

Daily Inspiration④①o

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


Only when we treat complex life with a simple mood can we look at the gains and losses lightly, enter the WTO calmly and freely, break away the mist and embrace the sunny day. When the heart becomes simple, the world becomes simple, and happiness comes into being.


There is a weakness in human nature. The more you care about it, the more it torments you. When you stop being afraid of your hands and feet, when you summon up courage and make up your mind to be loyal to yourself, every day will be the best.


Don't let bad things ruin your day. Be optimistic and happy. Life is so short. Don't waste time on things that are not worth mentioning. Don't be too good, you can refuse what you don't want to do, don't force what you can't do, pretend you don't hear what you don't like, your life is not to please others, but to be kind to yourself.


Happiness should be accompanied by sorrow. It should be sunny after rain. If it rains after rain, if it is sad after sorrow. Please take our time to face the departure after our departure. Smile to find an impossible you!


The longest harvest of life, in fact, is to cherish. If you don't cherish you, you will leave if you say you cherish; if you can cherish you, you will always be there. Knowing and cherishing one's predestination leads to true predestination, and comparing one's heart with one's heart leads to knowing one's heart.


If you want to argue with me, I will never be generous. You have to be very generous. I'm definitely brighter than you. I know you're tired, invisible, physical, spiritual, interpersonal, and powerless to face the future.


Good love, winning time, can withstand fleeting years, can withstand parting, can withstand missing. Please don't appear in my dream again, I can't afford to wake up empty! Life is not perfect. Instead of letting life bring more frustration and complaints, we should stick to a belief that life can be better through hard work.


In the right time, meeting the right person is a lifetime of happiness; in the right time, meeting the wrong person is a heartbreak; in the wrong time, meeting the wrong person is absurd; in the wrong time, meeting the right person is a sigh.


A person is not worth your lifetime to like, not to see how good he can be to you, but to see how bad he can be to you when he is in a bad mood. We are separated by a river called fate. I am on this bank, you are on the other bank, I can't cross, you can't come. So we can only look at each other across the river, and eventually we can only forget each other.


How I wish that the years will be gentle, and that you will always be the same, how I hope that at the end of the time, hand in hand with you, young, Irish red makeup, in that most beautiful dream, the rest of my life, please give me more advice.


The future is not welcome, the past is not loved, every moment of the present is the only moment of life. Live well now, live well all one's life. As long as there is a rejection will hurt, reluctance will certainly not be good, do not use their own criteria attached to others.


A multi-minded person is doomed to live a hard life, because it is too easy to be influenced by other people's emotions. Sometimes, it's better to have fewer tendons than to be multi-minded. Lock my memory, lock my sadness, no longer think of you, how can you think of you again, happiness is forbidden, after life and death, can not find the key to enter.

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