

10Inheriting the traditions of Quanology and Applying the approaches of science

Inheriting the traditions of Quanology, Applying the approaches of science

——Speech at the 120th anniversary of Mr. Wang Xiangzhai's birth

Dear friends and guests:

Hello!Today, it's a great honor for me to join you in the commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Mr. Xiang Zhai's birth. It's a great honor for the Preparatory Committee of the conference to ask me to say a few words at the meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about some of the problems I have recently thought about Mr. Xiang Zhai and boxing. If there is anything wrong, please criticize and correct it. I want to talk about it from the following three aspects. First, Mr. Xiang Zhai's historical position in the development history of Chinese Wushu. Second, some logical problems about boxing. The third is the present situation and future prospect of boxing.

First of all, let's talk about Mr. Xiang Zhai's historical position in the history of Chinese martial arts. Today we all come to commemorate Mr. Xiang Zhai. It's not because he invented several martial arts skills and compiled several advanced martial arts routines. It's not because he created a new martial arts school. Of course, it's not just because we have a tradition relationship with his elders. So why do we all want to commemorate his old man? We say his achievement lies in his proposal that the development direction of modern Chinese Wushu is "boxing". From here we can see that the boxing in his old man's eyes is the objective movement ability and law of human body. The principle he said is the understanding and expression of these objective laws. Only objective law can be called "principle principle". Therefore, "boxing" is aimed at the whole martial arts academic field, is beyond all martial arts schools on the general understanding. It is a cultural wealth shared by all mankind.

Mr. Xiang Zhai's "boxing study" is a milestone in the development of Chinese Wushu. Why do you say that? Because the stages of martial arts history should be based on the cultural characteristics of the level of knowledge in the process of historical development of martial arts as the main judgment basis and standard. Before Mr. Xiang Zhai, the theory of martial arts was based on ancient Chinese simple philosophy - Yin Yang and five elements as theoretical tools to explain and guide specific martial arts practice. The "boxing study" put forward by Mr. Chen requires modern scientific methods to explain and guide Wushu practice. The emergence of the concept of "boxing" clearly puts forward the slogan of the era of scientific Wushu. Therefore, Mr. Xiang Zhai's "boxing" thought can be regarded as a milestone for martial arts to enter the modern era. Only by realizing this, can we understand Mr. Xiang Zhai's great contribution to the development of Chinese Wushu and his historical position in the history of Chinese Wushu.

Let's talk about some logical problems about boxing. As we all know, concept is the logical starting point of theoretical research. Therefore, the first requirement is to define the concept of the object analyzed and discussed. According to the requirements of logic, the conceptual expression of a thing includes two aspects: "connotation" and "extension". The so-called connotation refers to the specific attributes of the object, especially the essential attributes; the so-called extension refers to those objects with the essential attributes reflected by the concept. According to the above regulations, we can see that "boxing" is about boxing. That is, the understanding and expression of boxing. Boxing is the human body's response movement ability and response movement law to the changes of internal and external environment. This is the connotation of boxing. So what is its extension? Of course, it is all the content in the whole martial arts field. Therefore, boxing is a theoretical system that can analyze, explain and guide all contents in the whole martial arts field.

After finishing the definition of boxing, I want to further emphasize that this "boxing" is a full name concept. "Boxing" is all the ability and law of human response movement. "Boxing" is the understanding and expression of all the contents of boxing. The emphasis here is on "all.". Because "all" must be included to become a full name concept. It's like when we say the concept of "flower", the flower includes red flower, white flower, yellow flower, big flower, etc. Without exception. So it's a full name concept. The opposite is the special concept. For example, "red flower" is a special concept. Because it's just one of all the flowers. All kinds of flowers are not included. As a "red flower", it has the general nature of flowers, but also has its own "red" special nature. As a special name concept, its expression form is to add an attribute before the full name concept. For example, "red flower" means adding the attribute "red" before the full name concept "flower". It means "red flower". We know that the function of attribute is to limit subject. So the meaning of the attribute is: "I am only a part of the subject". Why should we emphasize this logical concept? This is because behind Mr. Xiang Zhai, the content of boxing has been greatly developed and divided. There are many phenomena that attribute is added in front of boxing or free boxing. Such as "so and so boxing", "so and so Yiquan", etc. I think this phenomenon can be divided into two situations.

First, if you really find a new perspective and method to observe and analyze problems, it's OK to name your knowledge with this special perspective and method. It is only for you to clearly understand that the point of view you adopt is only a special point of view in boxing, and the content you realize is only a partial knowledge in boxing. You should know that there are many other observation angles and methods at the same time. Don't make the mistake of generalizing. Of course, the overall knowledge of boxing is made up of all the local knowledge. Therefore, the progress of each local knowledge can be regarded as the contribution to the development of the whole boxing. Only partial knowledge can never replace general knowledge. And every part must also maintain the connection with the whole and the coordination with other parts. Only in this way can we make its existence more reasonable.

Second, if you don't find anything new, you must add an attribute before boxing. They even have to bear their own surname. We can't agree with this. Because boxing is not a routine. As a routine, each choreographer has his own characteristics because of his different understanding and techniques. In order to mix up different routines, we use the method of naming the choreographer's surname to distinguish them. However, boxing expresses objective laws. As an objective law, it must be unique. For example, in mechanics, Newton discovered the mechanical theorem, which means that there is only one such theorem in the scope of mechanics. You can't rediscover them again, or you can't find another mechanics theorem in the same range. Let's think about it. If someone learns the mechanical theorem by himself, he will give his surname to the mechanical theorem. Isn't that a very funny thing? So Li Qing's logical understanding of boxing is very necessary for the healthy development of boxing in the future.有必要的。

Above we talked about the significance of "boxing" proposed by Mr. Xiang Zhai and the logical understanding of "boxing". Now let's talk about the present situation of boxing and the prospect for the future. As we know, Mr. Xiang Zhai put forward the concept of "boxing study", which is the slogan of the era of scientific Wushu. Science is "the knowledge system of nature, society and thinking". It should be said that there is no such a complete knowledge system of martial arts accepted by everyone in our martial arts circle. Why do you say that? Let's take Yiquan as a circle. People with different understandings can be divided into three categories. One is people in the circle of free will boxing. Everyone admitted that they had inherited Mr. Xiang Zhai's academic tradition. Despite this, there is still a fight between Yiquan and dachengquan. There are also some so-called Xinyi boxing. They are all opinionated. Everyone thinks they are the most authentic. That is to say, I am the most correct. So they argue with each other.

Let's think about it. If we all stand on the same scientific position and have a complete knowledge system of martial arts that we all agree with, then what can be contested? The second category is the people in the circle. They are inextricably linked with Mr. Xiang Zhai's academic system, for it has two types: intimate and private. They also have their own special or original views. It's just that I don't admit that I have something to do with Yiquan. Therefore, a new boxing study was born. The door-to-door struggle has naturally followed. Some even developed to the point of personal attack on Mr. Xiangzhai. This is something we all don't want to see. Why? If we all stand on the same scientific position and have a complete knowledge system about martial arts that we all agree with, will it still be like this? Finally, let's talk about outside the circle. It should be said that all kinds of boxing before the establishment of Yiquan belong to outside the circle. So let's think, can your knowledge of Yiquan be accepted by them? Of course not. Because your theory is not a complete knowledge system of martial arts, you do not have such inclusiveness. Also does not have to all martial arts phenomenon explanation ability. That's why it can't be accepted. All the above facts reflect that our understanding of boxing has not formed a systematic, scientific and standardized theoretical system. That is to say, our current situation is far from the goal of boxing proposed by Mr. Xiang Zhai. What should I do? Of course, from now on, from me. How to do it? I think everyone in our martial arts circle, including those who are here and those who are not here. Including every teacher and every classmate. First of all, we need to reflect on ourselves to see if we stand on a scientific standpoint to see boxing. What we have done is to work hard to establish a scientific theoretical system of boxing. I think if we can all work together from the same standpoint towards the same goal. So a brand new martial arts world will soon show in front of us.

Wushu is the common cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The establishment of the theoretical system of boxing is also the common cause of our whole Wushu circle. Mr. Xiang Zhai once called for "the progress of martial arts, all of us have the responsibility of Guangda martial arts", so the development of martial arts is also the common responsibility of the whole martial arts community. We should work hard together with all the friends in martial arts to complete our common cause. In front of this brilliant boxing career, all of our Yiquan colleagues should strive to be ahead, because we have Mr. Xiang Zhai's boxing tradition. We will honor Mr. Xiang Zhai. Today, we are here to hold a meeting to commemorate his old man, just to encourage ourselves and better inherit Mr. Xiang Zhai's boxing tradition and his scientific spirit in the future. With practical actions to contribute to the cause of martial arts of the motherland.

At last, I would like to share with you!

Thank you!

        Zhuhai, China

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