






1、作品内容:Me and The World






2、作品内容:The Beauties of  Wuhan

作者:美加外校小学四年级  程思琦


Wuhan, the capital city of Hubeiprovince, China, is raised by Jiang Han Plain, at the intersection of Yangtze River and Han River. Wuhanis known as “the nine provinces' leading thoroughfare”, a transportation hub with dozens of railways, expressways and big streams of millions of people every day. As it holds the key role of domestic transportation, the business and industry in Wuhanare also very booming, making it known as “Eastern Chicago”. This is our beautiful city, Wuhan.


With its natural advantages, Wuhanhas hundreds of lakes, of which the EastLakeis the biggest lake inside a city in Asia. It is the biggest tourist site of Wuhan, attracting tens of thousands of tourists every day during the National Day Festival. It is a paradise of flowers and grasses, birds and fishes. I love walking, running and spending time relaxing myself in EastLake. I can also meet many people and foreign friends in EastLake. This is the beauty of Wuhan.


Wuhanis also a city with very long and important history. In AD 223, the YellowCraneTowerwas constructed on the Wu Chang side of Yangtze Riverand it has attracted a number of famous poets in the Chinese history to poetize here. Wuhanis one of the birthplaces of the brilliant ancient Chu Culturein China.


Wuhanis also famous for Wu Chang Uprising, led by Sun Yat-sen, which resulted in the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China. I am very proud of such brilliant and exciting histories of my hometown. And I would like to introduce them to any of my friends and any of the visitors in Wuhan. This is the beauty of Wuhan.


Wuhanis also an educational hub of China, holding the biggest number of college students all around China. Those talents attract many enterprises to set up here. Wuhanwas rated as the NationalCivilizedCityin 2015. Wuhan Free Trade Zone is also under construction. More and more foreigners will come to visit, work and live in Wuhan. I believe they will be amazed and attracted by the beauties of Wuhan. There are still many beauties waiting for us to discover, maintain and revere. This is our beautiful Wuhan.


3、作品内容:My Experience of Going Abroad

作者:外校小学部五年级  吴雨宸


2015 is the fifteen anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Wuhanand Cheongju in South Korea. I was luckily chosen as one of the 18 “little diplomats” from the ballet Club of Wuhan Foreign Language School Primary School. We went to Cheongju for an eight-day friendly visit on behalf of Wuhan. During this trip, we would perform the Chinese traditional song “Jasmine Flower” in the form of ballet.


Before the show, we rehearsed in group according to the request of our instructor. I had a little problem in one of my ballet moves and practiced a lot. It made me feel tired and frustrated. However, when I thought of those encouraging words from Principal Huang and saw that everyone was practicing seriously, I was full of strength again.


Finally, 18 of us went to stage together with the familiar melody. I was very nervous because the Mayors of Wuhanand Cheongju were all seated under the stage watching our performance. Although we had rehearsed a lot and we were all very skilled, I was still worried that something may go wrong. I encouraged myself that I must be as brave as Princess Elsa and finish the performance successfully.


The show was over and the audience burst into applause. I felt like that we received more applause than others. I looked at my buddies and they were all excited with smile on their faces. The performance was so fast that it ended before I realized what had happened. How I wanted to do it again! Finally, we left the stage with the most classical ballet movements.


This Koreaexchange came to the end at the end of the jasmine flower show. Standing in the Seoulairport, I recalled those experiences of my learning of ballet. There have been tears and sweats, and I almost wanted to give up because of the pain. However, I persisted and finally enjoyed the honor. If there is a chance, I would like to come back to Koreaagain to visit my Korean parents and siblings. When I grow up, I want to be a true diplomat to show Chinese arts and culture to the world.

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