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Visual Studio Code的Python扩展是高度可配置的。此页面描述了可以使用的关键设置。

有关在VS Code中使用设置的一般信息,请参阅“ 用户和工作空间设置 ”以及“ 变量”参考,以获取有关预定义变量支持的信息。


python.globalModuleInstallationfalseSpecifies whether to install packages for the current user only using the --user command-line argument (the default), or to install for all users in the global environment (when set to true). Ignored when using a virtual environment. For more information on the --userargument, see pip - User Installs.
python.poetryPath"poetry"Specifies the location of the Poetry dependency manager executable, if installed. The default value "poetry" assumes the executable is in the current path. The Python extension uses this setting to install packages when Poetry is available and there's a poetry.lock file in the workspace folder.
python.terminal.launchArgs[]Launch arguments that are given to the Python interpreter when you run a file using commands such as Python: Run Python File in Terminal. In the launchArgs list, each item is a top-level command-line element that's separated by a space (quoted values that contain spaces are a single top-level element and are thus one item in the list). For example, for the arguments --a --b --c {"value1" : 1, "value2" : 2}, the list items should be ["--a", "--b", "--c", "{\"value1\" : 1, \"value2\" : 2}\""]. Note that Visual Studio code ignores this setting when debugging because it instead uses arguments from your selected debugging configuration in launch.json.
python.terminal.executeInFileDirfalseIndicates whether to run a file in the file's directory instead of the current folder.
python.terminal.activateEnvironmenttrueIndicates whether to automatically activate the environment you select using the Python: Select Interpreter command when a new terminal is created. For example, when this setting is true and you select a virtual environment, the extension automatically runs the environment's activate command when creating a new terminal (source env/bin/activate on macOS/Linux; env\scripts\activate on Windows).
python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminalfalseSpecifies whether to activate the currently open terminal when the Python extension is activated, using the virtual environment selected.
python.logging.levelerrorSpecifies the level of logging to be performed by the extension. The possible levels of logging, in increasing level of information provided, are off, error, warn, info, and debug. When set to off, which is not recommended, basic information will still be shown such as startup information and commands run by the Python extension. At the error level, basic information and errors will be shown. At the warn level, basic, error, and warning information will be shown. At the info level, basic, error, warning, and additional information like method execution times and return values will be shown. At this time, the debug level doesn't display additional information.
python.insidersChanneloffSpecifies whether to participate in the Insiders program and the channel to use. Set to weekly or daily to automatically download and install the latest Insiders builds of the Python extension, which include upcoming features and bug fixes.

Workspace symbol (tags) settings#

Workspace symbols are symbols in C source code generated by the ctags tool (described on Wikipedia and on ctags.sourceforge.net). To quote Wikipedia, ctags "generates an index (or tag) file of names found in source and header files of various programming languages." Where Python is concerned, ctags makes it easier to jump to defined functions and other symbols in C/C++ extension modules.

tagFilePath"${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/tags"Fully qualified path to tag file (an exuberant ctag file), used to provide workspace symbols.
enabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable the Workspace Symbol provider.
rebuildOnStarttrueSpecifies whether to rebuild the tags file on start.
rebuildOnFileSavetrueSpecifies whether to rebuild the tags file on when saving a Python file.
ctagsPath"ctags"Fully qualified path to the ctags executable; default value assumes it's in the current environment.
exclusionPatterns["**/site-packages/**"]Pattern used to exclude files and folders from ctags.

Code analysis settings#

IntelliSense engine settings#

python.jediPath""Path to folder containing the Jedi library (folder should contain a jedi subfolder).
python.jediMemoryLimit0Memory limit for the Jedi completion engine in megabytes. Zero (the default) means 1024 MB. -1 disables the memory limit check.
python.languageServerJediDefines type of the language server (Microsoft, Jedi, None). Note that the language server requires a platform that supports .NET Core 2.1 or newer.

Python Language Server settings#

The language server settings apply when python.jediEnabled is false. If you have any difficulties with the language server, see Troubleshooting in the language server repository.

diagnosticPublishDelay1000The number of milliseconds to wait before transferring diagnostic messages to the problems list.
[]List of diagnostics messages to suppress or show as errors, warnings, or information. See below for applicable values. The classification of messages affects both what's shown in the Problems window and in the editor (such as the color of the underlining).
logLevel"Error"Defines the types of log messages that language server writes into the Problems window, one of "Error", "Warning", "Information", and "Trace". The "Warning" level implicitly includes "Error"; "Information" implicitly includes "Warning" and "Error"; "Trace" includes all messages.
openFilesOnlytrueWhen true, shows only errors and warnings for open files rather than for the entire workspace.
symbolsHierarchyDepthLimit10Limits the depth of the symbol tree in the document outline.
typeshedPaths[]Paths to look for typeshed modules on GitHub.

The disabled, errors, warnings, and information settings can contain the following values:

ValueDefault typeDescription or message text
inherit-non-classWarningAttempted to inherit something that is not a class.
too-many-function-argumentsWarningToo many arguments have been provided to a function call.
too-many-positional-arguments-before-starWarningToo many arguments have been provided before a starred argument.
no-cls-argumentWarningFirst parameter in a class method must be cls.
no-method-argumentWarningMethod has no arguments.
no-self-argumentWarningFirst parameter in a method must be self.
parameter-already-specifiedWarningA argument with this name has already been specified.
parameter-missingWarningA required positional argument is missing.
positional-argument-after-keywordWarningA positional argument has been provided after a keyword argument.
positional-only-namedWarningA positional-only argument (3.8+) has been named in a function call.
return-in-initWarningEncountered an explicit return in __init__ function.
typing-generic-argumentsWarningAn error occurred while constructing Generic.
typing-typevar-argumentsWarningAn error occurred while constructing TypeVar.
typing-newtype-argumentsWarningAn error occurred while constructing NewType.
unknown-parameter-nameWarningThe keyword argument name provided is unknown.
unresolved-importWarningAn import cannot be resolved, and may be missing.
undefined-variableWarningA variable has been used that has not yet been defined.
variable-not-defined-globallyWarningA variable is not defined in the global scope.
variable-not-defined-nonlocalWarningA variable is not defined in non-local scopes.

To suppress the "undefined-variable" messages, for example, use the setting "python.analysis.disabled": ["undefined-variable"]. To suppress those messages and "too-many-function-arguments" messages as well, use the setting "python.analysis.disabled": ["undefined-variable", "too-many-function-arguments"]. You can similarly set "python.analysis.errors", "python.analysis.warnings", and "python.analysis.information" to control the visibility and severity of the diagnostics.

AutoComplete settings#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
addBracketsfalseSpecifies whether VS Code automatically adds parentheses (()) when autocompleting a function name.Editing
extraPaths[]Specifies locations of additional packages for which to load autocomplete data.Editing

Formatting settings#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
provider"autopep8"Specifies the formatter to use, either "autopep8", "black", or "yapf".Editing - Formatting
autopep8Path"autopep8"Path to autopep8Editing - Formatting
autopep8Args[]Arguments for autopep8, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Editing - Formatting
blackPath"black"Path to blackEditing - Formatting
blackArgs[]Arguments for black, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Editing - Formatting
yapfPath"yapf"Path to yapfEditing - Formatting
yapfArgs[]Arguments for yapf, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Editing - Formatting

Refactoring - Sort Imports settings#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
path""Path to isort scriptEditing - Refactoring - Sort Imports
args[]Arguments for isort, each argument as a separate item in the array.Editing - Refactoring - Sort Imports

Linting settings#


DefaultDescriptionSee also
enabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable linting in general.Linting
lintOnSavetrueSpecifies whether to line when saving a file.Linting
maxNumberOfProblems100Limits the number of linting messages shown.Linting
ignorePatterns[".vscode/*.py", "**/site-packages/**/*.py"]Exclude file and folder patterns.Linting


DefaultDescriptionSee also
pylintEnabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable Pylint.Linting
pylintArgs[]Additional arguments for Pylint, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
python.linting.pylintUseMinimalCheckerstrueSpecifies whether to use the default value for pylintArgs.Linting
pylintPath"pylint"The path to Pylint.Linting
pylintCategorySeverity.convention"Information"Mapping for Pylint convention message to VS Code type.Linting
pylintCategorySeverity.refactor"Hint"Mapping for Pylint refactor message to VS Code type.Linting
pylintCategorySeverity.warning"Warning"Mapping for Pylint warning message to VS Code type.Linting
pylintCategorySeverity.error"Error"Mapping for Pylint error message to VS Code type.Linting
pylintCategorySeverity.fatal"Error"Mapping for Pylint fatal message to VS Code type.Linting

pycodestyle (pep8)#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
pycodestyleEnabledfalseSpecifies whether to enable pycodestyle.Linting
pycodestyleArgs[]Additional arguments for pycodestyle, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
pycodestylePath"pycodestyle"The path to pycodestyle.Linting
pycodestyleCategorySeverity.W"Warning"Mapping for pycodestyle W message to VS Code type.Linting
pycodestyleCategorySeverity.E"Error"Mapping for pycodestyle E message to VS Code type.Linting


DefaultDescriptionSee also
flake8EnabledfalseSpecifies whether to enable flake8.Linting
flake8Args[]Additional arguments for flake8, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
flake8Path"flake8"The path to flake8.Linting
flake8CategorySeverity.F"Error"Mapping for flake8 F message to VS Code type.Linting
flake8CategorySeverity.E"Error"Mapping for flake8 E message to VS Code type.Linting
flake8CategorySeverity.W"Warning"Mapping for flake8 W message to VS Code type.Linting


DefaultDescriptionSee also
mypyEnabledfalseSpecifies whether to enable mypy.Linting
mypyArgs["--ignore-missing-imports", "--follow-imports=silent"]Additional arguments for mypy, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
mypyPath"mypy"The path to mypy.Linting
mypyCategorySeverity.error"Error"Mapping for mypy error message to VS Code type.Linting
mypyCategorySeverity.note"Information"Mapping for mypy note message to VS Code type.Linting


DefaultDescriptionSee also
pydocstyleEnabledfalseSpecifies whether to enable pydocstyle.Linting
pydocstyleArgs[]Additional arguments for pydocstyle, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
pydocstylePath"pydocstyle"The path to pydocstyle.Linting


DefaultDescriptionSee also
prospectorEnabledfalseSpecifies whether to enable prospector.Linting
prospectorArgs[]Additional arguments for prospector, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
prospectorPath"prospector"The path to prospector.Linting


DefaultDescriptionSee also
pylamaEnabledfalseSpecifies whether to enable pylama.Linting
pylamaArgs[]Additional arguments for pylama, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Linting
pylamaPath"pylama"The path to pylama.Linting

Testing settings#

General settings#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
cwdnullSpecifies an optional working directory for tests.Testing
promptToConfiguretrueSpecifies whether VS Code prompts to configure a test framework if potential tests are discovered.Testing
debugPort3000Port number used for debugging of unittest tests.Testing
autoTestDiscoverOnSaveEnabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable or disable auto run test discovery when saving a test file.Testing

unittest framework#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
unittestEnabledfalseSpecifies whether unittest is enabled for testing.Testing
unittestArgs["-v", "-s", ".", "-p", "*test*.py"]Arguments to pass to unittest, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Testing

pytest framework#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
pytestEnabledfalseSpecifies whether pytest is enabled for testing.Testing
pytestPath"py.test"Path to pytest. Use a full path if pytest is located outside the current environment.Testing
pytestArgs[]Arguments to pass to pytest, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list. When debugging tests with pytest-cov installed, include --no-cov in these arguments.Testing

Nose framework#

DefaultDescriptionSee also
nosetestsEnabledfalseSpecifies whether Nose is enabled for testing.Testing
nosetestPath"nosetests"Path to Nose. Use a full path if pytest is located outside the current environment.Testing
nosetestArgs[]Arguments to pass to Nose, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.Testing

Predefined variables#

The Python extension settings support predefined variables. Similar to the general VS Code settings, variables use the ${variableName} syntax. Specifically, the extension supports the following variables:

  • ${cwd} - the task runner's current working directory on startup

  • ${workspaceFolder} - the path of the folder opened in VS Code

  • ${workspaceRootFolderName} - the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)

  • ${workspaceFolderBasename} - the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)

  • ${file} - the current opened file

  • ${relativeFile} - the current opened file relative to workspaceFolder

  • ${relativeFileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname relative to workspaceFolder

  • ${fileBasename} - the current opened file's basename

  • ${fileBasenameNoExtension} - the current opened file's basename with no file extension

  • ${fileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname

  • ${fileExtname} - the current opened file's extension

  • ${lineNumber} - the current selected line number in the active file

  • ${selectedText} - the current selected text in the active file

  • ${execPath} - the path to the running VS Code executable

For additional information about predefined variables and example usages, see the the Variables reference in the general VS Code docs.


  • Python环境 -控制使用哪个Python解释器进行编辑和调试。
  • 编辑代码 -了解有关Python的自动完成,智能感知,格式设置和重构的信息。
  • Linting-启用,配置和应用各种Python linter。
  • 调试 -学习在本地和远程调试Python。
  • 测试 -配置测试环境并发现,运行和调试测试。


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