

阅读主题 - 三杯鸡+酸椰菜+豉油皇金蒜蒸茄子 - 贝太厨房 - 菜谱搜索, 家常菜谱, 美食论坛, 营养健康, 居家厨房
   NO:0   发表于: 2007-07-21 14:35 星期六    发表主题: 三杯鸡+酸椰菜+豉油皇金蒜蒸茄子

流传着还有这么个故事。。。。。相传南宋末年,民族英雄文天祥在家乡赣州组织义军万人前往临安(杭州)勤王,保卫首都。后来他被皇上任命为右丞相,担起了治国大任。但由于战事不利,文天祥不得不转战江、浙、闽、粤,最后于1278年海丰一战失利,被元军俘获,押到了元大都(北京),打入死囚 牢中。大宋百姓闻听后,无不悲痛万分。有一天,一位七旬龙钟老太提篮探监。她口称是文丞相老母。并由一位江西籍牢卒偷偷将老人带进死牢。原来老人是受江西乡亲重托携带活鸡一只,老酒一壶前来狱中祭奠文天祥亡灵的。只因外边早就风传丞相已经被害。这时老太看到丞相还活着,真后悔没带做好的熟鸡,难于让丞相再尝尝家乡风味,心里十分难过。看守牢卒感念老太太高义,出于同乡份上,便悄悄找来一个瓦钵,盛了半钵清水,立时杀鸡点火收拾停当。但牢中无法添水,只好以酒代水,再撒些盐粒。哪知不到一个时辰,鸡肉早已酥烂,奇香扑鼻。老太与牢卒双手捧鸡钵跪倒在地,献到文丞相面前,以表达大宋军民对丞相的崇敬之情。文天祥百感交集,饮酒悲歌,当场写下了“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”的千古名句。1283年12月9日,文天祥壮烈殉国。牢卒逃出大都回到江西老家,他与那位老太太一起带领父老乡亲修起了一座文公庙。自此,每年12月9日前后,文公庙烟火特盛。人们用“三杯鸡”祭奠文丞相。后来江西的“三杯鸡”和文天祥的大名一起流传后世。

1支/250克 鸡腿肉
1块 姜,切片
6瓣 蒜片
1支 红辣椒
20克 罗勒
2大勺 麻油
2大勺 伏特加酒
1+1/2大勺 生抽
1/2大勺 老抽
1/2大勺 冰糖
1/4小勺 五香粉
1 / 250 g Chicken drumstick
1 chunk Ginger root, sliced
6 clove Garlic, sliced
1 Chilli, sliced
20 g Basil leaves
2 tbsp Sesame oil
2 tbsp Vodak
1+1/2 tbsp Light soya sauce
1/2 tbsp Dark soya sauce
1/2 tbsp Rock sugar
1/4 tsp Five spice

1. 鸡腿洗净剁适当块状备用。罗勒洗净沥干。烧热麻油,入姜蒜和辣椒片爆香。放入鸡块炒至断生。
Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces. Rinse basil leaves and dry up. Heat up the sesame oil, add garlic and ginger, stir-fly till fragrant, then add chicken pieces till it changes colour.
2. 淋入加饭酒,酱油及冰糖。烧开后将火候调低,煮至酱汁浓稠。转高火候,放入罗勒,翻炒兜晕。
Pour in vodak, soya sauces and rock sugar. After boiling, turn the heat to medium till the sauce becomes thickening. Turn the heat to high and add basil. Stir to combine and serve.

Cabbage Relish / 酸椰菜
1颗/700克 花椰菜/高丽菜
200克 黄瓜
50克 胡萝卜
4大勺 粗盐
3-4支 泡椒段
1支 辣椒片
15克 姜丝
6-8大勺 白米醋
2大勺 白糖
4大勺 蜂蜜
1 head / 700 g Cabbage
200 g Cucumber
50 g Carrot
4 tbsp Sea salt
3-4 stalk Pickled chilli chunks
1 stalk Fresh chilli chunks
15 g Ginger, shredded
6-8 tbsp White rice vinegar
2 tbsp White sugar
4 tbsp Honey
1. 高丽菜剥去外叶,切去中心不用,洗净后掰成块状。胡萝卜和黄瓜也处理成粗片状。将材料放入大瓷碗,加盐拌匀,盖上重物压一整夜,待软化脱水。Remove outer leaves from cabbage and cut out core. Rinse and tear them into chunks. Prepare carrot and cucumber into thick slices. Place the vegetables in a large ceramic bowl. Sprinkle in salt and combine thoroughly. Weigh it down with rock or heavy cans and let stand overnight. The idea is to put pressure on the vegetables to get the liquid out.
2. 用凉白开洗去脱水后蔬菜盐分,挤去多余水份放入大碗里,加入泡椒段,辣椒片和姜丝,加入米醋,糖和蜂蜜调拌均匀后用保鲜膜包好冷藏2-3天即可食用。
Rinse the vegetables in potable. Drain thoroughly. Place in the bowl and add in pickled chilli, fresh chilli and ginger shreds. Season it with white rice vinegar, sugar and honey. Toss to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate in fridge for 2-3 days.

1根/250克 茄子
10-12粒 蒜末
适量 沙拉油
1/2小勺 鸡精
2大勺 生抽酱油
3/4大勺 清水
1/2小勺 麻油
适量 糖和胡椒粉
2大勺 葱花
1个 樱桃西红柿切细条状(装饰用)
1 / 250 g Eggplant
10-12 Garlic, minced
Some vegetable oil
½ tsp Chicken bouillon
2 tbsp Light soya sauce
¾tbsp Water
½ tsp Sesame oil
Some sugar and white pepper powder
2 tbsp Chopped spring onion
Heated oil to sprinkle
1 Cherry tomato, shredded for decoration

1. 将茄子切成四份长条状,然后用利刀将表皮切成锯齿状,排放在碟子中。蒜头剁碎后用中油温将其炸至金黄色。炸好后的蒜末加入鸡精和麻油调味拌匀后洒在茄子上,放入蒸笼大火正10分钟至茄子儒软。
Quarter the eggplant lengthwise into 4 long strips and cut and form the skin sides into a serrated pattern. Place them in a heat proof plate. Mince the garlic and fry them until crispy and golden over the medium heat. Season the fried garlic with chicken bouillon and sesame oil and evenly sprinkle on the top of the eggplant strips. Steam for 10 minutes until soft and cooked over the strong heat.
2. 生抽,清水和砂糖用炸蒜头的锅稍微煮开后,倒入蒸好的茄子上,撒上葱花和胡椒粉。用樱桃西红柿装饰。洒上热油上桌。
Combine light soya sauce, water and sugar in the skillet, which is used to fry the garlic, and cook until just heated through. Pour over the steamed eggplant strips. Sprinkle the chopped onions and garnish with cherry tomato shreds. Drizzle with heated oil and serve.

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