


  cold dish 凉菜 vegetable dish 素菜 meat dish 荤菜 main food 主食 hot pot 火锅

  spicy hot pot麻辣火锅 cold noodles 冷面 boiled dumpling 水饺 steamed bun 包子 small steamed bun 小笼包

  instant-boiled mutton 涮羊肉 meat braised in soy sauce 红烧肉 tofu / bean curd豆腐 fried bread stick 油条

  fried dumpling 锅贴 steamed bread 馒头 noodles served with fried bean sauce 炸酱面 sliced noodles 刀削面

  porridge 粥 soup 汤 meat ball soup 丸子汤 seaweed soup 紫菜汤 lean meat 瘦肉 fatty meat 肥肉


  1 套餐:combo

  通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说combo number one 或number one 就好了。有时店员会问, Do you want to go large ? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。

  2 汉堡:hamburger

  美国人说汉堡通常说 burger 或cheese burger.和国内不同的是,在美国单点汉堡时店员会问你goes with cheese ? 所以也可以在点的时候就说without cheese ,他就不会再问你。

  3 薯条:fries

  4 饮料:drinks

  ①可乐:coke ② 减肥可乐: diet coke ( diet ) ③雪碧: sprite ④橘子汽水:Hi-C ( or orange soda )

  ⑤冰茶:iced tea


  1 A BigMac ,2 orders of fries and a milkshake . . 一个牛肉汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。

  2 I’d like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets . 我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。

  3 I’ll have a large / small Coke with no ice and a pineapple pie .


  4 I’d like a small Coke , a hamburger , an order of fries as well as an apple pie .


  5 I’d like a cup of coffee, a share of fried chicken legs, a hamburger and a strawberry sundae.

  我要一杯咖啡, 一份炸鸡腿,一个汉堡和一个草莓圣代。

  6 Where are the napkins ? 餐巾在哪儿?

  7 Where are the straws ? / Do you have straws ? 吸管在哪儿? / 有吸管吗?

  8 Can I have some napkins ? 可以给我一些餐巾纸吗?

  9 Could I have extra ketchup ? 我可以多要些番茄酱吗?

  10 Where are the restrooms ? 洗手间在哪里?


  1 Can I help you ? / May I help you ? / What can I get for you today ?

  2 May / Can I take your order ? 您要吃点什么?

  3 What will it be ? 您要点什么?

  4 For here or to go ? / Stay or to go ? / Is that for here or to go ? ——For here . / To go .

  5 Do you need some drinks ? / Would you like something to drink ? / What kind of drinks ?

  6 Would you like fries to go with that ? ( 如果你是单点汉堡,他可能会这样问 )

  7 What kind of meat would you like ? 您要什么肉?

  8 What kind of sauce would you like with the chicken nuggets ? / Which sauce do you like ?


  —— Ketchup ( 番茄酱 ) / BBQ sauce (烧烤酱)/ Hot mustard ( 芥末酱)

  9 Is that all ? / Anything else ? —— That’s it . ( 多用 ) / That’s all .

  阅读更多相关知识,返回【 酒店英语 】栏目列表

1 ① How many ? / How many are your party ? 你们几位?
2 ① Two for dinner , please . 两人用餐。
② Can I have a table for two ? 有一张两个人的桌子吗?
③ Could you please make arrangements for a dinner party of six ? 能为6个人安排就餐吗?
④ I’d like to reserve a table for five . 我要预定一张5个人的桌子。
⑤ I have a table for four under the name of Johnson . 我以约翰逊的名字订了一张4人的桌子。
⑥ I would like a nonsmoking table for two . 我想在禁烟区要一张两人的桌子。
⑦ Excuse me , is that table vacant ? 打扰了,请问这是空桌吗?
3 ① My friend will be along shortly . 我的朋友一会就到。
② I’m expecting someone . 我在等人。
4 ① Can I have the menu ? / Could you please give me the menu? / Bring me the menu , please .
5 ① Can / May I take your order now ? 现在可以点菜了吗?
② Are you ready to order now ? / Would you like to order now ? 您现在准备点菜了吗?
③ Would you like a drink before your meal ?/ Would you like a drink to start with ?
④ Would you care for a drink before you order ? 点菜之前您要喝点什么吗?
⑤ Would you like anything to drink ? 您想喝点什么吗?
⑥ Do you need a few minutes ( to decide what you want ? ) 你是不是想再等几分钟(决定你要什么?)
6 ① Yes , ⑴ I’d like to have / try some …… 是的,我想尝尝……
⑵ I’ll try / have …… 是的,我想尝尝……
② I’d like my steak rare / medium / well-done . 我想我的牛排五分/七分/全熟。
③ ⑴ We need a couple more minutes to decide ./ We need a few more minutes to decide . /
We need a couple more minutes to decide . 我们要待会再点。
④ I’m not ready to order yet . 我还没准备好点菜。
⑤ I haven’t figured out what I want yet . 我还没想好吃什么。
⑥ I haven’t decide yet . 我还没想好。
⑦ I can’t decide . ⑴ What’s your recommendation ? / What would you suggest ? 你推荐什么菜?
⑵ What do you recommend ? 你推荐什么菜?
⑶ What’s good today ? 今天有什么好菜?
⑷ What are the specials ? 今天有什么特色菜?
⑧ Well , …… is popular and …… is good . 恩,……很受欢迎,而且……也不错。
⑨ Why don’t you order for me ? 还是你帮我点吧。
7 May I serve your dishes , now ? 现在可以上菜了吗?
8 ① ⑴ Do you like your salad / steak / mutton-chop ……? 你的色拉/牛排/羊排……怎么样?
⑵ Yes , it’s nice and fresh . 是的,好吃,而且新鲜。
② ⑴ It’s so tasty ! 味道真美!
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