




·Less is known about the later survival or reproduction of such persons..

· It is not known, however, whether there is a threshold weight below which morbidity and mortality aresignificantly greater.

·The use of systemic corticosteroids is a risk factor for thedevelopment of posterior subscapsular cataracts, butthe association between inhaled corticosteroids andcataracts is uncertain.

·Data are limited on the attitudes and practices ofphysicians regarding assisting the suicide of patients with humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease.

·Limited information is available ontrends in the incidence of and mortality due to carcinogenic shock complicatingacute myocardial infarction.

·There is a dearth(缺少) of literature in the area of the psychopharmacological management of depression in cancer patients.·Therole of climate hasreceived relatively little attention.

·Previous studies have demonstrated that asmall number of the 125 medical schools in the United States receive adisproportionately large share of the research awards granted by the NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH) .·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Background Information about theInvestigation

·A growing body of evidencesuggests that electromagnetic interference may occur between cardiac pacemakers andwireless hand-held (cellular) telephones, posing a potential public healthproblem.·Posteroventral medial pallidotomy sometimes produces striking improvement in patients with advancedParkinson’s disease, butthe studies to date have(但是迄今的研究) involved small numbers of patients and short-term follow-up.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Objective(s) and Scope ofthe Investigation

·We tested the hypothesis that early therapy with inhaled glucocorticoids would decrease thefrequency of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature infants.

·We conducted a randomized trialto evaluate early revascularization in patients with cardiogenic shock(心源性休克).

·We hypothesized that pre-patient charges would increase during the base year and thendecrease in subsequent years.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Objective(s) and Scope ofthe Investigation

·We examined the relation between physicians’ experience with AIDS and the survival of their patientswith AIDS.

·We investigated the potential roleof anorexic agents andother suspected risk factors forprimary pulmonary hypertension.

·We assessed whether the distributes of NIH research awards to medical schools changedbetween 1986 and 1977.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Objective(s) and Scope ofthe Investigation

·We performed a study to determinewhether routine testing helps reduce the incidence of intraoperative andpostoperative medical complications.

·To evaluate the relation between elective cesarean section and vertical transmission of humanimmunodeficiency virus type ( HIV-1), we performed a meta-analysisusing data on individual patients from 15 prospective cohort studies.

·The aim of this study was to detect the extent of non-compliance with treatment of schizophrenicpatients and assess the effectiveness of the intervention program.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Objective(s) and Scope ofthe Investigation

·The purpose of our study was todetermine the value of noninvasive measurements of the velocity of blood flow inthe fetal middle cerebral artery for the diagnosis of fetal anemia.

·This study focuses on physicians’ assessments of changes in the scope of care provided byprimary care physicians and their assessments of the appropriateness of thescope of the care that primary care physicians are expected to provide.

·To address this question, westudied the function of airway epithelial cells and determined the frequencyof pulmonary symptoms in patients with systemic pseudohypoaldosteronism, a salt-losing disorder caused loss-of-function mutations in the genesfor the epithelial sodium channel.

·The Stock Phrases for Describing the Methods Employed

·We conducted a randomized, multicenter trial of inhaled beclomethasone or placebo in 253 infants.

·We analyzed the neonatal outcomes of death.

·We conducted an observationalstudy of 9076 residents of metropolitan Worcester, Massachusetts.

·Using data from the Civil Registration System in Denmark, we established a population-based cohort of 1.75 million persons whose mothers wereDanish women born between 1935 and 1978.

·The Stock Phrases for Describing the Methods Employed

·The children with cerebral palsy were compared with randomly selected control children withrespect to characteristics noted in the birth records.

·Cluster analysis聚类分析 was chosen as it offers astatistically sound means of delineating natural groupingwithin data.

·Medical records werereviewed for clinical data.

·The Stock Phrases for Summarizing the Results

·The results of a multivariable regression analysis indicated that the patients hospitalized duringrecent study years were not at a substantially lower risk for shock thanpatients hospitalized in the mid-to-late 1970s.

·The incidence of cardiogenic shock remained relatively stable over timeaveraging 7.1 percent among patients with acute myocardial infarction.

·Results suggest that the effects of stress have more to do with the characteristics of thework environment and overall workload than with the degree of specialization onthe unit.

·The Stock Phrases for Summarizing the Results

·Being on leave wasfound to be associated with the need for assistance withtransportation, limitations in upper-body strength, and employment in jobsrequiring physical activity.

·After adjusting for these factors, the racial differencewas reduced and nolonger statistically significant.

·The trial did not have sufficientstatistical power to detect differences insurvival to hospital discharge, which differed only slightly between the twogroups.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Conclusion(s)

·These findings may have relevanceto human neurodevelopment disorders involving prenatal (drug-abusingmothers) or postnatal (pediatric anesthesia) exposure to drugs that block NMDAreceptors.

·This finding emphasizes theimportance of achieving cures and of preventing anyone with infectious tuberculosis.

·These findings may haveimplications for antihypertensive therapy indifferent parts of the world.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Conclusion(s)

·These observations suggest that the core of HIV is organized on the principles of a fullerene cone, inanalogy to structures recently observed for elemental carbon.

·Selective manipulations of activity at these sites may offer therapeuticpossibilities for treating chronic pain.

·The discovery of this DNA demethylaseshould provide a basis for the molecular and developmental analysis of the role of DNAmethylation and demethylation.

·The Stock Phrases for Stating the Principal Conclusion(s)

·Our data do not support thehypothesis that everyday exercise is related tothe risk of breast cancer.

·Our analyses suggest that the lower survival rate among black patients with early-stage,non-small-cell lung cancer, as compared with white patients, is largely explained by the lower rate of surgical treatment among blacks.·Infliximab isan efficacious treatment for fistulas in patients with Crohn’s disease.·

Objectives(目的) ·说明研究的目的或所阐述的问题。英文常用动词不定式“To +动词原形”开头。·Tostudy…/ To obtain…/ To investigate…/ To explore…/ To observe…/ To analyse…/·Toevaluate…/ To examine…/ To elucidate…阐明/ To determine…/ To confirm…/ ·Toascertain确定…/ To detect…/ To describe…/ To report…/ To compare…/ To judge…/ ·Toestablish…/ To understand…/ To provide…/To clarify…/To know…等等。

·Methods (方法)·对研究的基本设计加以描述。包括分组情况、诊断标准及随访时间;研究对象的数量及特征;治疗手段包括使用方法及作用时间等。英文常用完整的被动或主动结构句子,动词用过去时态常用表达方式有…technique was used to detect…/…were selected as experiment groups…/ …were in the control groups…/ …methodswere used to detect …/ …were determined by PCR in …/ …A randomized, doubleblind双盲法, placebo controlled trial对照试验 was performed…/ …A case controlstudy病例对照研究…/ A prospective clinical study…/We retrospectively analyzed…/ We studied…等等。

·Results (结果) ·为摘要的重点部分。提供研究所得出的主要结果,列出重要数据。提出新方法与经典方法比较而表现出的优缺点,并说明其可信度及准确性的统计学程度。英文要用完整的句子,谓语动词用过去时态。研究所得数据如百分数、血压等数据采用临床病例书写形式。常用英文表达方式:…was(were)…/ we found…/There was …/ …was significantly different among…/…the resultdid not show any …/…show significant difference…等等。

Conclusions (结论)·把研究的主要结论用一两句话简明表达。结论应当由直接依据避免推测和过于笼统。英语用完整的句子来表达,时态用一般现在时或现在完成时常用的表达方式有…is probably…/ Our conclusion isthat …/ This study shows that …/This study suggests that …/This study confirmsthat …/These observation support ……..·

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