


Unit 1

Part A
1. blue
2. new
3. old
4. white
5. red
6. black
7. green
8. yellow
9. purple
10. orange

Part B
1. is wearing
2. is carrying
3. are drinking
4. is listening to
5. are playing

Part C
1. A: What’s your name?
   B: My name is Sarah.
   A: Nice to meet you, Sarah.
   B: Nice to meet you too.
2. A: How are you today?
   B: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
   A: I’m good, thanks.
3. A: What’s your favorite color?
   B: My favorite color is blue.
   A: Why do you like blue?
   B: I like blue because it’s calming.
4. A: What do you like to do on weekends?
   B: I like to hang out with my friends and watch movies.
   A: That sounds fun.
5. A: What time do you usually go to bed?
   B: I usually go to bed around 10 o’clock.

Unit 2

Part A
1. cool
2. kind
3. serious
4. friendly
5. smart
6. funny
7. shy
8. strict
9. outgoing
10. athletic

Part B
1. plays the guitar
2. reads books
3. watches TV
4. plays basketball
5. listens to music

Part C
1. A: What’s your favorite subject in school?
   B: My favorite subject is English.
   A: Why do you like English?
   B: I like English because I enjoy reading and writing.
2. A: Who is your role model?
   B: My role model is my mom.
   A: Why is your mom your role model?
   B: My mom is my role model because she works very hard and always puts her family first.
3. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
   B: I want to be a doctor.
   A: Why do you want to be a doctor?
   B: I want to be a doctor because I want to help people and make a difference in their lives.
4. A: What is your favorite hobby?
   B: My favorite hobby is playing soccer.
   A: How often do you play soccer?
   B: I play soccer twice a week.
5. A: What do you like to do in your free time?
   B: In my free time, I like to hang out with my friends and go shopping.

Unit 3

Part A
1. eat
2. drink
3. swim
4. study
5. read
6. write
7. watch
8. listen
9. play
10. run

Part B
1. is eating
2. are swimming
3. is studying
4. is reading
5. is playing

Part C
1. A: What did you do over the weekend?
   B: I went to the beach with my family.
   A: How was the beach?
   B: It was really fun. We swam and played beach volleyball.
2. A: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
   B: I usually eat cereal and a banana for breakfast.
   A: That sounds healthy.
3. A: How do you go to school?
   B: I usually take the bus to school.
   A: Do you like taking the bus?
   B: Not really, but it’s the most convenient way for me to get to school.
4. A: What book are you reading now?
   B: I’m reading The Hunger Games.
   A: Oh, I’ve heard that’s a good book.
5. A: What sports do you like to play?
   B: I like to play soccer and basketball.

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