

本次作业是本门课程本学期的第5次作业,注释如下:大学英语III 第5单元 作业题
1. – What do you want, Mary?
  (A) Sorry, I want some water.
  (B) Yes, I plan to go shopping.
  (C) I’d like some red wine, please.
  (D) No, I don’t eat.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
2. – Is there a room available for tonight?
  – Yes, Sir. May I help you?
  (A) Thank you.
  (B) I’m hoping to book a single room.
  (C) I want to go for a walk.
  (D) No, that’s fine.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
3. – What are you going to do?
  (A) I’m planning to go to the cinema with my friend.
  (B) No, I’m not going to do it.
  (C) Thank you for asking me about it.
  (D) Yes, I’ll go.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
4. – Do you want to learn French?
  (A) Yes, I want.
  (B) No, I not want.
  (C) Yes, I do.
  (D) No, I won’t.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
5. – Drinking is not good to your health.
  (A) I don’t know what to do.
  (B) I would like it very much.
  (C) I should go to a doctor.
  (D) I’ve decided to give up drinking.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
6. – Do you have any plan this year?
  (A) Not at all.
  (B) I mean to go to United States for further studies.
  (C) Yes, I will.
  (D) I’m certainly not going to do that kind of thing.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
7. –                  
– Ok, please fill out this form.
  (A) I wish to open a savings account.
  (B) What are you doing?
  (C) Do you need any help?
  (D) I have no idea.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
8. –                   . I can’t make myself understood.
– Take it easy. We are trying to help you.
  (A) Thank you for helping me
  (B) I won’t do it again
  (C) I’d like to have a Chinese interpreter
  (D) I’d like to go somewhere
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
9. – Harry, do you like the course taught by Mr. Elsie?
  (A) Mr. Elsie is a good man.
  (B) OK. I’ll learn it.
  (C) No. I’ve no intention of taking this course.
  (D) I’m sure I can do it better.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
10. – It is cold today. What would you like to do this afternoon?
  (A) I don’t think so.
  (B) Yes, it’s cold. But spring is coming.
  (C) I need my coat, please.
  (D) Yes, it’s too cold, so I don’t feel like going out today.
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
11. The new appointment of our president ____________ from the very beginning of next semester.
  (A) takes part
  (B) takes effect
  (C) takes place
  (D) takes turns
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
12. Although a teenager, Fred could ____________ being told what to do and what not to do.
  (A) persist
  (B) consist
  (C) insist
  (D) resist
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
13. Computer technology will ____________ a revolution in business administration.
  (A) bring around
  (B) bring out
  (C) bring about
  (D) bring up
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
14. The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural ____________.
  (A) transformation
  (B) tradition
  (C) transportation
  (D) transmission
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
15. Don’t let the child play with scissors ____________ he cuts himself.
  (A) so that
  (B) now that
  (C) in case
  (D) only if
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
16. The teacher said that we ____________ another chance some time next month if we failed in the exam.
  (A) would be given
  (B) would give
  (C) will be given
  (D) were given
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
17. A really powerful speaker can ____________ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.
  (A) work out
  (B) work up
  (C) work over
  (D) work at
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
18. ____________, they immediately left the house.
  (A) Being heard the noise
  (B) Hearing the noise
  (C) They heard the noise
  (D) They were hearing the noise
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
19. He decided to make further improvements on the computer’s design ____________ the light of the requirements of customers.
  (A) for
  (B) by
  (C) with
  (D) in
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
20. The traditional approach ____________ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.
  (A) to dealing
  (B) in dealing
  (C) dealing
  (D) to deal
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
21. ____________, Newton was thinking and thinking.
  (A) He lied under the apple tree
  (B) Laying under the apple tree
  (C) He laid under the apple tree
  (D) Lying under the apple tree
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
22. In the old days, the children ____________ by the mother because she did not work outside the house.
  (A) took care of
  (B) were taking care of
  (C) taken care of
  (D) were taken care of
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
23. “Do you know that girl with the long hair?” “I don’t think so, although she ____________ me of someone else I know.”
  (A) remembers
  (B) recalls
  (C) reminds
  (D) suggests
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
24. If you want to know the times of buses, please ____________ at the office.
  (A) inform
  (B) inquire
  (C) require
  (D) request
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
25. No ____________ woman would go alone to a bar like that one.
  (A) respectful
  (B) respecting
  (C) respectable
  (D) respective
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
26. For centuries, the Atlantic Ocean kept the America from ____________ by the people of Europe.
  (A) discovering
  (B) being discovering
  (C) being discovered
  (D) discovered
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
27. Her husband died in 1992, ____________.
  (A) left her with two children
  (B) being left her with two children
  (C) leaving her with two children
  (D) being leaving her with two children
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
28. She ever being so kind to me. I felt ____________ to help her when she was in trouble.
  (A) generous
  (B) obliged
  (C) virtuous
  (D) detached
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
29. I’m glad ____________ to look around your research center.
  (A) to allow
  (B) having allowed
  (C) to be allowed
  (D) being allowed
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
30. He decided to go for a sailing holiday ____________ the fact that he was usually seasick.
  (A) in spite of
  (B) because of
  (C) in case of
  (D) as a result of
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
31. I regret having left the work unfinished, I ____________ everything ahead carefully.
  (A) should plan
  (B) should have planned
  (C) planned
  (D) must plan
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
32. Ms. Wright demanded that the urgent report ____________ on her desk by 5 p.m. today.
  (A) should put
  (B) will be put
  (C) is put
  (D) be put
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
33. ____________, Miss Brown decided to take a taxi.
  (A) She thought she must be late
  (B) Being thought she must be late
  (C) When thought she must be late
  (D) Thinking she must be late
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
34. The older New England villages have changed relatively little ____________ a gas station or two in recent decades.
  (A) in addition
  (B) except for
  (C) except to
  (D) besides
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
35. Herman’s success is due to his hard work and his ability to ____________ plans, which will get work done efficiently.
  (A) fulfill
  (B) approve
  (C) employ
  (D) conduct
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
36. “You are very selfish. No ____________ you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.
  (A) suspect
  (B) reason
  (C) doubt
  (D) cause
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
37. The soldier was accused of ____________ the officials by rumoring that the enemy attacked.
  (A) cheating
  (B) scolding
  (C) lying
  (D) punishing
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
38. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ____________.
  (A) annually
  (B) relatively
  (C) actually
  (D) comparatively
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
39. The director was critical ____________ the way we were doing the work.
  (A) at
  (B) in
  (C) of
  (D) with
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]
40. At a press conference after the award ceremony, the 18-year-old girl spoke in a ____________ low voice.
  (A) optionally
  (B) relatively
  (C) legally
  (D) identically
你选择的答案: 未选择  [错误]

41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Online Shopping”. You should write no less than 80 words.


      Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November. The month of November is in autumn, the main season for harvesting crops.
      The writer O. Henry called Thanksgiving the one holiday that is purely American. It is not a religious holiday. But it has spiritual meaning.
      Thanksgiving began with the first European settlers in America. They gathered their crops, celebrated and gave thanks for the food.
      Tradition says Pilgrim settlers from England celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621. There is evidence that settlers in other parts of America held earlier Thanksgiving celebrations. But the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving story is the most popular.
      The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled oppression in England. They went first to the Netherlands. Then they left that country to establish a colony in North America. The Pilgrims landed in 1620 in what later became known as Plymouth, Massachusetts.
      Their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was difficult. Their first months in America were difficult, too. About one hundred Pilgrims landed just as autumn was turning to winter. During the cold months that followed, about half of them died.
      When spring came, the Pilgrims began to plant crops. An American Indian named Squanto helped them. When summer ended, the Pilgrims had a good harvest of corn and barley. There was enough food to last through the winter.
      The Pilgrims decided to hold a celebration to give thanks for their harvest. Writings from that time say Pilgrim leader William Bradford set a date late in the year. He invited members of a nearby Indian tribe to take part. There were many kinds of food to eat. The meal included wild birds such as ducks, geese and turkeys. That thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.
      As the American colonies grew, many towns and settlements held thanksgiving or harvest celebrations.
(1) Thanksgiving Day is originally celebrated by people for __________.
  (A) health
  (B) freedom
  (C) harvest
  (D) safety
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(2) Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?
  (A) Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated by people all over the world.
  (B) Thanksgiving Day is a holiday with special religious significance only.
  (C) Thanksgiving Day is a holiday with a history of more than 300 years.
  (D) Thanksgiving Day is a holiday coming from Europe.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(3) Based on the passage, we can learn that __________.
  (A) American Indians were very brutal
  (B) the Pilgrims came to America to make friends with Indians
  (C) the Pilgrims came to America to look for new food
  (D) in England, the Pilgrims suffered cruel religious oppression
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(4) According to the passage, what happened to the Pilgrims during their first winter in America?
  (A) American Indians helped them plant crops.
  (B) Due to the cold and hunger, about 50 of them died.
  (C) They invited nearby Indians to have dinner together.
  (D) They began to raise ducks, geese and turkeys.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(5) The best title for the passage is __________.
  (A) The Origin of Thanksgiving Day
  (B) How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Day
  (C) The Tradition of Thanksgiving Day
  (D) The Significance of Thanksgiving Day
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
    [第五单元]; 第5小题:
      February 14th is a complicated but interesting holiday. First of all, St. Valentine’s Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off. On Valentine’s Day people usually send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. The cards are called “valentines”. They are very colorful, often decorated with hearts, flowers, or birds, and have humorous or sentimental verses printed inside. The basic message of the verse is always “Be My Valentine”, “Be My Sweet Heart” or “Lover”. A valentine is often anonymous, or sometimes signed “Guess who”. The person receiving it has to guess who sent it. This can lead to interesting speculation. And that’s half the fun of valentines.
      One of the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day is the Roman god of Love, called Cupid. Cupid is often printed on the card; he is a winged infant, not wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. He would shoot an arrow of love into a person’s heart to make the person fall in love immediately, maybe with the first person to come along. Sometimes one arrow would go through two hearts, holding them together. So on February 14th not only do we have pictures of the Christian St. Valentine but we also have pictures of the non-Christian Cupid, the Roman god of Love.
      But it is from the Christians that we get the stories about St. Valentine’s Day that most people have come to believe. One story is about a Christian man whose name sounded something like “Valentine.”  He lived around AD 250. At that time the Roman Emperor, Claudius II, refused to allow any Roman soldiers to get married for any reason whatsoever. Christian couples came to Valentine to be married. So Valentine would marry them in a Christian way. He was discovered and put in prison by the Emperor. One tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by marking on leaves and then throwing them out the window of his prison. And the leaves were shaped like a heart.
(1) St. Valentine’s Day is a holiday for __________.
  (A) people celebrating the new year’s coming
  (B) people fooling others
  (C) people getting a family reunion
  (D) people expressing love to their lovers
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(2) The word “anonymous” in the first paragraph means __________.
  (A) people do something by leaving false name
  (B) people do something by leaving no name
  (C) people do something by leaving real name
  (D) people do something by leaving nickname
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(3) Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
  (A) Valentine is a person’s name.
  (B) On Valentine’s Day, cards are usually used by people to express love.
  (C) On Valentine’s Day, everyone can take one day break from work to be with their lovers.
  (D) Cupid is often used to symbolize love.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(4) It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
  (A) the Roman Emperor, ClaudiusⅡ, was a Christian
  (B) in spite of the Emperor’s prohibition, many people still held the desire for love
  (C) the Roman Emperor himself experienced a painful marriage
  (D) in Christianity, Cupid is the god of Love
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(5) The theme of this passage is to tell the readers __________.
  (A) what people should do on Valentine’s Day
  (B) the reason people choose Cupid to be the symbol of Valentine’s Day
  (C) the tradition people always follow on Valentine’s Day
  (D) the origin and significance of St. Valentine’s Day
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
    [第五单元]; 第5小题:
      Using a public telephone may well be one of the minor irritations of life, demanding patience, determination and a strong possibility of failure, together on occasion with considerable unpopularity.
      The hopeful caller (shall we call him George?) waits till six o’clock in the evening to take advantage of the so-called “cheap rates” for a long-distance call. The telephone box, with two broken panes of glass in the side, stands at the junction of two main roads with buses, lorries and cars roaring past. It is pouring with rain as George joins a queue of four depressed-looking people. Time passes slowly and seems to come to a standstill while the person immediately before George carries on an endless conversation, pausing only to insert another coin every minute or so.
      Eventually the receiver is replaced and the caller leaves the box. George enters and picks up one of the directories inside, only to discover that someone unknown has torn out the very page he needs. Nothing for it but to dial directory Enquiries, wait patiently for a reply down the number given.
      At last George can go ahead with his call. Just as he is starting to dial, however, the door opens and an unpleasant-looking face peers in with the demand, “Can’t you hurry up?” Ignoring such barbarity, George continues to dial and his unwanted companion withdraws. At last he hears the burr-burr of the ringing tone, immediately followed by rapid pips demanding his money, but he is now so upset that he knocks down the coins he has placed ready on the top of the box. Having at last located them, he dials again: the pips are repeated and he hastily inserts the coins. A cold voice informs him, “Grand Hotel, Chalfont Wells.” “I’ve an urgent message for a Mr. Smith who is a guest in your hotel. Could you put me through to him? I’m afraid I don’t know his room number.”
      The response appears less than enthusiastic and a long long silence follows. George inserts more coins. Then the voice informs him, “I’ve been trying to locate Mr. Smith but the hall porter reports having seen him leave about a minute ago.”
      Breathing heavily, George replaces the receiver, just as the knocking on the door starts again.
(1) The main purpose of the passage is to provide __________.
  (A) instructions about how to use a public call box
  (B) advice about how to deal with public telephone problems
  (C) criticism of the efficiency of telephone system
  (D) an account of possible annoyances in using a public telephone
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(2) George can at least be thankful that __________.
  (A) the telephone itself is working
  (B) he can use the directory in the box to find the number
  (C) the call box is in a convenient position
  (D) he is able to give his message to the hotel receptionist
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(3) The reason for George having to dial a second time is that __________.
  (A) he has used up all the money
  (B) he can’t find the number he wants in the directory
  (C) he forgets to put the money in the box
  (D) he has got to find the money to put in the box
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(4) How is George feeling when he completes his call?
  (A) He is very disappointed at missing his family and friends.
  (B) He feels hard to control his annoyance.
  (C) He is angry with himself for being so stupid.
  (D) He is depressed at the thought of having to try again to get through.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(5) Which of the following is NOT true about “cheap rate”?
  (A) People would like to use “cheap rate” to have a chat with a good friend in London.
  (B) People would like to use “cheap rate” to ask about a friend in hospital who has just had an operation.
  (C) People would like to use “cheap rate” to discuss the important project details with the colleagues.
  (D) People would like to use “cheap rate” to express Christmas greetings to cousins in Australia.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
    [第五单元]; 第5小题:
      The writers of murder stories go to a great deal of trouble to keep us guessing right up to the end. In actual fact, people often behave more strangely in real life than they do in stories.
      The following advertisement once appeared in a local newspaper: “An opportunity to earn

(1) Which of the following statements can best express the meaning of the opening sentence?
  (A) The murder stories often prefer to leave the doubtful points to the readers.
  (B) While reading, the readers can easily guess who is the real murderer.
  (C) The heroes in the stories meet with a lot of trouble.
  (D) Usually the stories show the readers who is the murderer at the very beginning.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(2) When a reader saw the advertisement __________.
  (A) he was sure he could get it
  (B) he could hardly believe it
  (C) he applied for the job with a false name
  (D) Both B and C
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(3) According to the passage, we CANNOT infer that __________.
  (A) the advertiser gave the man the first instruction through a letter
  (B) it was on the telephone that the man understood what the job was
  (C) the two men worked together to fulfill the plan
  (D) the man was scared when he knew what he was asked to do, so he reported the police at once
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(4) When the police received the report __________.
  (A) they arrested the advertiser at once
  (B) they sent a dog to keep watching on him
  (C) they didn’t arrest him until they got enough evidence
  (D) they arrested him after his wife was killed
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
(5) What did the advertisement in a local newspaper provide?
  (A) An unusual job with a high pay.
  (B) A good job everyone wants to have.
  (C) A chance to be famous.
  (D) A large sum of money.
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
    [第五单元]; 第5小题:
46. Julie had turned 8 in October and as Christmas approached, Santa Claus was more and more __(1)__. During the week before Christmas, every night she announced to her father, “I know who really brings the presents. You do!” Then, __(2)__ a moment, she added, “Right?”
      Jerry didn’t answer. __(3)__ he ________ I was sure she really wanted the truth. And we both were reluctant to give up Santa Claus ourselves. We got to tell Julie and her younger brother, Adam, to put out the cookies __(4)__ Santa was hungry. We __(5)__about the fire being out in the fireplace so he wouldn’t get burned. We issued a few threats about his list of good children and bad. It was all part of the tension and thrill of Christmas Eve – the night the fantasy comes true. And that fantasy of a fat jolly man who flies through the sky in a sleigh and arrives __(6)__ chimney with presents – that single belief says everything about the __(7)__ of children. How __(8)__ to lose it. For them and for us. So Jerry and I said nothing.
      Christmas Eve Julie appeared with a sheet of paper. At the top she had written, “If you are real, sign here.” It was, she said, a letter to Santa. She insisted that on this letter each of us – her father, Adam and I – __(9)__ the words ‘Santa Claus’, so if Santa were to sign it, she could compare our handwriting with his. Then she would know she __(10)__.
  (A) on her mind
  (B) in her mind
  (C) at her mind
  (D) with her mind
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) waited
  (B) had waited
  (C) had been waiting
  (D) waiting
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) either … or
  (B) neither … nor
  (C) both … and
  (D) none … of
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) in case
  (B) in the case
  (C) in case of
  (D) in any case
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) made a plan
  (B) made a joke
  (C) made a fuss
  (D) made a story
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) from
  (B) via
  (C) over
  (D) under
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) innocent
  (B) innocence
  (C) innovate
  (D) innovation
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) bearable
  (B) bearably
  (C) unbearable
  (D) unbearably
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) wrote
  (B) had written
  (C) would have written
  (D) write
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
  (A) had been tricked
  (B) was tricked
  (C) had not been tricked
  (D) was not tricked
你选择的答案:未选择 [错误]
    [第五单元]; 第10小题:
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