

宇电AI501 RS485通讯协议说明




    AI系列仪表使用异步串行通讯接口,接口电平符合RS232CRS485标准中的规定。数据格式为1个起始位,8位数据,无校验位,1个或2个停止位。通讯传输数据的波特率可调为4800~19200 bit/S,通常用9600 bit/S,单一通讯口所连接仪表数量大于40台或需要更快刷新率时,推荐用19200bit/S,当通讯距离很长或通讯不可靠常中断时,可选4800bit/SAI仪表采用多机通讯协议,采用RS485通讯接口,则可将1~80台的仪表同时连接在一个通讯接口上。



    AI仪表的RS232RS485通讯接口采用光电隔离技术将通讯接口与仪表的其他部分线路隔离,当通讯线路上的某台仪表损坏或故障时,并不会对其它仪表产生影响。同样当仪表的通讯部分损坏或主机发生故障时,仪表仍能正常进行测量及控制,并可通过仪表键盘对仪表进行操作,工作可靠性很高。16位校验码的正确性是简单奇偶校验的30000倍,基本能保证数据可靠性。并且同一网络上有其他公司也采用主从方式通讯的产品时,如PLC、变频器等,多数情况下AI系列仪表都不会受其它公司产品通讯干扰,不会产生采集数据混乱或无法通讯的问题。但是AI仪表协议并不能保证其它公司产品能否正常工作,所以除非万不得已,不应将AI仪表与其它产品混在一个RS485通讯总线上,而应分别使用不同的总线。 二、通讯指令


    读: 地址代号+52H(82)+要读的参数代号+0+0+校验码

    写: 地址代号+43H(67)+要写的参数代号+写入数低字节+写入数高字节+校验码


    plates for tank lap, not fixed. Protect wires should be left in the ground and slot the compensation allowance. Metal cable trays and support and the introduction of metal cable ducts must be drawn or ground (PE) or zero (PEN) reliable and must comply with the following requirements: 1.1 metal cable trays and support full length not less than 2 in the grounding (PE) or zero (PEN) trunk connections; 1.2 non-galvanized cable bridge between both ends of the connection plates bridged copper ground wire, grounding allowed minimum cross-sectional area of not less than 4mm2; 1.3 galvanized cable bridge across both ends of the connection between the grounding wire, connect both ends of the Board not less than 2 locking nut and lock washer fixing bolts of the connection. Cable trays installed in accordance with the following provisions: 2.1 straight steel cable tray lengths not exceeding 30m, aluminum or fiberglass Cable Tray lengths over 15m with the slip joint; cable bridge spans the building set a compensation slot; 2.2 the bending radius of the cable tray bend, not less than minimum tray cable allows the turning radius, minimum bending radius of the cable shown in the table below; Table cable minimum allows bent RADIUS serial number cable type minimum allows bent radius 1 no lead Bao Gangkai nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 10D 2 has steel armored nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 20D 3 PVC insulation power cable 10D 4 make joint PVC insulation power cable 15D more than 5 more core control cable 10D Note: d for cable od 2.3 Dang design no requirements


    AI仪表通讯协议规定,地址代号为两个相同的字节,数值为(仪表地址+80H)。例如:仪表参数Addr=10(16进制数为0AH0A+80H=8AH),则该仪表的地址代号为:8AH 8AH







    (例如:读的校验码计算如下:设ADDR1,要读的参数代号为15,其对应16位二进制为0000 0000 0001 0101,要读的参数的代号×256相当于左移8位,即为:0001 0101 0000 0000;82(十进制)对应16位二进制为0000 0000 0101 0010ADDR对应的16位二进制为0000 0000 0000 0001,把以上公式16位二进制相加得:0001 0101 0101 0011,即为16进制的1553,同时也为余数,然后调整为低字节在前,高字节在后,即为5315)


    所读/写参数值+校验码 测量值PV+给定值SV+输出值MV及报警状态+



    仪表型号 调节器 AI-708MAI-708H/808H AI-808H AI-301M频率调

    温控器 巡检仪 流量通道 温度/压力通道 节器/IO模块

    PV 测量值测量值 瞬时流量测量值 温度测量值,单测量值PV

    PV 位为0.1?

    SV 当前给定通道号 累积流量低位 压力测量值,单当前给定值SV

    SV (1-6) 或批量控制测量位为0.001MPa


    MV 输出值状态字节累积流量高位 补偿前流量或调节输出值MV

    MV B 或批量控制给定频率值,单位

    状态字节 0.1Hz


    状态字节 状态字节状态字节状态字节A

    A A

    参数值 表示要读或写的参数的值



     调节器及单显表(V7.0) AI-702M/704M/706调节器、温控器及单显表(V7.5)


    0 上限报警(HIAL) 上限报警(HIAL) HIAL

    1 下限报警(LoAL) 下限报警(LoAL) LoAL

    2 正偏差报警(dHAL) 0 HdAL

    3 负偏差报警(dLAL) 0 LdAL

    4 输入超量程报警(orAL) 超量程报警(orAL) orAL

    5 AL1状态,0为动作 0 备用(0)

    6 AL2状态,0为动作 0 0表示MV为输出值,1为状态字plates for tank lap, not fixed. Protect wires should be left in the ground and slot the compensation allowance. Metal cable trays and support and the introduction of metal cable ducts must be drawn or ground (PE) or zero (PEN) reliable and must comply with the following requirements: 1.1 metal cable trays and support full length not less than 2 in the grounding (PE) or zero (PEN) trunk connections; 1.2 non-galvanized cable bridge between both ends of the connection plates bridged copper ground wire, grounding allowed minimum cross-sectional area of not less than 4mm2; 1.3 galvanized cable bridge across both ends of the connection between the grounding wire, connect both ends of the Board not less than 2 locking nut and lock washer fixing bolts of the connection. Cable trays installed in accordance with the following provisions: 2.1 straight steel cable tray lengths not exceeding 30m, aluminum or fiberglass Cable Tray lengths over 15m with the slip joint; cable bridge spans the building set a compensation slot; 2.2 the bending radius of the cable tray bend, not less than minimum tray cable allows the turning radius, minimum bending radius of the cable shown in the table below; Table cable minimum allows bent RADIUS serial number cable type minimum allows bent radius 1 no lead Bao Gangkai nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 10D 2 has steel armored nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 20D 3 PVC insulation power cable 10D 4 make joint PVC insulation power cable 15D more than 5 more core control cable 10D Note: d for cable od 2.3 Dang design no requirements






    参数代号 调节器 巡检仪

    AI-518/708/808/518P/710进制 16进制 AI-519/719/719P AI-501/701 AI-702M/704M/706M 08P/808P

    0 00H SV给定值/SteP程序段 SV给定值/SteP程序段 (空) (空) 1 01H HIAL上限报警 HIAL上限报警 HIAL上限报警 HIAL上限报警 2 02H LoAL下限报警 LoAL下限报警 LoAL下限报警 LoAL下限报警 3 03H dHAL正偏差报警 HdAL偏差上限报警 HdAL第二上限报警 (空) 4 04H dLAL负偏差报警 LdAL偏差下限报警 LdAL第二下限报警 (空) 5 05H dF回差 CHYS控制回差 AHYS报警回差 dF回差 6 06H Ctrl制方式 Ctrl控制方式 (空) (空) 7 07H M5保持参数 P比例带 (空) (空) 8 08H P 速率参数 I积分时间 (空) (空) 9 09H t滞后时间 d微分时间 (空) (空) 10 0AH CtI控制周期 CtI控制周期 (空) Cn测量路数 11 0BH Sn输入规格 InP输入规格 InP输入规格 Sn 输入规格 12 0CH dIP小数点位置 dPt小数点位置 dPt小数点位置 dIP小数点位置 13 0DH dIL输入下限显示值 SCL信号刻度下限 SCL信号刻度下限 dIL输入信号刻度下限 14 0EH dIH输入上限显示值 SCH信号刻度上限 SCH信号刻度上限 dIH输入信号刻度上 15 0FH ALP报警输出定义 AOP报警输出定义 AOP报警输出定义 ALP报警输入定义 16 10H Sc输入平移修正 Scb输入平移修正 Scb输入平移修正 Sc输入平移修正 17 11H OP1输出方式 OPt输出类型 OPt输出类型 OPn变送输出通道号 18 12H oPL输出下限 OPL输出下限 (空) oPL变送输出电流下限 19 13H oPH输出上限 OPH输出上限 (空) oPH变送输出电流上限 20 14H CF功能选择 AF高级功能代码 (空) AF高级功能代码

     仪表特征码/程序控制字 仪表特征码/程序控制字 仪表特征码(SV21 15H 仪表特征码 (运行:0 暂停:4 停止:12) (运行:0 暂停:4 停止:12) 值一样,且可修改)

    22 16H 仪表地址(读/) 仪表地址(读/) 仪表地址(读/) 仪表地址(读/) 23 17H dL数字滤波 FILt输入数字滤波 FILt输入数字滤波 dL数字滤波 24 18H run运行参数 A-M自动/手动控制选择 (空) nonc常开/常闭选择 25 19H Loc参数封锁 Loc参数封锁 Loc参数封锁 Loc参数封锁

     C01 C01(AI-519/719写入时26 1AH (AI-808写入时设置MV) 设置MV)

    27 1BH t01 t01 28 1CH C02 C02 29 1DH t02 t02 30 1EH C03 C03 31 1FH t03 t03 32 20H C04 C04 33 21H t04 t04 plates for tank lap, not fixed. Protect wires should be left in the ground and slot the compensation allowance. Metal cable trays and support and the introduction of metal cable ducts must be drawn or ground (PE) or zero (PEN) reliable and must comply with the following requirements: 1.1 metal cable trays and support full length not less than 2 in the grounding (PE) or zero (PEN) trunk connections; 1.2 non-galvanized cable bridge between both ends of the connection plates bridged copper ground wire, grounding allowed minimum cross-sectional area of not less than 4mm2; 1.3 galvanized cable bridge across both ends of the connection between the grounding wire, connect both ends of the Board not less than 2 locking nut and lock washer fixing bolts of the connection. Cable trays installed in accordance with the following provisions: 2.1 straight steel cable tray lengths not exceeding 30m, aluminum or fiberglass Cable Tray lengths over 15m with the slip joint; cable bridge spans the building set a compensation slot; 2.2 the bending radius of the cable tray bend, not less than minimum tray cable allows the turning radius, minimum bending radius of the cable shown in the table below; Table cable minimum allows bent RADIUS serial number cable type minimum allows bent radius 1 no lead Bao Gangkai nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 10D 2 has steel armored nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 20D 3 PVC insulation power cable 10D 4 make joint PVC insulation power cable 15D more than 5 more core control cable 10D Note: d for cable od 2.3 Dang design no requirements


    34 22H C05 C05 35 23H t05 t05 36 24H C06 C06 37 25H t06 t06 38 26H C07 C07 39 27H t07 t07 40 28H C08 C08 41 29H t08 t08 42 2AH C09 C09 43-85 2BH-55H t09-C30程序数据 t09-C30程序数据 86 56H 当前程序段运行时间 当前程序段运行时间


    参数代号 流量积算仪 AI-301M 四路PID调节器 10进制 16进制 (AI-708H/Y/808H) 频率测量/开关量 AI-7048

     SV频率控制给定值 0 00H SV批量控制给定值 SP给定值

     HIAL上限报警 1 01H FHIA瞬时流量上限报警 HIAL上限报

     LoAL下限报警 2 02H FloA瞬时流量下限报警 LoAL下限报警

     dHAL正偏差报警 3 03H SPE批量控制流量累积速率时间

     dLAL负偏差报警 4 04H Act批量控制继电器动作时间

     dF回差 5 05H Sn输入规格 AHYS回差

     CtrL控制方式 6 06H FSc流量信号测量平移修正 At自整定开关

     M5保持参数 7 07H PdIH压力测量量程定义 P比例带

     P速率参数 8 08H CSc温度测量平移修正 I积分时间

     t滞后时间 9 09H CdIH温度测量量程定义 d微分时间

     CtI控制周期 10 0AH Cut流量小信号切除比率

     Frd频率量程 11 0BH FdIH流量测量量程定义 InP输入规格

     dIP小数点位置 12 0CH FdIP流量小数点 dPt小数点位置

     dIL下限显示值 13 0DH PA大气压力/温度补偿系数 SCL信号刻度下限

     dIH上限显示值 14 0EH Po流量传感器设计工作压力 SCH信号刻度上限

     ALP报警输出选择 15 0FH Co流量传感器设计工作温度 AOP报警输出定义

     开关量状态 16 10H Frd频率信号上限 Scb输入平移修正

     oP1输出方式 17 11H CF功能选择参数

     OPL输出下限 18 12H bC温压补偿类型

     OPH输出上限 19 13H IoL变送输出电流下限 OPH输出上限

     CF功能选择 20 14H FoH变送输出流量量程 AF高级功能代码

     仪表特征码 21 15H 仪表特征码 仪表特征码

     仪表地址(读/写) 22 16H 仪表地址(读/写) 表地址(读/)

     dL数字滤波 23 17H IoH变送输出电流上限 FILt输入数字滤波

     run运行参数 24 18H FdL流量信号数字滤波强度 Nonc常开/常闭选择

     Loc参数封锁 25 19H Loc参数封锁 Loc参数封锁

     MV手动输出值 26 1AH (空) Cn测量路数 27 1BH FdF瞬时流量报警回差 28 1CH CHIA温度上限报警 29 1DH CLoA温度下限报警 30 1EH PHIA压力上限报警 31 1FH PLoA压力下限报警 32 20H ALP报警输出定义 33 21H FSb批量控制给定值偏移 plates for tank lap, not fixed. Protect wires should be left in the ground and slot the compensation allowance. Metal cable trays and support and the introduction of metal cable ducts must be drawn or ground (PE) or zero (PEN) reliable and must comply with the following requirements: 1.1 metal cable trays and support full length not less than 2 in the grounding (PE) or zero (PEN) trunk connections; 1.2 non-galvanized cable bridge between both ends of the connection plates bridged copper ground wire, grounding allowed minimum cross-sectional area of not less than 4mm2; 1.3 galvanized cable bridge across both ends of the connection between the grounding wire, connect both ends of the Board not less than 2 locking nut and lock washer fixing bolts of the connection. Cable trays installed in accordance with the following provisions: 2.1 straight steel cable tray lengths not exceeding 30m, aluminum or fiberglass Cable Tray lengths over 15m with the slip joint; cable bridge spans the building set a compensation slot; 2.2 the bending radius of the cable tray bend, not less than minimum tray cable allows the turning radius, minimum bending radius of the cable shown in the table below; Table cable minimum allows bent RADIUS serial number cable type minimum allows bent radius 1 no lead Bao Gangkai nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 10D 2 has steel armored nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 20D 3 PVC insulation power cable 10D 4 make joint PVC insulation power cable 15D more than 5 more core control cable 10D Note: d for cable od 2.3 Dang design no requirements


    34 22H CdIP温度小数点

    35 23H PdIP压力小数点

    36 24H PSc压力测量信号平移修正

    37 25H CLn清零次数(只读)

    38 26H FLJH累积流量高4位(只可清零)

    39 27H FLJL累积流量低4位(只可清零)

    40 28H EJH(补前流量高)

    41 29H EJL(补前流量低)

    42 2AH 批量累积值清零位

    43-85 2BH-55H

    86 56H







     4位(BIT)目前暂不用,程序中应允许其为任意值;HOLDSTOP=0,则程序运 STOP=0HOLD=1则程序暂停;STOP=1HOLD=1,则程序停止;EV1EV2表示事件输出状态,为1时表示事件输出动作,为0时表示事件输出无效。






    Dim Cmdout (0 To 7) As Byte









    plates for tank lap, not fixed. Protect wires should be left in the ground and slot the compensation allowance. Metal cable trays and support and the introduction of metal cable ducts must be drawn or ground (PE) or zero (PEN) reliable and must comply with the following requirements: 1.1 metal cable trays and support full length not less than 2 in the grounding (PE) or zero (PEN) trunk connections; 1.2 non-galvanized cable bridge between both ends of the connection plates bridged copper ground wire, grounding allowed minimum cross-sectional area of not less than 4mm2; 1.3 galvanized cable bridge across both ends of the connection between the grounding wire, connect both ends of the Board not less than 2 locking nut and lock washer fixing bolts of the connection. Cable trays installed in accordance with the following provisions: 2.1 straight steel cable tray lengths not exceeding 30m, aluminum or fiberglass Cable Tray lengths over 15m with the slip joint; cable bridge spans the building set a compensation slot; 2.2 the bending radius of the cable tray bend, not less than minimum tray cable allows the turning radius, minimum bending radius of the cable shown in the table below; Table cable minimum allows bent RADIUS serial number cable type minimum allows bent radius 1 no lead Bao Gangkai nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 10D 2 has steel armored nursing sets of rubber insulation power cable 20D 3 PVC insulation power cable 10D 4 make joint PVC insulation power cable 15D more than 5 more core control cable 10D Note: d for cable od 2.3 Dang design no requirements

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