

2015 ASLA 通用设计类荣誉奖: IBM Honolulu Plaza | 谷德设计网


“In the midst of ho-hum architecture, the IBM plaza pops out: All of a sudden there is a masterpiece.”
– 2015 Awards Jury

Metamorphous by Surfacedesign Inc. ,更多关于他们: Surfacedesign Inc. on gooood
Appreciation towards ASLA for providing the following description:



夏威夷著名的现代主义建筑师Vladimir Ossipoff设计IBM Victoria Ward大楼名声在外,其全新的庭院景观亦毫不逊色,呼应着简洁的建筑立面,展现了夏威夷的当代建筑风采与深厚的文化底蕴。凝聚了夏威夷建筑、景观精华的庭院送往迎来,欢迎着踏入这片火奴鲁鲁市中心大型商住区域,络绎不绝的人们。

Inspired by the existing modernist fa?ade, the new courtyard at IBM Victoria Ward tower showcases a landscape expression of modern Hawaiian architectural motifs and powerful cultural history. The historic IBM tower was designed by Vladimir Ossipoff—Hawaii’s quintessential modernist. The new landscape is a distilled expression of Hawaiian identity and serves as an introduction to a larger mixed-use master plan of over 60 acres in central Honolulu.

△ 平面图,plan



庭院最初的景观方案从未得到实现的机会,在Surfacedesign的设计团队介入前,这座极富魅力的建筑一直被停车场所环绕。而如今绿意葱葱的庭院之中,铺装和水景巧妙地呼应着建筑立面上蜂巢状的图案,整体性的设计表达了景观设计团队对Ossipoff的致敬。设计中融入了当地特有的景观形式-Lanai, 清晰的空间格局可供日常或各种活动所用,在城市的边缘地带创造一片宜动宜静的休憩场所。线型的景观水体界定出前院的空间,微微起伏的水平面仿佛是不远处海平面的延伸,不断变化的阳光照射在水面之上,波光粼粼。同样的火山岩以不同的形式相互拼接,带来了景观与当地地理特色的深深羁绊。经过抛光处理的边界反射着天光,火烧面的磨砂岩块俯看时泛着细碎的光芒,而凹凸不平的自然面则带来少许粗犷的气息,层次丰富的铺装在日与夜中闪烁着不同的光彩。




景观设计团队从万千种可能性中挑选了最能代表夏威夷景观的少量植被和石材。水体、玻璃、金属甚至是植物等各式媒介反射着阳光,灵动而千变万化。丰富的景观层次在清晨、傍晚、雨天等不同的天气状况下,呈现着不同的美丽。本项目是夏威夷群岛中第一个囊括了所有本土植被种类的景观设计,在城市环境中向人们展示着这里丰富的生态资源。这个结合了自然、历史和传统文化的设计为Victoria Ward区域的未来发展方向树立了典范。


△ 庭院景观呼应着简洁的建筑立面,展现了夏威夷的当代建筑风采与深厚的文化底蕴。线型的景观水体界定出前院的空间,不断变化的阳光照射在水面之上,波光粼粼。
Keying off of Ossipoff’s fa?ade, a new courtyard at IBM Victoria Ward showcases a landscape expression of modern Hawaiian architectural motifs. The water feature forms the edge of the courtyard, reflecting the play and ephemerality of light throughout the day.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 在黄昏,建筑的立面倒映在水平延展的水面之上,也沾染上了些许迷幻的色彩。
At dusk, the magic moment, the polarized glazing of Ossipoll’s building reflects multiple color spectrums across the surface of the water.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 阵列式的草坪与硬质铺装相互穿插,巧妙地呼应着建筑立面上蜂巢状的图案,也如同整齐排列在沙滩边缘的冲浪板一般。
The plaza expresses an abstraction of the building pattern, creating long (lawn) boards in the paving pattern. These native grass plantings create a blurred edge to the crisp architecture and conjure images of surfboards riding the horizon of the nearby beach.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 材料、光影和淅沥的流水的组合浓缩了建筑与文化的精髓,创造了一个活跃的城市边界。
Materials, light and sound converge to create a dynamic edge that encapsulates the architecture of Ossipoll and the mythical heritage of Hawaii.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 不锈钢与玻璃组成的框架反射着变化的光线,而流水跌落至茂盛的芋头丛中。在夏威夷农业和历史中都占据了重要地位的芋头生机勃勃,创造了特有的场所感。
Inscribed runnels of stainless steel and glass frame ever-changing reflections, as water trickles down into a lush taro garden. Taro—essential to the agricultural, and cultural history of Hawaii—is an expression of vitality and sense of place.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 建筑的立面倒映在水平延展的水面之上,景观设计师用出人意料的方式,创造了建筑与环境的新联系。
Providing new ways of engaging with the architecture, the water feature showcases moving reflections of light that capture the fa?ade and project it as a new dynamic horizon for the site that bridges landscape and architecture.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 庭院景观讲述着土地的故事,火山岩以抛光、火烧和自然面三种处理方式呈现,单一图形组成的铺地以简练的抽象语言带来丰富的层次。
The courtyard tells the story of the literal ground it sits on—releasing the dynamic quality of volcanic stone through a singular paving materials. Three surface treatments—honed, flamed and split-faced—are expressed through the abstracted language of the courtyard.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ “溪水”在空中划过一道道优雅的曲线,落入环绕庭院的水渠之中,摇摆不定的水面倒映着阑珊的夜色,庭院也似乎悬浮在城市之上。
The pattern integrates further as water spills into a moat that wraps the space, creating an illusion that the courtyard floats in the sky. The moat is fed by the cascade of scuppers dancing along the elevated fountain edge.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△  经过抛光处理的边界反射着天光,火烧面的磨砂岩块俯看时泛着细碎的光芒,而凹凸不平的自然面则带来少许粗犷的气息,层次丰富的铺装在日与夜中闪烁着不同的光彩。
Three contrasting textures are revealed as the Hawaiian sun interacts with the courtyard paving. The honed catch light and bring the sky to the ground; the split-faced, with their rugged quality give depth; and flamed appear to shimmer.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner 


△ 庭院之中,斑驳的水光透过玻璃面板映照在其下的土地和芋头植被之上,神话中的一家人也在此团聚。
Hawaiian mythology is dynamically expressed through the patterns of water and light as the sky father is projected through the glass bottom of the water feature onto the taro plantings and earth mother below.   Photo Credit: Zhao Jie (AECOM), Scott Burrows (Consultant), Marion Brenner


△ 淅沥的落水声盖过了临近道路上的喧闹,站在庭院眺望远方,起伏的海浪席卷而来,仿佛一次次撞击着宁静的水面。新栽种的棕榈和鸡蛋花让庭院和Alamoana沙滩公园连接在一起。
Located on busy Ala Moana Boulevard, the water feature forms a new horizon line connecting the courtyard to the beach, as the tricking water sounds mask traffic. New palm and fragrant plumeria plantings connect to the plantings of Alamoana beach park.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△  种满了本土植被的草地成为了硬质广场之中雨水下渗的通道。
Native grass turf forms scaled ‘lawn boards’ interwoven in the courtyard hardscape and function as permeable soakage features that allow water to percolate into the water table.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 高耸的棕榈树耸立在水池后侧。
Across the length of the elevated water feature, palms appears.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


△ 夕阳西下,庭院也沾染上了一丝淡淡的粉红。
At the sunset hour, the courtyard is awash with a pink glow of the parting sun.  Photo Credit: Marion Brenner


Providing new ways of engaging with the architecture, the courtyard design pays homage to Ossipoff’s fa?ade pattern in the paving of its ground plane and in a new elevated water feature. The original landscape was never fully realized, and until this redesign Ossipoff’s beautiful building sat in an asphalt parking lot. As viewed from the new Lanai—a vernacular Hawaiian landscape typology—the subtly articulated courtyard allows for flexibility for events and everyday use, ultimately creating a place of respite from the urban edge. The linear water feature screens the foreground while creating a linkage to the ocean’s horizon line and reflecting the play and ephemerality of light throughout the day. Paving patterns reveal three dynamic qualities of the same volcanic stone, rooting the site in Hawaii’s geologic origin. The stone’s surface treatments—honed, which catches the light of the sky; flamed, which appears matte but shimmers when viewed from above; and split-faced, which exposes rugged depth—are expressed through the patterned courtyard, and register the transforming light through the day and night.

Scalar shifts in the patterning throughout the site allow users to discover new ways of engaging with the architecture and the site at large. The hardscape interweaves with permeable, native ‘lawn board’ plantings, referencing the paradigmatic surfboard array at the beach’s edge and speaking to the ecological history of the site.

Beyond rooting the design in the historical and visual context of the existing building, the landscape celebrates Hawaii’s creation myth to create a space that speaks to the cultural history as well. The landscape architects met with Native Hawaiian descendants to help articulate physical expressions of this sacred oral history. In the traditional Hawaiian narrative, people descend from Earth Mother and Sky Father, whose earthly children were first Taro, and then Man—created to care for Taro. The mysticism of this creation story is dynamically expressed through the patterns of water and light as the sky father is projected through the glass bottom of the water feature onto the taro plantings and earth mother below.

The water feature—an elevated datum—is a visual and experiential connection to the site’s context and an expression of the surrounding sea and ever-changing island sky. Providing new ways of engaging with the architecture, the water feature showcases moving reflections of light that capture the fa?ade and project it as a new dynamic horizon line for the site that bridges landscape and architecture. Automobile noise and paving are obscured by this audible and visual screen. The waves of the beach beyond Alamoana Boulevard seem to crash directly onto the water’s surface. The water reflects its architectural muse and the sky during the day and at night it transforms, emphasizing the pattern of its steel runnels. The architectural patterning integrates further as water spills into a moat that wraps the space, creating an illusion that the courtyard floats in the sky. The moat is fed by the cascade of scuppers dancing along the elevated fountain edge.

The minimalist palate of plants and stone expresses a distillation of the materiality and plantings of the surrounding Hawaiian landscape. The distinct Hawaiian sunlight is translated through different mediums—water, glass, metal, and living materials. Harnessing the dynamic environmental context, the courtyard design registers the sunrise, sunset, rain, and ephemeral quality of the Hawaiian light. The landscape is the first contemporary design in Hawaii to showcase all native and endemic plant species, educating visitors about Hawaiian ecologies in an urban context. As such, the design sets the stage for future development of the Victoria Ward that engages natural, historical and cultural histories of Hawaii.

Lead Designers
James Lord, ASLA
Alain Peauroi
David Godshall

Additional Project Credits
Woods Bagot – Architects
Richard Quinn, Local Landscape Architect, Helber Hastert & Fee
Nate Smith Studio- Project Manager
Ryde Azama, Project Engineer

Victoria Ward Ltd., Subsidiary of Howard Hughes Corporation
David R. Weinreb, CEO
Nicholas D. Vanderboom, Senior Vice President, Development

MORE: Surfacedesign Inc. ,更多关于他们: Surfacedesign Inc. on gooood

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