

何多苓 作品「 带楼阁的房子 」




House with attic by he duoling 1986



六七年前的夏天,我住在乡下,命中注定经常闲散,四处徘徊。Six or seven summers ago, I was living in the country, and it was my destiny to be always idle and wandering about.

有一天傍晚,我偶然走上一条林荫道,这里安静而黑暗,树梢上有光影颤抖,金莺勉强唱着,它大概太老了。One evening I happened to walk up an avenue. It was quiet and dark, with shadows trembling in the treetops.

在林阴道的尽头,我看到一座带阁楼的白房子。At the end of linvagi, I saw a White House with an attic.

门口站着两个姑娘,年纪大些的那个并不看我,另一个却惊奇地瞧着我。At the door stood two girls. The older one did not look at me, but the other looked at me in surprise.

那两张娇美的脸仿佛早已见过,回家的路上我觉得像做了一场好梦。Those two beautiful faces seem to have seen, on the way home I felt like a good dream.

从此我就经常去那白房子附近,我的心越来越沉重,生活过得这么快,这么没意思。我偶尔还可以听见她们的声音。From then on I often went to the White House near, my heart more and more heavy, life passed so quickly, so boring. I can still hear them occasionally.

她们是已故枢密顾问官沃尔恰达尼诺夫的女儿,虽然广有家财,但她们与母亲无论冬夏都住在乡下。They were the daughters of the late valtcherdaninov, a counselor to the late prime minister, and despite their wealth they lived in the country with their mother in summer and winter.

姐姐丽达在乡村教书,每个月挣25卢布的薪水,她漂亮,忙碌,永远严肃。Her sister, rita, was a village teacher, earning 25 roubles a month. She was beautiful, busy, and always serious.

她不喜欢我,因为我是风景画家,在图画里没有表现人民的困苦,而且对她坚定信仰的事业漠不关心。She didn't like me because I was a landscape painter, didn't show the plight of the people in my pictures, and didn't care about the cause she believed in.

妹妹任妮亚跟我一样悠闲无事,家里人当她是小孩子,叫她“米修司”,她成天看书,热切地看下去。My sister renia was as idle as I was, called 'michaus' by the family as a child, and she read eagerly.

我们一块儿去田野上散步,我画画,她竟看得出了神。We went for a walk in the fields together, and I painted, and she could see.

乡村别墅的早晨总是很迷人,我知道自己就要这样无所事事地过完一整天,甚至整整一个夏天。Country house mornings were always charming, and I knew I would spend the whole day, or even the whole summer, doing nothing.

我在花园里,任妮亚拿着篮子走来,仿佛她知道会在这儿碰到我。I was in the garden when renia came with her basket, as if she knew she would meet me here.

她跟我讲村子里的新闻,谈到所谓的奇迹。She told me about the village news and the so-called miracle.

“这不算什么。”我说,“生活本身不就是奇迹吗?凡是不能理解的东西就是奇迹。”'That's nothing.' I said, 'isn't life itself a miracle? What is incomprehensible is a miracle.'

“难道你不怕奇迹吗?”“不,我比它们高明,人应该认定自己比任何奇迹都高明,要不然他就算不得人。”'Aren't you afraid of miracles?' 'No, I'm better than them. A man ought to think he's better than any miracle, or he's nobody.'

她认为我既然是艺术家,就一定知道的很多,她谈到上帝和永恒,我说:“人是永生的。”她听着,也相信着。She thought I must know a lot as an artist. She talked about god and eternity, and I said, 'man is immortal.' She listened and believed.

如今大自然显得那么温和,似在沉思,我感到一种亲切的热爱,好像小时候那样。Nature seemed so gentle and thoughtful now, and I felt a tender love, as in my childhood.

田野上黑麦花开,秧鸡鸣叫,仿佛新生活正在开始,美丽,神圣,那是软弱的俗人所不能了解的。In the fields the rye blossoms and the rails crow, as if a new life were beginning, beautiful and sacred, which the weak vulgar cannot understand.

任妮亚信赖我,我的艺术征服了她的心,她盼望我领她走进永恒和美的领域,走进依她想来,我必定十分熟悉的,高一等的世界中去。Renia trusted me, my art conquered her heart, and she expected me to lead her into the realm of eternity and beauty, into the world of higher education, which she thought I must know so well.

我呢,满心想要单独为她一个人画画,跟她一块儿享受这迷人的大自然——而此之前我总觉得自己是个多余的人。I, for my part, wanted to paint for her alone, to enjoy the beauty of nature with her -- and before that I had always felt like a fifth wheel.

她问我为什么总是和丽达争吵。我说:“因为她的话不对。”“这真叫人不懂!”她摇摇头。She asked me why I always argued with rita. I said, 'because she's wrong.' 'it's incomprehensible! She shook her head.

天热,风早已停了。悠闲的白昼好长好长啊,同时还有一种忧郁的感觉,这世界上的事不管多么长,总要完结的。It was hot and the wind had died down. The idle days grew long and long, and there was a melancholy feeling that the world, however long, would come to an end.

也许因为我始终和她在一块儿,总之我舍不得离开她,那么可爱的一家人对我来说是如此亲近。Perhaps it was because I was always with her, and I couldn't bear to leave her, that such a lovely family was so close to me.

我感到一种平和的激动,仿佛在恋爱似的,整个夏天里我第一回想到要画画了。I felt a peaceful thrill, as if in love, and for the first time all summer I thought of painting.

晚上丽达又谈起学校,谈起设立乡村医疗所。“对不起。”她转身对我说,“我忘了你是不感兴趣的。”In the evening rita talked again about the school and the establishment of the village clinic. 'I'm sorry.' She turned to me and said, 'I forgot you weren't interested.'

“不,我很感兴趣。”我生气了,“我认为建立医疗所是完全没有必要的。”'No, I'm very interested.' I was angry. 'I don't think a clinic is necessary.'

“要紧的不是某一个农民病了,而是他们这一声从没工夫想到自己的灵魂,就跟动物一样,您的学校和医疗所只是巩固他们的奴隶地位罢了。”'What matters is not that one of the peasants is ill, but that they never think of their own souls at all. Your schools and clinics, like animals, only strengthen their slavery.'

“要做的是把人从奴隶地位上解放出来,给他们自由,和我们一起献身给科学和艺术,而不是只让他们看懂酒馆的招牌和灵书。”'It's about freeing people from slavery, giving them freedom, and dedicating themselves with us to science and art, not just tavern signs and spirit-books.'

 “我只跟您说,”丽达说,“人不可能坐着不动,固然我们没有拯救人类,但尽力去做,那就是对的。”'All I can tell you,' said rita, 'is that it is impossible to sit still. It is true that we have not saved the human race, but it is right to try.'

“科学和艺术不是为了暂时的需要,而是为了永恒的目标——探索真理。可是我们的智慧全为了满足肉体的需要而消耗了……”'Science and art are not for temporary needs, but for a permanent purpose -- the search for truth. But all our wit is expended to satisfy the needs of the flesh...'

“你自相矛盾,你连教育都反对,可是又谈科学”。You contradict yourself. You are against education, and yet you talk about science.

“真理还远得很,人类仍旧是最残暴的动物。我们的才能只是给罪恶凑趣……”“米修司,你出去。”丽达对妹妹说。“……我不想工作,还是叫这地球掉到地狱里去才好!”我激动地继续说道。'The truth is a long way off. Man is still the most savage of animals. Our talent is to give pleasure to evil...' 'Get out, metheus.' Rita said to her sister. '... I don't want to work, but let the earth fall into hell!' 'I continued excitedly.

“别说了,”丽达说,“我们永远也谈不拢,你瞧不起的药房与学校,在我看来比全世界一切风景画的价值都高!”'Don't say it,' said rita. 'we'll never agree. The pharmacies and schools you despise are worth more to me than any landscape in the world!'

那是八月间一个忧郁的夜晚——说忧郁,是因为有了秋意。门边站着任妮亚,等着送我一程。It was a melancholy night in August -- melancholy, because of the autumn. By the door stood renia, waiting to give me a lift.

“我觉得你的话对。”她说,天很冷她有些发抖,“要是大家都能把自己献身给精神活动,人就会变成神。”'I think you're right.' It was cold, she said, and she shivered. 'if everyone could dedicate themselves to spiritual activities, people would become gods.'

她不敢去看陨落的星星,我爱她,我一定早已爱上她了。“再陪我一会儿,”我说,“求求您了。”She dare not look at the falling stars, I love her, I must have fallen in love with her. 'stay with me a little longer,' I said. 'please.'

这当儿,我搂住她,吻她。“明天见,”她低声说,“这真可怕!我喜欢您,可是丽达……”Then I put my arms around her and kissed her. 'see you tomorrow,' she whispered. 'it's terrible! I like you, but rita...'

后来,我想再看一看她居住的那所房子,窗子里灯光已变成柔和的绿色。Then I wanted to look again at the house where she lived. The light in the Windows had turned a soft green.

我满腔柔情,对自己满意,因为我还能够入迷,能够热爱。但一切想到丽达,又觉得不自在了。I am tender and content with myself, because I can still be fascinated, can love. But the thought of leda made me uncomfortable again.

第二天,我没见到任妮亚。丽达告诉我,她和母亲旅行去了。花园里一个小男孩交给我一个纸条:“姐姐要我跟您分开,我不能伤她的心,求您原谅我!”The next day, I didn't see renia. Rita told me that she had gone on a trip with her mother. A little boy in the garden gave me a note: 'my sister wants me to leave you. I can't break her heart. Please forgive me!'

想到原先在她家说过的话,我不由得惭愧起来,而且又开始觉得生活乏味了。当然,我就动身回彼得堡去了。I was ashamed of what I had said at her house, and began to feel bored again. Of course, I set off for Petersburg.

我已渐渐忘记了那所带阁楼的房子,有时,孤独折磨着我,就会模模糊糊地想起往事,我觉得她也在想我,等我……I had gradually forgotten the house with the attic, and sometimes, as the loneliness tormented me, I thought vaguely of the past, and I thought she was thinking of me, waiting for me...

米修司,你在哪儿啊?  Micheal, where are you?




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