


         Hey there, I'm Daniel, an English teacher and the founder of 王霸胆. In today's open course, I'm going to teach you a powerful technique that will help you rapidly memorize English words and, most importantly, never forget them. I'm also going to give you some useful tips that will greatly increase the efficiency of your word memorizing. 


        Why do we forget words?


        Have you ever played the crane game? You put in a quarter and try to grab a toy or stuffed animal with the crane arm. Under ideal circumstances,  the crane should pick up the toy and drop in the slot the first time. But most of them don't work like that. These cranes have been designed to drop the toy right before it gets to the slot. It often takes many tries to finally win the game.

        你玩过夹娃娃吗?投一个硬币,然后就可以用抓手去吊那些毛绒玩具,照理说,这些娃娃是应该可以被夹起来,然后掉进那个出口里的;但这种情况大多是不会发生的 -- 这些抓手都是被设计好的,在移动到出口之前就会松开娃娃,经常都是要试很多遍才会成功。

        When you're memorizing new words, your brain is the crane and the toy is the word. 


        As a language learner, you probably feel like your brain is always rigged against you. It never seems to be able to remember the word! 


        What if there were a way to hack the crane, so that it could always pull out the word when we wanted it? There in fact is a way. It's called spaced repetition.


        What is spaced repetition?


        Imagine you're a dancer learn a new dance routine. You probably won't remember the new routine after seeing it for the first time. You need to see it, then practice it, then see it again, then practice it again, until you've mastered it. Even after mastering it, you'll still need to continue practicing it. 


        Learning a foreign language is like learning a new dance routine. You learn strange sounds in new combinations, and you have to remember how to put them together in the right order. That's where spaced repetition comes in handy.


        Spaced repetition is a fancy way of saying, 'Making sure your brain doesn't forget stuff.' 


        Some of the best minds in language learning recommend using spaced repetition to learn a foreign language, and I recommend it too. Many of you have asked me how I learned my Mandarin. Well, spaced repetition is the ultimate key to my success. Spaced repetition allows you to memorize words without the risk of forgetting them. 


        Did you get that? Spaced repetition helps you memorize things without forgetting them. This is as close to magic as you can get, people.


        So what is spaced repetition?


        Spaced repetition is the process of repeating information over an ever-larger interval of minutes, hours, days, months, and even years. The main idea is that, right before your brain forgets how to retrieve a piece of information from your memory, you give it a jolt and force it to remember. The smallest interval is a minute, and the largest is well...I've had intervals of over 10 years. Spaced repetition is the best way to convert information from short-term memory (1 minute - 30 minutes) to long term memory. 


        How to Use Spaced Repetition?


        The first person to document spaced repetition was a man named Ebbinghaus. He used an elaborate sequence of flashcards and spreadsheets to document the intervals between his information. 


        Luckily, in the modern day, we have computers to help keep track of our memories: sophisticated algorithms that know our brains better than we do. 


        The first spaced repetition software was called SuperMemo. It was developed by Piotr Wozniak, one of the earliest researchers and champions of spaced repetition methods. Supermemo is an extremely sophisticated and powerful program, and I usually recommend it for advanced spaced repetition users, but at the beginning, it's overkill. 

        第一个运用曲线记忆的软件叫做SuperMemo,由 Piotr Wozniak 开发。他是最早的曲线记忆法研究者以及冠军之一,SuperMemo是一个非常精密而又强大的程序,我经常把它推荐给比较熟练使用曲线记忆法的人,但对于刚接触的人来说,它有点太复杂了。

        Therefore, today I'll focus on Supermemo's little brother, Anki. Anki is the software I myself used to memorize over 5,000 Chinese characters in a year, and it's the software I recommend to all my language learning friends. 


        Several months ago, I made a series of three videos where I gave an in-depth demonstration of how to use Anki. If you're interested in learning more about Anki, I highly suggest you go check out those videos. 


        Today, instead of focusing on the usage of Anki, I'm going to give you three tips that will help you maximize its effectiveness in memorizing words.       


        1) Learn words you like.


        A huge mistake that most Chinese learners make is learning English words they don't care about. I've seen people preparing for the IELTS who just downloaded the vocabulary list and started memorizing it from A to Z. News flash: STOP!!! That is a complete and utter waste of time. Honestly, you'd be better off playing LOL. At least that's fun. 


        Have you ever noticed how people pick up dirty words really easily? That's because our brains love learning forbidden words--it feels so naughty. But dirty words are just one type of word our brains love. One of the first words I learned in Korean is ong dongi. It means 'butt'. Why did I learn it? Cause it sounds cool, and I like butts. 

        不知道你有没有注意到,人们在学脏话的时候总是很容易就学会了。那是因为我们的大脑就对这些乱七八糟的东西感兴趣,但是脏话什么的只是我们的大脑喜欢的其中一个类型,我学会的第一个韩语单词是“ong dongi”,就是“屁股”的意思,为什么我会学这个词呢?因为它听起来很酷啊,而且我就s是很喜欢屁屁~


        When you're learning a new language, every word counts. Some people recommend learning the most frequent 1000 words in a language. While in theory that sounds great, in practice it's almost impossible because you don't care about the words you're learning. We learn best when we can emotionally attach ourselves to words like ong dongi. 

        当你在学习新的语言的时候,无论你学会什么单词都算数。有些人推荐学语言的时候去学1000个高频词,理论上来说是很不错的,实际上却不太靠谱,因为你根本不在乎你在学的这些单词,我们学得最好的往往是那些我们主观上喜欢的,比如ong dongi。

        If you absolutely have to memorize a list of words, don't go in order from A to Z. First go down the list and pick words that you like, and learn those first. 


        2) Learn them in context


        Another big mistake people make when memorizing vocabulary is just memorizing the word by itself, like this:



        Abandon 抛弃

        Dream 梦想

        Suitcase 行李箱

        Then when they finally get an opportunity to use that word, they find they can't remember it. That's a really depressing feeling. Why does it happen? 


        Imagine that your brain is a city. The neural network is the city's power grid, and the word you're trying to remember is a house. A word learned out of context, without an example phrase or sentence, is like a house on the outskirts of the city. The power is going to be a lot less reliable.


        So to move our house closer to the city center, and to improve recall, we should learn that word within a specific context. I'll use ong dongi again as an example.

        所以,把我们的房子搬到市中心去吧,有助于改善我们的记忆,我们应该联系上下文去学单词。我又要拿“ong dongi ”来举例了。

        When I learned ong dongi, I didn't learn it by itself. I learned it within the sentence, 'You have a nice butt.' Don't ask me why I was learning that sentence. The point is, ong dongi was part of a larger context, which helped me remember it better. 

        我在学“ong dongi ”的时候,我并不是学的这个单词的本身,而是学的一整个句子。“你屁股不错喔~”,不要问我为什么学了这句话,重点是,“Ong dongi ”是这句话里的一部分,从而让我更好的记住了它。

        To go back to our earlier example, we could construct an example sentence out of these three words: abandon, vitamin, and suitcase.


        Ross abandoned a suitcase full of dreams. 


        Sounds like an interesting story to me...


        3) Learn production and recognition.


        The final piece of advice I want to give to you is: be sure that you practice BOTH sides of the flashcard. Most Chinese word memorization softwares only let you practice the recognition side. They show you 'cat' and make you guess 猫. That might work for taking tests, but it's the main reason most Chinese people fail at learning English.


        When you spend your entire life learning how to recognize a word but never practicing speaking it, is it any wonder you don't know how to say it?


        I recommend Anki because it gives you the option of practicing both recognition AND production. As you are going through your flash cards, be sure to say the English word aloud every time. This will cement the word in your brain far quicker than just reading it with your eyes. 


        You shouldn't feel ashamed if you've learned English for 10 years and still can't speak a word. Honestly, it's not your fault. But if you finish watching this video and don't take my advice, then it is your fault. You've been given a choice. 


        Well, those are the three main tips I have for memorizing new words. But to help get you started using Anki, here are a few more things that should help you:


  • Don't learn similar sounding words together. 


        When I was learning Mandarin, one of the hardest words for me was 旅游. Not because of the tones, but because the characters look so similar. I would constantly mix them up. So whenever you can avoid it, don't learn words that look or sound similar together (such as bear and bare).


  • Don't learn more than 20 new cards a day.


        When people first discover Anki, and realize how powerful spaced repetition is, they tend to go a little crazy. I've seen it firsthand. They'll spend an entire day adding new words, and start learning hundreds of new words every day. Those people last about a week before they get completely burned out and quit using Anki forever.


        Don't be one of them. Slow and steady wins the race. Just do 10-20 new cards a day, even fewer if you don't have a lot of time. Keep doing it for a year, and you'll be amazed how much you have learned.


  • Add your own cards


        People are lazy. I understand that. But you can be both smart and lazy. Adding your own cards is an example of being both smart and lazy. By adding your own cards, you're saving yourself a lot of time in the long run, because you're going to learn those cards a lot faster than learning cards from pre-made decks. If you really thinking that adding cards is so terrible, then maybe language learning isn't for you.


  • Simplify, simplify, simplify!


        Anki works best when you follow the principle of 'Minimal information'. Don't try to stuff too much information on one card. One word, one meaning, and one example sentence is enough. 



        For example 比如:

        ong dongi

        daniel ongdongi chowayo!



        Daniel has a nice butt


        This is a perfect example of an Anki card. One word, one definition, and one example sentence. 

        这是Anki单词卡最好的例子了 --一个单词,一个释义,一个例句。

        Some words have multiple meanings. For those words, I advise you split them up into multiple cards. Don't learn them together. Use example sentences to differentiate them. 



        And finally, my last tip!


  • Do it every day, at the same time


        Make doing your Anki a ritual every morning or evening. I usually review all of my cards in the morning, and add new cards at night after the day is over. Find what works for you, and stick with it! I promise you will learn a ton.



        Well, that's it for today's open course. I hope you've learned how to effectively memorize words using spaced repetition. The power to memorize anything without forgetting--that's what spaced repetition offers you. Do you accept it?


        Thanks so much for watching today's video. If it helped you, please remember to share it around with your friends!



        I'm 王霸胆. See you next time!

        Peace out

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