


An American Heart Association Scientific Statement:


Coronary Artery and Peripheral Vascular Stents


Most coronary and peripheral vascular stents that have been tested have been labeled as “MR safe”; the remainder have been labeled as “MR conditional.”1 Tested coronary artery stents (including tested drug-eluting coronary stents) that are nonferromagnetic (all currently used coronary stents) can be safely scanned at 3 T or less any time after implantation. MR examination at 3T in patients with peripheral stents that are nonferromagnetic can be performed immediately after implantation.The timing of MR examination at 3T in patients with peripheral stents that are weakly ferromagnetic should be determined on a case-by-case basis. For cases in which there is a clear potential clinical benefit of scanning in the days to weeks after implantation, the benefits of the MR examination will likely outweigh the risks of the examination, and MR examination should generally be performed. In patients with chronic conditions in which it makes little difference whether the scan is performed at a given time or weeks later, it may be prudent to defer MR examination until 6 weeks after device implantation. 

经过测试的大多数冠状动脉和外周血管支架,说明书标注为“磁共振安全”;其余标注为“磁共振条件性安全”。经过测试的非铁磁性冠状动脉支架(包括药物洗脱支架)(所有当前使用的冠状动脉支架均为非铁磁性),可以在植入后的任何时间、在≤3T场强中安全扫描。非铁磁性外周血管支架可在植入后立即接受≤3T磁共振检查。弱磁性外周血管支架接受≤3T磁共振检查的时间应根据具体情况而定。 对于在植入后数天至数周内有明显潜在临床益处的扫描,磁共振检查的好处可能会超过检查的风险,通常应进行MR检查。对于慢性疾病患者,如果在特定时间或数周后扫描没有多大差异,出于谨慎可以把磁共振检查推迟到装置植入后6周。

Aortic Stent Grafts


Most aortic stent grafts that have been tested have been labeled as “MR safe”; the Zenith AAA endovascular graft stent has been labeled as “MR unsafe.”Patients with stent grafts made from nonferromagnetic materials may be scanned immediately after implantation at 3 T or less. The timing of

MR examination at 3T or less in patients with aortic stent grafts that are weakly ferromagnetic should be weighed on a case-by-case basis. For cases in which there is a clear potential clinical benefit of scanning in the days to weeks after implantation, the benefits of the MR examination will likely outweigh the risks of the examination, and MR examination should generally be performed. In patients with chronic conditions in which it makes little difference whether the scan is performed at a given time or weeks later, it may be prudent to defer MR examination until 6 weeks after device implantation.

经过测试的大多数主动脉覆膜支架,说明书标注为“磁共振安全”;Zenith AAA血管内覆膜支架,说明书标注为“磁共振不安全”。非铁磁性覆膜支架可在植入后立即接受≤3T磁共振检查。弱磁性主动脉覆膜支架接受≤3T磁共振检查的时间应根据具体情况而定。对于在植入后数天至数周内有明显潜在临床益处的扫描,磁共振检查的好处可能会超过检查的风险,通常应进行MR检查。对于慢性疾病患者,如果在特定时间或数周后扫描没有多大差异,出于谨慎可以把磁共振检查推迟到装置植入后6周。

Prosthetic Heart Valves, Annuloplasty Rings, and Sternal Suture Wires


The majority of prosthetic heart valves and annuloplasty rings that have been tested have been labeled as “MR safe”; the remainder of heart valves and rings that have been tested have been labeled as “MR conditional.” On the basis of the above studies and findings, the presence of a prosthetic heart valve or annuloplasty ring that has been formally evaluated for MR safety should not be considered a contraindication to an MR examination at 3 T or less (and possibly even 4.7 T in some cases) any time after implantation. MR examination of patients with sternal wires is generally considered to be safe.

经过测试的大多数人工心脏瓣膜和瓣膜成形环,说明书标注为“磁共振安全”;其余标注为“磁共振条件性安全”。正式通过磁共振安全性评估的人工心脏瓣膜或瓣膜成形环,在植入后的任何时间都不应被认为是≤3T磁共振检查(在某些情况下甚至可达到4.7T)的禁忌证。 通常认为有胸骨缝合线的患者磁共振检查安全。

Cardiac Closure and Occluder Devices


The majority of cardiac closure and occluder devices that have been tested have been labeled as “MR safe”; several that have been tested are labeled as “MR conditional.” Patients with nonferromagnetic cardiac closure and occluder devices may undergo MR procedures at any time after implantation.

The timing of MR examination at 3 T or less in patients with cardiac closure or occluder devices that are weakly ferromagnetic should be weighed on a case-by-case basis. For cases for which there is a clear potential clinical benefit of scanning in the days to weeks after implantation, the benefits of the MR examination will likely outweigh the risks of the examination, and MR examination should generally be performed. In patients with chronic conditions in which it makes little difference whether the scan is performed at a given time or weeks later, it may be prudent to defer MR examination until 6 weeks after device implantation.


Inferior Vena Cava Filters


Most IVC filters that have been tested have been labeled as“MR safe”; the remainder of IVC filters that have been tested are classified as “MR conditional.” Patients who have been treated with nonferromagnetic IVC filters can undergo MR examination any time after filter implantation. In patients who have been treated with a weakly ferromagnetic IVC filter (Gianturco bird nest IVC filter [Cook], stainless steel Greenfield vena cava filter [Boston Scientific]), it is advised that the patient wait at least 6 weeks before undergoing an MR examination (because these older devices initially may not be anchored as firmly in place as other devices discussed in the present report), unless there is a strong clinical indication to perform the MR examination sooner after implantation, and as long as there is no reason to suspect that the device is not positioned properly or that it is not firmly in place. Most studies of IVC filters have generally been conducted at 1.5 T or less, although many IVC filters have now been evaluated at 3 T and deemed acceptable for MR examination

经过测试的大多数下腔静脉滤器,说明书标注为“磁共振安全”;其余标注为“磁共振条件性安全”。有非铁磁性下腔静脉滤器的患者,可以在植入后的任何时间接受磁共振扫描。有弱磁性下腔静脉滤器(Gianturco bird nest下腔静脉滤器[Cook公司]、Greenfield不锈钢腔静脉滤器[Boston Scientific公司])的患者,建议把磁共振检查推迟到装置植入后至少6周(因为这些老款装置安装未必像其他装置那样牢固就位),除非有强烈临床指征要求在植入后很快接受磁共振检查并且没有理由怀疑装置位置不正或固定不牢固。大多数下腔静脉滤器的研究是在≤1.5T条件下完成,有一些是在3T条件下完成并且被认为可接受。

Embolization Coils


Most embolization coils that have been tested have been labeled as “MR safe”; the remainder that have been tested have been labeled as “MR conditional.”Patients who have been treated with nonferromagnetic embolization coils can undergo MR examination any time after coil implantation. The timing of MR examination at 3 T or less in patients with embolization coils that are weakly ferromagnetic should be weighed on a case-by-case basis. For cases in which there is a clear potential clinical benefit of scanning in the days to weeks after implantation, the benefits of the MR examination will likely outweigh the risks of the examination, and MR examination should generally be performed. In patients with chronic conditions in which it makes little difference whether the scan is performed at a given time or weeks later, it may be prudent to defer MR examination until 6 weeks after device implantation. Patients with tested coils may undergo MR examination at up to 3 T, according to the conditions under which they were tested.


Loop Recorder (Event Monitor)


The Reveal Plus ILR has been labeled as “MR conditional.” Patients with a Reveal Plus ILR can undergo MR examination any time after implantation, provided there is no reason to believe the device is not well implanted. Because of the theoretical risk of electromagnetic fields adversely affecting data stored by the device, all stored data should be downloaded before scanning. Because this device contains ferromagnetic components, the strong magnetic fields associated with the MR system can create sufficient magnetic field interactions for the Reveal Plus ILR such that the patient may feel slight movement of this device. Although this does not represent a safety hazard, the patient should be informed of this possibility to avoid undue concern.

Reveal Plus循环记录器,说明书标注为“磁共振安全”。有Reveal Plus循环记录器的患者,可以在植入后的任何时间接受磁共振扫描,前提是没有理由相信该装置植入不良。 由于理论上电磁场对设备存储的数据有产生不利影响的风险,所有存储的数据应在磁共振扫描前下载。由于该装置含有铁磁性部件,磁共振产生的强磁场可以与Reveal Plus ILR产生足够的相互作用,使得患者可能会感觉到该装置轻微活动。尽管这并不代表安全隐患,也应该告知患者这种可能性,以消除不必要的担心。

Hemodynamic Monitoring and Temporary Pacing Devices


Those few catheters that contain conducting wires and those few temporary transvenous pacing wires that have been tested have been labeled as “MR unsafe.” Patients with pulmonary artery hemodynamic monitoring/thermodilution catheters (such as the Swan-Ganz catheter) and similar catheters that have conductive wires or similar components should not undergo MR examinations because of the possible associated risks, unless in vivo testing provides labeling information or instructions for use that permit examinations to be performed safely. Patients with nonferromagnetic pulmonary artery catheters that contain no electrically conductive pathways in the catheter may undergo MR examination; however, it must be emphasized that such conditions must be verified before such patients undergo MR examination. Patients with retained temporary epicardial pacing wires are believed to be able to safely undergo MR procedures, and patients do not need to be routinely screened for the presence of such wires before scanning. Because of the possible risks involved with temporary-pacemaker external pulse generators, such generators should not be introduced into the MR environment.


Although temporary transvenous lead heating might be minimized or avoided by scanning anatomic regions above (eg, head/brain) or below (eg, lower extremities) cardiac pacing leads, scanning of patients with temporary transvenous pacing leads (without the generator) is not recommended. Furthermore, because the harsh electromagnetic environment associated with the MR system can alter the operation of an external pulse generator or damage it, it may not be possible to reliably pace the patient during the MR examination, which makes the issue of scanning a patient with a temporary transvenous lead irrelevant in most cases.


Permanent Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators


A pacemaker or ICD should still be considered a strong relative contraindication to routine MR examination, which is therefore discouraged. Patients who have a pacemaker or ICD should not undergo an MR study if an alternative diagnostic test is available, and MR imaging should only be considered in cases in which the potential benefit to the patient clearly outweighs the risks to the patient. Recommendations regarding the scanning of patients with permanent pacemakers and ICDs can be expected to evolve over time as more studies become available. 


Those pacemakers that have been tested have been labeled as “MR unsafe.”At present, MR examination of non–pacemaker-dependent patients is discouraged and should only be considered in cases in which there is a strong clinical indication, in which the benefits clearly outweigh the risks, and then according to the criteria. There are few current data on the performance of MR examination of pacemaker-dependent patients, and MR examination of pacemaker-dependent patients should not be performed unless there are highly compelling circumstances in which the benefits clearly outweigh the risks and then according to the criteria. MR examination of patients with ICDs should not be performed unless there are highly compelling circumstances in which the benefits clearly outweigh the risks and then according to the criteria. Although 1 study discussed above found that ICDs manufactured after 2000 may be more resistant to changes in function during MR examination, this finding should not be taken as a “green light” to routinely scan patients with such ICDs. Fractured leads may pose a particularly high risk of thermal injury, and MR examination should not be performed in patients with pacemakers or ICDs with known lead fractures. 


Retained Transvenous Pacemaker and Defibrillator Leads


The patients with retained transvenous pacemakers or ICD leads be approached similarly to those with pacemakers or ICDs, as outlined above. MR examination of patients with retained transvenous leads is discouraged, and MR examination should only be considered in centers with expertise in MR and electrophysiology, and only in cases in which there is a strong clinical indication. MR examination should not be performed in patients with known retained transvenous leads that have fractures.


Hemodynamic Support Devices


Hemodynamic support devices, including intra-aortic balloon pumps, right ventricular assist devices, and left ventricular assist devices, are complex devices with variable degrees of ferromagnetic materials, moving parts, and electrical components.Although formal evaluation of these devices in regard to MR safety has not been conducted, it is believed that these devices should be considered absolute contraindications to MR examination, particularly given that most hemodynamic support systems involve equipment likely to be affected by the electromagnetic fields used during MR imaging.



Levine GN, Gomes AS, Arai AE, et al. Safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with cardiovascular devices: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Committee on Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiac Catheterization, Council on Clinical Cardiology, and the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention: endorsed by the American College of Cardiology Foundation, the North American Society for Cardiac Imaging, and the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Circulation, 2007,116(24):2878-2891.

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