


Unit 7 Will people have robots?


paper ['peipar] n.纸

pollution [pa'lu:∮n] n.污染; 污染物

prediction [pr'duk∮n] n.预测

future [fju:tfor] n.未来

pollute [pa'lu:t] v.污染

environment [im'vairanmant] n.环境

planet ['plaenit] n.行星

earth n.地球; 泥土

plant [plaent] v.种植 n.植物

part [pa:rt] v.参加n.部分

peace [pi:s] n.和平

sky [skau] n.天空

play a part参与

astronaut ['aestrono:t] n.宇航员

apartment [e'pa:rtmant] n.公寓 房间

rocket [ra:kit] n.火箭

space [speis] n.空间; 太空

even [i:vn] adv.甚至; 愈加

human ['hju:man] adj. 人的n.人;人类

servant ['s3:rvant] n.仆人

dangerous ['dend3aras] adj 危险的

already [:I'redi] adv.已经

factory [faektri] n.工厂

believe [b'li:v] v.相信

disagree[ ,dis'gri:] v.不同意

shape [e1p] n.形状

fall [fo:I] v./n.倒塌;跌倒

possible [pa:sabl] adj. 可能的

probably ['pra:babli] adv.大概; 或许;很可能

holiday ['ha:lader] n.假日

word [w3:rd] n.单词space station太空站

over and over again多次; 反复地

hundreds of许多;大量;成百上千

fall down突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌

look for寻找;寻求


1、on computers在电脑上

2、on paper在纸上

3、live to be 200 years old活到200岁


5、in danger在危险中

6、on the earth在世界上

7、play a part in sth在某方面出力/做贡献

8、space station太空站

8、look for寻找

9、computer programmer电脑程序师

10、in the future在将来

11、hundreds of成百上千的

12、the sam...as与....样

13、over and over again反复

14、get bored无聊

15、wake up醒来/唤醒

16、look like看起来像

17、fall down倒下/落下


1. Are you kidding?你开玩笑吧?

2. Will people have robots?人们会拥有机器人吗?

3. Everything will be free.一切都将是免费的。

4. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.书将会只存在于电脑上,而不是在纸上。

5. They'll study at home on computers.他们将在家里的电脑上学习。

6. There will be only one country in the world.世界上将只有一个国家。

7. There will be less pollution.污染将更少。

8. What will the future be like?未来会象什么样子?

9. We never know what will happen in the future.我们永远不知道未来将会发生什么。

10. And my apartment will be no good for pets.我的公寓将不适合于宠物。

11. I think so.我认为是这样

I don't think so这认为不是这样。

12. I hope so.我希望如此。1 hope not我希望不这样。

13. In 50 years, people will have more free time because there willbe less things to do.


14. In 20 years, I think I'll be a newspaper reporter.20年以后,我想我会成为一一个报社记者。

15. However, some scientists believe that although we can makerobots move like people, it will be difficult to make them reallythink like a human.

然而,一些科学家相信,尽管我们能够让机器人象人类一样运动,但让他们象人类- -样真正地思考却很困难。

16. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will neverbe able to wake up and know where they are.

例如,科学家James White认为,机器人将不能够清醒得知道他们身处何处。

17. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rocketsalso seemed impossible 100 years ago.


18. You should also remember that there will be both good and badthings in life.


19. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of people.作为一个记者,我想我会遇到许多人。

20. During the week, I'll wear smart clothes.在周日期间,我将穿漂亮的衣服。

21. I'll have fewer pets, though, because I'll have less free time.我将养更少的宠物,因为我将有更少的空闲时间。

22. Some robots are very human-like/ bird-like /ball-like / dog-like.有些机器人像真人鸟儿球/狗一样。

23. I'm not scared (afraid).我不怕

Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?


blender ['blendar] n.搅拌器; 果汁机

peel [pi:] vt.剥落; 削皮

pour [po:r] v.倒; 倾倒

yogurt [joogort] n.酸奶

honey ['hani] n.蜂蜜

watermelon ['wo:tarmeln] n.西瓜

spoon [spu:n] n.勺, 调羹

add [ad] 增加

finally adv.最后, 最终

salt [sa:It] n.盐

sugar n.糖

cheese [tyi:z] n.干酪, 奶酪

popcorn['pa:pko:n] n.爆米花

corm [ko:rm] n.玉米, 谷物

machine [m;'ji:n] n.机器

sandwich ['saenwt] n.三 明治

butter n.黄油, 奶油

turkey ['t3:rki] n.火鸡

lettuce [letis] n.莴苣, 生菜

piece [pi:s] n.件;篇;片;块;

traditional adj. 传统的

traveler n.旅行者

England ['ngland] n.英格兰; 英国

celebrate ['selbreit] v.庆祝; 庆贺

pepper ['peper] n.胡椒粉; 辣椒

oven ['Avn] n.烤箱; 烤炉

cover[kAvor] n.遮盖, 盖子

gravy 'grervi] n.肉汁; 肉汤

serve [s3:rv] n.接待, 服务

temperature [tempratfar] n.温度, 气候


1、milk shake奶昔

2、turnon打开,turmoff 关上

3、pour ...... into....入....

4、a cup of yogurt - -杯酸奶

5、 a good idea - -个好主意

6、on Saturday morning在星期六早上

7、cut up 切碎

8、put... into... ..... 放.....

9、one more thing 还有一件事

10、a piece of -片/一张/一块

11、at this time 在此时

12、a few几个

13、fill.... wth...用...装满

14、cover... with...用.... 盖住

15、 one by one一个接一个

16、a long time长时间

17、cut.. into pieces ..... 切成碎片

18、add... to (into) .. ....... 加到...上. (里)

19、mix..together... ....混合一在起

20、mix.. up....混合

21、serve .. to...用.... 招待.....

22、half a cup 半杯

23、another ten minutes 另外十分钟

24、peel the banana剥-一个香蕉


1. Tum on the blender.启动搅拌器。

2. How do you make a banana milk shake?你怎样做香蕉奶昔?

3. How many bananas do we need?我们需要几个香蕉?

4. How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?

5. Now, it's time to enjoy the rice noodles!啊,该品尝米线了。

6. First,... Then... Next,... Finally....

首.....然后....... 接下来..... 最.....7. You can put more if you like.要是你喜欢,你可以放更多。8. This is going to taste great.尝起来会很棒。

9. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles.为了制作这种特殊的食物,你需要有米线

10. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover itwith gravy.


11. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of givingthanks by having a big meal at home with their family.

现在,大多数的美国人依然通过- -家人吃大餐的方式来庆祝感恩的这个主意。

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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake
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