

@@@(周运)克丽斯汀 4.10






































在尘世中,我们必须追名逐利,除非我们含着金汤匙出生。但出身显赫并非典型的生命轨迹,生命的意义在于对所有方面的投入,「投入」始于一个梦想——这是你最爱的部分。你的守护星海王星此刻正运行在双鱼座,这是几近165年来的头一次,海王星回归双鱼并将待上多年,重要的是记住海王双鱼的珍贵性,它为你带来世世代代的治愈力量、赐予你实现梦想的机会。伴随着5大行星入驻白羊座 - 包括4月10日周三的新月,你已准备好使自己构想的计划成型。如果历史已证明要阻止你将此次努力化为现实,那么你可能开始时会感到犹豫不决、自我怀疑,但你没理由不信赖它最终揭示给你的一切——将你脑海中、以及日常生活中最珍视的领域激活吧!当水星于4月14日周日离开双鱼座进驻白羊座时,你可能也会体验到自己生存于世的真正价值。 



(March 21 - April 19) 

Around the dark of the moon, it has been known to be a time when visions arise and clarity comes. On Wednesday, April 10, an auspicious New Moon in Aries is joined by the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus. This New Moon occurs once a year in your sign so do make the very most of it. You have more than your fair share of energy in your jets so direct it consciously and with a pure intent to make a dent of a difference on your path. Mars, your ruling planet, is the planet of will and desire. It also governs choice making. The rate and relative speed of your evolution is directly linked with the choices you make, the braver the better. You may feel to have more confidence and courage than usual with this fiery thrust of energy and if this proves to be true, then leap long and far. If you are confused and uncertain as Mercury is still in foggy Pisces in your house of being backstage, the curtains will open on Sunday, April 14 and your role will be clear. It is time to usher in the new. 

Your instinct is ripe, follow it! 

(April 20 - May 20) 

Involution always precedes evolution. This suggests something must come to an end in order for something new to begin. Five planets in Aries, the sign of new beginnings, fill your house of closure, one of these planets includes your ruler Venus. She is clipping along now in front of Mars suggesting your own inner impulses are well in check. You could find your way through the dark if need be now so follow your inner senses and trust where they lead. You may very well be feeling like you are pulling away from a past that is meant to remain in the past, while emerging into this land of the novel and new. Venus your ruler will also enter your sign Monday, April 15 to offer her blessing and assist you in practical ways. The New Moon in Aries on Wednesday, April 10 and the days following offer you a chance to set a private wish into motion. 

The sky is the limit! 

(May 21 - June 20) 

Anything worth anything is worth fighting for, wouldn’t you agree? It doesn’t really matter how much time it takes when you are in it for the long haul, for life here and the moments within it are just another blip on the evolutionary radar screen when considering the big picture. What matters most is making magic in the moments we are given. This week will keep you well on your toes requiring you to be sharp and present as your ruler makes an angle of tension to Saturn. You may need to invest an extra dose of mental focus to ensure that something does not slip by you. A New Moon in Aries in your house of change on Wednesday April 10 holds remarkable promise for some radical alterations in the scenery of your life in the next few weeks. Your ruler finds its way out of the clouds and into the clear by Sunday, April 14 when it joins the brand new bandwagon. 

Detach from drama, invest only where it counts, and it will be clear sailing! 

(June 21 - July 22) 

It is a bit of an added benefit being a Cancer and having the Moon rule your sign as every month, once a month, you can look forward to a fresh start and another chance. It is when the Moon is at its darkest when the sky is rich with magic and possibility. With that being said, it is a time when you are more receptive to the signs and more alert and aware of the meaning they bring. The New Moon in Aries on Wednesday, April 10 is joined by the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus as they combine forces and invest in your future, in particular your career and public self. If there is something you want that you have not allowed yourself to have, if there is something you need that you know would make a difference, simply ask for this blessing and then create some space for its entry. It may not all come in one fell swoop, but this is wishing week and with so many planetary bodies in Aries, you are now setting the stage for what’s to come. Your wish is the sky’s command. 

No need to complicate matters Cancer, it really can be that easy! 

(July 23 - August 23) 

You were born with many natural talents. I know I do not need to remind you of this for as a Leo it is something you have sensed since you were born. The capacities and traits are accompanied by this special sense of purpose that burns bright in you and you know full well if it is not actualized in this lifetime then this life will not be complete. You get to start brand new this week as a New Moon in fellow fire sign Aries will light a match that is destined to burn bright in your house of optimism and faith. The future is now becoming clear and you will continue to fuel it with more color and imagery. When you have passion, you have a place in this world and there will be no shortage of that this week. With Saturn and Mercury at odds for the next few days, you may feel initially insecure about some of your ideas but this doubt will be replaced with greater certainty by Sunday, April 14 when Mercury enters Aries giving you a voice to your creative and/or loving endeavors! 

Someone you admire will soon to sing your praises! 

(August 24 - September 22) 

As you may well know for yourself, your mind can help you or haunt you, it all depends on the content you choose to fill it with. Saturn, the planet of reality is creating pressure on your ruler, Mercury early on in this forecast week, which will test your ability to stay ‘above it’ so to speak. It will test your ability to keep your emotions above water versus allowing you to sink. With five planets in Aries in your house of the Soul, the universe wants you to make a powerful start, to trust in your strength and the impact you are here to make. Someone in your life may have expressed some things that have caused you to pause, bringing you to doubt your greatest and your best, as these words linger in your ears. Mercury moves into Aries on Sunday, April 14 allowing you to pull yourself out of some feeling quicksand. The next two weeks will offer a few ingenious ways to help your mind work famously for you. 

Your Soul is embarking upon a new adventure. Is it risky? Of course it is. Is it worth it? Absolutely yes! 

(September 23 - October 22) 

With five planets in Aries, your opposite sign, this guarantees a new beginning is destined to occur in a relationship or two. Among these five energetic bodies is your ruler Venus. Regardless of what you may think you want, the universe is setting something new in motion that will ultimately be exactly what your Soul needs. All of us attract exactly what we need even though we don’t know we need it, so initially something may surface as a surprise, but over time you will come to see why it needed to evolve in this way. Even though it may not appear to be true, you do have more influence than you realize and if you get in touch with this desire to strike a fair and better balance and not give in where you should have held out, a minor miracle that feels major will occur. The New Moon in Aries, in your house of relationships on Wednesday, April 10 will invite a new and better way forward with another. Speak clearly and repeat yourself if necessary so there is no confusion and the light of day will hit your doorstep by Sunday, April 14. 

Avoid the 'weeble wobble' and you will win! 

(October 23 - November 21) 

Put a magnifying glass up to just about anything and you will see its flaws. This week you will be utilizing this sort of eye on life. It is fine if it helps you see things clearly or serves to promote self improvement in key areas, but not if all you are seeing is the scratch or the stain. There will be a tendency to focus on all that is broken this week as five planets in Aries ignite your house of revision. In addition, Mercury, the planet of the mind is in stress to Saturn in your sign which will create a tendency to want to force things forward when they would be better left to go at their own natural pace. You will learn lessons in patience and will be happy for the teachings as it will slow your Soul down long enough to prepare for your next powerful push. 

The reward for making conscious adjustments that lead to a steadier pace and stride will prove to enhance your most cherished connections! 

(November 22 - December 21) 

You were born with a light of optimism that has served you well over time. Some might even label you a ‘lucky dog’ but this is only a result of your elevated inner state that generates an energetic positive pulse, like attracts like. I know a Sag like yourself who has been through the ringer. Plenty of near misses if you know what I mean, serendipity was clearly on his side. He has shared a time or two that if he were not a Sag he would be dead by now. This is taking this archetype to the extreme however it goes to show that energy is real, it is the law of cause and effect. You may be wondering lately where that upbeat spirit of yours ran off to as Saturn is making a difficult angle to Mercury in your house of the emotions. With a stellium of energy in fire sign Aries including a New Moon on Wednesday, April 10, you are chompin’ at the bit for a fresh surge of that conviction. On Sunday, April 14, Mercury will exit Pisces and enter Aries, motivating your mind and kicking you into a good gear! Before you speed off into the distance, set clear intentions for the road ahead. 

Always remember to lean on your strengths Sag and the door will swing open! 

(December 22 - January 19) 

Life may have felt stuck and stodgy. It may have even felt as if there was absolutely no way through a set of circumstances. The more you energized change, the more it backfired. There is a time for everything and this week there will be a time for a world of change in your life. Five planets in Aries, including a New Moon on Wednesday April 10 will ensure that something true and new will be set in motion, that your emotional efforts will not be lost and that finally some way, somehow, you will find an avenue to direct the flow of those feeling rivers that have been making it a challenge to cope. This week is about getting back in charge of your inner domain and moving emotions that have parked themselves deep in the halls of your Soul. Your ruler Saturn is making an angle to Mercury that says, ‘This is where the rubber meets the road’. You have let certain paralyzing thoughts prevent you from emotionally moving forward and this week as Mercury also enters Aries on Sunday, April 14, your will replace those thoughts with a more productive dialogue, one that will get you back in charge and in control, just how you like it! 

Commit to this vulnerable process and you will succeed with flying colors! 

(January 20 - February 19) 

Brainstorming sessions prevail this week as a New Moon in Aries, in your house of ideas is joined by Mars and Venus, as well as your ruler Uranus, on Wednesday, April 10. If there ever was an energetic spike that would break the mold while creating something radically better and new it would be now. You will also have a few people by your side to help in this endeavor as two or more minds will be better than one. You however will be driving this change and are the spark that will set it all in motion. There may be some red tape and financial requirements to overcome but what you have simmering is going to take you places. Thus is just the beginning, today is the first day of the rest of your life so no need to get ahead of yourself Aquarius. Simply take this thing one strong step at a time while keeping your eye on the prize. Passion sells so let it ooze, let it spill from your Soul. 

No one will think of turning you down! 

(February 20 - March 20) 

Here on Earth, we must earn our rank and status, that is unless we were born into a prominent set of circumstances. This however, is not the typical flight for the Soul. It takes an investment on all levels and this investment starts with a dream, your favorite part. Neptune, your ruler, is currently traveling in your sign Pisces and this has not occurred for nearly 165 years. This rare trend is with you for several more years but it important to remember its rarity, one that offers healing from lifetimes ago and an opportunity to manifest your dream of dreams. With five planets in Aries, including a New Moon on Wednesday, April 10, you are ready to bring something you have imagined into form. If history has proven to prevent this endeavor from making its way into the world, there may be some initial hesitation and self doubt, but there is no reason not to trust its ultimate unveiling. Energize what you value most in your meditations as well in your daily life. You may also come to experience your own true value in the world when Mercury exits your sign on Sunday, April 14 and enters Aries. 

You are worth more than you know!
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