

不做杠精,要做雄辩大咖,关键就是建立完整论据!思辨训练营第四期作业解析和展示 | Power2Lea...


第四期的作业题目是:在辩题“THW ban home-schooling”(本院将禁止“家庭教育”)一题中,就论点“Home-schooling is bad for children’s communication skills”建立自己的完整论据。





每次在develop一个argument之前问自己三个问题:HOW ? WHY ?  So WHAT?这是怎么样的?为什么是这样的?这样之后,所以呢?(会带来什么结果或后果)

一般来说,普通的辩题正反方能够想到的论点总体来说都是有限的,而这些观点,很多时候是common sense,一般人都能想到一个大概。所以新手也不用担心,因为很多时候论点大家都能想到,但怎么把它们develop完整,证明prove得详细有依据,就要考验功力了。所以,普通辩手和优秀辩手的区别,不是在于谁想到的论点更加画风清奇,而是谁把观点解释explain、仔细阐述elaborate得更好。

当然,存在世界级的杰出辩手(debate dinosaur)可以用出乎意料的speech赢得整个比赛。我们经常说一个speech非常的convincing和 properly present,往往是由于对于论点的论证,令人信服并且印象深刻。而不是充满循环论证或者meaningless的车轱辘子话。



1) 根据数据Statistics


The average smoker who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day has a life-expectancy which is 20 years shorter than those who do not smoke.

2) 根据经验Empirical Evidence


Every cigarette contains multiple carcinogens which are chemicals which cause cancer.

3) 举例去论证Examples to illustrate


Cigarettes contain Tar,the same substance which we use to pave our roads.They contain traces of Arsenic, which is used as rat poison.

4) 去形容情景Descriptive narratives


Every puff of the cigarette introduces alien and toxic particles into your body. The smoke particles clog up your lungs and heart, the toxins enter your bloodstream and spread across your body. The pleasurable feeling gained from smoking is actually a sign that your body is in shock, as it struggles to cope with the thousands of foreign and unnatural chemicals which plague your system.

所以最终解释的目标是给一个具体的描述,那么裁判才可以知道具体的情况,到底会发生什么,这种感觉好像ta看了一部纪录片一样。很多时候辩手不需要用太多华丽的语言去达到这个程度,而是KISS,也就是 keep it simple,keep it stupid. 不要过于追求语言的繁复和精美,简洁明了的用词有时候效果会更好。



描述HOW往往基于事实和实践中的观察(fact claims),但它们有时候是不足够的。因为我们不能用事实去争辩,去说明因为存在,所以这个事情是正确/错误的。并且事实往往带有争议,甚至是不真实的数据(撒谎/故意无视,这些都是不应该出现的),也就是你的对手和裁判可能都不会这么认为或者同意这个观点。特殊的情况,孤证不能成立,因为我可以举出更多数量的反例。






为什么上瘾性是一个这么严重的问题甚至要开始禁烟?Why is addiction to smoking such a great problem that it warrants a ban?

为什么吸烟的危害不能被控制甚至消除?Why can’t the harms of smoking be meaningfully regulated?

为什么不能通过各方同意的手段却觉得是否能抽烟??Why can’t smokers exercise meaningful consent over whether to smoke?

为什么吸烟的危害严重到了让社会不能接受的地步?Why are the harms of smoking unacceptable to a society?

所以,让一切问题变得有意义的就是第三步,SO WHAT?也可以解释成,为什么那么重要呢?为什么与这个辩题如此相关(relevant)?涉及到哪些相关方(stakeholder)?这些影响有多大(important)?让大家行动起来的目的是什么(impact)?


每一步的论证,其实都在prove our burden。

政府有责任满足公民的合理需求,让他们生活得安全和幸福。但是吸烟给这些造成了威胁,当然长久来看(in the long run),也危害了经济发展的持续和稳定。


除了how-why-sowhat这种最基础的结构,当然也有其它类型,比如truth+importance或者 mechanism+impact



importance: 沟通能力得不到培养,孩子将来步入社会,升学、求职,工作中与上级同级下级沟通都会存在一定困难,这将会让他们在精神上自己觉得难以融入社会,缺少很近的社交圈,在物质上的经济机会、工作机会、学习机会等因此受害。心理上,往往会导致两种行为模式:过度地以自我为中心,听不进别人的意见;自我封闭,不愿意走出自己的小圈子。导致的结果都是相似的,也就是很难与人合作,融入社会往往会导致困难。社会未来的发展很多时候在于未来的青年人,所以我们才认为教育重要,所以才会有义务教育之类的规定,如果这样的教育会存在很多隐患,对未来社会的发展不利,那么自然政府应该禁止这样的行为。(正方观点)





When children choose to be homeschooled instead of going to school, their communication skills will worsen students communication skill. Students will have less time to communicate with their friends, such as discussing homework, projects or even chatting with their friends. Yet if they choose to study in school instead, they will talk with more people such as different teachers and a variety of students from different grade levels. They will also learn and know about people from all over the world, and different ways that people act to things, in order for them to know how to say the same thing with the same meaning in a more kinder way that people understand. Thus explains my reasons to support that homeschooling is bad for children's communication skills.


Good reasoning! Next time maybe also spend a bit time comparing how on the other side people who are homeschooled will be lacking communication skills - like they mostly communicate with their parents everyday while they parents pour most attention to them, so when they actually start to communicate with other peers they are easily frustrated, etc.


First one, compared to those who study at school, children who receive home-schooling get less chances to talk and get along with so many other kids as the former students could do. Scond.

It’s also hard to know some other kid in their community since they don’t have too many connections or they barely know each other. For example, Zuckerberg got the idea of inventing Facebook after he talked with his friends. If he was home-schooled he perhaps wouldn’t know how to communicate with those friends. 


Good one, very clear in structure! Love the fact that you used an interesting evidence too.


Statement: Home-schooling is bad for children's communication skills.

Explain: When children choose to study at home instead of at school, their communication times with others will be declined. If they study at school, it is more likely for them to communicate with others, such as discussing about a question in their homework, about how to study more efficiently, about how they spend their weekend or even about how to help one person go out of his trouble time, which is a process for these students to improve their communication skills. However, if they choose to study at home, they almost never have their classmates to communicate because they usually stay with themselves that they may don't know how to communicate well with others, which includes how to build a good talk structure and how they can have a nice talk, which can be overcome simply by communicating more with others.

Illustration: A study conducted by 21st century educational research institution confirmed that there are 51.6% parents showed their children's communication skills actually weakened after whose children are home-schooling ones.


Fantastic job really! :) Very clear structure and very convincing example - you’ve done a good research job.


S: Home-schooling is bad for children's communication skills.

Ex: Children who stay at home obviously lack the oppotunity to contact peers and other adults(teachers). Thus they will practice much less interpersonal interaction, which is not good for their future life. They will not know there are different types of people and we should treat them a little differently. They will not know how to compromise with others when people have disagreement.

I: In China, we have news that some children did home-schooling and became very young undergraduate student, but it is reported they experienced bad at interacting with classmates.


Awesome job! On the evidence side, maybe state clearer how exactly did those young uni students experience bad interactions? Like they don’t like friends? They acted improperly in public? And was that all because they are home schooled?

学员@Camillio Martinez

Home-schooling is bad for children’s communication skills.

Definition: Home-school means parents teaching their children at home instead of going to school.

One of disadvantages of teaching children at home may cause negative effects on their social skills, especially communication skills. Here, our government states regardless of being teaching by online course or kids’ parents, our next generation will finally lose confidence and self-esteem if they receive home-schooling only. And I will illustrate two points to explain it. Firstly, when parents devote their time on children at home, it means that the time kids spend in school will be diminished. Kids may have less time to communicate with their teachers and peers, have less opportunities to share things happening in the growth process and have less platforms to express their opinions, which indicate that they cannot interact with outside world effectively. Under this situation, they will have no room to share their own ideas and release their emotion, eventually making they feel stressed and anxious. Even if they can talk to their parents and peers on the internet, they can hardly get timely feedback, interaction and fidelity.

Secondly, the courses school providing are more appropriate for kids to how to communicate and socialize. Because teachers are undergone specialized training and familiar with the adolescent’s emotions and minds. They know how to tackle with difficulties kids will meet on the process of socialization. They can design class activities to motive then together and make every lesson lively and stimulating to engage them in to teamwork. Thus the platform school can provide may inspire children to cooperate and generally develop ties of relationship and communication. In contrast, some parents may be unfamiliar with kids’ development of mental growth and cannot copy with various situations.


Textbook like structure! Good job!

My questions on your arguments are: what if the parents teach their children full-time at home - in which they can provide timely feedback to kids - and they get to be trained professionally to teach at home - would this erase your concerns?


Home-schooling ,also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home.

Firstly, home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor or online teacher. So, there is only limited people can talk with the child. Because,there are no classmates and few of teachers. But, in school, the children have many chance to communicate with classmates and teachers.

Secondly, discussions is important for children's communication skills. If a child receive education in home , there is no chance for him to discuss with classmates.

Thirdly, many activities (speech, game and so on)in school can benefit children's courage .And, courage is the most important thing for communication skills.


All good! Just one small question: what if the students can get trained in terms of speech etc. at home by their parents?


Statement: Home-schooling is bad for children’s communication skills.

I. Home-schooling fails to offer kids environment requiring social interaction with kids of different characteristics. Children should be allowed to see other people they like or dislike and then learn to deal with them. Bad kids brought them sadness as well as growth.

II. Home-schooling is lacking in opportunities to participate in team works. For team work, corporative skills are trained and better communication is required to achieve common goals.


Fantastic job! Love your points, really nuances and well analyzed.

学员@Yoyo Wu

More parents are now choosing to homeschool instead of sending their children to public or private schools. But actually did it really good for children’s education? I would like to give several points to opposite this idea. Firstly, schools are communities that not only emphasize collective learning but also encourage children to learn about corporation and team concept in sports and extra form of curriculums. It’s kind of public health that helps children develop their social ability through different kinds of teamwork in schools. Children would get fewer opportunities to interact with the same-age children with a variety of personalities. Therefore, it’s easy for they to develop a selfishness consciousness. Interacting with other children who may be taught different belief systems and come from different social-economic statuses and religious or ethnic backgrounds prepare students for their future, where the potential of having to deal with someone who is different is almost inevitable.

Secondly, we believe that that there are unique benefits to receiving an education outside of the home that that they make school an absolute necessity that every child should partake in. The only way to truly hold the child's interests as a priority is to to prepare them for the society that they will soon inherit; homeschooling attempts to construct a world for the child that often does not match reality.

Finally, we believe that homeschooling will make children get loss of opportunity. Public schools provide kinds of resources for children to discover their talents that homeschooling can’t do. Although parents are generally aware of what their child is capable of, their assessments are not always accurate. It may due to children’s reactions in different environments will be different and in the home environment will limit their development. Sometimes they just need a mentor to help them find their potential talents during different interactions. Home environment is so limited that children is easy to get tired and rentless about the situation and argue with parents.

Above all, homeschooling wouldn’t be a good choice to children’s personal development due to the limited environment, limited interactions with different people with different skills, which will make children lose opportunities that they suppose to experience in public schools.


I like how you went really detailed about children’s psychology, that’s very important! Great job, very persuasive!



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