


教    案

Reading  Huck in trouble


School: Shanghai Jiangwan Junior Middle School

Teacher: Anna Zhu 朱可

Type: Extensive Reading

Class: Class 1, Grade 9


Teaching Objectives:

By the end of this period, the students areexpected to:

  • have shared their understanding of the story;

  • have shared their personal response to thestory;

  • have developed interest in further reading.


The students have readthe assigned reading material – Huck introuble, and completed the story review. 

Teaching Procedures:


Huck in trouble

Chapter 1

You don’t know about me if you haven’t read a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.Mr Mark Twain wrote the book and most of it is 

true. In that book robbers stole some money and hid it in a very secret place in the woods. But Tom Sawyer and Ifound it, and after that we were rich. We got six thousand dollars each – allgold.

In those days I never had a home or went to school like Tom and all the other boys in St Petersburg. Pop was always drunk, and he moved around a lot, so he wasn’t a very good father. But it didn’t matter tome. I slept in the streets or in the woods, and I could do what I wanted, when Iwanted. It was a fine life.

Judge Thatcher, who was an important man in our town, kept my money in the bank for me. And the Widow Douglas took me to live in herhouse and said I could be her son. She was very nice and kind, but it was a hard life because I had towear new clothes and be good all the time.

Time went on and winter came. I went to school mostof the time and I was learning to read and write a little. It wasn’t too bad, and the widow was pleased with me. Miss Watson had a slave, an old man called Jim, and he and I were good friends. I often sat talking to Jim, but I still didn’t like living in a house and sleeping in a bed.

Then, one morning, there was some new snow on the ground and outside the back garden I could see footprints in the snow. I wentout to look at them more carefully. They were Pop’s footprints!

A minute later, I was running down the hill to Judge Thatcher’s house. When he opened the door, I cried, ‘Sir, I want you to takeall my money. I want to give it to you,’

He looked surprised. ‘Why, what’s the matter?’

‘Please, sir, take it! Don’t ask me why!’

In the end he said, ‘Well, you can sell it to me, then.’ And he gave me a dollar and I wrote my name on a piece of paper for him. 

Chapter 2

That night when I went up to my room, Pop was sitting there, waiting for me! I saw that the window was open, so that was how he gotin.

He was almost fifty and he looked old. His hair waslong and dirty and his face was a terrible white colour. His clothes were old and dirty, too, and two of his toes were coming through his shoe. He looked at me all over for a long time, and then he said, ‘Well, just look at those clean, tidy clothes! And they say you can read and write now. Who said you could go toschool?’

‘The widow…’ I began.

‘Oh, she did, did she? Well, you can forget aboutschool. I can’t read and your mother couldn’t read; no one in our family could read before they died, so who do you think you are? Go on, take that book andread to me!’I began to read, but he hit the book and it flew out of my hand, across the room. Then he shouted, ‘They say you’re rich – how’s that?’

‘It isn’t true!’‘You give me that money! I want it. Get it for me tomorrow!’

‘I haven’t got any money. Ask Judge Thatcher. He’ll tell you. I haven’t got any money.’

‘Well, give me what you’ve got in your pocket now.Come on, give it to me!’

‘I’ve only got a dollar, and I want that to …’

‘Give it to me, do you hear?’

He took it, and then he said he was going out to get a drink. When he was outside the window, he put his head back in and shouted, ‘And stop going to that school, or you know what you’ll get!’

Chapter 3

The next day he was drunk, and he went to JudgeThatcher to get my money. The Judge wouldn’t give it to him. But Pop didn’t stop trying and every few days I got two or three dollars from the judge to stop Pop hitting me. But when Pop had money, he got drunk again and made trouble in town. He was always coming to the widow’s house, and she got angryand told him to stay away. The Pop got really angry and one day he caught mefrom the widow’s house and took me a long way up the river in a boat. I had to stay with him in a hut in the woods and I couldn’t go out by myself. He watched me all the time. The widow sent a man to find me and bring me home, but Pop went after him with a gun, and the man ran away.

Mostly it was a lazy, comfortable kind of life, but after about two months Pop began to hit me too much with his stick. He often went away into town 

too, and then healways locked me in the hut. Once he was away for three days and I thought I was never going to get out again.

When he came back that time, he was drunk and angry. He wanted my money, but Judge Thatcher wouldn’t give it to him. The judge wanted to send me to live with the widow again, Pop told me. I wasn’t very pleased about that. I didn’t want to go back there.

So I decided to escape and go down the river andlive in the woods somewhere.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel written by Mark Twain.This book is famous for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River around the 1830s, before the American Civil War.

“All modern American literature (文学) comes from one bookby Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.”  ---- Hemingway


My Story Review

Name: ____________________                                Date:_____________________

Title of the story __________________________

Time I spent on the story ____________ minutes

Degree of difficulty in reading the story _____ (1-5)


Task 1  The facts

  1. List the characters you find in the story.


  2. Talk about one character.

    The character I want to talk about is ____________.

    He/She is a person who is ___________ because ____________.

  3. Huck’s trouble is that ___________.


Task 2  My puzzle(s)

Write down the words, expressions or sentences thatyou don’t quite understand.

Task 3  My favourite

Mark your favourite part and tell reason(s).

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