

Benjamin Shobert (Rubicon Strategy Group)
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voanews.com Jul 30, 2013
GSK Scandal Reveals Shortcomings in China's Health Care System
The practices uncovered in the GSK scandal are no surprise to those working in China’s health care system, said Benjamin Shobert, managing director of Rubicon Strategy Group - an organization that advises foreign companies entering the Chinese health care market. “The question was when ...
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fiercepharma.com Jul 13, 2012
China may not produce for Big Pharma long-term
Still, Benjamin Shobert, founder and managing director of consultancy Rubicon Strategy Group, says there are significant looming questions about whether the Chinese market will pay off in the long run for Big Pharma. Writing for CNBC, Shobert acknowledges that Big Pharma's top 10 ...
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shanghaidaily.com Jun 21, 2012
China's elder-care market beckons, but risks abound
CHINA'S looming need for services and facilities to cater to its fast growing population of seniors seems to present an ideal business opportunity: Demand clearly outstrips supply, and the government is welcoming foreign and private help in this area. The government's current Five-Year Plan ...
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chinalawblog.com Mar 01, 2011
On The State Of Intellectual Property In China.
China policy guru Benjamin Shobert has written an excellent article for the Asia Times on IP in China. The article is entitled, “China’s IPR thorn still needles West,” and it says what we have been saying: IP protection in China is getting better, but it is not there yet. Shobert ...
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contextchina.com Nov 16, 2012
Commentary: The Hawks Come Home To Roost
ByBenjamin Shobert
By Benjamin Shobert on November 16, 2012 at 12:08 PM Leave a Comment This Wednesday on Capitol Hill, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) released its annual report to the American Congress. Among the annual events that China-hawks have come to anticipate, the USSC ...
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cnbc.com Oct 01, 2012
China Taps Private Hospitals in Overhaul—Will It Work? Asia Business News
Stay up to date with the CNBC Guest blog. China Taps Private Hospitals in Overhaul—Will It Work? Among the aggressive goals China has set as part of the country’s revamping of its healthcare system, is the expansion of the role for private hospitals in delivering care. The Ministry of Health ...
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fiercepharma.com Aug 20, 2012
Predictions for emerging markets hit new realities
But Benjamin Shobert, founder and managing director of consultancy Rubicon Strategy Group, recently raised a red flag about China's potential as well, pointing to China's pricing policies on domestic-made drugs as it tries to get more medications to a population with growing ...
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olfgroupasia.com Jan 30, 2012
David on Which Chinese Brands Will Make It Offshore First ...
Benjamin Shobert quotes David Wolf in “ China’s Brands in the Shadows ” in the Asia Times last month. David’s point was that a brand making a leap into a foreign market must be relevant within the context of the target culture, and cannot assume that the relevance it has built at home ...
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usa.chinadaily.com.c... News Archive
Ma Xie receives a TCM massage at her home in Beijing by a nurse from US-based Right-At-Home Care. Liu Zhe / China Daily For years foreign investors have tried to jumpstart China's senior housing and care market. So far, none have succeeded. Social stigma, difficult investment boundaries and an ...
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forbeschina.com News Archive
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forbeschina.com News Archive
Will Americans Come to Envy China’s Healthcare?_福布斯中文网
Will Americans Come to Envy China’s Healthcare? Americans who frequently travel to China return home lamenting the many ways China’s infrastructure is more modern than what is available in the US: faster data networks, more reliable mobile phone connections, high-speed rail, and newly built ...
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