













Likes / Dislikes喜好题


-Do you like…?

-Are you interested in …?

-What ___ do you like?

-What’s your favorite …?

-What ____ do you like / dislike?


不同方式表达I like:

I’m really into…

I’m fond of…

I’m keen on …

I enjoy…







Do you like ---? 

Are you…?     喜欢吗?





What kinds of ___ do you like?

套路:well, I like all kinds of 主题, in terms of ____ I like ____ and in terms of ___ I like ____.



I’m not into____

I can’t stand ____

___ is not my thing.

套路: Direct answer 反面opinion bad experience (用你的不好的经历去衬托你对某东西的方面看法而呈现不喜欢 ) 


Do you like animals?

No I don’t, I think they are dirty and noisy, my neighbor wang has a dog who barks all night and always poops in the hallway, I think it’s disgusting.

Do you like going to the museum?

No, I can’t stand going to museums, I feel that it’s boring and it’s crowded, I went to the science museum with my friend last month, there were so many people we couldn’t even see the exhibits and there was nothing to do there.

Personal Habits – 通常题

A. Usually(通常题)

Do you usually do something?

When / Where do you usually do something?

How do you usually do something?

What do you like to do during 某时间段?

How do you spend某时间段?

What do you like to do during your weekends/ free time/ public holidays?

How do you spend your weekends/ free time/ public holidays?

In my free time I like to watch TV, sleep, or go shopping with my friends because it can help me to relax.


套路:Well, sometimes, WH句型 and other times, if _____ then I’ll WH句型.

What do you like to do during the weekends?

Well, sometimes, I’ll go shopping with my friends during the weekends at the shopping center to enjoy ourselves, and other times, if I want to stay in, then I’ll watch films by myself during my weekends at home to loosen up.

How do you usually spend your public holidays?

Well, some times, I do sports with my friends during public holidays at the park to get some exercise, and other times, if the holiday is long, then I’ll go traveling with my family to many foreign countries to have fun and enhance our outlooks.



套路:Actually, it varies, if _____ then I’ll probably ____ because ____ but for example if ____ then I’ll ____ because ____.

What kinds of things do you usually do when you go to the park?

Well, it varies, if I’m with other people, I’ll probably do somethings with them, like maybe do some sports or play chess, but if I’m alone, then I’ll probably go for a jog because the park is a nice and quiet place.

How do you usually get to work / school?

Traffic / no traffic

Running late/ on schedule

What do you usually watch TV?

Well, if I’m with my parents then I’ll watch some family shows like BBQN and BBQN2, but if I’m alone, and I have the TV all to myself, then I’ll watch some American TV dramas like the Blacklist.

How do you usually buy things you need?

Personal Habits-频率题


-Do you often do something?

-How often do you do something?

I do something a lot, like maybe ____ , you know, times a day/week/month, WH句型.

Do you often listen to music?

Yea I listen to music a lot, like maybe        everyday, I listen to music when I’m on the go enjoy the mood and also to kill time.

I do something every once in a while, you know,  like maybe ____ times a month / year , like if ___ then ___ but if ___ then I’ll_____.

Do you often read the newspaper?

I read the newspaper every once in a while, you like maybe once a week, like if it’s the weekends and I’m bored I’ll read it, but if I’m busy then I don’t have time for it.

I do something once in a blue moon, you know, I haven’t done this in like ____ years, 反面opinion 反面example.

Do you often swim?

I swim once in a blue moon, you know, I haven’t swam in like 10 years, I feel it’s really dangerous and scary, when I was young, I almost drowned went swimming so I never do it anymore.

偶尔:I do something every now and then, you know It’s not always the same, if _____ then I’ll probably ____ because ____ but for example if ____ then I’ll ____ because ____.

Do you often do sports?

I do something every now and then, you know normally, if I’m not very busy with my studies then I’ll probably go to the gym or play some basketball because I want to stay in shape, but if I have a lot on my hands then I’ll probably focus on my studies/work.




Do people in your country…?

Do Chinese people …?

Do children …?

套路1 :

Different people have different preferences/ habits/ thoughts, probably____ people enjoy 喜欢/习惯 ____ for example _____, and ____ people enjoy喜欢/习惯 ____ for example _____.


What kinds of food do people like to eat in China?

Different people have different preferences, probably older  people enjoy something light for example some porridge or soup, and younger people enjoy spicy food for example hotpot or Sichuan food.

What kinds of dance are popular in your country?

Different people have different preferences younger people enjoy some fast dances for example hip hop or jazz, and older people enjoy something traditional for example square dancing or YG.

 In your country, what kinds of places do people prefer living in?

Different people have different preferences older people enjoy some quiet places for example living in the suburbs, and younger people like to live in places that are convenient for example living in downtown areas.

What kinds of news are people interested in ?

What kinds of toys do little boys like?


 I’m not really sure, but maybe most people 习惯/喜好 something for example ______ because ___________。

 What kinds of gifts do people give to each other in your country?

  I’m not really sure, but maybe most people will give alcohol and cigarettes because this is a traditional Chinese custom.

What kinds of TV programs do people enjoy watching in China?

 I’m not really sure, but maybe most people enjoy family shows like FCWR or BBQN because it’s suitable for everyone in the family to watch and it’s entertaining.

What kinds of music do people enjoy listening to ?

I’m not sure, but maybe most people enjoy listening to some pop music because the lyrics are close to life and it gives people something they can relate to.

Personal Preference 个人偏好题

Personal Preference 个人偏好题


-Do you prefer A or B?

-Do you like A or B?

-Which do you think is better A or B?


Between the two, I would lean towards A/B because 说出你选他的原因,you know I feel that 你没选的那个的坏处是啥 so I’m gonna go with 你选的那个.

Do you prefer spending time with family or friends?

Well between the two, I would lean towards spending time with friends, because we have common interests and it’s easier to communicate, you know when I’m with my family, sometimes our values are different and it’s hard for us to be on the same page, so I’m gonna go with spending time with friends.

Do you prefer traveling abroad or traveling in china?

Opinion 题


-Do you think something is good?

-Do you think something is necessary?

-Do you think it’s important to do something?

-What are the benefits of something?

-Would you say it’s good for someone to do something?

 Different ways to say “I think”

I feel that 

In my opinion

The way I see it



Direct answer 客观opinion personal experience (用个人经历验证客观的观点)

Do you think people should learn other languages?

Yea I do, I feel that languages can help people get in touch with other cultures and it opens many doors, I remember when I was a kid, my parents forced me to learn English and now I’m able to talk to some foreigners.

What are the benefits of taking children to the Zoo?

Well, the way I see it, going to Zoos can enhance Children’s knowledge of nature and maybe they can learn about protecting animals, I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to Zoos a lot, I love animals and now I really support wildlife conservation.

Do you think E learning is good?

Yea I do, I think E learning is really convenient and it’s quite efficient, I remember a while ago, I attended a course on the internet, I learned what I needed and I saved a lot of time because I didn’t need to go out.

Do think it’s important to be able to sing well?

Yea I do, singing well will increase a person’s charisma and it’s a great way to express people’s emotions towards life, I have a friend named Adison who sings really well, that’s why he is very popular among girls and everyone thinks he is charming.

Do you think it’s important for people to have creativity?

Yea I do, I feel that creativity is essential because it will make people’s lives more interesting and creativity is an important skill needed for the modern work environment, I have a friend who lacks creativity, he lives a boring life and he his career isn’t going any where because he can’t keep up with new ideas.

Do you think your hometown needs more parks?

Well, In my opinion, more parks are great because it will improve the quality of life for citizens and parks will make the city landscape better, I remember when I was young, my city didn’t have lot of parks and it looked pretty barren and old, now that we have many parks in my hometown my hometown feels a lot better and it feels alive.  entity


套路:Direct answer 正面opinion although反面opinion I still think再次重复观点 because ____.

Do you think E learning is good?

Yea I think it’s good, I think it’s really convenient and it’s quite efficient, although people can’t see their teachers, I still think it’s good because it saves people a lot of time and people can learn in the comforts of their home.

 Do you think children should learn how to paint?

Yea I do, I think painting can enhance children’s artistic talent and their creativity, although it’s requires a lot of time and money, I still think children should learn painting because it has a positive influence on them.

No I don’t , I feel that painting is not a practical skill and it’s time-consuming, although it can cultivate children’s artistic ability, I  still think it’s not important because children should focus on building character and their IQ.,

Do you think it’s important for people to have a healthy diet?

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