




  • The only problem with the last laugh is that the winner has to laugh alone.
  • 笑到最后的唯一麻烦在于:高处不胜寒!

  • Intelligence without imagination: a deadly combination.
  • 有智慧而无想象力:是致命的。

  • There is no more unmistakable sign of failure than that of a middle-aged man boasting of his successes in college.
  • 最明显的失败迹象:中年男子吹嘘自己大学时期的成功。

  • Never trust a journalist unless she’s your mother.
  • 永远都别信记者的话:除非她是你的妈!

  • One of life’s machinations is to make some people both rich and unhappy, that is, jointly fragile and deprived of hope.
  • 生活的一大阴谋:让人富有,但不让他快乐。即:让其脆弱又夺其希望。

  • [If] someone is making an effort to ignore you he is not ignoring you.
  • 努力无视你的人:并没有真的无视你。

  • The danger of reading financial & other news (or econobullshit) is that things that don’t make sense at all start making sense to you after progressive immersion.
  • 阅读财经新闻或其他经济新闻的危险在于:当你沉浸其中后,那些没有意义的屁话开始变的有意义了。

  • It’s a sign of weakness to worry about showing signs of weakness.
  • 软弱的标志在于:担心表现的软弱。

  • Friends, I wonder if someone has computed how much would be saved if we shut down economics and political science departments in universities. Those who need to research these subjects can do so on their private time.
  • 朋友们,我在想是否有人计算过如果关停大学的经济学和政治学课能够省下多少钱?需要研究这些课题的人会在他们的私人时间做。

  • I trust those who trust me and distrust those who are suspicious of others.
  • 我信任信任我的人,怀疑怀疑别人的人。

  • A good man is warm and respectful towards the waiter or people of lower rank.
  • 好男人对类似服务员这样地位较低的人也同样展现热情和尊重。

  • Journalists feel contempt for those who fear them and a deep resentment for those who don’t.
  • 记者对害怕他们的人感到轻蔑,对不惧他们的人感到怨恨。

  • When someone starts a sentence with the first half containing “I”, “not”, and “but”, the “not” should be removed and the “but” replaced with “therefore.”
  • 当某人以“我...不...但是”开始一句话时,“不”应答被去掉,而“但是”应该用“因此”来代替。

  • High Modernity: routine in place of physical effort, physical effort in place of mental expenditure, & mental expenditure in place of mental clarity.
  • 高度现代化的标志:用例行公事取代体力劳动,用体力劳动代替脑力劳动,用脑力劳动代替头脑清醒。

  • The only valid political system is one that can handle an imbecile in power without suffering from it.
  • 唯一有效的政治制度:愚者当政而不受其扰。

  • Journalists cannot grasp that what is interesting is not necessarily important; most cannot even grasp that what is sensational is not necessarily interesting.
  • 记者无法理解:有趣的事未必重要。大多数人无法理解:耸人听闻的事未必有趣。
  • Just realized that to politely get rid of someone people in Brooklyn say “call me if you need anything.”
  • 刚刚发现礼貌地摆脱布鲁克林人的方法,只需说:“如果你需要什么,打电话给我”。

  • Injuries done to us by others tend to be acute; the self-inflicted ones tend to be chronic.
  • 别人对我们的伤害往往是急性的,自我伤害往往是慢性的。

  • We often benefit from harm done to us by others; almost never from self-inflicted injuries.
  • 我们通常从别人带给我们的伤害中受益;却很少从自我伤害中获益。

  • You will never know if someone is an asshole until he becomes rich.
  • 只有一个人有钱时,你才能知道他是不是混蛋。

  • When someone writes “I dislike you but I agree with you”, I read “I dislike you because I agree with you.”
  • 当别人说:“我不喜欢你,但我赞同你”。我都理解成:“因为我赞同你,所以我讨厌你”。

  • A great book eludes summaries. A great aphorism resists expansion. The rest is just communication.
  • 好书无需概括,格言不需详述。留下来的仅是交流!

  • For a free person, the optimal – most opportunistic – route between two points should never be the shortest one.
  • 对自由的人而言,两点之间最优的“机会”路径,永远都不是最短的那个。

  • What counts is not *what* people say, it is *how much* energy they spend saying it.
  • 重要的不是人们说了“什么”,而是人们花了“多少精力”来说它。

  • Used skillfully, a compliment will be much more offensive than any disparagement.
  • 如果用的巧妙,恭维要比贬损更无礼。

  • I trust those who are greedy for money a thousand time more than those who are greedy for credentials.
  • 我相信贪财的人,但绝不相信贪图名分的人。

  • Just as eating cow-meat doesn’t turn you into a cow, studying philosophy doesn’t make you wiser.
  • 正如吃牛肉不会让你变成牛,研究哲学也不会让你变得更智慧。

  • It is a great compliment for an honest person to be mistaken for a crook by a crook.
  • 被骗子当成骗子,是对老实人最大的恭维。

  • Many want to learn how to memorize things; few seek that rare ability to forget.
  • 大多数人在学习如何记忆;很少人在学习如何才能忘记。

  • If you have something very important to say, whisper it.的
  • 如果你有非常重要的事要说:小声说!

  • The ultimate freedom lies in not having to explain “why” you did something.
  • 真正的自由是:你不需要为你所做的事做出解释!

  • A book that can be summarized should not be written as a book.
  • 可以被概括的书本不应该被写成一本书。
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