






keep [(1) to possess; (2) to have for oneself]

They kept the old house for a long time. (1)

He keeps most of the money that he earns. (2)


kick [to hit with the foot]

How far can you kick the ball?


kidnap [to seize and take away by force]

The man kidnapped the boy but released him after the family paid him a million dollars.


kill [(1) to make dead; (2) to cause to die]

The woman killed her three husbands for their money. (1)

The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States. (2)


kind [(1) sort; (2) gentle; (3) caring; (4) helpful]

What kind of dog is that? (1)

He is a kind man. (2)

She was a kind mother to all her children. (3)

A kind old man told me where to find your house. (4)


kiss [to touch with the mouth to show love or honor]

Do you remember your first kiss?


knife [a tool or weapon used to cut]

The knife that he found was very sharp.


know [(1) to understand something as correct; (2) to have the facts about; (3) to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before]

I know the answer to your question. (1)

Do you know how deep the river is here? (2)

He knew her for many years. (3)


knowledge [(1) that which is known; (2) learning or understanding]

A huge library in Alexandria, Egypt, was the world's center of knowledge 2,300 years ago. (1)

You can use the Internet computer system to find knowledge about a great many subjects. (2)




labor [(1) work; (2) workers as a group]

Building a house is hard labor. (1)

Organized labor is a major force in American politics. (2)


laboratory [a room or place where experiments in science are done]

The medical students spent much of their time in the laboratory.


lack [(1) to be without; (2) the condition of needing, wanting or not having]

The farmhouse lacked heat and electricity. (1)

The lack of rain caused the crops to fail. (2)


lake [a large area of fresh water surrounded by land]

She swam across the lake.


land [(1) to come to the earth from the air; (2) the part of the earth not covered by water; (3) the ground]

Airplanes land at airports. (1)

Only 25 percent of the earth's surface is land. (2)

He bought this land ten years ago. (3)


language [(1) words and their use; (2) what people speak in a country, nation or group]

She was interested in how new words come into the language. (1)

How many languages do you speak? (2)


large [(1) big; (2) being of more than usual size, amount or number; (3) opposite small]

How large is your house? (1)

He had a large voice for such a small man. (2)

She was a large woman. (3)


last [(1) to continue; (2) after all others; (3) the only one remaining]

The talks will last three days. (1)

He was the last person to arrive. (2)

She is the last person in line. (3)


late [(1) after the correct time; (2) near the end; (3) opposite early]

He arrived an hour late for work. (1)

The doctor said she would have her baby late in the year. (2)

Do you like to eat early or late? (3)


laugh [to make sounds to express pleasure or happy feelings]

I always laugh at her funny stories.


launch [(1) to put into operation; (2) to begin; (3) to send into the air or space]

The terrorists launched an attack in the middle of the night. (1)

She said she soon will launch her campaign for mayor. (2)

The United States launched an Apollo spacecraft on a flight to the moon. (3)


law [all or any rules made by a government]

The mayor urged city officials to pass the new law.


lead [(1) to show the way; (2) to command; (3) to control; (4) to go first]

I could not find the store until he led me to it. (1)

General Wilcox will lead the special anti-terrorist force. (2)

He leads our music department. (3)

She followed as he led the way. (4)


leak [to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)]

Oil leaked from the broken pipe.


learn [(1) to get knowledge about; (2) to come to know a fact or facts]

He learned calculus in high school.(1)

She wondered how he learned where she lived. (2)


leave [(1) to go away from; (2) to let something stay where it is]

His son will leave home next year for college. (1)

Please leave me alone. (2)


left [(1) on the side that is toward the west when one is facing north; (2) opposite right]

Do you write with your left hand? (1)

I am lost because I turned left instead of right. (2)


legal [of or in agreement with the law]

He said his lawyer gave him good legal advice.


legislature [a government lawmaking group]

The legislature makes laws.


lend [(1) to permit someone to use a thing temporarily; (2) to make a loan of money]

Joe said he will lend me his car tomorrow. (1)

None of his friends would lend him any money. (2)


less [(1) smaller in amount; (2) not as much]

His doctor said he should eat less meat. (1)

She travels less in her new job. (2)


let [(1) to permit to do or to be; (2) to make possible]

Let me help you with that. (1)

She let him drive her new car. (2)


letter [a communication in writing sent to another person]

I wrote a letter to you last night.


level [(1) the amount or height that something reaches or rises to; (2) the position of something or someone]

The river rose to its highest level in history during the flood last year. (1)

He has worked at the top levels of government for many years. (2)


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