


   In the womb 5

      After growing for eight weeks, the embryo looks more like a tiny human and becomes known as a fetus which in Latin means offspring. She has reached an important milestone. Until now the embryo has been dependent on the nutrients she could extract from her yolk sac(卵黄囊), a floating balloon connected to the base of the umbilical cord(脐带). A human yolk sac is used briefly and then vanishes. It is believed that for the first few weeks, it generates nutrients and blood cells for the tiny embryo.



     By two months, the yolk sac becomes redundant and shrivels away. The crucial job of feeding and nurturing the fetus is completely taken over by the placenta(胎盘), which is embedded into the wall of the uterus at the end of the umbilical cord. It provides nutrients while filtering out waste. The placenta is the fetus’s life support system during her time in the womb. It’s a network of very fine blood vessels, reaching into the wall of the uterus. Like the roots of a tree sucking nutrients from the soil, it extracts everything the fetus needs from the mother’s bloodstream, food, oxygen, water, and it filters it before passing it into the fetus’s bloodstream.



       Blood, enriched by the mother’s diet, travels through the umbilical cord into the fetal arteries. Everything the fetus doesn’t need or the waste products are siphoned(用虹吸管吸出) out by the placenta and passed back into the mother’s bloodstream.



       The placenta also filters out many harmful substances that may be in the mother’s bloodstream and could damage the fetus. But it can’t stop everything and the mother has to be careful with things like prescription drugs, alcohol and nicotine, which will pass directly to the fetus.



       Some pregnant mothers have an instinctive reaction to avoid food or drink that could be harmful to the fetus. They may be revolted by the smell of alcohol or seafood, meat or mushrooms. The mother’s body is effectively controlling her intake of food, telling her what to avoid and instigating cravings to ensure her child gets what it needs.



       The first trimester can be an uncomfortable time for the mother. Apart from its nurturing role, the placenta also controls pregnancy by producing hormones, and early on these hormones are what give some women morning sickness. One of these, progesterone(黄体酮), is secreted(分泌) throughout the term and prevents the mother from releasing more eggs. Others stop the mother’s immune system from rejecting the unfamiliar growth inside her.



       Another week passes and the nervous system is developing fast, spreading connections throughout the body. Over the course of nine months, the nervous system generates an average of two and a half million neurons every minute. The fetus has been still so far, but now at about nine weeks, her whole body starts to twitch. Movement plays a crucial role in stimulating the growth of muscles and strengthening of joints.



        At this stage, the nerves may only extend from the muscles of the leg, for example, back to the spinal cord. The connection to the brain is still growing. So the brain isn’t controlling the fetus’s movements yet. They are still involuntary reflex spasms(痉挛). The heart isn’t controlled by the brain yet, either. It marches to its own beat and it’s been gaining speed since its first twitch to life in the third week.






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