

Create Partnership

Setting up a family is not easy, especially in the beginning.  In Mar 17, 2015 , a rainy day, I got married with Jessie, who I just know for 4 months. 

I first met Jessie in English Corner, XMU.  At that time, she was talking with others happily and I was listening. I wondered why this guy was so happy. Doesn't she have problems in life ? ( In fact, I was jobless for almost one year ) .  During a short break,  I managed to talk with her for a few minutes.  And then I knew she was a nurse in Zhongshan hospital. I was quite surprised that a nurse's English was so good!!!

It was almost 9:30 pm then. And she decided to leave the English Corner. I said goodbye to her. (actually, I was hoping that I could accompany her. )  After she left, I said goodbye to others as well, just 5 meters behind her. To tell the truth, I was not brave enough to catch up with her to go on talking. The interesting thing was, she suddenly turned back and walked towards me. Then a talk started perfectly. I got her wechat account before she got on the bus heading to her home. 
When we were chatting on the wechat, in order to get her attention, I tried to use English as much as possible.  This strategy did work. She was happy to have a friend whose English was good. After 2 weeks, namely in Nov 10, 2015, I invited her out. And we went to Xiamen university. And I kissed her.  That was her first kiss. 

From then on, we kept on dating. I was astonished by a lot of details. e.g: In order to be on time, she may take a taxi; When we were together, she may play a music like 当我们慢慢变老. Each time she visited my apartment, she may buy some fruits.  Although she was not very beautiful, I think she was good enough to be my wife. 

Sure, the dating process was not very smooth. We have quarrels as well. She knew that I was a fan of games and sometimes I lost control to games.  And my social skills were not very mature. She thought I was not ready for a marriage and we almost broke up. But she got pregnant on Feb 5, 2015!!  I have already entered her life!! There was a small episode on the way to getting married. And We did it finally!!

After getting married, we have a lot of things to learn. e.g: learn/accept each other, sacrifice ( in the name of love).  Partnership was not built in a day. There are a lot of works to do. Let's face problems together and create partnership!

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