

leaf______ puppy_______ box_______ knife_______ fly______ fox______bus______ bench_____ brush_____ kiss______ church______ dish_____ruler______ peach________ glass_____ pencil________ boy______zoo______ man______ roof_______ sheep_______ knife______ lady______key______ story______ watch______ bamboo______ city______family______ day_____ apple_______ eraser______ speech______thief______ mouse______ fish_____ goose____ people ______ ox_____Chinese _______ deer _______ foot______ child_______ tooth_______guy________ hero_______ spy______ boss_____ monkey______ city______ goat ______ radio ________ horse ______ dog ______
1>There are so many________(wolf)in the forest.
2>There are three ______(chair) in the classroom.
3>These _______(tomato) are red.
4>______(hero) are great.
5>My brother looks after two ______(baby)
6>There are some ______(deer) eating the grass.
7>My father
likes to eat _______(potato).
8>Chinese ______(people)like to eat noodles.
9>I have a lot of ______(toy) in my bedroom.
10>I help my mother wash ______(dish) in the kitchen.
11>I have two ______(pencil-box).
12>There are some ______(bus)in the street.
13>Peter has eight _____(foot).
14>Linda has three _______(tooth).
15>There are some ______(child) in the garden.
16>Michael likes the ______(mouse).
17>There are some ______(goose)in the river.
18>My uncle and father are _____(man).
19>Tom and King are _____(boy).
20>Linda has three ______(tooth).
1.I can see three ________ in the zoo.
A monkeys B monkeys C monkey
2.The pig has four ______. A. foot  B. feet  C. foots
3.My two brothers are both ______.
A. policeman  B. policemans  C. policemen
4.There are four ___________ in the class. 
A. Japanese  B. Japaneses  C. Japan
5.I can see ten _____ in the picture.A. sheepB. dog  C. pig
6.The _____ has three______. 
A. boys, watches  B. boy, watch  C. boy, watches
7.C an you see _______on the plate? A. bread B. breads C.breades
8.The girl often brushes her_____ before she goes to bed. 
A. tooth  B. tooths C. teeth
9.Mr Black often drink some _________.A. milk B. milksC.milkes
10.There are some _____ on the floor. A. child  B. water  C.books
11. _______ will learn English. A. Woman  B. Women  C. Man
12.Lucy will show us some new ____ of hers.
 A. photo  B. photos  C. photoes
13. I drank two ______.
A. bottles of orange B. bottle of orange C. bottles oforanges
14.The cat eats two ______ last night. A. mouses  B. mice  C.mouse
15.I need a pen and some _____.  A. books B. desk C. chair
16 Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that heforgot both of the ______.
A. rooms number B. Room number C. Room’s number D. Roomnumbers
17. The newly-built library is a ______ building.
A. five-storey B. five storeys  C. five-storey’s D. fivestoreys’
18. --- Whose umbrella is it?  --- It’s _______.
A. somebody else’s B. Somebody else
C. Somebody’s else’s D. Somebody’s else
19. I feel terribly hot, What’s the _____?
A. temperature of room B. Room’s temperature
C. Room temperature D. Temperature of room’s
20. _______ will make a trip around the world during the comingChristmas.
A. The Evens B. The Evens’ C. The Evenses D. The Evenses’
21.The girl talking to Mary is a friend of ________.
A. Mary’s sister B. Mary sister’s C. Mary’s sister’s D. sister ofMary’s
22. The woman over there is ______ mother.
A. Julia and Shelley’s B. Julia’s and Shelley’s  
B. C. Julia and Shelley  D. Julia’s and Shelley
23. He is very tired. He needs ______.
A. a night rest B. a rest night C. a night’s rest D. a rest ofnight
24. ---Excuse me,where are _______ offices?  ---Over there.
A. teacher’s B. teachers’ C. the teacher’s D.the teachers’
25. Today is September 10th. It’s_____ Day. Let’s go and buy someflowers for our teachers.  
A. Teacher B. Teachers’  C. the Teachers’ D. Teacher’s
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