

师训 | 英语教师课堂用语--纪律管理大表

The big list of discipline classroom language



Keep the noise down (please)

One point to the person/ team who can do it/ say it most quietly

(Everyone) fingers on your lips (and be quiet)

What does this gesture/ sign mean (in English)?

The next person to speak has to...

Move your chairs quietly please

The class next door can hear you

Mr/ Ms... is going to complain about the noise again

Touch it with one finger, not your whole hand


Move your desks apart so that they don’t bang into each other

Why do I have my fingers in my ears?

Stop talking please

(Be) quiet please

Why are you talking?

I’m waiting for everyone to be quiet

Could you please not talk when I’m talking? / What do you do while the teacher is talking?/

Speaking while the teacher is talking is rude, isn’t it?

(Put your) hands up (if you want to speak)

Don’t shout out! / One at a time please

Good. One more time, but (even more) quietly

Please stand up and tell everyone what you were saying/ laughing about

What was that noise?

Was that you I heard...ing?

Did I hear...?

What does shhh mean?

Stop tapping your fingers/ pen (please)

Please read silently

It’s quiet time

What does this sign mean? (pointing to a sign on the wall showing a finger on lips or a red cross

over someone shouting)

No shouting

That hurts my ears

No talking

Make sure the other teams can’t hear you/ If the other team can hear you they will...

Whisper the answer (to me/ your partner)

What’s the rule about talking during tests/ story time/ handwriting practice?


Listen to...

Make the listening gesture/ Do the listening action/ Put your hand round your ear like this

Stop what you’re doing and listen please

Can I have your attention please?

What did I just say?/ Please repeat what I just said

I think somebody wasn’t / some people weren’t listening to the instructions.

Okay, start now. What? You don’t know what to do? Maybe you should listen more carefully!

What do you have to listen to? What do you have to do while you listen?

Can you listen and speak at the same time?

Are we listening to you, John?/ Are you the teacher?


Say sorry to...

No pushing/ punching/ kicking

What happens if you push/ punch/ kick?

Shake hands and make up

(It doesn’t matter if he did it first), no fighting! / Don’t do it back, come and speak to me instead

I didn’t see him do it, I saw you do it

Now you have made him/ her cry

What’s the punishment for fighting?/ What happens if you fight?


Put your hand over your mouth (like this), when you...

Go to the bathroom to do that (please)

Please use a handkerchief/ (paper) tissue

What’s the magic word?

(Take your) feet off the chair (please)

Say please/ thank you/ sorry

I beg your pardon!

What would your parents think if I told them you did that in class?/ Do you do that at home?

(Really? Maybe I should check with your parents)

English manners in English class!


Please turn the scissors round (before you give them to someone)

Be careful (of the/ with the...)

That’s dangerous

What dangerous things shouldn’t you do (with a...)

Can you... with a...? (No? Why not?)

Watch out! Be careful!

Tidiness and order

Whose... is this on the floor?

No ripping the paper (before you put it in the bin, but you can screw it up if you like)

Where does rubbish go? That’s right, in the bin.

Where do books/ bags/ craft supplies go?

Straighten your tie

Hang your coats/ bags up (on the hook)

Put them (back) on the shelves/ in the cupboard (please)

It doesn’t matter whose mess it is, nobody is going to play a game until it is cleared up/ You can’t....

until you have all cleared up this mess

Stand in a straight line please. (Hands at your sides and bags on your backs)

Put the tables together (properly)

Legs under the table

Chairs under your tables

Tuck your shirt in (to your trousers)

Put your shoes back on

Pull up your socks

Tie your shoelaces please

Take your hands out of your pockets

Any volunteers to tidy up (for extra points/ a sticker)

Colour slowly/ carefully/ inside the lines

Legs crossed/ Sit nicely

Sit up straight

Arms crossed

Knees together


Stop fiddling (with your...) please

Hands on your heads

Statues/ Dead lions!

The first person to move has to...

Stop rocking on the chair/ (Four/ All) chair legs down (on the floor, please)

Stop fidgeting please / Sit still

Stop messing about please

Time keeping and speed

What time is it? (Look at the clock)

Please try to be here on time

Say “Sorry I’m late (teacher/ everyone)?”

The next time you are late,..

This week’s punishment for being late is...


No game (for you)

Okay, homework books out (because you...)

Go and stand/ sit in the corner

Hands on your heads

Minus one point (for...)

You lose the game (because you...)

(I’m going to give you/ You have to do) extra homework

Go to the back of the queue

(I’m going to give you a) black mark

I’m going to take away your...

Please pick up all the rubbish

(Two/ Five/ Ten) extra minutes after class

Do it again

Stand up (with your hands on your head/ and...)

Please sit over there

You have to join the boys’/ girls’ team

I am going to separate you (two)

Move your desks apart

No working with/ sitting with (for the rest of today/ this week/ this month/ this term)

Go and sit on the chair in the corner

Go and stand/ sit outside

Go the head teacher’s office

I’m going to phone/ talk to/ send a letter to your parents

I’m writing this in your report/ student record book/ homework book

The punishment for... is/ will be...

Write... .... times

I’m going to throw this away and make you do it again

Rub that out and do it again

Sit next to me/ at the front of the class

Sit between... and ...

You have to..., and if you do it again you have to...

You’re not going to get the... that I promised you (now)

You get zero out of ten/ a D for this work, because ...

I warned you about..., so now...

Someone is going to be doing homework while everyone else is playing a game

Would you like to spend your break time with me?

Somebody is/ some people are going to get a detention/ extra homework

See me after the lesson

You’ve got a detention!

Minus points/ You lose points for bad behaviour

What are the class rules (about...?)

Why are you losing points/ being punished?


Because you... we are going to play a game. (Which game would you like to play?)

One point (for...)

The first person to finish/ The person with the best work can...

You can be teacher/ team captain

You can decide the next game/ story/ song

Here’s a sticker (to put on the chart/ in your book)

You get a prize

You don’t have to...

You can leave first

Points for good behaviour/ for...

The best behaved person/ team will get...


(This is your) last chance/ last warning

Yellow card!

Strike two!

I’m watching you

I’m going to stand next to you and make sure you...

I’m going to let you off this time, but...

If that happens one more time/ If you do that one more time...

If you’re not finished in two minutes, ...

General/ Miscellaneous

Behave yourself

I want you to be on your best behaviour today

Serious faces please

What’s the rule about...?

We will not start until everybody is ready

Is that how we...?

Stop being silly

How old are you? (Are you three years old?)

Stop copying/ cheating

Put your chewing gum in the bin please

Get on with your work please!

That’s enough messing about

This is not your best work/ You can do better than that

Please try harder/make more of an effort next time

This looks messy

(Please) do it again, but this time with fewer mistakes/ with neater writing/ following the


Wait at the door!

Walk slowly!

Stop it/ that please.

What did I tell you about...?

What happened when you... last time?

You’re making me feel tired/ giving me a headache

Don’t do that!

What's the matter?

What's going on (over here/ over there)?

What's the problem?

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (Okay/ Too late)

注:本表由 usingenglish.com 的 Alex Case 老师研发

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