




1.abnormal adj. 不正常的 

2.coincidence n.. 巧合 

3.explicit adj. 清楚明白的,易于理解的 

4.abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁的 

5.insight n.. 洞察力;洞悉 

6.flexible adj. 灵活的,可变动的 

7.accelerate v. (使)加速,加快 

8.consistent adj. 一致的,始终如一的,连续的 

9.innovate v. 创新;改革;革新 

10.capable adj. 能干的,有才能的 


11.able(adj.) → ability (n..)

12.absent(adj.) → absence (n..)

13.accept(v.) → acceptable (adj.) → acceptance (n..)

14.access(v.) → accessible (adj.)

15.academy(n..) → academic (adj.)

16.acquisition(n..) → acquire (v.)

17.accurate(adj.) → accuracy (n..)

18.absorption(n..) → absorb (v.)

19.admire(v.) →  admirable (adj.) → admiration (n..)

20.adaptation(n..) →  adapt (v.)


21. affect /influence the progress影响进程(have an effect on)

22. agree  with sb.’s opinion同意某人的看法(subscribe to)

23.reach/come to/ arrive  at an agreement 达成协议

24.agree to him/his marrying Jenny同意他和Jenny结婚= approve  of him/his marrying Jenny

25. advocate  negotiating with the rival主张和对手谈判

26.be  admitted /accepted to the organization获准加入该组织=gain  admission  to the organization

27. admit  (to)making mistakes承认犯了错误(acknowledge)

28.be  addicted  to smoking对抽烟上瘾(be hooked on)

29.have/gain an  advantage  over优于;have an edge over/on略优于

30. be adapted for 改编成; be adapted from 由……改编



1. delicate adj.易损的,易碎的

2. headline  n.(报刊的)大字标题

3. dignity n.庄严,尊严

4. boundary n.边界,界限

5. friction n.摩擦

6. circulate v.循环;流传,散布

7. interfere v.干预,干涉

8. budget n.预算

9. guarantee v.保证,担保

10. ethnic adj.种族的;民族的


11.add(v.) →  addition (n.) → additional (adj.)

12.addiction(n.) →  addicted (adj.)

13.adjust(v.) → adjustment (n.)

14.affect(v.) → effect (n.)

15.admit(v.) →  admission (n.)

16.adolescence(n.) → adolescent (adj.)

17.adventurous(adj.) →  adventure (n.)

18.advertise(v.) → advertisement (n.)

19.agriculture(n.) → agricultural (adj.)

20.allow(v.) → allowance (n.)


21.be  aimed  at developing their interests目的在于发展他们的业余爱好(be intended/meant to develop...)

22.have no  alternative /option/choice but to do别无选择,只好……

23.let  alone  更不用说 (not to mention)

24.be caught/buried  alive 被活捉/被活埋

25.get alarmed  感到惊慌 (get panicked)

26. set  alarm bells  ringing  敲响警钟

27. go all out  to do 全力以赴做某事

28. aid/assist sb. in doing sth. =help sb. (to)do sth.帮助某人做某事

29.jump up  in alarm  惊慌地跳了起来

30.be  allergic  to 对……过敏



1.fluent adj. (尤指外语)流利的,流畅的 

2.frequent adj. 经常的;频繁的 

3.loan n. 贷款;借款;借用 v. 借,借给 

4.option n. 选择;选择权 

5.inspect v. 检查;检验;审视 

6.induce v. 诱导;引起;诱发 

7.curriculum n. (学校的)全部课程 

8.criteria n. 标准,条件 

9.modest adj. 谦虚的;谦逊的 

10.departure n. 离开,出发 


11.argue(v.) → argument  (n.)

12.arm(v.) → armed (adj.)

13.arrive(v.) → arrival (n.)

14.appoint(v.) → appointment (n.)

15.assess(v.) → assessment  (n.)

16.assign(v.) → assignment  (n.)

17.assist(v.) → assistance  (n.)

18.associate(v.) → association  (n.)

19.assume(v.) → assumption (n.)

20.athlete(n.) → athletic  (adj.)


21.  compare with 比得上(match/equal)

22.have a large  collection of artworks收藏大量的艺术品

23. bear  responsibility/work/loss/cost/risk承担责任/工作/损失/费用/风险(shoulder/take on/be burdened with)

24.I can’t   bear  being criticized in public.我不能忍受在公共场合受到批评。(stand/tolerate/put up with/live with)

25.beyond  belief  难以置信(unbelievable)

26.for the time  being  暂时(temporarily/for the moment)

27. basic /essential/fundamental principles基本原则

28. make a bargain  达成协议,做成交易

29.an  authentic  report可靠的报道

30.an  awkward /embarrassing situation令人尴尬的处境



1.imitate vt. 模仿,仿效 

2.compromise v. 妥协,折中,让步 

3.severe adj. 严峻的;严厉的;苛刻的 

4.sympathy n. 同情 

5.symptom n. 症状 

6.temporary adj. 短暂的,暂时的 

7.vivid adj. 生动的,逼真的,鲜明的 

8.valid adj. 有效的,合理的,有根据的 

9.swap v. 交换 

10.transform v. 使改变形态,使改观 


11.like(prep.) → alike (adj. & adv.)

12.live(v.) → alive (adj.)

13.amaze(v.) → amazement  (n.) →

 amazing (adj.)

14.ambitious(adj.) → ambition (n.)

15.amuse(v.) → amusement (n.) → amused/amusing (adj.)

16.analysis(n.) → analyse (v.)

17.availability(n.) → available (adj.)

18.wake(v.) → awake (adj.)

19.aware(adj.) → awareness (n.)

20.bake(v.) → bakery (n.)


21.make up  barely 5%只占5% (only)

22. ban /prohibit sb. from doing...禁止某人做……=forbid sb. to do...

23.raise the  awareness of security 提高安全意识

24. award /give him a medal of honor授予他荣誉勋章

25.sth. be  available /accessible to sb.某人得到/接触某物

26. awful  academic performance 糟糕的学业成绩

27.no tickets  available for today’s performance没有今天的演出门票

28.need/want money  badly /urgently急需钱(cry out for)

29.shelter from the rain  beneath  a tree在树下避雨(under)

30. better off更加富裕;worse off(日子)每况愈下



1.ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的 

2.fragile adj. 易碎的,易损坏的 

3.accommodation n. 住处 

4.mature adj. 成熟的 

5.roundabout adj. 不直截了当的;间接的,迂回的 

6.confidential adj. 机密的,保密的 

7.controversial adj. 引起争论的,有争议的 

8.contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的,对立的 

9.qualify v. 使具有资格;使合格 

10.quality n. 质量,品质 


11.base(n.) → basic  (adj.)

12.bath(n.) → bathe  (v.)

13.behave(v.)→ behavior  (n.)

14.believe(v.) → belief (n.) →

 believable (adj.)

15.beautiful(adj.) → beauty (n.)

16.begin(v.) → beginning  (n.)

17.beg(v.) → beggar (n.)

18.bear(v.) → bearable (adj.)

19.attract(v.) → attractive (adj.)→ attraction (n.)

20.centre(n.) → central (adj.)


21. bond  with sb.建立与某人的互信关系(create a relationship of trust with sb.)

22.strengthen the  bonds  between...加强……之间的关系

23.be of  benefit /advantage to 对……有益(be beneficial to)

24.not a  bit 一点也不(not in the least/not at all)

25.feel  blue /depressed/sad 感到郁闷

26. build up one’s body 强身健体

27.blame sb.  for sth./blame sth.  on sb. 把责任推到某人身上

(lay the blame for sth. on sb.);scold sb. for sth.因某事责骂某人

28.be  bent on doing sth.决心做某事(be determined to do)

29. betray /live up to sb.’s hope辜负/不辜负某人的希望

30. be bent  with age 因年老而弯腰驼背



1.missile n. 导弹 

2.ample adj. 足够的,充裕的 

3.marvellous adj. 不可思议的;惊人的 

4.negotiate v. 洽谈,协商;谈判 

5.flexible adj. 灵活的,可变通的 

6.miserable adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;令人不快的 

7.crucial adj. 至关重要的,关键性的 

8.critical adj. 批评的,极重要的 

9.session n. 开会,会议 

10.seminar n. 研讨会 


11.certain(adj.) → certainty (n.)

12.challenge(n. & v.) → challenging (adj.)

13.change(v.) → changeable (adj.)

14.cheer(v.) → cheerful (adj.)

15.chemistry(n.) → chemical (adj.)

16.choose(v.) → choice (n.)

17.capable(adj.) → capability  (n.)

18.care(v.) → careful  (adj.)

19.caution(v.) → cautious (adj.)

20.celebrate(v.) → celebration (n.)


21.make/achieve a  breakthrough  取得突破性进展

22.bring  in /make/earn $20,000 挣得/赚得两万美元

23.break  into  cheers/applause/laughter/tears突然欢呼/鼓掌/大笑/大哭起来(burst into)

24.There are  bound  to be changes...肯定会发生变化……

25.be  born with 生来就有

26. in brief 简要地(briefly/to be brief)

27.a  bunch  of flowers/grapes/keys一束花/一串葡萄/钥匙

28. burden  sb. with...(使)担负(shoulder/bear)

29.bear/shoulder the  burden  of 肩负起……的重担

30.call  off  the appointment 取消约会 (cancel)



1.series n. 系列,连续 

2.administration n. 管理,行政 

3.level n. 水平,标准 

4.merciful adj. 仁慈的;宽大的 

5.gravity n. 重力,地球引力 

6.parallel adj. 平行的;类似的 

7.devil n. 魔鬼;恶魔 

8.deliberately adv. 故意地 

9.shelter n. 居所;避难所 

10.fundamental adj. 十分重大的,根本的 


11.collect(v.) → collection (n.)

12.comfort(v.)→ comfortable (adj.)

13.commerce(n.) → commercial (adj.)

14.communicate(v.) → communication (n.)

15.accompany(v.) → companion (n.同伴)→ company (n.陪伴)

16.compare(v.) → comparison (n.) → comparable (adj.)

17.compete(v.) → competition (n.) → competitive (adj.)

18.complain(v.) → complaint  (n.)

19.cruel(adj.) → cruelty  (n.)

20.culture(n.) → cultural (adj.)


21. anything  but a qualified candidate绝不是/远非一个合格的候选人(far from/not nearly/nowhere near)

22.call  for  patience 需要耐心;call  for  sb. (去)接某人

23.You can’t be  too  careful when driving.你开车时务必要小心。=You can never be careful  enough  when driving.

24.call  on  sb. to do 呼吁某人做某事(appeal to sb. to do)

25.be  capable of doing sth.能够做某事 (be able to do sth.)

26.with extreme  caution /care 相当谨慎(=carefully)

27. in  no case决不(by no means/on no account)

28.pay  in  cash or  by  credit card现金支付或刷卡

29.price  ceilings 最高限价

30.catch up  on  补做,赶做



1.angle n. 角度 

2.motivation n. (做事的)动机 

3.currency n. 货币;流行 

4.considerable adj. 相当大的 

5.considerate adj. 体贴的;考虑周到的 

6.shot n. 射手,击球;开枪,射击 

7.shoot v. 拍摄;射击;射杀;射门,投篮 

8.universal adj. 普遍的,全体的 

9.tough adj. 艰苦的;坚强的;棘手的 

10.ambition n. 目标,野心,雄心,抱负 


11.electric(adj.) → electricity  (n.)

12.curious(adj.) → curiosity  (n.)

13.danger(n.) → dangerous  (adj.)

14.endanger(v.) → endangered (adj.)

15.shoot(v.) →  shot  (n.)

16.describe(v.) → description  (n.)

17.destroy(v.) → destruction (n.) →  destructive (adj.)

18.detail(n.) → detailed  (adj.)

19.determine(v.) → determination  (n.)

20.devote(v.) → devotion  (n.) → devoted (adj.)


21.be  at a loss for words不知说什么好=be lost for words

22.(It’s )no  wonder  that...难怪……

23. Word  came that...传来消息……

24. witnesses  to an accident一场事故的目击者

25. withdraw  money from the account从账户中取款(take out/draw)

26.receive wide/ widespread  support获得广泛支持 (universal)

27. weep  with joy喜极而泣

28.a sense of  well-being 幸福感

29.be well  off 富有的;be badly/poorly off贫穷的

30.win the game by  virtue  of one’s strength of will凭借意志力赢得比赛



1.consistent adj. 一致的,始终如一的,连续的 

2.constant adj. 经常的,不断的 

3.target n. 目标 

4.swift adj. 快的,迅速的 

5.urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的 

6.weird adj. 奇异的;不寻常的;古怪的 

7.violate v. 违反(法律、协议等),侵犯 

8.restriction n. 限制,约束 

9.precise adj. 准确的,精确的,确切的 

10.analysis n. 分析,分析结果 


11.difference(n.) → differ  (v.)

12.detective(adj.) → detect  (v.)

13.disappear(v.) → disappearance  (n.)

14.disabled(adj.) → disability  (n.)

15.discover(v.) → discovery  (n.)

16.discuss(v.) → discussion  (n.)

17.distribute(v.) → distribution  (n.)

18.divide(v.) → division  (n.)

19.disturb(v.) → disturbing  (adj.)

20.donate(v.) → donation  (n.)


21. underline  the importance of pre-school education强调学前教育的重要性 (emphasize/stress/highlight )

22.be  unconscious /unaware of未意识到

23.take on/ undertake  responsibility/work承担/责任/工作(be burdened with/bear/shoulder)

24.be  universally  acknowledged/recognized/accepted 被广泛认可(widely)

25. urge /push people to be freed from the drug addiction 敦促人们摆脱毒瘾

26.come into widespread  use 开始被广泛使用;come into being/existence开始出现/存在

27. undo  buttons/shirts/packages/seat belts解开纽扣/衬衫/包裹/安全带(untie)

28. cater for/to sb.满足某人需要,投合某人 (appeal to); cater for/to one’s curiosity/needs/requirements满足某人的好奇心;需要;要求

29.cater  for  a wedding承办婚宴

30.the cause  of sth.……的起因;the reason  for sth.……的原因/理由



1.classify v. 分类,归类 

2.clarify v. 澄清,阐明 

3.transfer v. 转移 

4.ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;荒唐的 

5.rigid adj. 僵硬的;死板的 

6.weed n. 杂草,野草 

7.visual adj. 视力的,视觉的 

8.virtue n. 美德,正直的品行,德行 

9.phenomenon n. 现象 

10.fortnight n. 十四天,两星期 


11.drink(v.) → drunk/drunken  (adj.)

12.dry(adj.) → drought (n.)

13.easy(adj.) → ease (n.容易;安逸) → ease (v.缓解)

14.economic(adj.) → economy (n.)

15.tense(adj.) → tension (n.)

16.efficiency(n.)→ efficient  (adj.)

17.equip(v.)→ equipment  (n.)

18.evolve(v.)→ evolution (n.)

19.environment(n.)→ environmental (adj.)

20.equal(adj.)→ equality (n.)


21.the  previous  afternoon/version/product/system前一天下午/先前的版本/产品/系统

22.a  promising future充满希望的未来(hopeful)

23.give priority /preference to sth.优先考虑某事;have/take  priority over……享有优先权

24.put sth. into  practical  application把……投入实际应用

25.have  power over控制,支配(control)

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