





       目前,由非常建筑主持的瑞士诺华上海园区总体规划及设计的生物制药实验楼、酩悦轩尼诗香格里拉酒庄、上海嘉定工业区广告和创意产业基地,苏州莲花堤别墅,和深圳电视台新楼等项目正在施工中。 完成的产品设计包括厚薄折屏风、葫芦系列餐具、荷叶托盘等。为无印良品设计的家具榻组合已投放日本和中国市场。


       非常建筑举办过六次主要个展:1999年在纽约Apex Art画廊,2002年在哈佛大学,2005年在纽约前波画廊,2007年在麻省理工,2008年在伦敦Victoria和Albert博物馆应邀做装置设计“塑与茶”,2012年在尤伦斯当代艺术中心“张永和 非常建筑:唯物主义”大型回顾展。非常建筑也参加了众多的国际群展及双年展,其产品和模型被伦敦V&A博物馆、日本越后妻有大地艺术三年展、中国国家美术馆、深圳何香凝美术馆、香港M 等机构及个人收藏。


FCJZ was established by Yung Ho Chang and Lijia Lu in 1993.

In the past two decades, FCJZ has always believed in the value of design, emphasized research and methodology, and pursued innovations in the craft of

making buildings as well as products. Today, FCJZ is a multi-disciplinary practice whose outputs range from community to jewelry. The firm’s work has also

appeared in many architectural journals internationally as well as on major design web sites.

Completed buildings of FCJZ include Xishu Bookstore, Morningside Mathematics Building, Villa Shanyujian, Split House, Villa Shizilin, Ufida R&D

Center No. 1, King’s Joy restaurant, and Chang An Club with villas in Tongzhou in Beijing; the Bay villas, Shanghai Corporate Pavilion for the Expo 2010,

Shangduli (Site 1),Audi Haus (car display installation) and Community Cultural Center of Jiading Industry Zone, and Vertical Glass House in Shanghai; as well as Shipai Town Hall in Guangdong,

Jishou University Mixed Use Building & Huang Yongyu Museum in Hunan, Samho Publishiing House in Paju, Korea, Hebei Education Publishing House in

Shijiazhuang, Tang Palace restaurants in Shanghai and Hangzhou,  Museum Bridge in Anren, Sichuan.

Currently, Norvatis R&D Campus and Advertisement and Creation Base of Jiading Industry Zone in Shanghai, Moet Hennessy Shangri-la Winery in Yunnan,

Harmony Island villas in Suzhou, and the SZTV tower in Shenzhen are under construction. On product design front, FCJZ has produced Thick Thin Fold screen,

Hulu dinnerware for JIA, Lotus Leave tray for Alessi, etc. Ta combo furniture set for Muji is also in the stores in both Japan and China.

Atelier FCJZ received Progressive Architecture Citation in 1996 for a hillside housing project in Southern China, a WA China Architecture Award in 2004 and

Business Week / Architectural Record China Award in 2006 for Villa Shizilin , and China Architectural Arts Award in 2004 for Hebei Education Publishing

House, among other honors.

FCJZ has held solo exhibitions of its work at Apex Art in New York in 1999, Harvard University in 2002, Chambers Gallery in New Yorkin 2005, and MIT

in 2007 and was invited to create an installation Poly & Chai in the central court at Victoria & Albert Museum in London in 2008. In 2012, FCJZ held

a major retrospective at UCCA in Beijing entitled Yung Ho Chang FCJZ: Material-ism. The firm has also participated in numerous international art

and architecture exhibitions and biennials. Products and architectural models by FCJZ are in the permanent collection at V&A, Echigo-Tsumari Land Art

Triennale in Japan, National Art Museum of China in Beijing, He Xiangning Art Museum in Shanzhen, and M in Hong Kong.

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