

【丝路驿站】(英)罗宾•吉尔班克:侍郎湖的黎明(Postscript:Dawn by the Spirit Lake)

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罗宾·吉尔班克 授权 

Postscript:Dawn by the Spirit Lake


(英)罗宾·吉尔班克   胡宗锋  


罗宾·吉尔班克博士(Robin Gilbank),胡宗峰教授和魏锋

Idid not ultimately succumb to the temptation to rent overnight an upstairsgarret in one of the converted tenements in Yuanjiacun. For as sorely as Iwanted to watch the sun descend to the clack of Mahjong tiles and the smell ofwild ceps stir frying, responsibility once more ensnared us in its mundane net,dragging we three back to the city.


A couple of years thereafter, Liquansneaked its way back into my consciousness. One sunrise, if watched at lengthand intently enough, kindles the memory or imagined memory of another. Howwould the sun rear its countenance over a mausoleum like the Emperor Taizong's,I wondered? Did the Tang designers position their contours in some specialalignment so that there would be a daily solar spectacle like that seen atStonehenge? A riddle to vex onlookers for countless generations in perpetuity.


The present scene at Spirit Lakeought to rank as peerless. I am in the habit of sitting up in bed rather thanlying prostrate, for quite apart from allowing me to alternate between dozingand reading this posture seems to somehow assist in the retention of rational thoughtand in preventing the mind from degenerating into dream and whimsy. Propped upin my hotel bed, the May dawn broached the hillside at first as a dab of moltenore, then licked the outline of the landscape like an acetylene torch until afull orb was formed.


This was not a view that wasavailable to Taizong. Had it been so, he would surely have made it the imperialprerogative to sojourn there in the warmer months, pitching marquees on thebanks and directing palanquin processions. The Spirit Lake only came into beingduring the early Ming Dynasty when the Shaanxi Earthquake shifted mountains andrent the ground asunder, creating gaping gullies. Topographically the waterwayis a work of wonder, bounded on all four sides by verdant hills. The waterswhich do not at any point surpass eighteen metres in depth are said to beunsullied. Neither autumn leaves appear inclined to fall on the surface nordoes frost form even in the harshest of winters. Spirit Lake is purportedlyimmune also to trial by flood and drought, for the water level remainsseasonally as constant as a plumb-line. I cannot be sure whether the brochuresare repeating hyperbole, for these claims inevitably bring to mindHenry David Thoreau's mid-nineteenth century meditations on theproperties of the waters in Walden Pond:-

唐太宗时代没有这一景,要是有,他肯定会将这里作为夏季的皇家庄园,在湖岸建华盖,通令仪仗。侍郎湖形成于明代,是陕西地震后,山体滑坡堵塞水路形成的天然湖泊。从地理构造上看,侍郎湖乃鬼斧神工,其四面环山,水深约13米最深处18米。湖面冬春不结冰,夏秋无落叶,湖的水位涝不升,旱不降,一年四季无变化。我不知道旅游手册是否在不停的夸张,但这让我不由自主的想起了十九世纪中期亨利·梭罗瓦尔登湖畔的遐思。(亨利·戴维·梭罗HenryDavid Thoreau(1817-1862),美国作家、哲学家,超验主义代表人物,其名著为《瓦尔登湖》——译者注)

WhitePond and Walden Pond are great crystals on the surface of the earth, Lakes ofLight. If they were permanently congealed, and small enough to be clutched,they would, perchance, be carried off by slaves, like precious stones, to adornthe heads of emperors, but being liquid, and ample, and secured to us and oursuccessors forever, we disregard them, and run after the diamond of Kohinoor.They are too pure to have a market value; they contain no muck. How much morebeautiful than our lives, how much more transparent than our characters, arethey!

(From Chapter 9: 'Ponds' in Thoreau, Walden).

白湖和瓦尔登湖是大地表面上两块巨大的水晶,它们是光耀的湖,如果它们是永远地冻结了的,而且又小巧玲珑,可以拿取的,也许它们已经给奴隶们拿了去,像宝石一样,点缀在国王的王冠上了;可是,它的液体也很广大,所以永远保留给我们和我们 的子孙了,我们却抛弃了它们,去追求可希诺大钻石了,它们真太纯洁,不能有市场价格,它们没被污染。它们比起我们的生命来,不知美了多少,比起我们的性格来,不知透明了多少!

                     ——亨利·梭罗 著 《瓦尔登湖》第9章

My students either screw theirfaces or laugh when they catch his Transcendentalist speculations in mid-flow.Were I able to return to the luxury Spirit Lake Hotel in October, or in moreThoreau-esque fashion, rent out one of its lakeside cabins, the truth of thematter would be told.


Bin County has but onenationally-noted tourist attraction, the Great Buddha from the early TangDynasty which inhabits a cavernous hillside shrine,about 40 kilometers northwest of Spirit Lake. His russetand pea-green surplice tumbles in life-like folds down much of the length ofhis twenty-metre frame. Visitors are moved to gasp at both the upturnedfingers, which are as tall and lank as a phalanx of NBA players, and the brightblue thatch which curves above his kidney-shaped earlobes.


To local avers, Spirit Lake isbarely less of a sacred a site. Scaling the hillside (being mindful of wildboars, tigers and other beasts said to dwell in the bush), the place yields upits final mystery. Surveyed on a northwest-to-southeast axis, the outline ofthe crystal deeps distinctly resembles a fish plashing its way through themountains. It is as though in the wake of a natural disaster all thosecenturies ago the heavens through down a celestial gift, a symbol and beacon ofhospitality to reside forever in the depths of this remote rural county.








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