. First, you ought to turn off the lightswhen you leave a room. 首先,当你离开房间的时候,应该关灯。

ought to 情态动词, “应该; 应当”; 语气比 should ;指道义上应该做的事,有时含有责备或督促的语气。should指主观上感到有责任或义务去做。如:

You ought to help your mother do somehousework.你应该帮你妈妈做些家务。

We should study hard.我们应该努力学习。


You oughtnt to get up so late in the morning.你早晨不应该起这么晚。

Ought I to tell her the bad news? 我该告诉她坏消息吗?

Yes, you ought.     No, you oughtn’t.

Unit 3 English around the world

Topic1 English is widely spoken around theworld.

1.stick v. 粘贴,=put up

 eg:You can stick it on the wall in your room.你可以把它贴在你房间的墙上。

2.can't wait to do sth. 迫不急待地想要做某事

eg:  I can't wait to fly there! 我迫不急待地想要飞往哪里。

又:can't helpdoing sth.忍不住要做某事,如:Ican't help laughing.我忍不住笑了。

3.have a good chance to do sth. 有个做某事的好机会

 eg:You'll have a good chance to practicing speaking English .你将有一个练习说英语的好机会。

4.practice speaking English 练习说英语。有的动词后再跟动词时,后面的动词要用--ing形式,

     如:practice, finish, enjoy, meind等等。

5.from now on 从现在起,意思相当于later on 后来,过后,将来。

 eg:Try your best and work much harder (at English) from now on. 从现在起,尽你最大的努力更努力(得多)地学习(英语)

6.on business  出差

egMr.Lee is on business in the U.S.A..

7.be similar to... ...相似

eg: Is Spanish similar to English? 西班牙语和英语会相似吗?

8.It's possible that... 有可能...

eg: It's possible that you will have sometrouble.你有可能会遇到一些困难。

9.ask sb. for help 向某人求助,求助于某人。

eg: I'll ask an interpreter for help.我将向翻译求助。

10.translate A into B A翻译成B

eg: The interpreter translates English intoChinese. 这位翻译把英语翻译成中国语。

11.in general 一般来说

12.have trouble (in) doing sth. 在做某事方面有困难。

eg: In general, he has no troubleunderstanding people.一般说来,他听懂别人的说话是没有困难的。

13.What's more 还有  once in a while 有时,偶尔,相当于at timessometimes

14.whenever = no matter when

topic 2 English is spoken differentlyindifferent countries

1.follow = understand 听懂,理解, 明白,

eg: I can't follow you.? Can you speak more slowly, please?

2. be the same as?? ...相同

eg: Is Australian English the same saBritish English? 澳大利亚英语和英国英语是相同的吗

3. I'm flying to Disneyland tomorrow.? 明天我要飞往迪斯尼乐园.

: 此句中 am flying是表示一般将来时.???英语中,??'位移动词'或称'趋向动词'?可以用现在进行时的结构表示将来发生的动作, 这类动词有'leave', 'leavefor', 'leave for','come,' 'fly', 'return', 'arrive', 'go',?'start'(出发), 等等, :? I'm going.我要走了.?? I'm coming! 我就来!? My uncle is meeting ustomorrow.

4. depend on? 依靠;取决于;依…而定, : Sometimes the meaning can change,depending on the country where it is spoken.

5.succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事,

eg: f you want to succeed in makingyourself understood, you need to know some of these differences. 如果你想成功地表达自己的意思, 你就需要了解一些这种不同点.

6. on one's way to 地名, 在去某地的路上(后接副词时不用to)?.?

eg: Lucy is on her way to school. 露西在回家的路上.??

  Tom is on his way home. 汤姆在回家路上.????

   [要区别于By the way顺便问/说一下;? in this way用这种方法]

7. see sb. off 为某人送行,

eg: Kangkang and Michael?going to theairport to?see them off.康康和迈克尔要去机场为他们送行.

  put out 伸出

eg: Michael sees a foreigner putting outhis hand with his thumb raised. 迈克尔看见一个外国人伸出他的手, 拇指朝上.

还要掌握see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 seesb. do sth. 看见某人做某事, 以及with his thumb raised作伴随状语.]

8. ask for a ride 请求搭车, The foreigner is asking for aride. 这个外国人在请求搭车.

9.be worried about ... ...担心

eg: I'm still worried about my English. 我还在为我的英语担心.

10 as for ...? 至于…, 关于某人/某事

eg: As for the spelling differences, youcan easily find them when you use a computer.??????

11.have difficulty doing sth. 做某事有困难

注:difficulty'困难,艰难,费劲,辛苦,难度'解时为un '难题,难事,难处,困境,危难',cn

eg: We have difficulties understandingforeigners

12. be closed to ...? 靠近..., The Disneyland is close toLos Angeles.? 迪斯尼乐园离洛杉矶很近。

13.in person 亲自

eg:He helped her with her English inperson.

14. be fond of ...? 喜爱...

eg: Children are fond of exciting rideslike Pirates of the Caribbean.

15. come about 发生

eg: How did these differences come about? 这些差别是如何发生的

Can you tellme how the accident came about?

16. be forced to do sth.被迫做某事

 eg:I was forced to take a taxi because I couldn't catch the last bus.?因为没有赶上末班车, 只好坐出租车.

17. take in 吸收,如:The English language has taken in many new words from otherlanguages.

Topic 3 Could you give us some advice onhow to learn English well?

1.make sb understood 使某人被理解

EgHe say it slowly to make him understood

2. work hard at 努力…

eg:He worked hard at English and at last hepassed the final exam.

3. advise 建议(后接to do V-ing

egI advises waiting till the proper time.

I advise youto leave now.

4. stick to 坚持  (to 是介词,后接名词或V-ing)

EgIf you stick to the truth ,you have nothing to fear.

He sticks tohaving a talk with his teacher.

5.come to realize 明白

egAfter talking to his teacher,he have come to realize his teacher isalways caring for him

6. give up 放弃

egI always advise my father to give up smoking.

7. 复习动词不定式的用法。

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