

高中英语总复习经典易错题会诊与试题预测考点8 形容词性从句




介词 + 关系代词引导定语从句考查重点



命题角度 1   正确区分关系代词与关系副词的用法

1.(典型例题宁) I Walked in our garden,          Tom and Jim were trying a big sign onto one of the trees.

  A. which      B. when      C. where      D. that

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  以句意来看很容易把本题当作是一个时间状语从句或是等立连词when引导的从句.根据题干分析,后者是用来说明Tom and Jim要做的事情的地点,也就是说应该用定语从句来修饰和说明情况的,故填 where来,引导非限制性定语从句。

  [对症下药]  C

2.(典型例题北京) The famous basketball star, __tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.

  A. Where      B. When      C. Which      D. Who

  [考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  考生认为“that不可引导非限制性定语从句,那就只填which了”。做定语从句时,考生应分析该定语从句缺什么成分,再看先行词,然后确定是填关系代词还是关系副词;本题是道非限制性定语从句题,而且该从句中很明显缺主语,故AB不行,Cwhich指代物,不能指代人,故选D

  [对症下药]  D

3.(典型例题) I Can think of many cases     students obviously knew a lot of English words and ex pressions but couldnt write a good essay.

  A. Why        B. Which      C. as          D. where

[考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  很多同学没分析从句结构,一看先行词“cases”指物就断定选B.分析从句结构知:缺状语,再根据先行词cases(情形,情景),根据句意“在很多情景里……”故选D.Where,也可用“in which.

  [对症下药]  D

  [考场错解]  B

4.(典型例题国卷二) There were dirty marks on her trousers __ she had wiped her hands.

  A. Where      B. Which     C. When      D. that

[专家把脉]  考生没有分析出该定词从句只缺状语而不缺主语或宾语而误选B。本题缺状语,再分析先行词.应缺Where(关系副词),故选A

  [对症下药]  A.

5.(典型例题) Her sister has become a lawyer,_ she wanted to be.

  A. Who       B. that       C. What      D. Which

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  考生乍一看先行词“alawyer”指人,误选 A,分析从句及根据题意“她姐姐已当了一名律师,那是她过去曾想从事的一种职业(律师)”故选D.Which引导而B.that(不能引导非限制性定词从句。这是有关定词从句的题,故不选C

  [对症下药]  D


    1.定语从句相当于一个形容词,起定词作用, 修饰名词或代词




    (1)当先行词是不定代词allmuchlittlesometingeverythinganythingnothingnonethe one时。


    Do you have anything that you want to say for yourself?

You should hand in all that you have.

(2)当先行词前面有onlyanyfewlittleno allvery等词修饰时。例如:

    This is the very book that Im looking for.

The only thing that we can do is to give you some money.


    This is the best that has heen wsed against pollution.

This is the most interesting film that Ive ever seen.


This train is the last that will go to Huangzhou.

What is the first Anerican film that you have seen?


Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?


Which is the bike that you lost?

who is the boy that won the gold medal?


    They secretly buit up a small factory which produced things that could cause pollution.


1   After living in paris for 50 years he returned to the small town __ he grew up as a child.

A. which      B. where      C. that        D. when

答案: B


2   I never forget the days __ we spent together.

A. that        B. when       C. whose       D. what

答案: A


3   Have you seen the filmTitanic ,__ leading actor is world famous?

A. its         B. its        C. whose       D. which

答案: C


命题角度 2    对介词后接关系代词而不接关系副词的考查;介词是用which还是用whom;介词如何确定

1 (典型例题京)Why does she always ask you for help?

There is no one else          ,is there?

A. who to turn to              B. she can turn to          C. for whom to turn            D. for her to turn

[考场错解]  DC

[专家把脉]  按照习惯的思维是介词for可以表示“对……”,但本题是固定短词turn to表示“向某人求助”的意思,固定短语中的介词一般不提前置于关系代词之前。选项Awho是多余的,不定式可直接用作后置定语。

  [对症下药]  B

2.(典型例题卷三)The joureny around the world took the old  sailor nine months,      the sailing time was 226 days.

  A. of which                    B. during which         C. from which                  D. for which

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  考生曲解了定语从句的含义。根据题意“这位老船员花了九个月的时间环游世界,其中航海时间是226天”选BCD,有悖原意,故选A

  [对症下药]  A

3.(典型例题海)Alec asked the policeman __ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.

  A. with him                   B. who         C. with whom                  D. whom

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  考生知道“work with sb(与……起工作)而没考虑到“him”不是关系代词而错选A.“work with sb+ 关系代词,当先行词为“人”时,应用whom,故选C

  [对症下药]  C

4.(典型例题海) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, __ was very reasonable.

  A. which price                  B. the price of which          C. its price                    D. the price of whose

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  考生不知“which”不能做定语这一用法,这是非限制性定语从句。the price of which指代花瓶的价格.故选B

  [对症下药]  B

5.(典型例题国) I have many friend, __ some are business.

  A. of them                     B. from which         C. who of                      D. of whom

[考场错解]  AB

  [专家把脉]  先行词是many friendssome of whom whom是关系,代词,指代朋友们,与介词一起移至先行词后面。

  [对症下药]  D


“介词+关系代词”引导的定词从句是定词从句中较复杂的一种,一般多用于上式文件中。此类定语从句的关系代词主要有which whomwhose。它们既可引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。学习这种定语从句时主注意以下几种情况:



Who is the man with whom you just shook hands?

    The Two things about which Karl Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms.


    He had a bad cold,because of which he didnt attend the meeting.

    The speed at which the car runs depends on the road condition.

    3.根据意思可用复杂介词,如by meansofasa result ofin front ofin the back ofa11 Ofmost of等,例如:

The instrument by means of which the temperature is measured is called thermometer.

There are forty students in the classroom, all of whom ae working hard at a problem in maths.

二、注意关系代词的选取。在“介词 + 关系代词”引导的空语从句中,如果,关系代词指事物就用 which;如果指人则用whom;若表示的则用 whose.例如:

    This is the classroom in which we studided last year

  He lives in a house, whose door opens to then north.

三、注意“介词 + where”引导的定语从句。有时有阅读过程中我们会碰到“介词 + where”引导的定语从句,此时要和“介词+which”引导的定语从句从意义上加以区别。例如:

They stood on the top of the building, from where they could see the whole city. ( from where 相当于) from the  top  of  the  building,  而不是  from the building)


1   In the dark street, there wasn't a person       she could turn for help.

A. that            B. who     C. from whom       D. to whom

答案: D

解析:turn to sb for help.

2   This is the book __ I paid ten yuan.

A. for which       B. for that            C. which           D. off which

答案: A

解析:pay + 钱数 + for sth.

3   This is the factory __ I work.

A. in which   B. that        C. which       D. when

答案: A

解析:work in + 地名。

4   In the ofice I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,  __ many people have got home.

  A. whose time          B. that             C. on which            D. by which

答案: A


5   The teacher discussed with Jim,__ problems was poor study habits.

  A. one of which               B. one of whose      C. whose                      D. which

答案: D


命题角度 3    关系代词as的用法

1.(典型例题海 )_    has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.

  A. That       B. As        C. It         D. What

  [考场错解]  D

  [专家把脉]  考生把此题误当作主语从句来解.本题考查的是as引导的非限制性定语从句,指代后面句子整体;表示“正如……”,句意为“正如所宣布的,下月我们将进行期末考试”故选B

  [对症下药]  B

2.(经典题) The word write has the same pronunciation  __ the word right

  A. of           B. as          C. to           D. from

  [考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  考生不明白此题在考查as引导的限制性定语从句用法。as引导的限制性定语从句既可指人又可指物,它只能替代由sachthe same等修饰的先行词,故选B

  [对症下药]  B






We have found such materials as are used in their factory. (作主语)

    Such people as you describle are thought to be fools nowadys. (作宾语)

He is not the same man as he was. (作表语)

(2)...such as ...


    He turned out to be very successful,which was more than we could expect.

    As is known to all, Edison invented the telephone.


He turned out to be very successful,which was more than we could expect.

As is known to all, Edison invented the telephone.


1   That Passenger was very impolite to the conductor,__ of course, made things even worse.

A. who      B. whom       C. what          D. which

答案: D


2   This book is very interesting. Where did you buy it? I will buy the same book __ you have bought.

A. which    B. as        C. that         D. what

答案: B

解析:the same as

3   __ we all know,Taiwan is part of china.

A. As      B. Which     C. What        D. That

答案: A



预测角度 1    介词 + 关系代词引导定语从句考查点重点

1.The gentleman __ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.

  A. who                    B. about whom      C. whom                   D. with whom

[解题思路]  tell sb/of sb/sth (向某人讲述……)故介词用about of ;先行词为 gentleman 指人,故用 whom,所以选B

  [解答]   B

2.We will be shown around the city:schools, museums, and some other places,          other visitors seldom go.

A. what       B. which       C. where       D. when

[解题思路]  本题是考查where 引导的非限制性定语从句,在从句中做地点状语。

[解答]  C


1   Our language classes include a lot about the culture of the country __ language we are studying.

A. which                    B. whose           C. whatever                   D. whichever

答案: B


2   Who is the girl __ is hurrying to school?

A. who       B. whom       C. that       D. which

答案: C


3   Is there a gas station around __ I can get some petrol?

A. which     B. what       C. where     D. that

答案: C



1   __ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.

A. Which                 B. When          C. What                  D. As

答案: D

解析:as引导的非限制性定语从句,指代主句整体。As is often the case这是常有的事……。

2   There are two buildings,       stands nearly a hundred feet high.

A. the larger        B. the larger of them     C. the larger one that       D. the larger of which

答案: D


3   I work in a business __ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

A. how         B. which      C. where        D. that

答案: C


4   Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,       , of course, made the others envy him.

A. who                     B. that     C. what                    D. which

答案: D


5         is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. It                     B. As                C. That                    D. What

答案: B


6   George Orwell, __ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.

A. the real name              B. what his real name         C. his real name              D. whose real name

答案: D


7   American women usually identify their best friend as someone __ they can talk frequently.

A. who                       B. as                C. about which               D. with whom

答案: D

解析:talk with sb”,故用with whom引导。

8   The English play __ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.

    A. for which                 B. at which             C. in which                  D. on which

答案: C

解析:act in the Engish play,故用in which引导。

9   Luckily,wed brought a road map without __ we would have lost our way.

    A. it                        B. that      C. this                      D. which

答案: D

解析:without a road map,故用without which引导。

10  A fast food restaurant is the place      ,just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.

A. which     B. where      C. there         D. what

答案: B


11  There were dirty marks on her trousers   __ she had wiped her hands.

A. where     B. which      C. when        D. that

答案: A


12  The factory produce half a million pairs of shoes every  year,80% __ are sold abroad.

    A. of which                B. which of        C. of them                 D. of that

答案: A

解析:80%of them...,故用of which引导。

13  I can think of many cases __ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but  couldnt write a good essay.

A. why       B. which       C. as       D. where

答案: D


14  We will be shown around the city: schools, museums,  and  some  other  places,        other  visitors        seldom go.

    A. what      B. which       C. where   D. when

答案: C


15  The film brought the hours back to me __ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A. until      B. that         C. when    D. where

答案: C


16  __ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It       B. As        C. That    D. What

答案: B


17  Hes got himself into a dangerous situation __ he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where     B. which       C. while    D. why

答案: A


18  Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,        , of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who      B. which      C. this     D. what

答案: B


19  It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,       for the first time in years their team won the World up.

A. that       B. while     C. which   D. when

答案: D


20  The news __ is spreading around the airport is  __ a heavy storm is coming.

    A. what,/                  B. that; that           C. /; that                 D. that; which

答案: B


21      The mystery __ has puzzled a lot of people is sill unsolved.

A. which    B. what       C. whom   D. who

答案: A


22  Xiao Wang works for a factory __ makes com puters.

    A. where                    B. what             C. which                    D. in which

答案: C


23  My  former  classmate  came  hack  to  the  school       he studied.

A. on which  B. where      C. which   D. that

答案: B


24  Do you know the girl to __ your class teacher is talking?

A. that       B. whom       C. who     D. which

答案: B

解析:talk to sb.故用to whom引导定语从句。

25  Ill never forget the day        I joined the League.

A. when     B. in which    C. which   D. that

答案: A


26  The model driver is looking for a lady __ purse was left in the car this morning.

A. who      B. whose      C. that     D. which

答案: B


27  The reason      he did not attend was that hewas ill.

A. what     B. which      C. why     D. for

答案: C


28  Some people dont know who can mend such a lamp __ has gone wrong.

A. that      B. which      C. /       D. as

答案: D


29  The golden rule about anything __ works by electricity is to switch off before you touch anything and dont pretend you know when you dont.

A. which    B. /         C. what    D. that

答案: D


30  Buying insurance is a way      people can protect themselves against large losses.

    A. in which                 B. on which          C. of which                  D. which

答案: A

解析:当先行词为away,一般用关系副词in whichthat引导,不用关系代词。

31  This company,      offered life insurance, collected small sums of money regularly from many different men.

A. that      B. which      C. who     D. this

答案: B


32  The food __ we eat seems to have a great effect on our health.

A. /         B. whose       C. what       D. when

答案: A


33  With the new methods __ been perfected,cameras can take pictures of the underwater valleys, even in colour.

    A. which has              B. that has        C. have                    D. that have

答案: D


34  Yehudi Menuhin is a violinist __ playing is known all over the world.

A. who      B. his         C. whose     D. /

答案: C


35  Sometimes there is an answer sheet    letters or numbers are printed.

A. which    B. on which   C. that    D./

答案: B

解析:on an answer sheet,故用on which引导。

36  The student has only to circle the one with the correct answer.

A. which    B. whose      C. /        D.that

答案: D

解析:先行词为the one时,一般用关系代词that引导。

37  Do you know the essays of Francis Bacon,     lived about the same time as Shakespeare?

A. who      B. whom       C. that

答案: A


38  Hobbies also offer interesting activities      retired.the fourgoes for persons

A. who has  B. that has     C. who have  D. have

答案: C


39     Those __ developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their leisure hours.

A. that has               B. that have         C. whom                   D. who have

答案: D

解析:those who...,谓词用复数。

40  Some of the things __are stamps and dolls.

A. that     B. which    C. whose      D. who

答案: A


41  We looked back over all __ happened during the past year, to ourselves, to our city and to the world.

A. which has      B. that have  C. that has       D. which have

答案: C

解析:先行词为all(指物),引导词为that,谓语用 单数。

42  The large room __ fully decorated.

A.in which    B. which      C.that        D./

答案: A

解析:in the large room,故用in which引导。

43  There are little tables     people may sit when they are not dancing.

A. in which   B. on which   C. which      D. that

答案: B

解析:on the table,故用on which引导。

44  Most of the jokes __ told by comedians are soon forgotten.

A.     which was  B.that was     C. were        D.that were

答案: D


45  They are not as perment    the saying ot wise peopleo are. ones.

  A. as         B. which      C. that       D./

答案: A


46  The most important roads paved with large stones.

A. are        B.is  C.that are    D.which  are

答案: C

解析:先行词被最高级修饰,且先行词为复数故用“that are.

47  I dont know the reason    your idea.

A. which      B. as         C.when        D.why

答案: C


48  The earth is a huge hall,70%of    covered with water.

A. which is   B. that was   C. that is    D. that were

答案: A


49  She is the only one of the teachers    loved deeply.

    A. who is       B.who are    C. that is      D.that are

答案: A

解析:先行词为the only one of the teachers,关系从 句谓语用单数。

50  Who_ seen the film doesnt admire it?

  A. who has                B. who have C. that has               D. that have

答案: C



     In the water around New York city isa very small island  51  Liberty Island. On Liberty Island there is a very spe- cial  52  called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the  53  famous sights in the world.

      54  Statue of Liberty was a gift  55  the people of France to the people of the Passageed States. The statue was made   56  a French sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The inner support  57  was designed by Gustave Eiffel,the same man   58  made the famous Eiffel Tower in  59.

     Liberty, of course,   60  freedom, and the Statue of Liberty was given to the Passageed States to   61   the one  62  anniversary of US independence form   63  . The statue was built in France, taken   64   piece by piece and then   65   in the Passageed States. It was opened for  66__ public on October 28,1886.

67   you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the ground to the   68   of the statue. If they want to, they can then   69  up the 168 steps to reach the head of the statue   70  they can look out and enjoy the beautiful Sight of the city of New York.

51. A. on         B. connected   C. in        D. called

答案: D


52. A. statue     B. monument    C. tower     D. castle

答案: A

解析:根据下文的statue of Liberty可知

53. A. more       B. less        C. most      D. much

答案: C

解析:the most构成最高级。

54. A. My         B. A           C. Any       D. The

答案: D

解析:从上文 the Statue of Liberty”可知。

55. A. in         B. at          C. from      D. to

答案: C


56. A. of         B. by          C. from      D. after

答案: B


57. A. system                    B. bridge          C. recognition               D. evolution

答案: A


58. A. as                        B. who          C. which                     D. whom

答案: B

解析:who引导定语从句修饰the man作主语。

59. A. Paris                     B. London               C. Tokyo                     D. Washington

答案: A

  解析:根据常识Eiffel Tower Tij Paris可知。

60. A. means                     B. refers                  C. supplies                  D. deserves

答案: A


61. A. praise                    B. command       C. examine                   D. celebrate

答案: D


62. A. hundred              B. hundredth          C. hundreds                  D. hundreded

答案: B

解析:the one hundredth anniversary“一百周年”。

63. A. Australia    B. Canada    C. England   D. Japan

答案: C


64. A. over         B. up        C. to        D. apart

答案: D

解析:take apart“拆开”。

65. A. rebuilt                   B. rewritten             C. repeated                 D. repaired

答案: A

解析:rebuild”与上文的“take apart”呼应。

66. A. a           B. many       C. the        D. this

答案: C

解析:the public公众,民众。

67. A. So          B. Such       C. Whom       D. As

答案: D

解析:As you might expect,“正如你所期望的……”

68. A. bottom      B. top        C. building   D. hall

答案: A


69. A. walk       B. sing        C. sail       D. stride

答案: A

解析:walk up...to...走近。

70. A. which       B. who        C. where      D. that

答案: C



    此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号自,每一行做出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个 ();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:   




Anne lives in a small town. She is fond of

surfing the Internet. In general speaking,she   71_        _

           答案: 解析:去掉speaking

spent about an hour a day on line. To her,it is 72_        _

                                         答案: 解析:spent”改为“spends

a wonderful place because you never know that   73_        _

                                         答案: 解析:that”改为“what

it may have in store for you. Last Friday,she   74_        _

                                 答案: 解析:

found an e-pal,that called himself Future.  75_        _

答案: 解析:that”改为“who

They promised to keep touch with each other.    76_        _

答案: 解析:keep”后加“in

And she was warned against him by her parents. 


答案: 解析:And”改为“But

What will it lead to? she asked. A happy ending.


答案: 解析:she”改为“they

Anne answered and continued typing,paid no      79_       

答案: 解析:paid”改为paying

attention to them. One month past,and a man     80_         

called Future was arrested by the police!

答案: 解析:past”改为“passed




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