

From The Economist | Apr 23rd 2016

Keeping the skies safe 维护空域安全

Drones club




Vivienne Yan、李季





6:34 Keeping the skies safe 来自外刊时文双语精析

Better technology and tougher enforcement of the rules is needed for the safe operation of drones. 无人机的安全运行亟待更好的技术手段和更严格的执行规范。


  They should be kept in sight by their operators at all times; not doing do so is a criminal offence.

not doing do so is a criminal offence中的not doing do so存疑,在google上搜索“not doing so is a criminal offence”结果如下图:

“not doing do so is a criminal offence”却只有三条记录,而且都只是出自本篇文章。

“not doing do so”“not doing so”,得到的结果是类似的,所以个人认为这里的“not doing do so”应该为“not doing so”,如有异议请在留言区留言。

  Rules alone will not stop accidents. “You cannot legislate stupidity out of the stupid,” observes Andrew Charlton, an aviation consultant. But stricter enforcement would help.

You cannot legislate (against) stupidity out of the stupid (people).
这句话不太好理解和翻译,这句话中的legislate stupidity通常也做legislate against stupiditylegislate一般做不及物动词)。


  If rules like drone registration, safety features and more public education would help curb irresponsible consumer behaviour, what of operators of larger commercial drones, such as those used for surveying or deliveries? They are already required to register with aviation authorities in many countries, and in some cases demonstrate their competence on training courses. Professional operators also have a sharper incentive to act responsibly.

what of也作what aboutYou use what about or what of when you introduce a new topic or a point which seems relevant to a previous remark.

and in some cases demonstrate their competence on training courses.这个句子中的on training courses容易错误理解为:在某些情况下,无人机操作者必须展示他们开展培训课程的能力,但是根据上下文的理解,应该理解成在某些情况下,无人机操作者必须在训练课程中展示他们的能力,其中产生错误理解的原因应该是介词on,我们来看看course课程讲时词典中的解释:

总结:可以看出,course在做课程讲时,英式英语所搭配的介词通常是on a course,美式英语中会用in a course,然后在表达是什么类型的课程时不用of,用in/on


1. THE airspace over London is among the most crowded in the world. The soaring popularity of small unmanned drones has added to the congestion. After several close encounters, drone and plane now appear to have collided. Police are investigating a report that on April 17th a British Airways flight from Geneva was hit on its nose cone by a drone as it approached Heathrow airport. Thankfully there was negligible damage. But stricter enforcement of regulations and better technology are required to prevent more serious accidents.


2. The scale of the problem is unclear. Sales of drones in Britain and many countries are not counted. The vast majority of them are small. Those the size of a large insect are not much to worry about. But drones of up to 25kg are a graver threat. And the sales trend is upward. America’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reckons consumer sales could grow from 1.9m in 2016 to as many as 4.3m by 2020.


3. Close encounters are also on the ascent. Recently the pilot of a Lufthansa aircraft flying at 1,500 metres reported that a drone passed within 60 metres of his plane as it approached Los Angeles International airport. Britain’s Airprox Board, which collects reports of incidents, found 23 near-misses between drones and aircraft between April and October last year. Of the 582 sightings reported between August 2015 and January 2016, the FAA said that over a third were potentially hazardous.

航班与无人机亲密接触的现象也与日俱增。最近,汉莎航空一架航班在距地面1500米的空中飞行时,其飞行员称当飞机接近洛杉矶国际机场时,一架无人机在与之相距仅60米的地方经过。英国航空理事会(Britain’s Airprox Board)是一个收集空难事故调查报告的组织,其发现去年4-10月发生了23起这种无人机与飞机擦肩而过的事故。美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)称,20158月到20161月期间报道的582起此类事件中,超过三分之一存在潜在风险。

4. No one is sure how much damage a drone could do to a jet airliner. Steve Landells of the British Airline Pilots Association says that tests are needed to find out. Passenger jets are designed to survive a bird strike but if several are sucked into the engines the consequences can be serious. Drones may be more dangerous. They have metal components, including lithium-ion batteries, which can explode if damaged. Light aircraft and helicopters might be more vulnerable.

没人能确定无人机会对喷气式飞机造成多大损害。英国航空机师协会(British Airline Pilots Association)的兰德斯(Steve Landells)说,需要通过测试来测算危害。客机的设计使其可以承受一只鸟撞上来的冲击力,但如果有几只鸟被吸进发动机,后果则不堪设想。无人机可能会产生更加致命的危害,无人机包括一些诸如锂离子电池之类的金属组件,如一旦损坏便可引发爆炸。小型飞机和直升飞机则更容易被摧毁。

In line of sight视线以内

Rules and regulations on operating drones are meant to ensure such worries are moot. In Britain and America drones are not supposed to fly near airports, nor go higher than 150 metres or so. They should be kept in sight by their operators at all times; not doing do so is a criminal offence.


6. Rules alone will not stop accidents. “You cannot legislate stupidity out of the stupid,” observes Andrew Charlton, an aviation consultant. But stricter enforcement would help. In America, the FAA now requires recreational users to register their drones online. So far over 400,000 have done so. Users are then given an identification number for their craft. Failure to register could mean a fine of up to $250,000. Schemes to help identify drone operators are planned in Europe.

仅有规章制度还不能防止事故的发生。航空咨询员Andrew Charlton说:傻逼要犯二,法律也没办法。但是,对无人机实施更严格的监管会有所帮助。美国联邦航空管理局现在要求娱乐性无人机用户在网上注册其无人机信息。目前为止超过40万人已经完成注册。注册完成后他们的无人机会获得一个身份证号。未按照规定注册的人将会面临多达25万美金的罚款。欧洲正在拟定相关计划用以帮助核实无人机操作者身份。

7. Technology can also keep drones out of trouble. Some dronemakers are installing “geo-fencing” software which programs a drone’s GPS to prevent flights near sites such as airports and nuclear-power stations as well as restricting the speed and height that they can reach. Another method is a “virtual tether”, which in effect puts a drone on an invisible leash to prevent it flying too far from its operator. Plenty of governments want geo-fencing as a condition of sale. But it would not stop the use of drones near moving vehicles, such as air ambulances, that might be a target for journalists or ghouls. Developing ways of putting up an emergency cordon is one idea. No-drone zones can also be employed; one was due to be in force over London during Barack Obama’s visit this week.


8. Crash-avoidance technology is another area of development. A number of groups are working on small low-powered anti-collision systems, some combining sensors with machine-learning algorithms. Ross Allen, a researcher at Stanford University, recently demonstrated a hovering quadcopter avoiding stationary objects at the same time as it dodged a fencer’s foil.


9. If rules like drone registration, safety features and more public education would help curb irresponsible consumer behaviour, what of operators of larger commercial drones, such as those used for surveying or deliveries? They are already required to register with aviation authorities in many countries, and in some cases demonstrate their competence on training courses. Professional operators also have a sharper incentive to act responsibly.


10. There are alternatives to thicker rulebooks. NASA, among others, has a project under way to develop techniques for commercial operators to file flight plans and to track their craft. The drones would also be able to communicate with each other and inform other aircraft and air-traffic controllers of their position. The drones would use highly detailed digital maps, like those being developed for autonomous cars. Parimal Kopardekar, manager of NASA’s Safe Autonomous System Operations Project, says the service would also provide weather information, right down to the microclimates in a specific area.

除了不断制定规定之外,还有其他替代措施。和其他组织一样,美国航空航天局(NASA)现在正在开展一个项目,为商业性质的无人机操作者研发技术,来对飞行计划归档并对无人机跟踪记录。多架无人机之间可以互相交流,并可告知其他飞机以及航空管制部门人员其所在位置。无人机还会运用一些专门为自动汽车设计的高度精确的电子地图。NASA安全自动化操作系统(SASO)项目的管理者Parimal Kopardekar表示,此项技术还可以为无人机提供天气情况,甚至可具体到某个特定区域的微气候。

11. Neither rules nor technology will stop those intent on deliberately causing harm. Terrorists might use drones to deliver bombs: although the payload is small, even a hand grenade dropped into a crowd would have terrifying consequences. Biological weapons carried as aerosols would be a greater concern. Like any other new technology, drones can be used for bad purposes as well as good. But they might also be used to detect and, one day perhaps, capture or shoot down those released by the bad guys.





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