

经济学人 | 旅行安全 | 2016.04.30 | 总第556期

Travel security
Risky business
International SOS is the biggest player in a fast-growing industry
Apr 30th 2016 | From the print edition
2016年4月30日 | 印刷版
AT THE centre of a large office in west London sits a raised circular platform with several seats. Screens in front carry international news superimposed on a huge atlas. From here rescue missions are co-ordinated by International SOS (ISOS), the world’s largest travel-security firm, which counts nearly two-thirds of the Fortune Global 500 companies as clients. It operates 26 other centres across the world. The firm says they have never been busier.

ISOS has responded to emergencies large and small. They range from giving timely advice to the parents of a child in Nigeria who had swallowed a coin to evacuating corporate and NGO clients from Burundi during last year’s coup attempt. Torn between a medical airlift and potentially risky surgery in a local hospital, the child’s parents were counselled by ISOS doctors to let nature take its course, which it duly did. The Burundi operation was trickier.

 “When the president [Pierre Nkurunziza] started talking about serving an unconstitutional third term,” explains Tim Willis, a former army officer who is the firm’s European security director, “we thought ‘look out’ and began sending alerts to our members. When the balloon went up in May, their families had got out and they were prepared.” A nurse was embedded with one client, a local security provider was told to stand by with vehicles and an ISOS manager flew to neighbouring Rwanda to co-ordinate the operation.

Next a handful of people were moved into a secure hotel. Then, once the road to the border was declared viable, they made their way out. A plane was being chartered in Nairobi meanwhile to collect another 73 employees of a client from the airport at Bujumbura, the capital, and fly them to Rwanda’s capital, Kigali. For Mr Willis it showed how managing efforts close to the action results in a “boring evacuation, which is what we want”.  


Globalisation (ever-increasing business travel and tourism), political instability (spreading in an arc from the Gulf to sub-Saharan Africa) and fear of terrorism in places previously thought safe (such as Istanbul, Jakarta, Paris and Brussels) are all drivers of the business. So too is China’s expanding international footprint. This year China will overtake America as the biggest spender on business travel. Last year ISOS saw its “outbound” China business grow by 46%, thanks in part to Beijing’s commitment to building a “new silk road” from Central Asia to the Mediterranean.

Founded over 30 years ago to provide emergency medical care for Europeans working in South-East Asia, ISOS has become a global business. When the Arab Spring got going in 2011, it had the resources to carry out large-scale evacuations from Egypt (1,250 people) and then Libya (1,500).

 The Arab Spring: 所谓“阿拉伯之春”,就是自2010年最早发生在突尼斯的阿拉伯世界争取民主、平等的运动。对应的是:The Arab Winter。

Since 2001 ISOS has grown from revenues of $250m a year and 2,500 employees to $1.5 billion and a staff of 11,000, which includes over 5,000 medical professionals and 200 security specialists. Operating from around 1,000 locations in 90 countries, it takes nearly 5m assistance calls every year. However, while it is large-scale evacuations at times of crisis that grab attention, the biggest risks that business travellers face are more prosaic. According to a survey of its European customers in 2015, 11% said they had experienced terrorism as a threat to their safety compared with 34% who cited petty crime and 33% traffic accidents.

Prosaic: 乏味的,平淡无奇的

Whatever the emergency, knowing exactly where your people are when something bad happens is the first part of any plan to help them. After the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, ISOS introduced travel-tracking technology that provides real-time data about employee movements. Now, apps on phones using GPS can establish virtual secure areas—so called “geo-fencing”. A panic button on the phone sends SMS and e-mail alerts with location information if someone leaves or enters designated perimeters.


Although support when an emergency strikes is what gives clients reassurance, ISOS and its smaller rivals, such as Annapolis-based iJet and Anvil Group, a British firm, emphasise that risk mitigation starts with understanding where and how threats arise and knowing how to avoid or deal with them. That matters not just for practical reasons but for legal ones too. Employers have a duty of care and so can be sued if staff have not been adequately prepared or properly informed about dangerous situations they might find themselves in. One more reason why ISOS and its ilk need not worry too much about falling demand.
尽管一旦紧急事件发生,给客户提供帮助可以让他们放心,但是国际SOS救援中心和它较弱的竞争对手,比如美国安纳波利斯的iJet 和 英国的Anvil Group,都强调说只有了解了危险发生地点和原因,并且弄清楚如何避免或处理的时候,危险才能有所缓解。这不光指实际原因还包括法律方面的原因。雇主们有照管其雇员的责任。所以如果雇员面对所处的处境,没有得到雇主给予的充足或恰当的准备,又或是雇主没有告知雇员所处险境,雇员是可以起诉雇主的。这就又给雇员亲属们一个不用担心他们得不到必要的支持的理由。


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