

El Pinacate and GranDesierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve

索诺兰叉角羚(Sonoran Pronghorn)

地理位置:N32 00 00 W113 55 00

Criterion (vii): The property presents a dramaticcombination of desert landforms, comprising both volcanic and dunesystems as dominant features. The volcanic shield in the propertyboasts a wide array of volcanic phenomena and geologicalformations, including a small shield-type volcano. The mostvisually striking feature is the concentration of a total of 10enormous, deep and almost perfectly circular Maar (steam blast)craters, believed to originate from a combination of eruptions andcollapses. The property is visually outstanding through the starkcontrast of a dark-coloured area comprised of a volcanic shield andspectacular craters and lava flows within an immense sea of dunes.The dunes can reach 200 meters in height and contain linear dunes,star dunes and dome dunes, displaying enormous and constantlychanging contrasts in terms of form and color. In addition to thesepredominant features there are several arid granite massifsemerging like islands from the sandy desert flats, ranging between300 and 650m high. The combination of all these features results ina highly diverse and visually stunning desert landscape.
Criterion (viii): The property’s desert and volcaniclandforms provide an exceptional combination of features of greatscientific interest. The vast sea of sand dunes that surrounds thevolcanic shield is considered the largest and most active dunesystem in North America. It includes a diverse range of dunes thatare nearly undisturbed, and include spectacular and very largestar-shaped dunes that occur both singly and in long ridges up to48km in length. The volcanic exposures provide importantcomplementary geological values, and the desert environment assuresa dramatic display of a series of impressive large craters and morethan 400 cinder cones, lava flows, and lava tubes. Taken togetherthe combination of earth science features is an impressivelaboratory for geological and geomorphological studies.
Criterion (x): The highly diverse mosaic of habitats ishome to complex communities and surprisingly high species diversityacross many taxonomic groups of flora and fauna. More than 540species of vascular plants, 44 mammals, more than 200 birds andover 40 reptiles inhabit the seemingly inhospitable desert. Insectdiversity is high despite not being fully documented. Severalendemic species of plants and animals exist, including twofreshwater fish species. One local endemic plant is restricted to asmall part of the volcanic shield within the area. Large maternitycaves of the migratory Lesser Long-Nosed Bat, which is an importantpollinator and seed dispersal vector are found within the property.Noteworthy species include the Sonoran Pronghorn, an endemicsubspecies restricted to the South-western Arizona andNorth-western Sonora and threatened by extinction.

    火山系统也被称为圣塔克拉拉(SantaClara)火山,是该遗产的重要组成部分,包括三个山火山峰:皮纳卡特,卡内基和梅迪欧(Pinacate, Carnegie andMedio)。皮纳卡特火山(Picos del Pinacate)是一组火山峰和火山渣锥,位于佩纳斯科港(PuertoPeñasco)以北的保护区内。最高峰是塞罗·德尔·皮纳卡特山(Cerro del Pinacate),海拔3,904英尺(1,190m)。皮纳卡特(Pinacate)一词来自纳瓦特尔语(Náhuatl)的单词pinacatl,意为索诺兰沙漠特有的臭甲虫——皮纳卡特甲虫。皮纳卡特峰(PinacatePeaks)零星爆发了约400万年,最近一次的活动是大约在11000年前。


    The 714,566 hectare site comprises two distinctparts: the dormant volcanic Pinacate Shield of black and red lavaflows and desert pavements to the east, and, in the west, the GranAltar Desert with its ever changing and varied sand dunes that canreach a height of 200 metres. This landscape of dramatic contrastnotably features linear, star and dome dunes as well as severalarid granite massifs, some as high as 650 metres. The dunes emergelike islands from the sea of sand and harbour distinct and highlydiverse plant and wildlife communities, including endemicfreshwater fish species and the endemic Sonoran Pronghorn, which isonly to be found in northwestern Sonora and in southwestern Arizona(USA). Ten enormous, deep and almost perfectly circular craters,believed to have been formed by a combination of eruptions andcollapses, also contribute to the dramatic beauty of the site whoseexceptional combination of features are of great scientificinterest. The site is also a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

    Ce site de 714 566 hectares comprend deux typesde paysages : à l’est, la zone volcanique dormante composée dubouclier du Pinacate, de vastes coulées de lave noires et rouges etd’un pavement désertique ; à l’ouest, le Grand Désert de l’Altaravec ses dunes pouvant atteindre deux cents mètres de haut. Cepaysage fortement contrasté comprend des dunes linéaires, en étoileet à coupole, ainsi que des massifs granitiques arides, pouvantculminer à 650 mètres, qui émergent comme des îles dans une mer desable. Chaque paysage propose une communauté distincte de planteset d’animaux, notamment des espèces endémiques de poissons d’eaudouce et l’antilocapre de Sonora, espèce que l’on ne trouve qu’ausud-ouest de l’Arizona (Etats-Unis) et au nord-ouest du Sonora. Lacaractéristique la plus frappante du point de vue visuel est laconcentration de dix maars (cratères volcaniques d’explosion),énormes, profonds et presque parfaitement circulaires. Ils seraientnés d’une association d’éruptions et d’effondrements et contribuentà la beauté tragique de ce site présentant des caractéristiquesd’un grand intérêt scientifique.

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