

2016 WFAS Tokyo/Tsukuba Conference Hosted



International Conference of WFAS Tokyo/Tsukuba 2016 was successfully hosted in Japan

From Nov 5th to 6th, 2016, the WFAS International Acupuncture Academic Symposium was held in Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan. This conference was co-hosted by World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS) and supported by the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) and the Japan Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society (JTAMS). The President of CACMS, Prof. Zhang Boli and the President of WFAS, Prof. Liu Baoyan are the co-presidents of the Organizing Committee of this conference. Prof. Shuji Goto, President of JSAM is the Chief President of the Organizing Committee, whereas Prof. Ikuro Wakayama is the Executive President of the Organizing Committee.

Mr. Yan Shujiang, Vice Commissioner of SATCM is addressing at the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference of WFAS Tokyo/Tsukuba 2016

Prof. Wu Dong from CACMS is addressing at the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference of WFAS Tokyo/Tsukuba 2016

Mr. Yan Shujiang, Vice Commissioner of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Prof. Wu Dong, Vice-President of CACMS, Prof. Liu Baoyan, President of WFAS have addressed in the opening ceremony. Prof. Shuji Goto, President of JSAM also attended the conference and delivered his speech. Mr. Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan also wrote a congratulation letter on the opening of this conference.

Prof. Shuji Goto, President of JSAM and Dr. .David P.J.Hung, Lifelong Honorary President of WFAS

“Traditional Medicine including acupuncture has made tremendous contributions to the health and quality of life for Japanese”, Mr. Yasuhisa Shiozaki mentioned in his letter. He especially stated that 5 conferences had been organized by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan since January this year in order to optimize oriental medical course system so as to improve traditional medical practitioners including acupuncturists.

Prof. Liu Baoyan delivered his speech on The Thinking and Practice of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Clinical Research Platform. He holds that there are over 380 thousand acupuncture practitioners outside China so it is urgent to improve the standards and regulations of acupuncture clinical research. WFAS has already built the Registry of International Clinical Trials system and he hopes acupuncture experts from different countries can upload their acupuncture clinical cases regularly so as to collect and share the efficacy data of acupuncture and to enhance the acupuncture clinical trials.

Prof. Liu Boyao is delivering his keynote speech in the International Conference of WFAS Tokyo/Tsukuba 2016

This conference is themed of “The Art of Acupuncture and Moxibustion-For Sustainable Health Care and Health Promotion”. More than 2000 representatives from over 30 countries and regions have participated in this symposium. Over 330 articles have been received during the conferences. During the conference, technical session medical instrument exhibition and 212 poster have been presented as well. Its topics vary from acupuncture clinical research, Japanese acupuncture techniques, TCM diagnosis and herbal application, etc. 

Technical Session at the International Conference of WFAS Tokyo/Tsukuba 2016

Before the academic symposium, the 4th Session of the 8th Executive Committee (EC) of WFAS was also held in Tsukuba, Japan on Nov 4th and over 50 executives abroad have participated. This EC meeting was significant since it is the preparation meeting for the 9th General Assembly and multiple proposals and work reports have been passed here. It was also decided that the 9th General Assembly & the 30th Anniversary of WFAS & International Conference of World Acupuncture will held in Beijing, China next year and the satellite conference & World Acupuncture Rehabilitation Conference will be held in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, China as well.

The 4th Session of the 8th Executive Committee of WFAS on site

After nearly 30 years of development, WFAS now has 194 member societies in over 53 countries and regions. It has already become an influential international medical academic organization. WFAS shall continues its efforts in the development of acupuncture worldwide under the leadership of the next board of executives so as to make greater contributions to the transmission and further development of world acupuncture.

President Liu Baoyan is making the conclusion at the Forth Session of the Eighth Executive Committee of WFAS

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