

**********(周运)Astro Twins 14.1.13
【白羊座】 译者:冒险家Amanda


【金牛座】 译者:nyonko

市长金牛大驾光临。本周你是城市之星,周三15日的巨蟹座满月落在你的三宫,激活居住地事宜。与老朋友重新聚首,也不要忘了与新相识建立联系。居住地内充满机遇,不论你是与附近商店联手举办活动,或是正式加盟那家瑜伽馆、网聚小组或是陶艺工作室。如果你不喜欢你的居住地,月光女神会敦促你离开。探索一个新驻地吧,金牛,找到你的族群。出去寻找你归属的人群总是好的。如果这不可能,你可能会在未来两周内开始两地间往返(甚至租赁临时住处,如果资金允许的话)。双城生活不是不可能。第三宫掌管伙伴关系,通常指精神上的那种,2是你此次满月的幸运数字。正如金牛座的芭芭拉·史翠珊所唱的, “需要别人的人是世界上最幸运的人。 ”你在本周就属于最幸运的人,金牛,让人们接近你吧。本次满月有利于促成一次合作,需要正式落在文本上的那种。注意:这次合作有可能不能长久,所以留出六个月到一年的反悔期限而不是一次签订终生大事。你很可能在半年后有更好的选择或希望改进这次的条款。
爱情方面,金火相刑(本周四达到准刑)使你重新考虑你的情感需求。你是否不愿付出还期待爱人更多的回报?你可以高标准,但不可以双重标准。你愿意忍受对自己提各种要求的人么?为公平起见有些调整即将发生。提示:表达感恩之心是你的爱情秘药。单身的牛必须接受的事实是——与男团“98度”的金曲相反——一个人不可能是你的“一切”。失望么?不会吧,这可是铁的事实。不要以此为借口逃避,在花花公子怀里寻求慰藉,你明知道他会惊吓你内心的那个小孩,毁掉这些年你心理治疗的成果。不,这仅仅是个提醒让你保持合理的选择标准,而不是指望你未来的伴侣成为你的的生命之源。只要记住这一点,你就会发现天涯何处无芳草!本周日18号当太阳进入水瓶座代表你的成就的第十宫,金牛大佬执掌大权。你创业的动力已在圣诞前被激发。现在,你只需专注于与任务相关的重要目标,精简其他,一切蓄势待发!在接下来的四个星期里,你会被赋予领导者的角色。如人所说: “戴王冠的头最沉重”,如果你尝试包揽一切这句话就会成真。抓住机会,指派责任,组建团队,当然,以你为首。在你戴上王冠前,请确定你要负担起相对应的责任。虽然起初你要承担很多责任,但一个月后,你就可以将更多职责分派下去。本次的太阳周期旨在打造VIP。完成你的使命,结识精英,打进上层圈子。太阳年年都在这时进入水瓶座,但这次是对你事业少有的好运。如果你在找“大型,悠久,资金雄厚”的机会,你就找对路了。穿起正装,玩转全场!

【双子座】 译者:Wanda

爱情方面,可能会有点点震荡。本周火星和金星成90度角。热情会很高,但它也可以绕进入一个黑暗的困扰你的地方,或者你的热情被绿眼怪物支配。由于有云: “人比人气死人”。你只能做好你自己(华丽的,你的一种表现) ,双双们,与其去羡慕嫉妒恨,还不如去发掘你自身无与伦比的魅力。自信是终极兴奋剂。另外,不要给别人太多的权力。自己去浪漫,而不是等待别人给你买鲜花,巧克力或者其他。发起“快乐革命”,如果你需要一些动力,可以去看双子座妈妈吉纳的运势( www.mamagenas.com )。当太阳在2月18日飘入你的伙伴星座 - 水瓶座,你的心情就会像早春一样放松。欢迎回来, 吉普赛双子座!在紧张的四个星期以后,你的冒险的,环游世界的,并不断地好奇的天性回归了。满足你旅游的欲望去计划旅行吧。你可以探索世界的一个新的角落,你需要在月底前拿到护照,或在今年晚些时候订到票去朝圣。并去拓展你工作智慧新视野。你涉及的领域扩大,你可能只是成为“欧洲地区老大”,或给你公司的分公司命名(伦敦,悉尼和孟买)。你的创业本能被激发出来,于是你发展起工作计划,写这本书的建议,或获得正在进行的媒体企业计划。即使你被家庭拴住,也能使它成为你的任务被分配出来。多元文化的交融将会带来惊人的商机。你可能会注册一个学习班或拿起一个改变生活的书,发掘你智力,情感和灵魂的新大陆。

【巨蟹座】 译者:木。


【处女座】 译者:木。


【狮子座】 译者:神仙静静

放松,联系,释放。周三的满月在大猫的12宫末,准备好打扫房间并把那些“忒2013 ”的旧东西甩掉为好。解决家务问题是这一转变的重要部分,因为土星和满月形成一个了有用的角度。也许你需要与同在屋檐下的人们设定更清晰的基本规则或确保他们尊重你的私人空间。那个每当你在下午5点后播放音乐就拿扫帚在天花板上猛戳的臭脾气的邻居,需要你强硬地如此表态“听着,伙计”。虽然是合作和体谅是必须的,但你绝对不需要在自己的家躺下还觉得处处受限!宽恕是这个满月的宏大主题,但不包括遗忘。你得做出相应的补偿,开诚布公的讲出来,而不是继续掩盖真相,要不就关门拒绝任何有害关系。这个满月同时带来心灵感悟。当你透过疯狂找到方法,过去六个月的斗争突然变得“光明呈现”。根据大猫信条,顺势而为,而不是勉为其难。
在未来两个星期,你会看到你的祝福是如何被挡住的,来自于特殊订单或扮演宇宙的交通警察(这句不太通,求大家指点)。一个强大的导师或指导将会出现。带来教练,治疗师和系统医师,让他们帮你释放该放手的过去。关于恋爱智慧,你很容易想太多,这点要注意控制。火星和金星厮打一整周,你纠缠在一个浪漫情景的分析直至瘫痪。大猫,你这绝对是小题大作。退回来些才能看到远景。你可能会离开你的感情对象几天时间。如果你的困扰已经把朋友的耳朵磨出茧子,暂停关于他的任何讨论,你知道是谁的,对吧?(55,双胞胎不要这么准嘛,这个都被算出来了?)如果你还不能猜出某人的真正意图,遵循“行动比言语更重要 ”原则,要注意那些他及时给到你的东西,而不是只给你一条短信或评论而已。你需要清楚的表述你的要求,而不是假设你的爱人知道你的需求。幸运的是,周日当太阳进入水瓶座以及代表关系的第7宫,爱的医生来到你床头并会陪你一个月。你自己愿意合作的回报,突然间你会看到和谐,而在此之前只有冲突。异性相吸,2月18日之前你被一个对你而言完全新型的人所吸引,这个完全另类的情人让所有人吃惊。如果你们已经大胆地调情或约会,独占爱人的欲望出现。大猫,本周末好好谈谈,关于自己未来的把握,什么是下一个你和你的不满。只要保持谈话轻松幽默,专注于你想要的事情,而不是担心永远不能实现的事情。对于一些大猫,也许一起在走廊漫步,或共同签署爱的小窝的租约。太阳徘徊在水瓶座时,各种类型的伙伴关系都会更紧密。打电话给律师,为合资企业签一个合同,或在未来四周内,追踪某个梦想的客户,并得到正式的合同。

【天秤座】 译者:

【天蝎座】 译者:Rachel

Hello, 旅游潮来啦~1月15日巨蟹座满月,一切准备就绪,就等着你出发了。当你渴望熟悉的环境的时候,你怎样去创造一个像家一样让你舒服的环境,来填充你对旅游的期待呢。1月之前,很有可能你由于一些计划或者买了个机票回到了一个你喜欢的地方,去其他城市见你喜欢的人。一个spa假期或者一个有奢华设备,高级菜单的精品酒店可能是一个很好的放松的方式。由于掌管目标的土星和满月成一个友好的角度,你可能会出差啊,或者实现长久以来的一个到很遥远的地方的一个愿望。即便你哪也没有去,你也会和世界其他地方的人联系。扩大你的搜索范围,尤其是与工作相关的时候。住所附近与不同文化的交流可能也会带来不曾预料的机会。你是个作家么还是媒体制作人?这个满月,你可能看到你的名字会上报,因为这个满月掌管着发布。金星火星这周成不协调的90度,会对你的感情生活带来一点不太好的影响。

【射手座】 译者:长乐未央


【摩羯座】 译者:想不起叫什么

只有感情部分貌似= =

【水瓶座】 译者:木。

多吃蔬菜,少吃代餐食品。1月15日,周三,巨蟹座满月点亮你的第六宫健康宫。号角响起,登上健康的马车再次奔驰吧,满月后的两周都得好好表现。尽管传说中养成新习惯需要40天,接下来的14天你可得提神抓紧(会使你从容突击)。沉稳严谨的木星支持此次满月,你需要制定计划和程序;土星和月亮都在帮助你,你会干的得心应手。如果你在进行全身排毒或是营养果汁疗养,效果有如神助。咨询你的医生,你就会知道你不需要过于极端。从多吃些新鲜蔬菜、有机食品、富含维生素的食物,以及用油健康开始。KrisCarr.com网站对此很有帮助【这是在插播小广告么】,如果你搞不懂B-12啊益生菌啊之类之类,上去看看。意识到要好好吃饭、天天锻炼对你无疑是件好事,要不再定个实际可行又亮闪闪的健身目标吧。是时候来个迷你马拉松,30天的瑜伽训练啥的了。考虑考虑预防性医疗,尝试些整体疗法,比如针灸、混合精油【又插播小广告儿了= =,略】。满月可能会带来事业成功,过去六个月的辛勤劳动迎来收获。土星还会帮你吸引某个相识的、关系甚好的人的兴趣。接着有点“要么干票大的,要么回家洗洗睡”的感觉,所以如果你在事业上没“干大”,你要将视线聚焦在更多更大的机遇上,或者自抬身价。别不好意思让那些看好你的人帮你说好话,旁人的认证会迅速帮你建立良好口碑。

【双鱼座】 译者:不加糖的辣菜丝



Claim your space! This Wednesday, January 15 marks the first full moon of 2014, in the homeloving sign of Cancer. If you feel a little territorial early this week, don’t apologize. You require a sanctuary, an oasis, or a private place to develop your craft free from the interruptions of the other inhabitants of Planet Earth. Turn that spare room into a home office or meditation chamber (with a door that locks). If Chateau Aries is over capacity, consider renting what writer Virginia Woolf dubbed “a room of one’s own.” Peaceful productivity is the name of the game, even if that means investing a little cash on a monthly lease. This is especially pertinent for Aries who run their own businesses, as so many of you do. The interior decorator will arise and with Saturn at a sexy angle to this full moon, your attention goes straight to the boudoir. Lighting!

Scenery! Props! Set it up for more pleasurable playtime along with sweet slumber. As for the people living under your roof or in your building, this full moon helps you resolve tension and create new “family style” systems of cooperation. Real estate matters get a helping hand from la luna. If you have property on the market, you could be hanging that “Sold!” sign in the coming two weeks or getting the paperwork for a sale underway. Looking to move? Spend time midweek poring over listings. That dream address could appear while you’re sipping your Wednesday morning espresso. A female friend or relative requires extra attention and handholding this week too. While a somewhat frustrating distraction, don’t miss the opportunity to pull through for her. She’s been there for you when the chips are down. Now, lend her your capable, clearheaded brand of leadership and set her on the right path. Your loyalty will not go unappreciated.
Love-wise, amorous Mars and Venus are locked in a square this week, forcing issues to the surface. Make sure you’re paying enough attention to your shared future—not just Quest of Aries. Take more interest in your partner’s goals and discuss possible compromises that you might need to make. Conversely, if you’ve been quietly saddled with Best Supporting Castmate status, spell out your needs instead of expecting your partner to read your mind. Conversations like these can be inspiring, especially when you realize how much more the two of you can accomplish as a team. If you’re single, you’ll easily sniff out the successful types this week. Obviously, status alone won’t make you melt, but you’re the type who needs a powerful partner. Upgrade your options as you see fit. Head’s up: sparks could fly with someone you meet in a professional setting. We don’t have to send you a PSA about dipping the pen in the company ink. If you’re going to open that door, make sure there’s “built to last” potential—and don’t do anything that might elicit a future walk of shame. Finally, Sunday arrives, when the Sun zips into Aquarius for a month, restoring your love for humanity. There will be no shortage of people clamoring for a piece of your time. Hello, Popular! Aquarius rules your eleventh house of community and collaborations. Sync up with others whose skills complement your own and turn a solo effort into a joint venture. This is a great way to solidify your place in a prestigious crew. You just have to let go of some of the control. Planning a group event could also consume your time but who better than you to throw a party or unforgettable summit? Geek is chic when Aquarius rules the skies so give your web presence some love—or hit the launch button on an online project you’ve had in the works. Big money may come from an e-venture or via the kismet of LinkedIn before the Sun heads into Pisces on February 18. It’s raining Bitcoins, baby.


Mayor Taurus has entered the building. You’re the toast of the town this week, thanks to the Cancer full moon activating your third house of hometown happenings this Wednesday the 15th. Gather friends together for a reunion and do your share of networking with new people too. The local scene is chock full of opportunity for you, whether you’re teaming up with a neighborhood retailer to host an event or becoming an official member at that yoga studio, Meetup group or pottery studio. If you’re not loving where you live, la luna hastens your departure. Explore a new ‘hood, Taurus, and find your kindred spirits. It’s always a plus to step out your door and feel like you’re amongst your peeps. If this isn’t possible, you may start commuting between two locations over the coming two weeks (or even try renting a pied-a-terre if the funds are available). Bi-city living should not be ruled out. The third house governs partnerships, usually of the platonic variety, and two is your magic number under this full moon. As Taurus Barbra Streisand crooned, “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” Count yourself among the fortunate ones this week, Bull, and let people get closer to you. This full moon helps you formalize a collaboration; one that is worth putting into writing. Head’s up: there is still an ephemeral quality to these unions, so opt for a six month or one-year term instead of locking in the “happily ever after” clause. You’ll likely outgrow this pairing or wish to amend the terms half a year from now.

In the love department, a terse square between Mars and Venus (which comes to a head on Thursday) causes you to evaluate your romantic requirements. Are you expecting more from people than you’re willing to give in return? It’s great to have high standards but not double ones. Are you willing to live up to those demands yourself?
Some adjustments may be in order in the name of playing fair. Hint: an attitude of gratitude is your Love Potion #9. Single Bulls must accept the fact that—contrary to the 98 Degrees song—one person cannot be your “everything.” Disappointing news? No, just a sound reality check. Don’t let this be an excuse to swing in the opposite direction, seeking “solace” in the arms of an unapologetic player who you already know is going to terrorize your inner child and trample all over the progress you’ve made in those years of therapy. No, this is just a call to keep search criteria reasonable and not expect your future mate to be your raison d’etre. With that in mind, you’ll have so many more options to choose from! On Sunday, the Taurus tycoon takes the helm when the Sun zips into Aquarius and your tenth house of success until February 18. Your entrepreneurial engines have been whirring since right before X-mas. Now, you’ll need to streamline and focus on the most important goals associated with your mission so you can actually get it off the ground! Over the next four weeks, you’ll be called into a role of leadership. As the expression goes, “heavy is the head that wears the crown.” This is true if you try to do everything by yourself. Seize the opportunity to delegate and assemble a team, with you, naturally, at the top. And before you agree to the coronation, make sure you’re up for the responsibility that comes with taking charge. While you may have to shoulder a lot of the burden by yourself at first, a month from now, you’ll be able to pass more of the duties off. This solar cycle has VIP written all over it. Make it your mission to mingle with the elite and network in more exclusive circles. There is rarely a brighter time for your career than when the Sun is in Aquarius at this time each year. If you think “big, established, and well-funded,” you’ll be on the right path. Put on that powersuit and play ball!


You’d better work, Gemini! Sure, take a spin down the runway, a la RuPaul, but we’re, um, actually talking about your vocation here. With a full moon in Cancer and your money-earning second house this Wednesday, January 15, happy news could come about a job situation. Your laborious efforts of the past six months finally gain well-deserved recognition—and hey, if that means you have to send out a company-wide “by the way, these are all the amazing things I’ve done” memo to wake people up, so be it. If you’re pretty much over it when it comes to a job, this is the week to call the headhunters and start circulating your resume. A promising response may come within two weeks of Wednesday. Then again, an attitude adjustment may be all that’s required to get you back on track. Words are potent for you, Gemini, and when you open those complaining floodgates, your spirit sinks like the Titanic. Change what you say this week and you can literally change your entire experience of life. Financially, this full moon sounds the call for budgeting. The rest of January should be dedicated to fiscal planning, money management, and figuring out ways to also expand that income column of yours. Perhaps you need to invest in some software, a few sessions with a specialized consultant, or a training seminar. A little extra effort goes a long way. Grounding yourself and getting your feet on terra firma is essential to your productivity. Maybe you need a post-holiday detox where you swear off those tasty but so-not-good-for-you substances for a couple weeks and flood your body with H2O and vitamins instead. Roast some beets; bake a batch of parsnip fries—root vegetables can be, well, rooting. Your Lululemon should be in heavy rotation along with your Louboutins now. A little luxury, the understated variety, keeps your spirits high. Refresh your bedding and bath essentials and splurge on fluffy towels, soft sheets and some haute-perfumed votives. Play soft music too and you’ll stay in a sensual groove during this work-heavy week.

Romantically, the seas may be a tad choppy this week as Mars and Venus lock horns in a square (90 degree angle). Passion will be high but it can also detour into a murky place, one that finds you obsessing or in the grips of the green-eyed monster. As the expression goes, “when you compare, you despair.” You can only be you (gorgeous, one-of-a-kind you), Gemini, so instead of coveting or hating, sink into your own fabulous charms. (Perhaps we need to call on the help of RuPaul for this self-esteem boosting PSA after all.) Self-confidence is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Also, don’t put too much power in other people’s hands. Romance yourself instead of waiting for someone else to buy you fresh-cut flowers, chocolate, or a little something lacy or, uh, stimulating. Check out the work of “pleasure revolutionary,” and fellow Gemini Mama Gena (www.mamagenas.com) if you need some motivation. The mood of life lightens up like an early spring on Sunday when the Sun flutters into fellow air sign Aquarius until February 18. Welcome back, gypset Gemini! After an intense four weeks, your adventurous, globetrotting and endlessly curious nature returns. Sate your wanderlust and get a travel plan in motion. You could be exploring a new corner of the world, passport required, before January is through—or booking the ticket for a pilgrimage later in the year. Stretch into new horizons work-wise too. Your reach expands, and you might just become “really big in Europe” or make a name for yourself in the company’s London, Sydney or Mumbai division. Your entrepreneurial nature is piqued so develop that business plan, write that book proposal, or get plans for a media venture underway. Even if you’re tethered to home base, make it your mission to branch out. Multicultural mingling will bring amazing opportunities. You might sign up for a self-development seminar or pick up a life-changing book that allows you to travel to new corners of your mind, heart and soul.


Rise and shine, Cancer! The annual full moon in Cancer is upon us this Wednesday, January 15. Think of it as your grand entrance of 2014; your big moment to show the world what you’re capable of—and what they might have missed from last six months of your files. This is not just a one-day event though. The two-week window that follows the full moon is a power period for self-promotion. Let the virtue of modesty be gone with the wind. Bragging (strategically) is a requirement for your ascent. Structured Saturn lends a hand with this effort, as it forms a supportive angle to the full moon. The heavyweight planet is stationed in your starpowered fifth house, adding prestige and glamour to the equation. Brand yourself as the classiest pro on the block. Take a few minutes to polish up design, add photos with stylish sizzle and copy edit every status update. Leave the house camera-ready all week. People are watching with wonder now. Romantically, this full moon amps up your desirability and Saturn helps here too. Single Crabs, don’t even think about compromising your standards. With Cupid already in your corner for the next two weeks, you might as well shoot for the target you want to hit. You’ll be attracted to someone with strong leadership skills—maybe a CEO or a lead singer. Already attached? Dress up and work the room with your honey, power-couple style. Some Crabs will have babies on the brain, and this would be a fine week to ponder turning that spare bedroom into a nursery—or taking extra care with your protective measures if you’re not ready to be someone’s mama or dada.

There are a few strong currents in the Sea of Love this week, and with Mars squaring Venus, might temporarily suck you into an emotional undertow. Beware neediness, Cancer, either from yourself or someone else. While it’s lovely to lean on people or have them depend on you, are you becoming a little too insular? Make a point of adding new people to your circle of support so that one poor soul doesn’t have so much pressure on his shoulders to shore you out of your stormy moods. And if you need to nudge a baby bird out of the nest, let the flying lessons begin. Warning: family may have a little too much to say about your romantic choices this week. Don’t hesitate to place a gag order on a relative who crosses the line or screen her nosy calls when you’re reveling in the afterglow of a great date. It cuts both ways, Cancer: stay out of your sisters’ business too. They’ll learn from their own mistakes, it’s not your job to save them. Besides, you’ll be busy developing your own two-person ventures, especially from Sunday onwards when the Sun decamps to Aquarius and your eighth house of permabonding for a month. One or two important relationships will take center stage until February 18, as you find new ways to share resources and make life easier for both of you in the process. Speaking of resources, the eighth house rules big money, such as investments, royalties, and commission checks. Explore a passive income stream; you might even develop your sign’s talent for dabbling in the real estate market. Someone could put dollars behind your dreams so get to work on that business plan. This solar-powered phase makes you smolderingly sexy too. Refresh your lingerie drawer, add more nightlife to your social calendar, and enjoy a VIP guest star in your boudoir. Meow!


Relax, relate, release. With Wednesday’s full moon in your twelfth house of endings, you’re ready to clean house and get that stuff that’s “soooo 2013” out of the way for good. Resolving a domestic issue may be a big part of this transition, as Saturn is forming a helpful angle to the full moon. Perhaps you need to set clearer ground rules with the people under your roof or make sure they respect your space. That grumpy neighbor who bangs a broom on the ceiling every time you play music after 5PM might needs a little “Listen, buddy” tough talk from you. While being cooperative and considerate is a must, the last thing you need is to lie down and feel constrained in your own home! Forgiveness is a grand theme of this full moon; but forgetting is not. You’re urged to make amends by actually talking things out instead of sweeping them under the rug; or else close the door for good on any toxic alliances. This full moon brings spiritual insights too. The struggles of the past six months suddenly become “white light moments” where you see the method behind the madness. Surrender instead of forcing things to go according to The Gospel of Leo.

Over the coming two weeks you’ll see how you’ve been blocking your blessings by trying to special order from or play traffic cop with the universe. A powerful mentor or guide could appear. Bring on the coaches, therapists and holistic healers and let them support you with releasing the outmoded past. Love-wise, you are prone to overthinking, so be warned. With Mars and Venus in a tussle all week, you could spin out into analysis paralysis over a romantic situation. Yes, Leo, you are making mountains out of molehills. Pull back and get perspective. You might take a few days off from the object of your affections. If you’ve burned holes in your friends’ ears with your obsessing, declare a temporary moratorium on any discussions of You Know Who. And if you still can’t figure out this person’s intentions, follow the rule of “actions speak louder than words.” Pay attention to what people are delivering in real time instead of getting hung up on a text message or passing comment. You might need to spell out requests clearly instead of assuming your love interest knows what you need. Fortunately, the Love Doctor comes to your bedside on Sunday when the Sun swoops into Aquarius and your seventh house of relationships for a month. Your own willingness to cooperate returns and suddenly, you’ll see harmony where earlier in the week only strife existed. Opposites attract and you could be drawn to a totally new type before February 18, surprising everyone with your out-of-left-field Valentine. If you’ve been flirting shamelessly or casually dating, the desire for exclusivity emerges. Have The Talk this weekend, Leo, about what the future holds and what’s next for you and your boo. Just keep the conversation light and playful, focusing on what you DO want instead of what you’re afraid might never happen. For some Leos, a walk down the aisle could be the outcome, or perhaps a co-signed lease on that little love shack. Partnerships of every variety grow stronger under the solar spell of Aquarius. Call the lawyers and ink a deal for a joint venture; or pursue that dream client and get a contract on file over the coming four weeks.


Up, up, up goes your Klout score! On Wednesday the 15th, you’re primed for a popularity spike with the advent of the full moon in Cancer. Everyone wants a piece of your time; so much so that you’ll have to turn those one-on-ones into group gatherings to accommodate everyone. Don’t feel bad about your larger party size. This full moon calls forth the Superconnector in you, Virgo, and you’re sure to make a few successful matches this week. People never forget you as the one who introduced them to so-and-so and sent their lives on a high-speed trajectory to success. Social networking, both online and in real time, is favored by this full moon. What you crave may be a few clicks of the mouse away. If you have any e-ventures in the works, the next two weeks are a lucky time to hit the launch button. Polish up your profile pages too. People are searching for you. You’ll also feel the call for community in your non-virtual life. Become an official member of an organization or show your face regularly at a weekly social gathering. Before you know it, you’ll be flooded with new sources of support. A team you’ve been working with could hit a milestone moment giving you another excuse to haul out the champagne flutes and raise a festive toast. Even if you haven’t hit the finish line yet, make a point of feting what’s been accomplished with this crew so far. The celebration translates into motivation for all. Hip, hip, hoorah!

Romantically, Mars and Venus are at odds with each other, forming a square (90 degree angle) all week. Love may feel a little confusing—and confining this week. Hello, mixed messages. On the one hand you want certainty from a relationship; but you’re not keen on giving up YOUR right to flirt with whomever you please. That double standard, needless to say, is pretty unfair. Alas, this is not one of those weeks where you can have your cake and eat it too. Something’s gotta give so rein in that roving eye or let some slack into that leash you have your honey on. Also, you may be demanding a little too much attention from your beloved. Last we checked relationships were a two-way street not a one-person show. Remember that. Single? You could get swept into a romantic reverie this week, losing ground with reality in the process. Alternatively, you might overthink a budding attraction, squeezing the joy and the juice out of it in the process. Yep, it’s a tough balancing act to weather when Mars and Venus are locking horns like this. May we advise that you make NO sudden moves this week? Rather than obsessing over the whole they-love-me-they-love-me-not quagmire, funnel that angst into physical activity. After a hedonistic four-week spell, the health nut in you takes the helm again on Sunday. The Sun will cruise into Aquarius on that day, and set up shop in your vitality-boosting sixth house until February 18. Time to actually use that gym membership you signed up for on January 2. Aquarius energy is social though, so forget about sweating it out on a lonely treadmill with Pandora pumping in your ears. Thrive from the motivation of others exercising alongside you in a group cardio class. Friends will be happily harnessed into these make-better missions too, so meet for yoga or spin instead of at the local watering hole…or at least start with down dogs before downing shots. Your work life gets busy now too. You’ll enjoy being productive but the stress levels can also rise—another good reason to ground yourself with exercise and proper nourishment. You don’t have to gag on green juice or eat naked iceberg lettuce and chicken breast. Use your stellar research skills to gather recipes that are both nutrient rich and amazingly delicious.


Up, up, up the ladder you go! This Wednesday, January 15 arrives with a full moon in Cancer and your tenth house of success. Those long hours at the office, the cocktail parties you skipped, the money you invested on sleek promotional materials—it could all pay off in the two weeks to follow this full moon. Open up that leftover bottle of bubbly and celebrate the milestones you’ve reached. Then, do a little streamlining and goal mapping. In what ways could you be working smarter rather than harder? Simplifying your grand plans can keep you focused on tasks that bring the real ROI, not ones that zap your time but leave you spinning your wheels. A helpful man from your network could step forward this week with offers of support; or, you could nab a heavy-hitting client or well-heeled sponsor for one of your professional endeavors. If you’ve been hazy about your career trajectory, a “white light moment” may arrive with this full moon, helping you see clearly what’s next. This full moon forms a supportive angle to Saturn indicating that any structures you put in place could really help you go farther faster. If you have to go back to the drawing board on an idea, fear not. You’re not really starting over, Libra, you’re just going back to basics so that you can relaunch from a wise and profitable place.

This week, love will be exhilarating in moments; in others it can bring a case of the moody blues. Blame it on a tricky cosmic dance going on between Mars and Venus. The amorous planets are locked into a tense square (90 degree angle) all week…and yes, you really are being a tad oversensitive. Mars in in Libra while Venus is in your emo fourth house making it hard to NOT take everything your lover says and does as a personal affront. There’s no light at the end of that tunnel, Libra, so don’t go digging for something that’s not really there. You may feel clingy or needy when in truth you actually require more “me time.” Don’t let those abandonment fears kick in. When you’re most afraid that no one will ever love you or that your sweetie will leave you (neither of which is likely to happen), consider it a sign: self-love is missing from the equation. Dive into a passion project, do something nurturing for yourself like cooking a delicious meal with natural ingredients, hitting a yoga class or getting a massage. Don’t let your family or girlfriends weigh in too heavily on your choices in the love department. Their opinions can derail you this week. Instead, listen to the wisdom of your own heart. This is YOUR life to live. Cupid comes to the rescue on Sunday, when the Sun swoops into Aquarius and your fifth house of romance, glamour, and passion until February 18. You’ve been flying under the radar over the past four weeks while the Sun was in your domestic zone but you’re ready to come out of hiding now. Put some extra food in your cat’s dish, power down your Kindle and break up with your couch. For the next month, you’re the reigning King or Queen of the Scene and will spend more time OUT of the house instead of tucked away in hibernation mode. Life feels like one long red-carpet event so you might as well call the glam squad and get ready for your close-up. This starpowered solar cycle could launch you into the public eye, helping you gain recognition for your hard work and talents. Don’t wait to be discovered! Strategic self-promotion, and perhaps a stage performance, is sanctioned by the stars. As long as you focus on what the benefits are for others instead of looking for validation, people will clamor to be part of your fanbase. This festive mood should not be kept all to yourself. Lift your social network out of the winter doldrums by planning tons of extracurricular fun for the lot of you. Bonus points if you can get fancy from time to time. Valentine’s Day starts early for you, Libra and your love life goes through an exciting upsurge now. If you have babies on the brain, good news as this is a fertile cycle for your sign. If not, well, be vigilant with those protective measures. Playful dates revive romance for coupled Libras while single Libras might just meet a mate (or date) while dancing the night away at a seen-and-be-seen party. Celebrate, good times, come on!


Hello wanderlust! Your jetsetting streak is activated by the full moon in Cancer this Wednesday, January 15. While you crave familiar surroundings, how can you create a “home away from home,” Scorpio, and fulfill your travel fantasies? There’s a strong possibility you’ll return to a favorite place before January is through or make firm plans (and buying a plane ticket) to visit a loved one living in another city. A spa vacation or a boutique hotel with luxe amenities and haute-cuisine room service menu would be a great way to relax. With goal-oriented Saturn forming a happy angle to the full moon, business travel could be in the stars; or you might just fulfill a long-held wish to visit a far-flung corner of the Earth. (A Balinese yoga retreat or Brazilian trek to visit John Of God, perhaps?) Even if you stay put, this week could find you connecting to people in other parts of the world. Expand your search radius, especially when it comes to your work. Multicultural mingling close to home could bring unanticipated opportunities too. Are you a writer or media maker? You may see your name in print as this full moon governs publishing for you. A Mars-Venus square hovers somewhat ominously in the background all week, casting a little shadow over your love life (and everyone’s for that matter).

Temptation could percolate in the romantic realm but be careful: the object of your lust could come with the “bonus” of a sketchy past or complicated situation. It always seems like no big deal until you go in for the kiss, Scorpio; don’t forget that. You’ve never been that adept at separating feelings from physicality and this will be no exception to that rule. Better to avoid the first drink from those waters—a taste of honey is worse than none at all. Coupled? You will need to compromise more in order to keep a relationship on track this week. But don’t bend over backwards or expect others to be Olympic gymnasts for you. Negotiating anything—from where to go for dinner to what your timeline for marriage is—will become overly complex under this Mars-Venus square. It’s probably best to take a breather from trying to figure out the future until next week. Mull things over separately, getting clear about what you need by consulting your advisory circle instead of trying to hash it out under duress. On Sunday, the Sun decamps to Aquarius and your friends and family zone until February 18. After a socially active month, tend to your inner circle and reconnect to the people who know you best. Work with women will be gratifying and profitable during this four-week cycle. When you’re not dreaming of distant lands, hunker down at home to recharge and relax. Scorpios have a talent for interior decorating—you love to create a stylish and sexy sanctuary. Feather your nest with sartorial touches. If you’re in the market for a move, pore over those real estate listings while sipping your morning espresso. You might be turning the key in the front door of your dream home before you know it!


Hello, you minx. On Wednesday the 15th, a full moon in Cancer and your alluring eighth house blesses you with two weeks of magnetic mojo. A relationship that’s been percolating in the flirty undertone zone could explode in a passionate makeout session—the kind that brings you legendary bragging rights if not a Bulgari bauble on that finger. There’s a permanent bonding vibe in the air, and you seem ready to talk happily ever after now. If you’re already spoken for, you’ll be inspired to take it to “spice island” once again. Don’t just putter around the house in oversized fleece pajamas and rumpled hair. Put an effort into seducing your sweetie or creating a sexier setting for the two of you to enjoy. A bedroom makeover may be in the works: bring on the drapey fabric, dimmer switches, costumes and toys. Or sign you and your honey up for that tantric workshop. Whatever it takes to keep the lights and heat on. Lines could blur a bit so be clear about your boundaries. Stern Saturn is wagging a finger at the full moon, but in a friendly, I’ve got your back kind of way. Consider this a planetary PSA to be careful what you wish for, Archer. It’s a-coming your way and it will stick to you like glue. So unless it’s something (or someone) you’d like to have hanging around for the long haul, dial down the volume of your seductive charms a bit. If you’ve been down an unsatisfying road before, don’t fall into the insanity of thinking the outcome will be different if you just give it one more try. (It won’t.) This full moon is all about big money too. A passive income stream could really pay off, filling your coffers with the kind of money you make in your sleep: royalties, commissions and investment dollars. You may procure an agent to help you negotiate a deal. Yes, Sag, you’ll have to skim some cream off the top of your profits, but you’ll have a lot more of to play with when someone else is negotiating on your behalf now.

Amorous Mars and Venus lock into a challenging square all week causing a little rough patch in the romance department. Everyone’s weighing in on your choices, and hey, you may have trained them to comment liberally on your every move. This week, close the opinion polls and put a moratorium on this “other people’s feedback matters more than my feelings” trend. This is YOUR life, Sagittarius. Tune in to your own values, and those alone. You can’t please everyone—and trying to could water down the strength of that special bond. A group expense could get a little pricey this week too. Speak up instead of trying to keep up with the Joneses. Better you should be honest about your budget than drain your bank account. Odds are good that there are other silent protestors in the bunch who will be grateful you blew the whistle on these rising costs. On Sunday, unfold those social butterfly wings! The Sun cruises into Aquarius and your garrulous third house until February 18 making you the official hub of your community. After a month of keeping your nose to the grindstone, you need to cut lose and let your hair down. Action heats up on the local scene, so you won’t have to travel far from home to get your fix of fun and entertainment. Then again, some Archers might set up shop in a new ZIP-code or embrace bi-city living for once and for all. Shop for a new car or take care of those long-overdue repairs to the ride you have before Mercury turns retrograde on February 6. What can you do to make your commutes more comfortable and productive? Upgrade your sound system or invest in a lightweight e-reader or great headphones if you’re a straphanger. Aquarius rules your communication zone, and this solar-charged month will have you sending out more signals than a satellite tower. Record a podcast, start a YouTube channel, write your memoirs, publish a searing blog. Got an idea to spread, a passion project to promote? Learning effective tactics for social media can help you launch your vision to the stratosphere.


Make it a double, Capricorn! With a full moon in your relationship sector this Wednesday the 15th, you’re ready to “officialize” a partnership. Don’t just settle for a handshake deal. Spell out the terms of this exclusive arrangement, and if appropriate, call the lawyers to draft a contract. First, a reality check: is there actually a vacancy for such a dreamy and dynamic duo in your world? Clear the decks of commitment-phobes to create the space for a sacred soulmate who can actually go the distance with you. If you’re already in a relationship, this full moon sounds the call for socializing…together, that is. Bring your respective circles of friends together for a joint gathering; sign up for a couple’s workshop or an organization devoted to one of your common interests. Survey the landscape of your daily environment. The urge to beautify strikes so let your aesthetic side take the helm. Furniture and artwork with a funky, eclectic twist brings personality to an otherwise average space. Color outside the lines of convention, Capricorn, and let your creativity shine. Mars and Venus the planetary passion hounds are at each other’s throats this week, forcing us all to revise our unexamined habits in affairs of the heart. When it comes to love, you may find that you’re being a wee bit too goal-oriented in your approach. Sure, it’s power-couple status that you may crave, Capricorn, but at what price? When you achieve those romantic milestones, you might just feel hollow, realizing that these are other people’s dreams, not your own. Besides, all that pressure to hit some benchmark is dulling the adventurous spirit required for romance.

Put a hold on future planning, husband-hunting, wife-shopping, and black tie affairs this week, and give yourself over to spontaneity. We realize this isn’t easy for Capricorns to do but once the initial resistance passes, you’ll really get into it. The cooperative spirit will return to your relationship after you’ve both had a few laughs. In all areas of life, this Mars-Venus square reminds you that you shouldn’t suppress your originality just to fit in. Being a free bird (or an odd duck) gives you edge. Embrace it! Besides, this is the final week of your birthday party time so there’s good reason to let your independent spirit shine. On Sunday, that blazing ball in the sky will move on to Aquarius and your second house of planning until February 18. After a few flights of fancy, you’ll be ready to get back down to nuts and bolts again. Run your big ideas through the reality check filter. Crunch numbers, map out timelines and put your project plans into a spreadsheet. You’ll see clearly which of these are doable and which might need to be shelved for another day. This solar-powered month will find you on a moneymaking mission too. Saving and budgeting must be adhered to (you’ve probably loosened up that belt a little too much since December 21) but don’t become an ascetic miser. Focus on the income column too as the Sun’s tour of Aquarius can really ramp up your earning power. Fortunately, your hardscrabble work ethic is ba-ack too. Roll up your sleeves but don’t forget the pleasure principle. Little luxe indulgences keep you motivated and productive. Pause for a coffee break (or bring your fancy espresso machine to work), burn a haute scented candle while you’re paying your utility bills, skip the conference room and have a power lunch instead a couple times a week.


Praise the kale and pass the granola. A full moon in Cancer lights up your sixth house of healthy routines this Wednesday, January 15. The trumpets have been sounded so climb aboard the wellness wagon once again. The two weeks following the full moon are a major manifestation period. Although the latest popular wisdom is that it takes 40 days to form a new habit, the next 14 are where you should really focus now. (It will be easier to sally forth from there.) With structure-hound Saturn supporting this full moon, you need a plan and a program; one that relies more on doing things the natural way since both the moon and Saturn are in earthy houses of your chart. If you’re up for a full-on detox or juicing program, you’ll certainly have the mojo for it. Consult your doctor first and know that there’s no need to be extreme. DO start weaving in more fresh, organic produce, healthy oils, and vitamin-rich foods into your diet. This helpful piece on KrisCarr.com can demystify some common supplements, such as B-12 and probiotics, and how they help your body: http://kriscarr.com/best-of-kris-carr/nutritional-supplements-which-ones-should-i-take/. It can be extremely helpful to just track your eating and exercise to bring awareness to your habits. Set an inspiring fitness goal too, one that you can work towards and even train for. Maybe it’s time to finally run that mini-marathon, Aquarius or take on the 30-day challenge at your yoga studio. Think preventative medicine too. Try some holistic modalities like acupuncture or having a flower essence practitioner make you a customized blend, like one of our go-to’s at www.seedtoblossom.com. A work triumph could come with this full moon, bringing reward for your past six months of work. Saturn participates here as well by piquing the interest of some established and well-connected people. There’s a bit of a “go big or go home” energy afoot, so if you’re not hitting the mark at work, you might need to focus on more prestigious opportunities or raise your rates. Don’t be shy about asking your most impressive connections to put in a good word on your behalf. An endorsement like that can really speed your ascent.

Mars and Venus square each other all week, bringing out the relationship rebel in you. Uh-oh, Aquarius…do you have one Choo out the door again? You’re feeling feisty and not at all interested in being pinned down. Note: this restlessness can show up in disguise, for example, pining away for someone who is just not in the market for a committed relationship. Obsessing over a player could zap hours from your week if you open that door. (Don’t.) Found a genuinely good prospect? Avoid any heavy talks about the future and know that the worry-machine in your head (the one that gets you all scared about being stuck with an albatross of declining attractiveness) could really spin out of control. You just don’t want to react to any of those anxieties this week or you could miss out on—or foolishly cut ties with—someone of soulmate status. Fortunately, the stars hit the reset button on your life this Sunday when the Sun blazes into Aquarius for its annual, monthlong tour. This is your time to shine; your extended birthday party, which stretches until February 18. While you’ll crave independence, you don’t have to cut everyone off to enjoy it. Just focus on developing your passions and interests and you won’t have time for any relationship drama anyway. It will just be nice to have some supporters cheering you on. Do bolt the door on toxic situations and make a point of prioritizing your own happiness. Makeover magic can lift your spirits too, so let your edgy Aquarius side out to play with a funky haircut (or color !) and clothes that express the artsier side of you. Note that Mercury will go retrograde from February 6-28, so if you’re going to doing anything in the tat-and-piercing department, carpe diem before then. Invest in your self-development during this solar-powered cycle. From classes to teleseminars to world-expanding travel, the next four weeks are your time to soar!


Oh l’amour! Cupid makes an early appearance this Wednesday the 15th, slinging a quiver full of arrows in your direction. You can thank the full moon in Cancer for this romantic renaissance—and the two weeks that follow will be rich with opportunity. Go on, confess those feelings, Pisces, as you may discover your secret crush has been harboring a mutual desire for you as well. If you’ve been wandering through the desert without an oasis in sight, you could suddenly find yourself flooded with options. Dive into that dating spree, Pisces, and be proactive. Repost your online dating profile and ask friends to fix you up. With Saturn forming a supportive angle to the full moon, love could come from afar. You might just reunite with someone you met during your 2013 travels or an ex who has relocated to a different city. Of course we only recommend reunions like this if you think there’s some actual relationship potential there. The last thing you need is to spend 2014 pining for an unrequited lover. Then again, if you’re the rare Pisces who can handle a passionate interlude without getting totally attached, well, this might just be an exciting and memorable, er, jumpstart to your year. If you’re coupled, playtime will bring back the sparks. Look into B&Bs…a sexy weekend getaway could be delicious, or a bigger trip that you start planning together now. Have the two of you discussed relocating or buying vacation property? That dream listing in a distant ZIP-code could emerge. Cross-cultural relationships simmer with added spice. Keep your ears perked for sexy accents! This full moon brings a surge of starpower too. No more hiding that light under a bushel. You might just get some media attention this week or find the courage to promote yourself in a public way. All the world is your step-and-repeat for the two weeks that follow this full moon. Add some glamorous events to your agenda, like gallery openings, charity galas, and dress-up dinners with your friends. If you’re a performer, this full moon could bring that big break! Leave the house your “camera ready” best.

There will be some friction to contend with this week, as Mars and Venus lock into a challenging square. Someone in a group you belong to may reveal an ulterior motive or secret agenda. Don’t rush to invite anyone into your inner circle or let that overly trusting side of you take the helm. A friend may be feeling competitive too so be careful about getting sucked into her jealous undertow. It’s never a good idea to dim your lights so she can shine. All this does is create resentment and give her undue power over you. Draw a clear boundary and know that she’ll have to work through those feelings on her own. No apologies for your success, okay, Pisces?! Do beware your own possessive streak this week too. Hanging in a group setting with your sweetie could stir up a few needless insecurities. If you’re jonesing for some one-on-one time, speak up instead of agreeing to go to the dinner party for your Saturday night date, seething into your amuse bouche while your honey works the room. Once your love tanks are refilled you’ll be happy to be his/her arm candy once again. On Sunday, the Sun dips into Aquarius for a month and your twelfth house of restoration and completions. This is the final phase of your annual solar cycle. On February 18, el sol will blaze into Pisces, reviving you and getting you back into action. Until then, however, you just need to rest and recharge. Your escapist urges will be strong. Go into early spring breaker mode and head to a white sand beach (before the high school seniors overtake!), or hole up by the fireplace of a sexy ski lodge and enjoy those powdery white slopes and some spa treatments. Get a meditation practice going, focus on eliminating what you no longer need. Decluttering your space—and your Facebook “friend” list—will leave you feeling lighter and energized. This is a powerful time for healing, in a mind-body-soul kind of way. Work with a holistic practitioner, spiritual teacher, therapist or coach. Support is all around you so just surrender and let others buoy you to new heights. Creating better boundaries is a must too. One of the most important words you’ll say between now and February 18 is a clear, simple “no.”
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