

冠状病毒,非典与流感的中医治病思路(English attached)

冠状病毒,非典与流感的中医治病思路(English attached)

小儿很少,多发于老人,那是小儿四肢好动阳气旺,说明病人属于阳虚,阳代表充盈在皮肤肌肉四肢间的一股无形的力量,乏力就是阳虚,怕冷打寒战加上冬季发病说明是寒病,肌肉酸痛说明病毒在肌肉,肺炎干咳说明病毒侵入肺脏, “肺藏气”,呼吸系统疾病从肺来治,病毒跑到肺脏,“邪气盛为实”,肺实用辛来泻,寒病用热药,肺寒用味厚的热药来暖,阳虚要补阳,气属阳,用气厚的药,肌肉里的病毒要发散,辛主散,用药原则是气厚味厚的热药,病毒起初侵入阳虚的病人,病毒慢慢跑到肺脏,越来越多,这时邪气盛为实,病人是肺脏实证,脉象是沉脉有力,事态是慢慢变化的,不是吗?当病毒细胞越来越多实到极点时,开始转为虚证了,这时病人出现了虚象,如心脏衰竭脾胃虚弱,伤寒论里关于干姜附子汤的描述有三个字“脉沉微”,说明这时沉脉是微弱无力的,后期的病人就肺虚了,肺虚如何治?要皆顾补阳,皆顾补肺(也就是补阴),黄帝内经说“气厚者为阳” “味厚者为阴”,所以用气厚味厚的热药,病毒也会从肺部扩散到其他藏腑,所以会出现腹泻等肠胃道症状,“味厚者为阴”意思是味厚的药是走身体里面的五脏与六腑。庚子年五运六气是金运太过,也说明肺脏实证,所以初期实证,后期虚证,都是用同样的气厚味厚的热药。重症病人用伤寒论里的干姜附子汤,附子先煎40分钟再下干姜煎20分钟. 轻症用甘草干姜汤。


TCM thinking and method of treatment on coronavirus, flu and SARS

there are rare illness case happened on children but most on old age, it represents yang deficiency, because children are yang sufficiency with arms and legs active, because yang represent a kind of intangible strength filling in skin, muscle, arms and legs, patients lacking in strength means yang deficiency, feeling cold and shivering plus winter represent cold disease, muscular soreness represents virus hidden in muscle, dry cough of pneumonia represent that virus invade lung, disease of respiratory system should be treated from lung because of “lung stores qi”, when virus go to lung, “evil pathogen rebundant means sufficiency”, discharge lung sufficiency by pungent, apply hot medicine for cold disease, cold lung need thick taste of hot medicine to warm, yang deficiency need to tonify yang, smell belongs to yang, so apply strong smell medicine, virus in muscle need to be dispersed, pungent means disperse, so medication principle is to apply hot medicine of strong smell and thick taste. Pathogen invades yang deficient people at first, they go to lung and accumulate more and more,“evil pathogen rebundant means sufficiency”, so people are lung sufficiency with sinked pulse strong, but situation changes gradually, when pathogen becomes more and more reaching sufficiency extreme, they will change to become deficiency slowly, then patients are lung deficiency together with symptoms of heart failure and spleen & stomach weakness, there are describtion of “sinked pulse weak” in Shanghan book about dried ginger and monkshood decoction, later stage patients are lung deficiency, how to cure? you must tonify yang as well as tonify yin(lung) , Huangdi internal classics mentioned “strong smell belong to yang” “thick taste belong to yin”, so apply hot medicine of strong smell and thick taste. Pathogen also spread from lung to other zang(solid) and fu(hollow) organs, so diarrhea ppears soon, “ thick taste belong to yin” it means thick taste medicines go to five zang(solid) organs as well as fu(hollow) organs. This year is Gengzi year which means too much metal, it also represents lung sufficiency, so both initial stage of sufficiency and later stage of deficiency patients need same strong smell and thick taste of hot medicines, for example, severe case apply dried ginger and monkshood decoction recorded in Shanghan book, monkshood decocted at first for 40 minutes then dried ginger together for 20 minutes. for example, mild case apply dried ginger and liquorice decoction.
Note: medicines must be decocted by small fire.

Huangdi internal classics cure diseases according to six syndrome differentiations of yin, yang, deficiency, sufficiency, hot and cold. Its regardless of pathogen name, pathogen shape and pathogen size, it belongs to "no phenomenon" in Diamond Sutra.

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