




有氟密管阀- 国内非金属阀门专业制造商



Calculation of discharge head in the system

---How to calculate

---example of a calculation






I would like to show you how to calculatethe required head in the waste water system in the commercial building. In theEN standard 12056-2, we will find the formula to be used for that.

本课程讲述,商业建筑污水系统压头计算。在EN 12056-2标准中,可以查询到计算公式。


The formula shows that the total head issum of the geo head in the system; the friction loss in the valves and fittingsin the system; and the linear friction loss in the pipes.



The geo head is independent of the flowrate in the system, it’s a constant. Where there is the friction loss in the fittingsand valves and in the linear pipe is a dynamic value, it depends on the flow inthe system.



So we have a static value, and we have adynamic value here. Now we will take a look at how to find the geo head in thesystem.



Now we will find out what is static head orthe geo head in this system. The static head is difference between theintermediate value between the start and stop level and to the highest point inthe discharge system. If there is the back flow level like here, water loop,that will be the highest point in the system. So, intermediate value, betweenstart and stop and to the highest point, is here, so for this system, this willbe the geo head.



And if we want to show that on the curve chart,we put the value of the geo head here, and that will be the high which the pumpwill have to lift the water, independent of the flow rate.



And now we will again to the dynamic flowrate in the linear pipe, and that will give us together with the friction lossof the head required in the valves and fittings, we will give the slop of thesystem curve. That is the dynamic friction loss in the system.



Now we have the formula for the frictionloss in the linear pipe system here, it is the multiplication of the press loss,depended on the flow rate, that’s value we can find in the chart, multiply bythe length of the pipe. And it is important that we only choose the length ofthe upward going pipe, because downward going pipe will be the flow of thewaste water will be moved by means of the gravitation in the system.



For the calculation of the friction loss inthe linear pipe, we need to use a diagram which is shown here, this is anexample of a system where we have a flow rate of 3.76 liter per second(l/s)we have a pipe size of DN 70, andwe have a water velocity of 0.96 meter per second(m/s).And in the diagram, wecan read the value of the press loss depending on the flow rate, to be 0.02.Sowith the pipe length of the 75 meterswe can calculate the friction loss to be 0.02 times 75 meters, whichis 1.5 meters.



So, the friction loss in the linear pipesystem for this system of the 75 meters will be 1.5 meters.



The diagram we showed here was representinga rough mush in the pipes of 0.25, and of course you need to use the rightdiagram depending on the pipe material used.



The last factor we need to calculate tofind the total head in the system is the friction loss in the valves andfittings. This is the formula for calculating that value.



We must count the valves and fittings inthe system, and for each of this valves and fittings as a set value and in thetable show here. You can find the individual set values for the bends and forthe different valves of types. We multiply the value with the velocity in squaredivided by two times the gravitation of constant.



Now we will make an example of the calculationof the friction loss in the valves and fittings.



And for this example, the sum of the setvalues will be 6.7, and we multiply that with the velocity we had before 0.96,divided by 2 times 9.82, that gives us friction loss of 0.33 meters.



So now we can calculate the total headrequired in the system, by adding the three heads together. We have the statichead, the geo head as said that two, 5 meters, we calculate the friction lossin the linear pipe system to be 1.5 meters; and the head loss in the valves andfittings to be 0.33, and that gives us total head of 6.83 meters.



That means we need to find the pump that isable provide the head of maximum of this value or above.



So now I have shown you how to calculatethe total head required in the system, and I hope that you have understandingof what factors influence the total head, that you need to think about what is statichead, what different valves and fittings kinds in the system, and what size ofpipe is there.



So if you have any questions, please callme.


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