






Preface of the Dream of the Red Chamber.〔引子〕


When the Heavens were opened and earth was laid out chaos prevailed! What was the germ of love? It arises entirely from the strength of licentious love.

What day, by the will of heaven, I felt wounded at heart, and what time I was at leisure, I made an attempt to disburden my sad heart; 


and with this object in view I indited this Dream of the Red Chamber, on the subject of a disconsolate gold trinket and an unfortunate piece of jade.


Waste of a whole Lifetime.〔終身誤〕*薛宝钗


All maintain that the match between gold and jade will be happy. All I can think of is the solemn oath contracted in days gone by by the plant and stone! 


Vain will I gaze upon the snow, Hsüeh, [Pao-ch’ai], pure as crystal and lustrous like a gem of the eminent priest living among the hills! 

Never will I forget the noiseless Fairy Grove, Lin [Tai-yü], beyond the confines of the mortal world! 


Alas! now only have I come to believe that human happiness is incomplete; and that a couple may be bound by the ties of wedlock for life, but that after all their hearts are not easy to lull into contentment.


Vain knitting of the brows.〔枉凝眉〕*林黛玉


The one is a spirit flower of Fairyland; the other is a beautiful jade without a blemish. 

Do you maintain that their union will not be remarkable? 


Why how then is it that he has come to meet her again in this existence? 

If the union will you say, be strange, how is it then that their love affair will be but empty words? 


The one in her loneliness will give way to useless sighs. 

The other in vain will yearn and crave. 

The one will be like the reflection of the moon in water; 

the other like a flower reflected in a mirror. 


Consider, how many drops of tears can there be in the eyes? and how could they continue to drop from autumn to winter and from spring to flow till summer time?


But to come to Pao-yü. After he had heard these ballads, so diffuse and vague, he failed to see any point of beauty in them; but the plaintive melody of the sound was nevertheless sufficient to drive away his spirit and exhilarate his soul. Hence it was that he did not make any inquiries about the arguments, and that he did not ask about the matter treated, but simply making these ballads the means for the time being of dispelling melancholy, he therefore went on with the perusal of what came below.


Despicable Spirit of Death!〔恨無常〕*贾元春


You will be rejoicing that glory is at its height when hateful death will come once again, and with eyes wide with horror, you will discard all things, and dimly and softly the fragrant spirit wil lwaste and dissolve! 

You will yearn for native home, but distant will be the way, and lofty the mountains. 

Hence it is that you will betake yourself in search of father and mother, while they lie under the influence of a dream, and hold discourse with them. “Your child,” you will say, “has already trodden the path of death! Oh my parents, it behoves you to speedily retrace your steps and make good your escape!”


Separated from Relatives.〔分骨肉〕*贾探春


You will speed on a journey of three thousand li at the mercy of wind and rain, and tear yourself from all your family ties and your native home! 


Your fears will be lest anguish should do any harm to your parents in their failing years! 

“Father and mother,” you will bid them, “do not think with any anxiety of your child. 

From ages past poverty as well as success have both had a fixed destiny; 


and is it likely that separation and reunion are not subject to predestination? Though we may now be far apart in two different places, we must each of us try and preserve good cheer. Your abject child has, it is true, gone from home, but abstain from distressing yourselves on her account!”


Sorrow in the midst of Joy.〔樂中悲〕*史湘云

繈褓中,父母歎雙亡。縱居那綺羅叢,誰知嬌養?While wrapped as yet in swaddling clothes, father and mother, both alas! will depart, and dwell though you will in that mass of gauze, who is there who will know how to spoil you with any fond attention? 


Born you will be fortunately with ample moral courage, and high-minded and boundless resources, for your parents will not have, in the least, their child’s secret feelings at heart! 

You will be like a moon appearing to view when the rain holds up, shedding its rays upon the Jade Hall; or a gentle breeze (wafting its breath upon it). 


Wedded to a husband, fairy like fair and accomplished, you will enjoy a happiness enduring as the earth and perennial as the Heavens! and you will be the means of snapping asunder the bitter fate of your youth! 


But, after all, the clouds will scatter in KaoT’ang and the waters of the Hsiang river will get parched! This is the inevitable destiny of dissolution and continuance which prevails in the mortal world, and what need is there to indulge in useless grief?


Intolerable to the world.〔世難容〕*妙玉


Your figure will be as winsome as an olea fragrans; your talents as ample as those of a Fairy! You will by nature be so haughty that of the whole human race few will be like you! 

You will look upon a meat diet as one of dirt, and treat splendour as coarse and loathsome! 


And yet you will not be aware that your high notions will bring upon you the excessive hatred of man! You will be very eager in your desire after chastity, but the human race will despise you! 


Alas, you will wax old in that antique temple hall under a faint light, where you will waste ungrateful for beauty, looks and freshness! But after all you will still be worldly, corrupt and unmindful of your vows; 


just like a spotless white jade you will be whose fate is to fall into the mire! And what need will there be for the grandson of a prince or the son of a duke to deplore that his will not be the good fortune(of winning your affections)?


The Voluptuary.〔喜冤家〕*贾迎春


You will resemble a wolf in the mountains! a savage beast devoid of all human feeling! 

Regardless in every way of the obligations ofdays gone by, your sole pleasure will be in the indulgence of haughtiness, extravagance, licentiousness and dissolute habits! 


You will be inordinate in your conjugal affections, and look down upon the beautiful charms of the child of a marquis, as if they were cat-tail rush or willow; trampling upon the honourable daughter of a ducal mansion, as if she were one of the common herd. Pitiful to say, the fragrant spirit and beauteous ghost will in a year softly and gently pass away!


The Perception that all things are transient like flowers.〔虛花悟〕*贾惜春


You will look lightly upon the three springs and regard the blush of the peach and the green of the willow as of no avail. You will beat out the fire of splendour, and treat solitary retirement as genial! 


What is it that you say about the delicate peaches in the heavens (marriage) being excellent, and the petals of the almond in the clouds being plentiful (children)? 

Let him who has after all seen one of them,(really a mortal being) go safely through the autumn, (wade safely through old age), 


behold the people in the white Poplar village groan and sigh; and the spirits under the green maple whine and moan! Still more wide in expanse than even the heavens is the dead vegetation which covers the graves! 


The moral is this, that the burden of man is poverty one day and affluence another; 

that bloom in spring, and decay in autumn, constitute the doom of vegetable life! In the same way, this calamity of birth and the visitation of death, who is able to escape?


But I have heard it said that there grows in the western quarter a tree called the P’o So (Patient Bearing) which bears the fruit of Immortal life!


The bane of Intelligence.〔聰明累〕*王熙凤


Yours will be the power to estimate, in a thorough manner, the real motives of all things, as yours will be intelligence of an excessive degree; but instead (of reaping any benefit) you will cast the die of your own existence! 


The heart of your previous life is already reduced to atoms, and when you shall have died, your nature will have been intelligent to no purpose! 


Your home will be in easy circumstances; your family will enjoy comforts; but your connexions will, at length, fall a prey to death, and the inmates of your family scatter, each one of you speeding in a different direction, making room for others! 


In vain, you will have harassed your mind with cankering thoughts for half a lifetime; for it will be just as if you had gone through the confused mazes of a dream on the third watch! 


Sudden a crash (will be heard) like the fall of a spacious palace, and a dusky gloominess (will supervene) such as is caused by a lamp about to spend itself! 


Alas! a spell of happiness will be suddenly(dispelled by) adversity! 

Woe is man in the world! for his ultimate doom is difficult to determine!


Leave behind a residue ofhappiness!〔留餘慶〕*贾巧姐


Hand down an excess of happiness; hand down an excess of happiness! Unexpectedly you will come across a benefactor! Fortunate enough your mother, your own mother, will have laid by a store of virtue and secret meritorious actions! 


My advice to you, mankind, is to relieve the destitute and succour the distressed! 

Do not resemble those who will harp after lucre and show themselves unmindful of the ties of relationship: that wolflike maternal uncle of yours and that impostor of a brother! 


True it is that addition and subtraction, increase and decrease, (reward and punishment,) rest in the hands of Heaven above!


Splendour at last.〔晚韶華〕*李纨


Loving affection in a mirror will be still more ephemeral than fame in a dream. 

That fine splendour will fleet how soon! Make no further allusion to embroidered curtain, to bridal coverlet; for though you may come to wear on your head a pearl-laden coronet, and, on your person, a jacket ornamented with phoenixes, yours will not nevertheless be the means to atone for the short life (of your husband)! 


Though the saying is that mankind should not have, in their old age, the burden of poverty to bear, yet it is also essential that a store of benevolent deeds should be laid up for the benefit of sons and grandsons! 


(Your son) may come to be dignified in appearance and wear on his head the official tassel, and on his chest may be suspended the gold seal resplendent in lustre; he may be imposing in his majesty, and he may rise high in status and emoluments, but the dark and dreary way which leads to death is short! 


Are the generals and ministers who have been from ages of old still in the flesh, for sooth? They exist only in a futile name handed down to posterity to reverence!


Death ensues when thingspropitious reign!〔好事終〕*秦可卿


Upon the ornamented beam will settle at the close of spring the fragrant dust! Yourreckless indulgence of licentious love and your naturally moonlike face will soon be the source of the ruin of a family. 


The decadence of the family estate will emanate entirely from Ching; while the wane of the family affairs will be entirely attributable to the fault of Ning! Licentious love will be the main reason of the long-standing grudge.



The flying birds each perch uponthe trees!〔收尾飛鳥各投林〕


The family estates of those in official positions will fade! 

The gold and silver of the rich and honoured will be scattered! 


those who will have conferred benefit will, even in death, find the means of escape! 

those devoid of human feelings will reap manifest retribution! 


Those indebted for a life will make, in due time, payment with their lives; 

those indebted for tears have already (gone) to exhaust their tears! 


Mutual injuries will be revenged in no light manner! 

Separation and reunion will both alike be determined by predestination! 


You wish to know why your life will be short; look into your previous existence! 

Verily, riches and honours, which will come with old age, will likewise be a question of chance! 


Those who will hold the world in light esteem will retire within the gate of abstraction; 

while those who will be allured by enticement will have forfeited their lives (The Chia family will fulfil its destiny)


as surely as birds take to the trees after they have exhausted all they had to eat, and which as they drop down will pile up a hoary, vast and lofty heap of dust, (leaving) indeed a void behind!

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