

皮肤、头发和指甲健康 Skin, Hair & Nail Health

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1.  皮肤问题背后的根本原因
当一个人开始出现皱纹、皮肤松弛、瑕疵、斑点、黑眼圈或其他皮肤问题时,通常会寻求各种面霜和美容方式以试图改善肌肤状况。尽管有些方法会提供一些帮助,但通常这些方法无法解决皮肤问题的根源。要真正解决皮肤问题,我们必须将注意力集中在身体内部– 肝脏。

2. 如何改善肌肤健康
a. 黄瓜汁
b. 饮食避免蛋、乳制品和麸质食物(诸如小麦制品),并大大降低油脂比例。

要知道高蛋白饮食= 高脂肪饮食,所有的高蛋白质食物都伴随着大量的脂肪,即使120克的纯鸡胸肉进入体内等同于一勺的脂肪。素食主义者也会陷入同样的陷阱,许多素食主义者每天可能会吃许多的坚果、素油或牛油果(过量的健康油脂依然会造成很大的肝脏压力),或者每天吃大量的豆制品(大豆能榨出豆油),这些都是脂肪含量很高的食物。同时乳制品也是很大的问题,和所有奶制品不仅喂养导致疾病的病毒,而且也含有大量的脂肪。任何有症状或病情或希望维持健康的人都应避免使用。更多细节请见“健康和疗愈需要避免的食物 ”。



关于更多水果恐惧症和蛋白质的真相的信息,请见“《健康陷阱、误区和迷思合集系列一》- 水果恐惧症、生酮饮食法、蛋白质的真相
c.  选择摄入更多富含β-胡萝卜素的食物是对皮肤健康非常棒的支持。β-胡萝卜素对于皮肤健康至关重要。

d. 硅是对于皮肤健康非常关键的元素

硅有两种形式(医学发现硅的这两种形式还需要很多年)。第一种类型的硅对于骨骼健康非常重要,而第二种类型的硅则对皮肤特别有帮助。第二种类型的硅可以在诸如芦笋、朝鲜蓟、羽衣甘蓝茎干中找到,马尾草(horsetail)和荨麻叶(nettle leaf)同时含有上述两种类型的硅,肝脏会将其所含的两种硅分开,然后将每种硅输送到最需要的身体部位。如果想要拥有紧致健康的皮肤,请在饮食中包括这些强大富含硅的皮肤支持食物。高质量液体硅补充剂除了可以提供骨骼支持外,也可以支持皮肤健康(安东尼威廉推荐的液体硅品牌为Orgono,产品名称叫做G5 Siliplant)。关于硅的更多信息,请见“健康的关键营养元素- 硅”。
e. 帮助清除肝脏中的各种毒素诸如农药、有毒重金属等等对于改变肝脏和皮肤的健康状况有很大的帮助

去除这些毒素非常好的方法是每天食用以下五种食物以帮助身体排毒:野生蓝莓、香菜、螺旋藻、大麦草汁粉和大西洋红皮藻。这可以为健康和皮肤提供有力支持。要了解有关重金属排毒的更多信息,请点击阅读“健康的隐形杀手– 重金属排毒”和“重金属排毒果昔”。(安东尼威廉官网推荐的品牌为Vimergy,可以在天猫上搜索“Vimergy海外旗舰店”,或复制以下链接打开:
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f.  有效的补水对皮肤健康至关重要

现代人都存在不同程度的慢性脱水,每天日常生活中加入大量柠檬水和其他新鲜水果和蔬菜汁是补水并改善皮肤的绝妙举措。更多关于慢性脱水相关信息请见“世纪流行病– 慢性脱水”。

二. 头发
1. 造成各种头发问题的原因
肾上腺对于头发健康起着决定性的作用。情绪和压力导致的肾上腺素会对头发的健康产生重大影响。当我们经历创伤性事件、持续压力和情绪时,这会导致硫酸般的肾上腺素大量充斥于体内,这不仅会大大影响肝脏和皮肤健康,还会对头发造成很大的影响。例如一个人在经历了痛苦的离婚、失去工作等事件6-8个月之后,头发质地可能会变得如枯草般,并掉发,且可能持续一段时间。如果我们长期处于压力和情绪之下,掉头发的时延会变得更短。现代社会普遍的压力和负面情绪也是现在掉发很普遍背后的真正原因,除非我们了解真相,并为身体提供所需的营养和支持以改变这一切。富含蛋白质的头发护理产品不会给头发带任何帮助,帮助恢复头发健康意味着支持并修复我们的肾上腺。当我们的肾上腺健康时,我们的头发将处于最佳状态。关于肾上腺的更多信息,请见“世纪流行病– 肾上腺疲劳”。
医学现在错误地将脱发(秃顶)认为是一种自身免疫性疾病,将其定义为免疫系统攻击导致毛发生长的毛囊。事实上,脱发完全是肾上腺问题。医学研究现在并不了解肾上腺素实际上是56种的混合物,当肾上腺无法正常分泌某种头发生长所需的激素时,会造成脱发(秃顶)印度人参又称为南非醉茄 Ashwagandha)对于恢复肾上腺健康很有帮助,能够帮助恢复微量的头发生长所需激素。脱发的人一旦改善了肾上腺健康,头发便可以重新长出来。

2. 如何改善头发健康
现在宣称对于皮肤、头发和指甲健康有益产品可能包含有益的马尾草或荨麻叶等成分,但通常成分很少量,也有许多其他添加剂,因此对皮肤、头发或指甲的健康并没有帮助。无论是脱发问题、掉发还是想要维持头发健康,都可以尝试摄入上述的印度人参(又称南非醉茄 Ashwagandha,安东尼威廉推荐的牌子是Vimergy,可以在cn.iherb.com或www.vitacost.com上搜索Vimergy牌子的南非醉茄),这种强大的草药可以支撑肾上腺并改善头发的健康状况。高品质的荨麻叶、柠檬香蜂草补充剂也非常有助于改善头发健康。

如果想支持肝脏并恢复头发活力,那么除了皮肤部分列出的步骤之外,也可以在日常生活中加入乳蓟(Milk thistle)(安东尼威廉推荐的牌子是Gaia或者nature's answer,可以在cn.iherb.com或www.vitacost.com上搜索找到)、高质量的硫酸锌(zinc sulfate)、螺旋藻和大麦草汁粉对于各种健康问题都高度有益,包括头发、皮肤和指甲的健康。
内分泌系统的最佳支持- 荨麻叶
灵丹妙药 – 柠檬香蜂草
健康关键的营养元素 – 锌
健康关键的营养元素 – 螺旋藻
自然界营养最丰富的食物 – 大麦草汁粉
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1.  指甲问题背后的原因– 长期缺乏锌、肝脏问题和肾上腺素
几乎所有人基本上从父母辈开始就缺锌,父母辈缺锌会遗传到小孩,如果长期缺锌,指甲并不光滑,会有许多竖纹,严重缺锌会导致指甲非常脆,容易折断。现在很少有人指甲光滑,一条竖纹都没有。维持健康的锌水平有助于保护我们免受病原体侵害,并最大限度地减少未来的疾病风险。缺锌导致我们的免疫抵抗力普遍下降,这也是为什么流感如此肆虐以及各类细菌病毒越来越猖獗的重要原因之一。关于锌的更多信息,请见“健康的关键营养元素– 锌”。

2. 如何改善指甲健康

硒是支持指甲健康的另一种重要元素。不含柠檬酸的液体锰也对指甲有益(硒selenium和锰manganese安东尼威廉官网推荐的品牌为Good State,请搜索官网)。其他对指甲健康有益的元素包括钼和硅。当我们补充这些微量元素并通过低脂和大量水果蔬菜的饮食来支持肝脏和肾上腺,随着时间我们会看到指甲和整体健康非常积极的变化。

1. 蛋白质的真相
最优质而且对身体没有伤害的蛋白质来自于螺旋藻、大麦草汁粉、羽衣甘蓝、生菠菜以及其他绿叶蔬菜、小扁豆、黑豆和核桃等食物。更多的细节请见“最佳蛋白质来源 - 绿叶蔬菜
2. 鱼油的真相






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Skin,hair and nail

If you’ve ever wandered the supplement aisle of a health food store,you may have come across a skin,hair,and nails formula. Formulas like this often promise stronger nails,perfect skin,and lustrous hair— qualities many of us would love. Unfortunately,these alluring supplements usually contain minuscule amounts of beneficial ingredients alongside a host of unfavorable ones. Instead of being lured into buying products that won’t actually fix the appearance of your skin,hair,or nails,I am here to share with you the real reasons behind skin blemishes,damaged hair,and brittle nails. Once you know the truth about these issues you can begin to heal your body from the inside out and come away with not only stronger nails,shinier hair,and better skin,but a wellness that no single product could ever offer. 


Do you have wrinkles,blemishes,or under eye circles?If these skin issues emerge,people typically search for various remedies and creams to try and improve the condition of their skin. Although certain practices can be somewhat helpful,usually people turn to ineffective fixes that don’t address the origins of their skin issues. 

Creams & Tonics 

Oftentimes people turn to lotions and tonics to help treat their skin,but these topical treatments will not offer the true healing people are after. There are some antiviral and anticancer skin salves that you can create to help support skin issues,and there are creams that will mildly soften and moisturize the skin,but these ointments can only offer so much support. To really tackle skin problems you must work on healing the underlying issues. 

Below the Surface

When it comes to figuring out why we have loose skin,blemishes,liver spots,and other skin problems,we have to dive below the surface and assess what’s going on underneath the epidermis. 

The Liver 

The health of your liver plays a huge role in the health of your skin. The more toxic your liver is,the more likely you are to develop wrinkles and other skin problems that are typically associated with aging. Many people’s livers are burdened with toxins,and often people enter the world with toxins already built up in this organ from plastics,petrol oil,DDT,toxic heavy metals and other toxins that are passed onto us from our forefathers. I discuss this unknown truth and many others in my books Medical Medium and Life-Changing Foods,and also in my book Thyroid Healing. Cleaning out the toxins from your toxin-saturated liver is an essential part of addressing skin issues. 

Many things are happening inside your liver. The tremendous amount of blood that floods into the liver not only contains oxygen and nutrients,but also has toxins that the liver must filter out. Once the liver cleanses and processes the blood,it then sends that blood to various areas of the body. If the liver directs blood that contains unfavorable material to the skin you may find that liver spots,wrinkles,flabby skin or other issues develop. Some people inherit incredibly toxic livers and as a result are forced to deal with major skin,hair,and nail issues,sometimes from early in life. Fortunately,regardless of your toxin load,there are measures you can take to clean up your liver and heal your skin! 

If you want to learn more about liver health and some of the best ways to support this incredible organ,check out my radio show “Healing Your Liver”.


Adrenaline can create liver issues and negatively affect the health of your skin. If you’ve had to endure a number of acute stressors early on in life,it is likely that adrenaline has negatively impacted numerous organs,including your liver. When emotionally-charged situations occur,such as a the loss of a loved one,broken trust,or a financial hardship,corrosive adrenaline floods your system,hinders the liver,and can impact your skin. Working to support your adrenals through grazing and the use of certain supplements and nourishing foods is a key part of revitalizing your skin. 

Support for Your Skin 

There are a number of things you can do to aid your adrenals,cleanse your liver and offer your skin incredible support. Here are just a few things to be mindful of as you work to improve your skin and overall health. 

While covering your eyes with cucumbers during a spa treatment may feel nice and relaxing,drinking 16oz of straight cucumber juice will actually do far more to support your skin. Sipping on plain cucumber juice once a day is a phenomenal practice for promoting both liver and skin health. 

Avoid fried foods,eggs,and dairy,and try to keep your fat intake low. Your liver can be burdened by too much fat in the diet and the focus for skin health needs to be on supporting the liver. If you are a meat eater,try to reduce the amount of animal protein you consume by only including it once a day. Cut out pork and instead opt for pasture-raised chicken and turkey breast,100% grass-fed beef and other lean meats that are organic and antibiotic-free. If you choose to include fish in your diet,some better choices include salmon,halibut,and haddock. If you are able to cut your animal protein consumption in half this will lower your overall fat intake and leave room in your diet for an abundance of liver-cleansing fruits,leafy greens and vegetables. People who notice improvements in their skin when they cut out pastries,packaged goods,fried foods,and unproductive oils,will likely note even greater developments once they reduce the amount of animal protein in their diets. If you eat a plant based diet,you can reduce your plant fats by 50% also. For example,you can minimize oils and reduce nuts and seeds to just a couple of tablespoons per day. Or if you’re eating a lot of avocadoes,you could reduce consumption to 1/2 to 1 avocado per day. It’s important to increase your fruits and veggies significantly no matter which fats you reduce to ensure you are still consuming enough calories. If you feel sluggish or low energy after you reduce animal protein or any kind of fats in your diet,it could very well be because you are not eating enough calories from fruits,leafy greens,vegetables and other healthy foods to make up for the caloric drop.

Reducing the fat in your diet will also make space to bring in more beta-carotene-rich foods. Beta-carotene is critical for healthy skin and is found in a number of fruits and vegetables. When you provide your body with carotenes,the liver is able to send carotene-rich blood through the subcutaneous fat up to the skin. The liver is also able to label and slightly alter the carotene so that it is capable of surviving the trip to the derma. The liver,a master at manipulating chemical compounds,allows for a completely different form of methylation than medical science and medical research are currently familiar with. When the liver knows carotenes are available to send to the skin,it fuels the delivery differently by making sure that there is ample oxygen in the blood that supplies the carotenes to the derma. Medical research and medical science have not yet discovered this incredible process. Foods high in beta-carotene include mangoes,papayas,mamey sapote,sweet potatoes,and leafy greens such as spinach. In addition,raspberries and colorful melon varieties are rich in beta-carotene. Whether you slice up a papaya for breakfast or munch on some mangoes before bed,your skin will appreciate whatever carotenes you are able to bring into your diet. 

Eating foods that contain silica is important as well. It will be years before medical science and medical research discover that there are two different kinds of silica. One type of silica offers tremendous support for the bones while the other variety is particularly helpful for the skin. This second variety of silica can be found in vegetables such as asparagus and artichokes. The stems of kale also contain this silica. Horsetail and nettle possess both varieties of silica and when you ingest either herb,your liver separates out the two kinds of silica and delivers each to the area they best support. If you’re looking to have tight,healthy skin,bringing in the variety of silica that offers powerful skin support is essential. A high-quality silica supplement that focuses on supporting bone health can be beneficial as well. This supplement typically offers a number of extra benefits alongside bone health support. 

Ridding your liver of pesticides,heavy metals,and other toxins can transform the health of your liver and skin. One great way to remove these toxins is by consuming the top five foods for detoxifying heavy metals from the body daily— wild blueberries,cilantro,spirulina,barley grass juice extract powder,and Atlantic dulse. Consistently including all of these components in your daily diet can be a powerful way to reclaim your health and support your skin. To learn more about the heavy metal detox check out my blog post on heavy metal detox. 

You’ve probably heard about the importance of hydration when it comes to the health of your skin,and I want to highlight this fact. Hydration is essential. People who are chronically dehydrated can actually have skin that is deficient of water. Bringing lemon water and other healing liquids into your day like fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be a wonderful step towards better hydration and better skin. 


Everyone wants strong,healthy hair,but more often than not people suffer from hair issues that leave them feeling confused and frustrated. Just like the health of your skin,the health of your hair is largely due to issues deep below the surface. In this section,you will discover some of the factors that play a role in creating your hair problems and steps you can take to transform the health of your locks. 

Adrenaline & Emotional Stress 

Adrenaline from emotional events and life stressors can have a major impact on the health of your hair. When you experience a painful situation or serious hardship,adrenaline floods your system and not only impacts the health of your liver and skin,but can negatively affect your hair as well. If you experience the loss of a loved one,go through a divorce or breakup,or suffer a terrible betrayal,your hair may develop a straw-like texture and fall out. These symptoms can occur after the hardship takes place and may continue for a period of time unless you provide your body with the nourishment and support it needs. A protein-packed hair care product is not going to give your hair the restoration you hope for. One of the best actions you can take to restore your hair is to support your adrenals. Your hair will be at its best when your adrenals are healthy. Learn more about adrenal fatigue in my first book,Medical Medium,and learn some of the best ways to start nourishing your adrenals here. 


Medical experts incorrectly believe alopecia is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles that generate hair growth. This misinformation puts the blame on the patient when the truth is,medical research and medical science don’t actually know what triggers alopecia. Eventually the truth that I’ve brought to light will be discovered— that alopecia is an adrenal issue.

Medical research and science is unaware that adrenaline is made up of a complicated group of hormones that have not yet been identified. If someone has alopecia,his or her adrenals are lacking one of the undocumented hormones that make up part of the 56 different blends of adrenaline that I detail in my book Medical Medium. Ashwagandha can be a beneficial supplement for helping to restore a trace of the missing hormone. I’ve worked with people who had alopecia,and once they addressed the issues connected to their adrenal health,their hair was able to grow back. 

Liver Health

Like your adrenals,the health of your liver impacts the health of your hair. If you have a toxic,overburdened liver,you are more likely to experience hair problems. In these instances,hair loss or issues such as dermatitis,eczema,or psoriasis on the scalp may arise. 

Supportive Supplements & Teas 

A skin,hair,and nails formula may have a minuscule amount of beneficial ingredients such as horsetail or nettle leaf,but it is also usually packed with fillers and other components that do not contribute to the health of your skin,hair,or nails. Whether you have alopecia or just want to better support your hair,try incorporating ashwagandha in your supplement protocol. This powerful herb can support your adrenals and transform the health of your hair. Nettle leaf tea or tincture and lemon balm tea or tincture are two other supplements that can help restore the hair. Milk thistle may be another supplement you want to include if you are looking to support your liver and revitalize your hair. A high-quality zinc sulfate is beneficial for a host of health issues,including hair,skin,and nail health. Your hair can also benefit from the addition of spirulina and barley grass juice extract powder in your diet. Check out high-quality supplement recommendations on the Medical Medium preferred supplements page. 


The state of your nails can tell you a lot more about your overall health than you may realize. Although having divots or ridges in your nails may be annoying,they can actually be extremely helpful signs of internal issues that need to be addressed.

Zinc Deficiencies,Adrenaline,& Liver Issues

Do your nails have white spots,divots,ridges,pockets,bubbles,or vanishing half moons?A long-standing zinc deficiency is typically part of the reason for nail issues. The second part of the problem is usually liver-related. Often when you experience an emotionally-charged situation,whether it be falling in love for the first time or enduring the aftermath of a breakup for example,adrenaline surges through your system and can break down the body if proper adrenal support is not in place. The frequent occurrence of adrenaline rushes can harm the liver and lead to thin,brittle,unhealthy nails. Fortunately,there are a number of supportive supplements and foods you can incorporate to help restore the underlying issues that result in poor nail health. 

Supportive Supplements 

When it comes to restoring your nails,we often become focused on having a protein deficiency. Instead,shift your focus to providing your body with the key vitamins and minerals that can help truly revitalize your nails. 

Zinc is a critical supplement to incorporate if you are working to restore your nails. Pumpkin seeds,which are often said to be high in zinc,contain some of this mineral and can be a great addition to your diet. However,when you are severely zinc deficient,a zinc supplement is essential. Selenium is another great supplement choice for supporting nail health. Ionic manganese free of citric acid can be beneficial as well. Other supplements to consider incorporating include molybdenum and silica. If you work with a practitioner to bring in these supplements and support your liver and adrenals through a fruit,leafy green and veggie-filled diet,you will begin to notice positive changes in your nails and overall health in time. 

The Truth About Protein 

Many medical professionals presently believe that increased protein consumption is the answer for better skin,hair,and nails,but this is not entirely true. High quality protein,which can easily be procured from spirulina,barley grass juice extract powder,and foods such as kale,spinach,lentils,black beans,and walnuts is valuable,but overloading the liver with large quantities of protein can actually tire out this organ and undermine the health of your skin,hair,and nails. Thousands of different compounds and chemical functions play a role in the health of your skin,hair,and nails,and it is detrimental to exclusively champion protein as the most important element for skin,hair and nail health. Be mindful of the amount of protein you incorporate in your diet and realize that too much protein can have negative effects on your liver and as a result,your skin,hair and nails. Try to move your focus from protein to the particular foods and supplements that can offer genuine support. 

The Truth About Fish Oil Supplements 

Omega-3 fish oil has been widely promoted as a support for hair,skin,and nail health,but this information is misguided. The highly concentrated mercury found in krill and fish oil supplements only serves to harm the body. Even products that claims to be mercury-free still contain this toxic heavy metal. Regardless of the diet you choose to follow,switch out your fish oil supplement for a plant-based omega-3. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat certain fish you enjoy,like salmon,because a serving of fish has less mercury than concentrated fish oil. For more information on fish oil supplements check out the “What Not to Eat”chapter in Medical Medium. 

Supportive Foods for the Skin,Hair,& Nails 

The food choices you make can have an incredible impact on the health of your skin,hair,and nails. If you don’t want to include supplements in your healing protocol at this time,know that bringing the right foods into your diet will still help enormously. Because the liver and the adrenal glands play major roles in skin,hair,and nail health,choosing foods that support these parts of the body is critical. Try to incorporate lettuces such as red leaf and butter leaf which can provide your body with powerful omega-3s. You can also find wonderful omega-3s in hemp seeds,pumpkin seeds,sesame seeds,and walnuts. Certain juices like celery and cucumber can offer invaluable liver support. Figs are wonderful for hair health,as well as skin health,nail health,and any issues a woman may have with her reproductive system. If you aren’t able to find fresh figs,try to bring a few organic dried figs into your diet. Wild blueberries offer the most powerful support for your liver of any food in existence. The being said,all different kinds of berries,including cherries,are good for your liver and can support hair,skin,and nail health. Figs,avocados,and bananas are three foods that are rich in potassium,an essential element for the skin. Bananas are fantastic at helping flush out the liver,cleanse the intestinal tract,and support hair,skin,and nail health. Papayas and mangoes are particularly helpful for supporting the skin. If you choose to sprout lentils,the lentil divides into a carbohydrate and is stored as glycogen in the body that offers incredible support for your skin,hair,and nails. Do you eat a protein-heavy diet?Try making space for some of the foods that will help you heal by substituting some of your protein-dense choices for more of these different fresh fruits and veggies that can offer your skin,hair,and nails some amazing benefits. 

Moving Forward

Becoming curious about what’s going on underneath the surface is important when you are working to transform the health of your skin,hair,and nails. Could your liver need support?Have your adrenals been under severe strain?Asking these kinds of questions and learning more about the symptoms that point toward an underlying issue can help you address the root issues causing skin,hair,and nail issues. You will also be helping other health issues that you may not be aware of. If you are concerned about the wrinkles on your face,the white spots on your nails,or the straw-like texture of your hair,begin to explore and incorporate the supplements and foods that can actually heal the underlying causes of your skin,hair,and nail issues. Healing your body from the inside out takes knowing the truths that I share here and in my books and on my blog,applying the correct protocol and having patience and persistence,but you will be rewarded for your efforts with the amazing gift of better health. Reach out for support along your journey,hold onto the truths shared here,and never let go of the fact that your body is capable of true healing! 


第三本书 关于甲状腺


第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。



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