

有贵人在帮助你,这些人能够为你所用,支持你的希望和梦想。本周的某次讨论能够获得非常喜人的成果,虽然你是可以坐等被联系,但为什么不首先行动呢。 (周运)佩妮每周星座运势4.11-4.17




















☆☆☆射手座——译者: 扭森森











The Week Ahead

Synastry - the astrology of relationships - is my specialist area. It was the subject of my first book and the most common reason people consult me. And if you’ve been working with astrology and relationships for as long as I have, you’ll come to understand how very limiting and sometimes completely wrong some of the old principles of synastry are.For a start, two people born with the sun in the same element do not always get on. Much was made of the harmony between Diana (Cancer) and Charles (Scorpio) when they married.

Need I say more? More often two people born with the sun in different elements but the same quality (or modality) bond together like superglue.Of course, nothing in astrology is that simple, but in my long experience I see more couples who are strong in the same modality and weak in the same element. Thus there are Fixed couples, Cardinal couples and Mutable couples.

The principle of attract and repel is at work here - you are drawn by your common quality but challenged by your different element. And in a good relationship there is a balance between the similarities and the differences.So, if you are analysing your relationships and wondering why your fellow fire signs/water signs/earth signs or air signs never do it for you, now you know. You should be looking for your “antipathy”!

The Week Ahead for Aries

It’s not over till the fat lady sings.

Breathe. The recent planetary storm is behind you and you can start to assess whether it has blown you off course or taken you a whole lot nearer your destination. There is still considerable mileage to be gained from this astro-scape, so although you do not want to act with undue haste, if you believe you have a solution to a problem or can see your way to introducing a positive change, make your move before the weekend.

Work, finance and your place in the world are perfectly aligned giving some Arians a break they have been hoping for and others an opportunity to make an approach to someone in a position of influence.

The Week Ahead for Taurus

All is well.

Mercury in your sign is in perfect harmony with Jupiter and Pluto, so if you have something to say now is the time to say it. You can go a long way, whether in the sense of miles or achievement, and given the past couple of weeks have been anything but easy-going, don’t lose too much time before setting wrongs to rights and getting projects off the ground.

Next week the Sun will enter your sign boosting your energy and your confidence, and if a relationship is continuing to cause concern, leave well alone for the moment. When a situation is in a state of transition it is counter-productive to try to interfere.

The Week Ahead for Gemini

Instincts and feelings.

Trust your instincts, especially where a financial matter is concerned. Ruler, Mercury, may be tucked away in the underworld of the twelfth house but it is working overtime bringing information buried in the unconscious to the forefront of your mind. Should you have a project that requires financial backing or a problem that needs resolving, set up a meeting with those who could help.

Not always the sign to embrace the concept of intimacy, opening up to a partner or someone you love could also prove rewarding. Although your mental skills are acute, sometimes the route inspired by feelings is the one that gets you where you need t go.

The Week Ahead for Cancer

Getting over it.

It can take a long time to get over an upsetting incident, and it can take a long time to adjust to a new situation, but if you are facing these kinds of challenges this astro-scape could help. It could be an unexpected message or something you come across by chance, which has the effect of jump-starting your optimism and creativity.

And there is nothing like embarking on a new project to restore good spirits; and nothing like a new view on an old situation to set you on the road to success. No one likes their ideas shot down in flames but neither do you want to look back on this time and wish you had made a move when you had the chance.

The Week Ahead for Leo

What goes around comes around.

A stroke of good luck is almost certainly inspired by efforts in the past, and while some Leos could be on the receiving end of a generous offer or some other welcome development, by giving your all to an endeavour you will reap the benefits in the future. No good deed goes unnoticed, although you might not appreciate this sentiment if you expect the process of karma to resemble a tennis match.

Indeed, karma is playing into the key events of this time, whether you are witnessing the process in other people’s lives or enjoying the fruits of your own labours.

The Week Ahead for Virgo

Moving forward.

Jupiter’s presence in your sign is at the very least a protection in that you will be buffered from the more extreme aspects of a challenging situation, but at best this planet will breed success, growth and happiness. And the current line-up involving your ruler, Mercury, could inspire the very best from this bountiful planet. Good news from people far away or positive developments in a business project could be on their way, and if you have ambitions of a personal or professional nature this is the time to market your assets.

Even a small setback should turn out to be beneficial in the long run, so have the confidence to chase up people who have not got back to you.

The Week Ahead for Libra

Working toward your targets.

Venus continues to work on your behalf, bringing good people into your world and encouraging positive developments in romantic and business relationships. You may have experienced something of a rough ride recently but you need to look at any losses as a cleansing exercise and from this point you will make progress, and indeed, feel happier.

This would be an ideal time to sign contracts and to commit to new personal and working alliances; it is also an excellent time to forge new financial agreements. In just over four months Jupiter will enter your sign, encouraging growth from the seeds you are now planting. Be full of hope.

The Week Ahead for Scorpio

Settling for what you can get.

After the ups and downs of recent weeks, the cosmos settles down enabling you to take stock of where you are and how best to move forward. To this end, be open to all suggestions and offers because although they may not seem initially promising they have the capacity to get you a whole lot further down the road of your hopes and dreams. Should you be in negotiation over a sale or a contract, be prepared to settle for a little less than you hoped for: not only may the offers be at their ceiling but by turning down an offer you could be setting yourself up for a period of financial hardship.

Try not to think that you are your offerings are being undervalued: it’s simply a reflection of the times.

The Week Ahead for Sagittarius

Going back.

Mars is a great planet to have in your sign when you are fired with ambition and ready to go to the wall for someone or something, but it is an energy that requires taming. Perhaps you are already regretting a certain action you took during the past few weeks or maybe the consequences of a rash gesture are only just beginning to dawn on you, but if you have been guilty of going too far too soon, you now have a chance to withdraw and regroup.

It may be in your best interests to make an apology or try to rework a plan. By making a move that people will not expect you will gain an advantage.

The Week Ahead for Capricorn

A bigger and better picture.

Get your professional hat on and be ready to talk business. There is no need to stand on your soap box, more apply practical and reasoned arguments to achieve your ends. While for many Capricorns this advice relates to career and finance for others achieving a heart’s desire requires the same amount of cool, calm and calculation.

And don’t be shy of painting a big picture; lead with your ambition. Jupiter continues to promote long-distance endeavours and projects involving education, travel, publication and law; and this is one occasion when you can go as far as your vision will allow. In other words, think big.

The Week Ahead for Aquarius

It all starts with an idea.

You are in a phase when you can influence events with the power of thought. Now, I don’t mean you can turn water into wine but you can impress others with your ideas and by acquiring knowledge and skills you could turn a situation around. One or more aspects of your existence require a fresh look and the preparedness to employ a new strategy.

Although Aquarius is an air sign and therefore strong on ideas it is also Fixed and resistant to change. Let go of old opinions and make a move even without the certainty of where it will take you. Some of the greatest journeys in life begin on instinct and when you least expect.

The Week Ahead for Pisces

Friends in the right place.

Pisceans are not the greatest planners in the world; you go with the moment. In most ways this is an excellent philosophy, however, sometimes you need to take a long hard look at a situation and figure out how best to deal with it; you need to look at your end game and plan how to get there. Until September you have Jupiter’s brand of people power helping you onward and upward.

Put another way, you have good people in your corner and they can be enlisted to support you in your hopes and dreams. A discussion this week could lead to a very happy outcome and although you could just wait and see who makes contact, why not make the first move.
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