

军队在运送伤员 (1948年12月 南京)
Army personnel carrying casualty victim.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 850 pixels (17.8 x 11.8 inches)
一中国女军人在火车边吸烟 (1948年12月 彭浦)
Chinese woman standing by train and smoking cigarette.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 845 x 1280 pixels (11.7 x 17.8 inches)
Refugees traveling along railroad tracks.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 842 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
Barbed wire surrounding Nationalist fort.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 972 x 1280 pixels (13.5 x 17.8 inches)
部队在演习 (1948年12月)
99th Army group at field headquarters posing for photograph.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 839 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
Gen. Hu Su standing outside army station.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 899 x 1280 pixels (12.5 x 17.8 inches)
一个悲痛的老人在废墟中。。。(1948年12月 彭浦)
Grief stricken old woman standing amid ruins of a village near Pengpu which was destroyed by fighting between Nationalists and Communists forces during the Chinese civil war.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 813 pixels (17.8 x 11.3 inches)
火车站的小贩 (1948年12月 南京)
Vendors selling wares to troops at railroad station.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 834 x 1280 pixels (11.6 x 17.8 inches)
Army trucks arriving at Pengpu railroad station.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 862 pixels (17.8 x 12.0 inches)
Refugees riding aboard train at Chang Pa Ling railroad station.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 859 pixels (17.8 x 11.9 inches)
Soldier eating at field camp in Anhwei province during Chinese civil war.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 842 x 1280 pixels (11.7 x 17.8 inches)
Army men skinning fowl at 99th Army camp in Anhwei Province.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 873 x 1280 pixels (12.1 x 17.8 inches)
Burned out village of Kao Lao Chia.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 851 x 1280 pixels (11.8 x 17.8 inches)
Burned out village of Kao Lao Chia.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 851 x 1280 pixels (11.8 x 17.8 inches)
Nationalist soldier getting hair cut at field camp during civil war.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 871 x 1280 pixels (12.1 x 17.8 inches)
Military personnel sitting aboard trains at Pengpu railroad station.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 839 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
Refugees traveling through village.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 845 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
Refugees burying 60 year-old Chinese woman who led nationalist charge against Communists during civil war.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 862 pixels (17.8 x 12.0 inches)
Refugees gathering in village.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 845 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
Stakes being used in place of barbed wire at Tsao Lao Chi.
Location: China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 848 pixels (17.8 x 11.8 inches)
Refugees traveling along road.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 820 pixels (17.8 x 11.4 inches)
Refugees camping in tents.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 856 pixels (17.8 x 11.9 inches)
Nationalist Infantry moving northward in effort to open an escape corridor for several Nationalist armies trapped by Reds.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 845 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
Refugees riding aboard train at Chang Pa Ling railroad station.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 867 x 1280 pixels (12.0 x 17.8 inches)
Refugees riding aboard train at Chang Pa Ling railroad station.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 867 x 1280 pixels (12.0 x 17.8 inches)
Two refugees sitting together.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 823 pixels (17.8 x 11.4 inches)
Troops moving up north bank of Huai River.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 829 pixels (17.8 x 11.5 inches)
Distant view of Pengpu on Huai River during civil war.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 856 pixels (17.8 x 11.9 inches)
Town occupied by Nationalist forces during civil war.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 850 pixels (17.8 x 11.8 inches)
City occupied by Nationalist armed forces during civil war.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 801 pixels (17.8 x 11.1 inches)
Refugees riding on train at Chang Pa Ling railroad station.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 851 x 1280 pixels (11.8 x 17.8 inches)
City occupied by Nationalist armed forces during civil war.
Location: Pengpu, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 890 x 1280 pixels (12.4 x 17.8 inches)
Refugees resting at railroad station.
Location: Nanking, China
Date taken: December 1948
Photographer: Carl Mydans
Size: 1280 x 842 pixels (17.8 x 11.7 inches)
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