

*******你也许会悄悄发现一个非常棒的投资机会,但是让它继续发酵吧:这个机会将在六月回归,以一种更容易被抓住的方式。整个一周,完成项目而不是开始新的 -- 因为为期三周的拖延症时期即将到来。 (2
蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,近40年的占星经验,因准确预测过许多时政大事结果闻名。

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋标准时间(PST)(Pacific Standard Time Zone) 。PST是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PST是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。


【周日】07:43 ~ 11:27 ; 【周二】13:45 ~ 15:3;【周四】17:16 ~ 21:20。


☆☆☆ 序文 -- 译者:元中




还记得吗?自从2008年以来,我一直在说,警察国家将在北美和其它地方增长。现在,恐怕会有穆斯林或者有嫌疑的激进分子(未经正当程序核实)的 “围捕” 。


我在这里说过,3月中到4月,特朗普无法启动任何事情。他不应该现在启动他的税收改革 -- 它将与医改一样的结果 -- 或者,不是死亡,它可能转啊转的转几个月,最终可能成功,或者不成功。他应该更加明智的把启动的时间标记到5月,甚至到6月,然后继续。但是有人告诉他这样做吗?疑惑中…


我没有看到命运像有罪的社会那样做:一个黑暗、威胁或者恐怖数字,或者是《麦克白》(MacBeth)里面的女巫们搅动她们的噩梦大锅,生产出 “辛劳和麻烦”(toil and trouble)。我认为命运是一件巨大的、善良的事情; 一种巨大、笨重而又错综复杂的公主命运(Princess Fate),而不是一个末日之王(Queen of Doom)。

在占星学中,海王星管辖潜意识,包括睡眠、梦境,还有药物或者让你到达梦境所需的设备。它管辖想象、深湖、大洋和海、鱼类、气体、石油流动(有人说石油本身)、色情、精神主义和精神本身、通灵、特异功能者、冥想、瑜伽、业力、制度、隐退、休息,等等。奇怪的是,特异功能者不是先知;在他们的圣经角色里,借助对贫穷远亲的预测,先知们实际上起到了实行政治的和行为的指导作用,只有寥寥数语的能力 – 并且,通常笼统地表达。


我觉得,天意,或者命运,来自于这个冥王星区域。我们的命运来自于我们自己的深处,在这种情况下,除了我们显意识层面上的敌人 -- 欲望以外,命运不可能是个敌人。我想象,跟随这个命运的引导(我们可以视其为一个溪流或河流),可能会带来一个人进入更快的进步状态。视命运为要战胜的一个敌人,如同不必要地对自己做斗争 -- 因为它是你之所是。正如你认识的这一点 -- 创造你自己的命运。

在某些情况下,命运似乎是异想天开地运作 -- 从高速列车中掉下来的一个婴儿,或者在其一岁生日之前和之后的每个星期被性侵的人。因为我相信轮回,我相信即使是这些 “命运” 也是自我选择的。也就是说,出生之前,受孕之前,我选择了从火车上掉下来,或者在12个月大时被性侵。如果轮回不存在,这种情况在生活中纯属巧合。

不过,在其它的情况下,“异想天开” 很少是看起来的那样。一个群体牵涉进突然发生的车祸。你的车子被后面的汽车撞了,你没有做错任何事情,但是银行抢劫犯的接应同伙紧张驾驶,并且追尾撞你。然后你的汽车被扣押作为证据。这个简单的 “命运”,就这么从蓝蓝的天上掉了下来?可能不会。你的无意识心理引导你到那条路和那个地方,所以事故就这样发生了。下一个问题:为什么?这个问题可以通过一个例子浅显地回答:你被撞,因为 “命运”(你的深层自我)看到了未来,并且希望你遇见你未来的配偶。在此之前你不会做的:如果你没有进入医院进行事故后检查,并且在瓷砖走廊里碰到了Ta。


我也相信,从某些经验来看,你不会失去你的个性,你的个性或自我意识在这个伟大的无意识之池中。它们不会淹没在一些热哄哄的无意识的汤里。你独有的无意识就像一根茎上的一朵花,独一无二,并且,有意识。然而,我们从来没有 -- 或很少 -- 听到我们的无意识。那不是因为我们的无意识不知道我们,而是我们有意识地不了解 “我们”。如何解释希特勒,我不知道;虽然答案可能在上面触到的命运第一区:出生前、出生时的预先设定,这个预先设定可能意味着选择。

☆☆☆ 白羊座 (03.21~04.19)-- 译者:姜氏沉鱼

亲爱的白羊,你的精力和魅力仍然处于年度顶峰。但是相对却缺少了影响力和效率。利用这周完结项目而不是开启它们。在三月份你遭遇了一些延迟,自下周到五月初,你和所有人还会遇到更多的延迟。在在某种意义上,延迟与你为友。即便如此,这周你的财运、事业运提升。在本周和下周需要你注意:先前的一个管理职位,也许归来;或者与总部、与政府的交流,也许会峰回路转。一个旧爱也许会回头,但这个人可能之前限制过你,之后也还可能如此。如果不是,那为什么不重新开始呢?接下来的三周,钱运滚滚向你而来-- 存起来,别花掉了。周日、周一,住所、家人可能遭遇 “困境” ,但周二到下午2点(PDT),会有解决方法和充满爱的结果。周二晚到周四晚,这样的好结果使你做好了迎接爱情、浪漫、欢乐的孩子、乐趣和冒险的准备。这个时间段有个很强的(尽管被压抑)的婚姻可能性。这周别开始新的恋情;可以和熟悉的人更加亲近,或者就等一周吧。周四晚到周六,埋头苦干家务。周五留意指令和水。周六早上成功,下午要小心些。

☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜

这周和下周,休息、低调、沉思 -- 但不要考虑一些普通意义的计划、约会和行动,等等。相反,检视你的整个人生。你是如何到达当下的?一般而言,你想前往何处渡过剩下的时间?现在和下周,你可以看一看过去采取的行动,并判断它们是好或是坏。某人可能回来带给你一个启示,或者你可能花一下午的时间翻阅旧相片。犹豫不决会折磨你直到五月初。过去17个月以来,你的一些期盼往往没有达到预期效果。五月以后,你的愿望将再次证明是 “富于创造力的” 。差事、文书工作、沟通、短途旅行和拜访填满了从周日中午到周二下午的时间(PDT)。驾驶、说话要小心。成功在周二下午到来。从周二傍晚到周四晚,回家、拥抱你的家人,或给家打电话 -- 一切顺利,好运和轻松自在远大于轻微的烦恼。从周四晚到周六,浪漫的想法戏弄你 – 好在它们只是想法而已。你可能遇见完美的蛇蝎美女或唐璜,并且为此后悔很久。仅仅快乐于大自然的诗意、美丽,享受这心情,但保持安全、独立。同孩子们玩耍,等等,但要保持警惕,保护他们免于意外。

☆☆☆ 双子座 (05.21~06.20)-- 译者:lin

双子,未来三周愿望会成真。这些和一个机构、政府、总部办公室、代理、慈善或灵性组织相关。从现在到五月,你过去生活里的某人或某事会再次出现,看上去这些并没有让你愿望成真,除非这个人和事在4月19日之后出现。在19日之前,还是把关注点放在现在和未来,才能让愿望成真。社交联系、友情般的浪漫、娱乐,还有俱乐部的活动(从俱乐部到一个政治团体的任何活动)中,你的受欢迎程度现在直线上升。周日中午到周二下午,处理金钱问题。周二黎明到中午的时候,为了成功谨慎行动。周二傍晚到周四晚,各种琐事、书面工作、意外的朋友、短途出差和邮件充满你的生活。你能完成它们,尤其是周四。(周三,给你一段 “秘密的爱情/啪啪啪” -- 如果只是 “一夜情” ,没什么问题;但如果是这周开始的新爱情,那会以心碎或者心痛结束。)周四晚上到周六,待在家里,或至少心里要挂念着家。这是不那么靠谱的几天:你可能会见证一个权力的戏剧,并且畏缩如同 “错的人” 赢了一样。不要投资;不要开启一段爱情关系;要小心处理管道、水、药物和酒精相关的事宜。抓住你之前错过一次的机会,但不要抓住任何人!

☆☆☆ 巨蟹座 (06.21~07.22)-- 译者:临安细雨

未来三周将会强调抱负、事业、声望关系、世俗地位以及邻里间的名声。你身为一个家长(和子女)的作用开始变得重要起来。你可能不得不与当权者们或裁判们周旋,特别是如果你曾经举止失礼。通常,这是段象征进步、实际意义上的成长的时间。然而,过去的事也能以朋友和社团的形式回归你的生活。某个从前的国际、智力或法律事件或许也将回归 -- 所以可能是指某位旧爱。可是,本周任何新的爱情开始(或旧爱复合)都将毫无疑问地面临失败,所以维持当前的关系吧。周日中午(太平洋时间)至周二下午三点左右,你的能量与魅力高涨。利用这股能量,“事情会顺着你的心意走”,实际去解决问题、消除障碍。周二白天至下午二点是本周最佳时间,适合赚钱、买/卖、培养客户等等。周二傍晚至周四晚上,此刻好运气比坏运气强,所以前进吧!周四白天将会为你带来事业上的成功、收入以及资产。偶遇的朋友、通信、邮件、详细资料、参观、旅行以及出差将会填满周四晚上至周六的时光。周六中午之前大多数事情都将进展顺利,但周五晚间要小心恋情和麻醉品。周六下午你要小心,尤其在配偶或合作伙伴的分歧方面。

☆☆☆ 狮子座 (07.23~08.22)-- 译者:神仙静静

大猫的世界在这个月扩展了;认知也同样扩展。如果是沐浴爱河中的单身喵,有个时机适合结婚:5月3日至9日。本周不要结婚,也别开始新的恋情,因为你们中的一个人会变得冷淡、批判和拒绝爱情。也就是说,这个月总体上爱围绕着你,并影响你的想法和行动。多数情况下,这是一种慈悲、理解之爱 -- 它对于依然在婚姻关系中的伴侣来说,仍然是相当火辣的。4月20日至5月初,一个旧时火花可能会出现。直到4月20日,对喜怒无常、不耐烦的老板和权威要保持圆融世故。总的来说,这是醇香、智慧、快乐的一个月。周日中午到周二下午(PDT),低调、休息、恢复。运气好坏混合 -- 周二上午、中午,带来最棒的成功,特别是秘密沟通、财务和处理公务员事务。周二下午到周四晚,大猫的精力和魅力飙升。周三,一个主要的职业、工作项目也许会取胜 -- 但工作法律、道德问题,或疾病阻碍旅行,这些可能同样会面对你,更可能贯穿周末。周四带来朋友、盟友和天才的想法。挣钱 -- 要当心 -- 周四晚到周六。小心采购任何东西。

☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:思佳

四件最重要的事情,处女座:(1) 完成而不要启动任何新项目;(2) 严格避免诉讼;(3) 你的性冲动现在很高,甚至到了你愿意为性而结婚的地步(这通常不是一个好主意);(4)本周形成的任何新的爱都会枯萎,并让你的或Ta的心窒息。不要急于和任何新人开始!也就是说,一个旧情人或前配偶可能会在未来两周,甚至未来三周出现。有一件事,我不知道是好是坏:过去18个月让你保持独立的建议会在五月初期“失效”。5月10日以后,所有的关系都是“纯洁的”,并准备好成长。如果你和2015年11月前的一位旧情人或者 “前任” 联系上了,这可能会是一个成功的重新配对。无论如何,4月和5月将是你生命中最复杂的关系周期之一。除非你是那些健康、平静、幸福的已婚处女座之一。你可能会在周日上午工作,周日下午到周二下午留给娱乐、社交、人气、乐观和希望(可能会有强烈的性吸引)。好运气坏运气交织在一起,所以要对所有的线索、身体语言等保持警觉、谨慎。周二早上/中午最好。周二下午到周四晚上退后、蛰伏、休息。与公务员、慈善机构、灵性人士/治疗师/通灵者、顾问和代理人联系(例如,文学经纪人)。尽管疲劳,但你的运气好,所以坚持向前吧。周四晚上到周六你的能量和魅力飙升。周四上午可能会有一个聪明的投资理念,或者一个性感的朋友。周五,机会夹杂欺骗。周六早上,你的行动是准确和正确的,但目标在于短期、小的结果。

☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:戈弌弋

秤子,一个令人兴奋、满怀希望、让人沮丧、大有前途并错综复杂的4月。首先,你将会遇到许多人,旧的和新的;并且你会被要求作出承诺,或许是选择支持哪一方。这是你的伙伴关系月,但在4月开始的伙伴关系将无法幸存,尤其是如果在本周开始。一个例外:下周至5月初可能会带来一个旧日激情:依据很久以前所发生的事情做出判断。在所有关系中,这一段关系能够走下去。或者,选择等到5月下旬,当爱再次茁壮成长。直到4月20日,你能感受到一个强大的性的拉力,并可能愿意为性而结婚。周日中午到周二下午,志向高远。展现你的技能,让老板印象深刻 – 不过,本周完成而不是开始新的项目。为下周直到5月初的放缓做好准备。现在去订购物资和设备、排好帮手,再次确认日期、会议、指示等。周二下午1:45(PDT)之前,是最佳行动、咨询时间。愿望会在周二傍晚到周四晚成真。你的情绪高涨;朋友打电话给你(其实,你应该给他们打个电话);调情取乐在翩然起舞(记住,没有一个新的调情会 “有效” );还有乐观弥漫在空气里。周四晚上到周六,撤退去休息,沉思以及 “安排需要的东西” 。当心 – 一个机会和错觉手拉手到来。周六上午,处理小事情,或去逗乐你的恋人、配偶 – 下午是 “袖手旁观” 的时候。撤退和回避;确保安全。现在,你也许会清楚地看到,你的住所为什么正在背离浪漫,它是怎样做的。

☆☆☆ 天蝎座 (10.23~11.21)-- 译者:cynthia_13b

很多工作要做,天蝎。可以的话,浸入其中,而不是蜻蜓点水般介入,因为这个月是复杂的。(一)完成而不是开始任何项目。(二)准备:确保你有足够的备用品;并且、或者,你理解你的老板未来一个月在工作上要什么。下周到五月初,一个以前的工作可能会回来。周三后直到5月2日,不要(!)购买任何机械设备。这个月你可能被一个同事或其他人强烈地吸引,但在眼前的这周,不要(!)尝试开始一段浪漫的关系:它会给你留下伤痛。周日中午到周二下午三点左右,一种柔和、宽容的心情流向你。失误和疏离混合着接受和喜爱 -- 周二下午两点左右(PDT),画下圆满句号。周二傍晚到周四晚,处于一个高产的、幸运的阶段,要有志向。一个晋升是有可能的。记住,整个四月,在工作场所和别处,要圆滑委婉:其他人握有权力,并且行使权力的时候掌权者是不耐烦的。周四晚到周六,愿望实现、社交愉悦、乐观、人气、调情和消遣拜访你。周五,要精明:第一个机会是有效的,但将会花去数月,为了实际地 “到达” 或者发展;第二个机会可能会包含爱情或创造力,但它是有欺骗性的。周六,你仍然是快乐的,但必须在家务活和友情间做决定,选择后者。

☆☆☆ 射手座 (11.22~12.21)-- 译者:invisible

亲爱的射手, 享受甜蜜的爱情吧!对于非浪漫派的射手而言,,创意的好点子层出不穷,勇敢的冒险大获全胜,快乐和美丽相随, 还有迷人的孩子。 你会爱上4月的, 但是你也会为一些事情困惑:频繁的人来人往、错失的会面和犹豫不决、绽放的欲望。19日后一个旧情人可能出现 -- 他/她可能会成为你的终身伴侣。整个月, 需要注意,家务事可能卷土重来。可能是修理楼梯,也可能是孩子或兄弟姐妹回家啦。4月20日开始为期六周的热烈关系 -- 你可能会陷入热恋,或者开始一场角力 (你会被打败,另一个人比你猜想的更乐意去挑战)。


周日中午—周二下午三点钟:性、亲密关系、调查或侦查、财务行动和承诺。运气很不可靠,等到周二早上、中午再行动吧 -- 你会开心的。周二晚 -- 周四晚:成熟而智慧。现在你的运气平稳,所以去追求知识、外交、法律、媒体、教育和文化吧。通常这几日适合谈情说爱,但整个星期要避免新恋情。工作和金钱(或机械和维修)相得益彰, 特别是周三这天。周四上午与新交或好友见面。周四晚 -- 周六:雄心勃勃。不要去解决某个房屋问题(租赁、售卖等) 。你可能会聆听到内心深处某个以往的机会重新召唤着你 -- 6月它将重新归来,甚至胜过往昔。周六,你会遇到浪漫和物质的矛盾:也许一个人比另一个更富有。

☆☆☆ 摩羯座 (12.22~01.19)-- 译者:Elsa

一部分的你,感觉束缚、平和、以家为出发点;另一部分的你,感觉焦虑、冒险和浪漫。四月将会是一个复杂的月份。直到15日,一个老朋友可能会再次出现。从4月9日到5月2日,一个旧恋人或许登场。并且,从现在开始的任何时候到五月下旬,一个新的浪漫兴趣或许发芽。但是,本周不!要!开始一段新的恋爱关系 ---- 它终会让你心碎的。如果不确定,那么只关注住所、安全、家人、食品和类似的问题;现在,你不会被退缩所伤害。早晨的杂事结束之后,周日到周二下午,处理人际关系。周日下午、周一上午和周二全天(全部是PDT),是这些人际关系运行最好的时候;要圆滑委婉并渴望加入它们。恋爱或许会发生:但是 “新恋情” 将失败。周二傍晚到周四晚上,充斥着秘密、研究、性渴望、财务行为、生活方式选择、医疗需求、承诺和后果。投入上述领域 ---- 大部分时候,好运会在。你的直觉很高 ---- 好好利用它。周四晚上到周六,一个成熟、理解的心情占据了你。尽管一些小事会进行的顺利,但是大事却不会。周五带来一个职业、抱负的机会,但是也诱使你沟通太多或过于不安而浪费了这次机会。无论如何,这个机会不会在目前的形式下运作,它将在六月到十月间以别的样子回来;所以别担心,迟一点你会得到它!整个一周,完成而不是启动项目,因为缓慢遍布 ---- 水逆马上就到。

☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:元中

瓶子,4月是个忙碌但非重要的月份。这很好,因为4月的星相很复杂。最好的建议:本周完成一切、封箱、寄出。因为4月9日开始了缓慢、犹豫不决和没有结果的三周。所以,现在你应该做的事情是:跑腿儿、旅行、邮件往来、通讯和文书工作,它们可能会遇到几个小故障。继续做不要停,并保持警惕:再三检查地址、银行转账,等等。直到4月20日,你的家有点争吵和烦躁不安,所以温和些。现在不是买或租一个住处的好时机。一个旧情人可能在 “你的后院” 附近出现。听着,本周发芽的任何新爱或吸引你的人将是爱情的一个 “缓慢杀手” 。所以,不要咬任何钩。周日中午到周二下午,埋首杂务。仔细小心阅读指令、练习安全程序。不要买新机器,但如果你绝对必须肯定确定需要它,那么周二从黎明到下午1:45(PDT)之间去买吧。周一傍晚到周二黎明,避免使用危险工具或化学品。周二傍晚到周四晚上,人际关系、精彩的会面、挑战、朋友和对手突然蹦出。你可以从一个家庭顾问或密友那里获得远见卓识。周三、周四早上,你可能交到一个新的阳光朋友。周四晚到周六,生命的奥秘浮上台面。周五,提供一个金钱的错觉,和一个智力或旅行的机会 -- 它也许会消失,然后在6-8月又出现。周六早上,小事情顺利,但大事情诸如投资、贷款、性亲密、承诺、生活方式改变、医疗程序、与政府或总部打交道,会碰到一个障碍。

☆☆☆ 双鱼座 (02.19~03.20)-- 译者:青莲泥巴

双鱼们,本周的重点在金钱和财产上;回忆与性吸引力也很重要。四月是一个伴随着许多焦虑的非常复杂的月份 -- 如果你能让自己专注在挣钱上,你会做得非常好。现在开始的任何性关系,几乎都会以失败告终,并且在前进的途中可能让你伤心。同时,这也不是一个特别好的时机去购买任何重要的物品。四月的前半个月,你可能会对自己,以及对前进的方向犹豫不决;后半个月,你可能对金钱和财产犹豫不决。老朋友们晚上重新出现在你的生活中,但你们已经无法找到从前的感觉。如果你单身,今年九月到明年十一月,出现美好爱情的可能性远远高于现在。周日中午到周二下午(PDT),激情、浪漫、创造力与冒险的冲动、美好事物与愉快会围绕着你 -- 不过要注意,本周内任何新出现的感情都会以失败告终。因此尽情去享受,但要保护好自己。幸运时刻是:周二黎明到午餐结束的时间段。周二傍晚到周四晚上,处理自己的杂事,保证每天的健康(饮食起居要有规律)。周三和周四白天,你会有所收获。周四晚上到周六,重要的关系会出现。与熟人的交往会进行得很顺利,但是新的朋友关系则不会形成。(你可能一开始看不出来问题,但是当你真的需要他们时,他们会离你而去。)你也许会悄悄发现一个非常棒的投资机会,但是让它继续发酵吧:这个机会将在六月回归,以一种更容易被抓住的方式。整个一周,完成项目而不是开始新的 -- 因为为期三周的拖延症时期即将到来。

2014.10.19 – 10.25


曾经我简单地概括了未来250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。”



天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 -- 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。



关于蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述


我从1977年开始写占星专栏。起初是在一个小报纸的小专栏。然后成长为包括许多报纸和一个名为 http://www.astralreflections.com 的网站(就像这个博客)。

不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 - 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说“Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?”事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。


我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换?



有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或他的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先NASA会忽略我,然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。




ARIES: March 21 – April 19

Your energy and charisma remain at a yearly peak, Aries. But your clout and effectiveness might be lacking. Use this week to finish projects rather than start them. You have faced some delays during March, but even deeper ones await you (and everyone) next week into early May. In some ways, delay is your friend. That said, you could receive a money/career boost this week. A former management role or interaction with head office or the government, might return and need attention this week and next. A former love could return, but this person might have restricted you before, and might again. If not, why not start again? Money rushes to you for the next three weeks — bank it, don’t spend. Your home/family can be “difficult” Sun./Mon., but Tues. (to 2 pm PDT) offers solutions and affectionate results. This comfort makes you ready for love, romance, happy kids, pleasure and adventure-seeking, which will fill Tues. night to Thurs. night. This interval coincides with strong (though pent-up) marriage possibilities. DO NOT start a new love attraction this week; grow closer to someone familiar, or just wait for a week. Plunge into chores Thurs. night through Saturday. Careful with instructions and water Friday. Success Sat. morn, be cautious this pm.

TAURUS: April 20 – May 20

Rest, lie low, contemplate this week and next — but don’t plan in the ordinary sense, dates and actions, etc. Instead, examine your whole life. How did you get here? Where, generally, do you want to go in life? You can look at your old actions now and next week, and judge whether they were good or bad. Someone might return to bring you a revelation, or you could spend an afternoon with old photos. Indecision can bug you until early May. For 17 months, your wishes have tended to fall flat. After May, your wishes will once again prove “fertile.” Errands, paperwork, communications, short trips and visits fill Sunday noon (PDT) to Tues. afternoon. Drive/speak carefully. Success comes Tues. afternoon. Be home, embrace your family (or call) Tues. eve to Thurs. night — all’s well, minor irritations are far outweighed by good luck and ease. Romantic notions tease you Thurs. night through Sat. — better they remain notions. You could meet the perfect femme fatale or Don Juan, and regret it for a long time. Just be happy with the earth’s poetry/beauty, enjoy the mood, but stay safe, independent. Play with the kids, etc., but remain watchful, protect them from accidents.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

Wishes can come true during the three weeks ahead, Gemini. These could be connected to an institution, government, head office, agent, charity or spiritual organization. Something or someone from your past might appear anytime now to May, but it’s likely that these will NOT bring any wishes true, UNLESS it/he/she appears after April 19. Before the 19th, look to the present and the future to make wishes come true — and to social contacts, friendly romance, entertainment, and club activity (anything from a club to a political org.). Your popularity is buoyant now. Deal with money Sun. noon (PDT) to Tues. afternoon. Be cautious — act Tues. dawn to noon hour, for success. Errands, paperwork, casual friends, short trips and mailings fill Tues. eve to Thurs. night. You’ll get it all done, especially Thurs. (Wed. offers a “secret love/sex” — if for a day, fine; but NO new love should start this week — it would end in heartbreak or heartburn.) Be home, at least in your thoughts, Thurs. night through Sat. This is a dicey few days: you might witness a power play, and cringe as the “wrong person” wins. DON’T invest, nor start a love attraction, and be careful with plumbing, water, drugs and alcohol. Do grab an opportunity you missed first time around, but DON’T grab a person!

CANCER: June 21 – July 22

The three weeks ahead emphasize ambition, career, prestige relations, worldly status and neighbourhood reputation. Your role as a parent (and child!) becomes important. You might have to deal with authorities or judges, especially if you’ve misbehaved. Generally, this is a time of advancement and practical growth. However, the past can return in the form of friends and social groups. A former international, intellectual or legal matter might also return — so could a former love. However, any new love begun (or old re-started) this week will almost certainly fail, so stick with ongoing relationships. Your energy and charisma soar Sun. noon (PDT) to mid-afternoon Tues. Use this energy and the fact that “things go your way” to solve problems and dissolve obstacles. Tuesday daytime until 2 pm is best. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients, etc. Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Good luck’s stronger than bad now, so march ahead. Thursday daytime brings success with career, income, and assets. Casual friends, communications, mail, details, visits, travel and errands fill Thurs. night through Sat. Most things go well until Sat. noon, but take care with love and intoxicants Fri. night. Saturday pm needs caution, especially in spousal or partnership disagreements.

LEO: July 23 – August 22

Your world widens this month; so does your understanding. If you’re single and in love, you have one small window to wed: May 3 to 9. Don’t wed this week, nor start a new love attraction, as one of you would turn out to be cold, critical and love-denying. That said, love in general surrounds you and informs your thoughts and actions this month. Mostly this is a compassionate, understanding love — but it can still be pretty hot for ongoing couples. An old flame might appear from April 20 to early May. Until April 20, be diplomatic with temperamental, impatient bosses/authorities. Overall, this is a mellow, wise, happy month for you. Lie low, rest and recuperate Sunday noon (PDT) to mid-afternoon Tues. Good luck and bad mingle — Tues. morning/noon offers the best success, especially in secret communications, finances and dealing with civil servants. Your energy and charisma soar Tues. pm to Thurs. night. You could pull off a major career/work project, perhaps Wed. — but realize a work-legal/ethical problem (or illness preventing travel) might also confront you, more toward week’s end. Thursday brings friends, allies, and genius ideas. Chase money — carefully — Thurs. night through Saturday. Be wary in purchasing anything.

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22

Four things above all else, Virgo: 1) finish rather than start any projects; 2) strictly avoid lawsuits; 3) your sexual urge is high now, even to the point where you’re willing to marry for sex (not usually a good idea); and 4) any NEW love formed this week will wither and choke your heart or his/hers. Don’t leap in with anyone new! That said, an old flame or ex-spouse could appear during the two weeks ahead, even the next three. I can’t tell whether this is good or not. One thing: early May will “release” you from the last 18 month’s advice to be independent — all relationships after May 10 will be “untainted” and ready to grow. If your link to a former flame or “ex” existed before November 2015, this could be a successful re-match. In any case, April and May will be one of the most complicated relationship times of your life. (Unless you’re one of those healthy, calm, happy married Virgos.) You might work Sunday morning, but leave this afternoon — to Tues. afternoon — for fun, social delights, popularity, optimism and wishing (and a possible strong sexual draw). Good luck mingles with bad, so step carefully, remain alert to all clues, body language, etc. Tuesday morning/noon best. Retreat, lie low and rest Tues. mid-afternoon to Thurs. night. Do contact civil servants, charities and spiritualists/therapists/ psychics, counsellors and agents (e.g., literary agents). Your luck is good despite your weariness, so plod ahead. Your energy and charisma soar Thurs. night through Sat. Thursday morning might hold a brilliant investment idea or a sexy friend. Friday, opportunity mingles with deception. Your actions are precise and right Sat. morning, but aim for short, small results.

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22

An exciting, hopeful, frustrating, promising and complicated April, Libra. First, you will be meeting many people, old and new, and will be asked to commit, perhaps to pick sides. This is your partnership month, yet no partnerships which start in April will survive, especially if they begin this week. One exception: next week through early May might bring back an old flame: judge it by what happened to it long ago. Of them all, this one can go forward. (Or, opt to wait until late May onward, when love again thrives.) Until April 20, you can feel a powerful sexual tug, and might be willing to marry for sex. Be ambitious Sunday noon to mid-afternoon Tues. Show your skills, impress the boss — but finish rather than start projects this week. Prepare for next week’s slowdown (to early May) by ordering supplies and equipment now, lining up helpers, re-confirming dates, meetings, instructions, etc. Best time to act, to ask: Tues. before 1:45 pm (PDT). Wishes can come true Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Your mood lifts, friends call (actually, you should call them) flirtations flutter (remember, NO ONE NEW will “work out”) and optimism fills the air. Retreat to rest, contemplate and “settle things down” Thurs. night through Sat. Take care — an opportunity and illusion go hand in hand. Get small things done Sat. morning (or tickle your lover/spouse) — the pm is “hands-off” time. Retreat and avoid; stay safe. You will see, perhaps clearly now, why/how your domicile is turning away romance.

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21

Lots of work to do, Scorpio. Might as well just plunge in — rather, step in, as this month is complicated. One, finish rather than start any project. Two, prepare: make sure you have enough supplies and/or that you understand what your bosses want for the month ahead, work-wise. Next week to early May, a former job might return. DO NOT buy any machinery or equipment after Wed. (through May 2). You might be intensely attracted to a co-worker or another this month, but during this present week, DO NOT try to start a romantic relationship: it would leave you hurt. A mellow, understanding mood flows through you Sun. noon to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Stumbles and alienation mingle with acceptance and affection — you’ll end up, Tues. (about 2 pm PDT) with a satisfied glow. Be ambitious during a productive, lucky phase Tues. eve to Thurs. night. A promotion is possible. (Remember, all April, at work and elsewhere, to be diplomatic: others hold the power, and they’re impatient to exercise it.) Wish fulfillment, social joys, optimism, popularity, flirtations and entertainment visit you Thurs. night through Sat. Be astute Friday: one opportunity is valid, but will take months to actually “arrive” or evolve; the second opportunity might involve love or creativity, but it is deceptive. You’re still happy Sat., but must decide between chores and friendships. Pick the latter.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21

Ah, sweet romance! (And for you non-romantics, fine creative surges, risk-taking “wins,” pleasure and beauty — and charming kids.) You’re going to love April, but you’re also going to be confused by the plethora of entrants and exits, by missed meetings and indecision, and the new desires that blossom. An old flame might appear after the 19th — he/she might be a viable life-mate. All month, a domestic matter might return, needing attention. This could be anything from repairing the stairs to the return of a child or sibling. April 20 begins six weeks of intense relating — you could fall madly in love, or start a war (which you’d lose — the other person is more ready to fight than you suspect). Sunday noon to mid-afternoon Tues. lures you toward sex, intimacy, investigation or spying, financial actions and commitments. As your luck is very unreliable here, wait until Tues. morning/lunchtime to take action — you’ll be pleased if you do. A mellow, wise mood flows over you Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Now your luck is steadier, so proceed with intellectual, foreign, legal, media, educational, cultural pursuits. This is usually a loving interval, but AVOID new love this entire week. Work and money (or machinery and a repair) go very well together, esp. Wed. A new or nice friend Thurs. morn. Be ambitious Thurs. night through Sat. Avoid tackling a “premises” issue (leases, sales territory, etc.) at work. You might “hear” an echo of an old opportunity — it will return June onward, and be even better. Saturday tells you romance and money don’t agree. Perhaps one person has more than the other.

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19

Part of you feels tied down, and restful, and home-oriented, while another part of you feels restless, adventurous and romantic. April is going to be a very complicated month. Until the 15th, an old friend might reappear. From the 9th to May 2nd, and old lover might appear. And any time now through late May, a new romantic interest might appear. But DON’T begin a new attraction this week — it would eventually break your heart. If in doubt, default to home, security, family, food and similar issues. You can’t be harmed by withdrawing now. After morning chores, Sun. brings relationships, to mid-afternoon Tuesday. These flow best Sun. pm, early Mon. morning, and daytime Tues. (all PDT). Be diplomatic and eager to join. Love might occur: but “new love” will fail. Secrets, research, sexual yearnings, financial actions, lifestyle choices, medical needs, commitment and consequence fill Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Dive in — good luck prevails, mostly. Your intuition’s high — use it. A mellow, understanding mood fills you Thurs. night through Saturday. Although little things go well, major things won’t. Friday brings a career/ambition opportunity, but also tempts you to waste it by communicating too much, or being too restless. That opportunity wouldn’t work in its present form anyway, and will return in some guise June to October, so don’t worry, you’ll get there later! All week, complete rather than start projects, as a slowdown looms — immediately.

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18

April is a busy but non-important month, Aquarius. Which is good, as it’s also very complicated. Best advice: get everything completed, done, mailed, this week, as April 9 begins three weeks of slowdowns, indecisions and dead-ends. So the things you should be doing now — errands, travelling, mailing and communications and paperwork — can run into several glitches. Just keep at it, and stay alert: double-check addresses, bank transfers, etc. Your home’s a bit fractious and feisty until the 20th, so be gentle. (This is NOT a good time to buy or rent a residence.) An old flame might appear close by, “in your back yard.” But listen: any new love or attraction that springs up this week will be a “slow killer” — of love. So don’t bite at any lures. Dive into chores Sun. noon to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Read directions carefully, practice safety. Don’t buy new machinery — but if you absolutely have to, do so from dawn to 1:45 pm (PDT) Tues. Avoid working with dangerous tools or chemicals Mon. eve to Tues. dawn. Relationships, exciting meetings, challenges, friends and enemies pop up Tues. eve to Thurs. night. You can gain deep insights from a family counsellor or confidant. You can make a new, bright friend Wed., and/or Thurs. morning. Life’s mysteries ooze to the surface Thurs. night through Saturday. Friday offers both an intellectual or travel opportunity (which might disappear, to re-appear in June-August), and a money illusion. Small things go well Sat. morn, but big stuff — investments, loans, sexual intimacy, commitments, lifestyle changes, medical procedures, dealings with government or head office — hit a barrier.

PISCES: February 19 – March 20

The main accent lies on money and possessions, memory and sexual attractions, Pisces. April is a very complicated month with many distractions – you will do best if you keep yourself focused on earning money, period. Any sexual relationship begun now will almost certainly fail and could hurt your heart on the way down. This is also not a particularly good time to purchase anything important. You will remain indecisive about yourself and your direction the first half of April, and about money and possessions the second half. Old friends night reappear in your life, but not old flames. If single, one of your greatest chances for love will come from this September to November 2018 rather than now. Sunday noon (PDT) to mid-afternoon Tuesday brings passion, romance, creative and risk-taking urges, beauty and pleasure — but realize that any new love formed this week will fail. So enjoy, but be self protective. Best time: dawn to late lunchtime Tues. Settle into your chores and protect your daily health Tuesday eve to Thursday night. (Eat, dress sensibly, etc.) You will accomplish a lot, especially Wednesday and Thursday daytimes. Relationships loom in importance Thursday night through Saturday. Small interactions with people you already know go fairly well, but new relationships formed now will fail. (They might not seem to at first, but will “pull away” when you most need/want them.) You might spy a great investment opportunity, but let this marinate: it will return, June onward, in “graspable” form. All week, finish projects rather than start new ones – a three week slowdown starts soon.

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morning、afternoon、evening具体指哪段时间中午好 怎么说?
Times of Day in English
这问题对吗:When is the duck's shadow longer?
《Love Knitting for Babies April 2018》摘选(一)
Love Knitting for Babies April
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