



 Importance of Buying a House

  1. 有人认为买房很重要

  2. 也有人认为买不买房无关紧要

  3. 我认为…


  There is a heated debate on the importance ofbuying a house with the soaring house prices. Those emphasizing the in^ortance of buyiog ahouse maintain that living in your bwn house makes you feel better and more comfortablecompared to that in a rented one. Besides, no investment is more rewarding than buying ahouse nowadays. Statistics from both home and abroad shows that owning a houseguarantees an increase in assets.

  Quite the contrary, many people say, buying a house is not that important. On one hand,a rented apartment can provide the same comfortable or even better life for people. This isespecially true when many people have no money to decorate their houses after the bigpurchase. On the other hand, peopk can spend more money on other more protitableinvestment than involving in real estate, such as buying stocks or other art poliections.

  Personally, I think possessing a house is extremely important. At its core, a house is ashelter After buying a house, people will becomc stable. What’s more important is that thctrchildren will also settle and can concentrate on study _ children could get affected as theyadapt themselves with the new places, teachers and creating new friends making them Lagbehind academically.



  人的生命,终会消失,如同晚秋的落叶终会飘向地面。不忍分别是人之常情,但恐怕每一个逝者都不愿留给生者的只是哀伤的记忆。记得夏衍走时,留给大家的是一曲深情的《绿叶青葱》;光未然走时,人们听到的依然是那激昂的《黄河颂》…人走了,如蜡烛燃尽,如油灯耗干,如落叶归于泥土,如溪水流入江海…但蜡烛、油灯都曾照亮过人间;落叶曾用青绿展现盎然生机;溪水一路丁冬,给人们带来无尽欢乐。 用一种别样的告别,不是更温暖和美好吗?


  It is quite common for people unable to bearseparation.Every decedent,however,might not bewilling to leave the living more than sad memory.XiaYan passed away with an affectionate piece of musicLeaves Are Green while Guang Weiran departed theworld with a still inspiring Ode to the YellowRiver.Just as leaves fall into earth and steams flowinto the sea…so people will pass away.Yet,leaves showed their vitality through the color ofgreen,while thinking stream once brought people joy.Isn't it warmer and greater to hold amemorial serviced in this unique way?


There is a certain inevitability that ebook sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazon's US site. Amazon's Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that it's easy to see why people have rushed to buy it. Though I'm still not keen on the design of the Kindle, it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable. Beyond the device itself, Amazon has done a great job of rolling out Kindle apps, ensuring that people like me-who have an iPad but not a Kindle-can still join in the fun. Once you're into the Kindle ecosystem, Amazon locks you in tightly-just as Apple does with its iTunes/ iPod ecosystem. It's so easy to buy from Amazon's store and the books are so cheap that it's not worth the effort of going elsewhere.

  While I remain opposed to Amazon's DRM (数字版权管理)-indeed, I'm opposed to DRM on any ebooks-I have to admit that the implementation is so smooth that most Kindle users won't care at all that their ebooks can't be moved to other devices.

  The ebook trend is nowhere near peaking. Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up ebooks instead. But I don't think that will mean the death of the printed book.

  There are some who prefer printed books. They like having shelves filled with books they've read and books they plan to read; they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles. In other words, they like the physical form of the book almost as much as the words it contains.

  I can sympathise with those people. As I wrote earlier this week, my ideal situation would be for publishers to bundle ebooks with printed ones-in much the same way that film studios btmdie DVDs with digital copies of films. There's no reason to think that lovers of printed books will change their minds. There will undoubtedly be fewer of them as time goes by because more people will grow up with ebooks and spend little time with printed ones. However, just as there are people who love vinyl records(黑胶唱片), even if they were born well into the CD era, there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books.

  Since there are fewer of these people, that will mean fewer bookshops and higher prices for printed books but I don't think the picture is entirely bleak. There is scope for smaller print runs of lavishly designed printed books and bookshops aimed at book lovers, rather than the Stieg Larsson-reading masses. With mainstream readers out of the printed book market, book lovers might even find they get a better experience.

  56. What can be inferred from Paragraph One?

  A.Most people buy Kindle 2 mainly because of its low price.

  B.The author of the passage is a loyal customer of Apple products.

  C.Amazon's Kindle 2 surpassed Kindle 1 in designing.

  D.The sales of ebook outnumbered those of paperback in the U. S.

  57. According to the passage, the reason why the author opposes to Amazon's DRM is that ______

  A.ebooks can only be purchased on Amazon. com

  B.Kindle books are not compatible with other electronic reading devices

  C.once implemented, ebooks can't be transferred to other equipments

  D.ebooks installed on Kindle 2 can't be edited freely

  58. It can be learned that the trend of ebooks______

  A.will come to stop any time soon

  B.will reach the summit in the near future

  C.will meet its heyday when printed books die

  D.has already reached its peak

  59. Why does the author believe that the surging sales of ebooks won't mean the death of the printed book?

  A.Because a minority will stick to their love of printed books.

  B.Because the majority of book lovers won't change their minds.

  C.Because people always hold nostalgic feelings towards printed books.

  D.Because people will return to the printed books as time goes by.

  60. According to the author, which of the following is TRUE about the future of printed books?

  A.They will be bundled with ebooks.

  B.They will no longer be available in the market.

  C.They will be sold in small quantity and high quality.

  D.They will be redesigned to cater to the masses.


  56.C)。本题考查对第一段的理解。定位句指出“尽管我还是对Kindle的设计提不起兴趣. 但较之第一代确实有了相当大的改进,还是非常不错的”,即Kindle 2在设计上要优于Kindle l,故答案为 C)。




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