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授课讲师Lindsey Gendall女士曾就职于Elsevier和Pearson等知名国际学术出版社,熟谙期刊的发表流程和标准;她也曾司职哈佛大学医学院,协助医学院教授和临床医生在Science, Nature, Science Translational Medicine等期刊编辑发表高水平论文,并与塔夫茨大学和北海道大学的研究人员合作编辑刊手稿。


LetPub本次讲座主题《The Science of Scientific & Technical Writing: How to Achieve Greater Control of Reader Interpretations》,Lindsey女士在最基本的语法层面上,更深入地从高级科技写作的角度,指导作者如何通过有效的语言修订为文章审稿人和学界读者传递精准的信息和令人信服的结论。






Q: How to write articles more fluent for an non-native English person

A: Thank you for your question! Here are two ways to learn how to write more fluently in English: 1) Read as many scientific articles as you can. There are open access journals that provide full access to their articles. PubMed is also a great online resource for reading scientific literature. The more you read in English, the more you will become familiar with the grammatical patterns and word usage. 2) Practice writing in English as much as you can. The more you practice, the more your writing will improve.  In addition, try to review English language writing resources and practice some vocabulary.


Q: 老师请问一下,从句套从句,使句子结构复杂,这种做法可取吗?

A: Yes, a complex sentence by definition includes a main clause (independent clause) and at least one or more dependent (subordinate) clauses. Thank you for your question!


Q: 在写论文的时候,感觉看文献方面有时非常困难,很疑惑,具体表现在:1.不知是否需要整篇文献都看下来还是只看摘要部分;2.有时在pubmed上就算输入了关键字检索仍然找不到影响因子高的文章,对此感觉很苦恼。不知是否有解决的办法?请老师指点迷津,谢谢!

A: I would recommend that you read theentire article to gain more familiarity with English writing. The more you readthe more you will become familiar with English. I understand your difficulty innot being able to find full articles on PubMed; not all of their articles areprovided in full. I recommend searching for high impact open access journals.There are great resources such as this web site: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access-journals-impact-factors.php

You should be able to find full length articles by searching for 'high impact open access journals'; I hope this helps. Thank you for your question!


Q: May u provide us some good paper for us to learn?

A: Sure! The Nature journals web site(http://www.nature.com/scitable/ebooks/english-communication-for-scientists-14053993/118519636) has a link that includes a good example Abstract, Introduction etc with explanations. This is a good resource to learn how to write various sections of a scientific paper. Thank you for your question!

Q: 从读者的角度重新审视写作,那这意味着主要读者是审稿人和编辑还是更广大的科技工作者?或者说二者本身就不矛盾?

A: Yes, I was referring to readers ingeneral as well as peer reviewers and journal editors. Thank you for your question!


Q: 老师,对非英语人士来说怎样才能写出更地道的论文

A: As I mentioned before, there are two ways to learn how to write more fluently (and more sophisticatedly) in English:1) Read as many scientific articles as you can. There are many open access journals that provide full access to their articles. PubMed is also a great online resource for reading scientific literature (you can also try searching for high impact open access journals). The more you read in English, the more you will become familiar with the grammatical patterns and word usage. 2) Practice writing in English as much as you can. The more you practice, the more your writing will improve. In addition,try to review English language writing resources and practice reviewing some vocabulary. Thank you for your question!


Q: sometimes i have problem focusing and comprehension the paper.  i don't know whether it because of my background insufficient or the autour's language. can you give us a good paper conform to the rules to better understand tonight's course?

A: Sure! The Nature journals web site(http://www.nature.com/scitable/ebooks/english-communication-for-scientists-14053993/118519636)has a link that includes a good example Abstract, Introduction etc with explanations. This is a good resource to learn how to write various sections of a scientific paper. Thank you for your question! By the way, if you are having trouble comprehending a paper, it seems that you may need to practice your English language skills a bit more. I recommend reading as much as you can in English and searching for English language writing exercises online. Thank you for your question!

Q: May I know how to make the reading less boring if there are always simple and plain sentences as it may easy to understand?

A: The important thing to remember is that scientific writing should be as clear and straightforward as possible. Nowadays most high impact journals recommend that authors write using a simple active voice writing style. I recommend that you read high impact journal articles to learn how to use similar English words and phrases in your writing. A good resource can be found here: http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/effective-writing-13815989.


Q: Is there any difference about the logic thinking between Chinese and westerners

A: The biggest difference I have noticed is that Eastern authors seem to still adhere to passive voice writing, as opposed to active voice writing. Nowadays most high impact journals recommend that authors write using a simple active voice writing style. I recommend that you read high impact journal articles to learn how to use similar English words and phrases in your writing. A good resource can be found here:http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/effective-writing-13815989. Thank you for your question!


Q: how can one’s article catch the editor’s attention successfully?

A: An article will catch a journal editor's attention if it is written in a clear, straightforward way. Clear writing makesyour results more accessible, and therefore, more impactful to the reader. Don't obscure your main points with long, complicated and poorly punctuated sentences (my presentation talked a lot about this). Thank you for your question!


Q: How to write a Good story? And are there any rules to follow to make it logical and attractive?

A: As I mentioned, a scientific article will catch a journal editor's attention if it is written in a clear, straightforward way. Clear writing makes your results more accessible, and therefore, more impactful to the reader. Don't obscure your main points with long, complicated and poorly punctuated sentences (my presentation talked a lot about this). Thank you for your question!




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