


SECTION 1     第一部分

A 21-year-old right-handed Cambodian woman with no history of headache presented with 2 weeks of progressive bifrontal headache. She had no sick contacts or recent travel. She moved to the United States at age 3 years. She had no fever, nuchal rigidity, photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, or vomiting. She had a recent history of weightloss and palpitations. There was no tobacco or illicit drug use or high-risk sexual behavior. She was not pregnant and denied contraception use.




She had a nonfocal neurologic examination. CT head done to rule out acute intracranial pathology showed an abnormality that was followed up by MRI brain with and without contrast (figure 1).




图1  头颅CT示右侧岛叶低密度病灶;头颅MRI示右侧岛叶弥散受限,FLAIR上也可见此处异常信号。



Question for consideration

1. What are the differential diagnoses to consider? 

2. How should we evaluate the patient next?


1. 该患者需考虑哪些鉴别诊断?

2.  如何进行进一步评估? 


SECTION 2     第二部分

The patient’s symptoms of headache and the findings on CT head led us to perform an MRI brain. Findings on MRI included restricted diffusion in the right subinsular white matter, extending to the periventricular white matter along the right temporal horn, inferior parietal lobe, and frontal temporal operculum, in the vascular territory of right middle cerebral artery, associated with minimal gyriform enhancement or leptomeningeal enhancement, most consistent with early infarcts. The differential diagnoses for new-onset headache in the setting of cerebral ischemia by imaging studies includes stroke, CNS vasculitis, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome, and less likely cerebral cortical venous thrombosis (MRI finding of infarct or hemorrhages typically in nonarterial distribution), meningitis (MRI finding of leptomeningeal enhancement), or encephalitis.


结合患者头痛症状和头颅CT检查结果,予完善头颅MRI 检查,结果示右侧岛叶下白质延伸至右侧颞角的脑室周围白质、顶叶下部及额颞岛盖部,即右侧大脑中动脉供血区弥散受限,伴有小的脑回样增强和软脑膜增强,高度提示早期脑梗死。结合新发头痛症状及影像学提示存在脑缺血,鉴别诊断包括:脑卒中、中枢神经系统血管炎、可逆性脑血管收缩综合征,及可能性较小的脑皮质静脉血栓形成(头颅MRI可见脑梗死或脑出血为典型的非动脉分布特征)、脑膜炎(头颅MRI可见软脑膜增强)及脑炎。


Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy; mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and strokelike episodes; and Moyamoya syndrome should also be considered in young patients (<45 years) presenting with strokelike symptoms. Septic emboli in endocarditis leading to septic angiitis should be considered in the appropriate clinical setting.1




The patient underwent lumbar puncture or further evaluation of a possible vasculitic process. CSF showed protein of 129.6 mg/dL, glucose of 17 mg/ dL, 153 leukocytes (62% neutrophils, 32% lymphocytes, and 6% monocytes), 50 erythrocytes, and a negative gram stain. CSF findings of elevated leukocytes with neutrophil predominance, low glucose levels, and elevated protein led us to believe she might have meningitis with vasculitis as a complication. Given the concern for meningitis, she was empirically started on IV antibiotics and acyclovir.


为明确血管炎的诊断,予患者行腰穿检查。脑脊液检查结果示蛋白为129.6 mg/dL,葡萄糖 17 mg/dL, 白细胞153个 (中性粒细胞62%, 淋巴细胞32%, 单核细胞6%), 红细胞50个,脑脊液涂片革兰染色阴性。脑脊液中有核细胞升高,以中性粒细胞为主,葡萄糖降低,蛋白升高。结合以上,我们考虑患者患有脑膜炎,并发血管炎。予患者经验性启用静脉抗生素及阿昔洛韦治疗。


Antibiotics should be initiated immediately even prior to obtaining CSF samples when bacterial meningitis is considered likely. Vancomycin and ceftriaxone are recommended to treat Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitides, the 2 most common pathogens in children and adults up to age 50 years. If there is concern for viral encephalitis, acyclovir should be initiated while awaiting herpes simplex virus PCR.2 Patients who received dexamethasone (10 mg every 6 hours for 4 days) 15–20 minutes prior to or with the first dose of antibiotics had a significant decrease in unfavorable outcomes.3


如果考虑为细菌性脑膜炎,应立即给予抗生素治疗,即使还未获取脑脊液标本。肺炎链球菌与脑膜炎奈瑟菌是儿童和50岁以内的成年人感染最常见的两种病原体,推荐使用万古霉素和头孢曲松进行治疗。如果考虑为病毒性脑炎,在等待单纯疱疹病毒PCR结果时应先给予阿昔洛韦治疗。在给予患者首剂抗生素前15-20分钟或同时给予地塞米松(10mg q6h 连用4天)可显著减少不良预后。


Our patient then developed acute left face and arm weakness. She underwent CT angiogram of head and neck to evaluate for vasculitis/craniocervical dissection. CT angiogram showed segmental narrowing of the right M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery (confirmed later on conventional angiogram) (figure 2A) and incidentally revealed cervical lymphadenopathy (figure 2B). This prompted further imaging in the form of CT thorax, which showed multiple lung nodules and axillary and mediastinal lymphadenopathy (figure 2C).


该患者突然出现左侧面部及上肢乏力,予行头颈部CTA 检查以明确是否存在血管炎或头颈部血管夹层。CTA示右侧大脑中动脉M1段节段性狭窄(随后被常规血管造影证实)(图2A),同时意外地发现患者存在颈部淋巴结病变(图2B)。予完善胸部CT检查,结果提示多发肺部结节、腋窝及纵膈淋巴结病变(图2C)。


图2    常规血管造影示右侧大脑中动脉M1段节段性狭窄;颈部和胸部CT可见淋巴结病变;头颅CT可见结核瘤。

(A)常规血管造影可见右侧大脑中动脉M1段节段性狭窄(白色箭头)以及其它供血区血管的狭窄和扩张,提示血管炎。(B) CT示双侧颈部淋巴结团块,最大的位于右侧锁骨上,大小1.7 ×1.8×4.9 cm(右上图:白色箭头)。(C)胸部CT示肺门淋巴结病变和散在的肺部结节。(D)头颅CT增强可见多个大小约为10-13mm、边缘增强的肿块, 位于前交通动脉、右侧大脑中动脉及右侧后交通动脉区域,提示结核瘤。可见软脑膜不规则增强,累及右侧大脑中动脉池和岛盖。


Question for consideration:

1. How does this incidental finding change the differential diagnosis?

2. What is the next step in management?



1.    这一意外发现为鉴别诊断带来哪些新方向?

2.    下一步诊疗计划是什么?


SECTION 3     第三部分

The differential diagnoses given the findings of multiple lung nodules and cervical and mediastinal lymphadenopathy includes infection (mycobacterial, viral pneumonia, fungal), sarcoidosis, and less likely metastatic disease (thyroid, melanoma, choriocarcinoma, renal).




The next step would be to obtain a lymph node biopsy. Pathology from right supraclavicular lymphnode showed acid-fast bacilli (AFB) on the AFB stain (figure e-1 on the Neurology? Web site at Neurology.org). Hematoxylin & eosin stain showed caseating granulomas consistent with the diagnosis of tuberculosis.




Repeat lumbar puncture showed neutrophilic pleocytosis again, which may be seen during the early phases of tuberculosis (TB) meningitis. Characteristic CSF findings of TB meningitis including lymphocytic pleocytosis (100–500 cells), elevated protein (50–100 mg/dL), and low glucose (<45mg l)="" can="" closely="" mimic="" bacterial="" meningitis="" during="" the="" acute="">4




The patient was empirically started on the 4-drug antitubercular regimen rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol (RIPE) along with vitamin B6 and IV dexamethasone to treat pulmonary and CNS tuberculosis.




Among the antitubercular medications, isoniazid and pyrazinamide have excellent CNS penetration. Isoniazid and rifampin are administered for a total duration of 9–12 months for CNS tuberculosis; pyrazinamide and ethambutol are administered for 2 months at initiation of therapy.




On day 4, the patient was found to be lethargic and poorly responsive. There were no new neurologic deficits. Repeat CT head did not reveal any new changes. EKG showed polymorphic ventricular tachycardia consistent with Torsades de Pointes (figure e-2). Her baseline EKG had a prolonged QTc of 490 ms with sinus bradycardia and intermittent junctional rhythm.




Question for consideration:

1. What are the potential causes for her cardiac dysrhythmia?



1.    患者出现心律失常可能的原因是什么?

SECTION 4     第四部分

Torsades de Pointes may be seen with electrolyte abnormalities—hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia; drugs—antiarrhythmic, antihistamine, antimicrobial, psychiatric drugs; genetic long QT syndromes; bradyarrhythmias; anorexia nervosa; and cerebrovascular diseases including subarachnoid hemorrhage and stroke.5




About 6% of patients die of sudden death of unknown cause within 30 days after an acute stroke. Brain injuries, especially subarachnoid hemorrhage and stroke, may cause an alteration in the autonomic nervous system that could then potentially lead to cardiac dysrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. EKG abnormalities include rhythm disturbances such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias. QT interval prolongation, ST segment, T-wave changes, and left axis deviation have also been observed. EKG changes occur due to involvement of limbic system, diffuse subcortical autonomic centers, and hypothalamus when a stroke affects then on dominant insular cortex (as in our patient).6




Our patient’s potassium levels were low (2.8 mmol/L), which was corrected. She had received a dose of haloperidol 24 hours prior, which can potentially prolong the QTc; this was stopped.




Despite all corrections, the patient continued to have ventricular arrhythmias, likely secondary to the nondominant insular stroke, and was placed on defibrillator and discharged on the 4-drug antitubercular regimen in a stable condition.




She returned a week later with worsening headache, photophobia, and blurred vision.




Question for consideration:

1. What are the potential causes of her new symptoms?

2. What do you identify on the CT head (figure 2D)?



1.    患者出现新症状的可能原因有哪些?

2.    如何解读头颅CT(图2D)结果?

SECTION 5     第五部分

The potential causes for a patient with CNS tuberculosis and acute worsening of headache would include worsening tubercular meningitis or vasculitis, raised intracranial pressure secondary to hydrocephalus, or tuberculomas. TB vasculitic infarcts commonly occur in the caudate, genu of the internal capsule, and anterolateral thalamus, as compared to atherosclerotic infarcts, which tend to occur in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, lentiform nucleus, and the posterolateral thalamus.




CT head with contrast showed multiple tuberculomas. The patient was treatedwith broader spectrum antibiotic coverage including amikacin, moxifloxacin, and linezolid. Rapid geno type testing was negative for resistant disease. She was continued on 4-drug antitubercular therapy and moxifloxacin.




The patient’s headache improved with IV opiates and she was discharged and enrolled into the Direct Observational Therapy program with the Department of Health. She remained symptom-free during subsequent evaluation.




Tuberculomas could occur in about 10% of patients with TB meningitis. Lesions may be solitary but are often multiple and typically have surrounding edema and ring enhancement. Tuberculomas could occur in the brain, spinal cord, or subdural, subarachnoid, or epidural space.7




Occurrence of tuberculomas despite being on 4-drug anti-TB regimen should raise suspicion of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). IRIS can unmask a subclinical infection or cause recurrence of a previously treated infection. Steroids are indicated for treatment of tuberculosis as well as for prevention of IRIS. Prolonged duration of treatment and slower tapering is recommended to avoid clinical deterioration.7,8




CDC and prevention surveillance reports show that there has been a decrease in incidence of new TB cases reported in the United States, of 2.2% between 2013 and 2014. Over the last 10 years, this rate is the smallest decline. Foreign-born persons in the United States have a 13.4 times higher rate than US-born persons. Among the foreign-born, Asians have the largest number of TB cases, the rate being 28.5 times higher compared to non-Hispanic white rates among non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics are about 8 times higher each.9




TB is typically thought to be a disease of the tropics but does affect individuals in the United States. This case highlights the various manifestations of tuberculosis in a single patient—meningitis, vasculitis, and tuberculomas. This case also brings to light the effect of a lesion or stroke in the nondominant insular cortex on the autonomic nervous system.









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