


My gold medal goes to Fu Yuanhui – for talking openly about her period

It’s easier than you think to become an Olympic sensation. You can train for years, sacrifice hugely and perform to your highest ability in front of an audience of billions. But you can also just mention that you’re on your period, and become globally famous.


This is what Fu Yuanhui, China’s rather adorable swimmer, did when asked about her team’s fourth place finish in the medley relay. “It’s because my period came yesterday, so I felt particularly tired,” she said. 


Because she is Fu Yuanhui and rather adorable, she finished the sentence by saying “this isn’t an excuse, I still didn’t swim well enough”. It may not have been an excuse, but it was a disclosure that was revolutionary, because, stupidly, recognising that sportswomen have to perform even with menstrual cramps and while bleeding is still exceptional and newsworthy.


Fu isn’t the first sportswoman to admit that her uterus shedding its endometrial lining has impacted her job: Heather Watson famously alluded to her period affecting her performance in the Australian Open last year. But she only implied, and the media inferred, that “girl things” meant bleeding.


What Fu did was extraordinary. And how pathetic that that’s the case, especially when new research done by Georgie Bruinvels and colleagues at UCL found that 37% of elite athletes suffer heavy menstrual bleeding – despite the impact that anaemia can have on performance – only 22% had sought medical advice. A recent survey by WaterAid found that 56% of women in the UK avoid swimming during their period.

傅园慧不简单,但也很可怜,伦敦大学Georgie Bruinvels和同事的新研究发现,37%的顶尖运动员经期出血严重,尽管贫血症对运动表现有影响,只有22%选择就医。水援助组织最近调查发现,英国56%的女性不在经期游泳。

Fu Yuanhui’s statement is being called historic. Since most historical records were written or sung by men, we don’t know much about how women managed their menstruation or how they were treated in the past. 


Probably, as the historian Sara Read has written, they bled into their clothes, much as many rural Indian women still prefer to do (when I asked one woman whether she would wear a sanitary pad, she said, “we don’t even wear underwear. What do you expect? We are jungle people.”).


There are hints here and there in history that women’s ability to bleed without injury was seen by male medical professionals as either mystical, marvellous or terrifying. 


Read cites Lazare Rivière, author of a 17th-century anatomy guide, as saying that the womb was the source of “six hundred miseries and innumerable calamities”. 

里德引用一本17世纪解剖指南作者Lazare Rivière的话说,子宫是“六百种不幸和难以尽述的灾难”之源泉。

The Roman author Pliny thought menstrual blood was poisonous and could cause “wine to sour, trees and crops to die, mirrors to cloud, swords to blunt, and dogs to go mad should they chance to taste it”. I’ve always wanted to blunt a sword and cloud a mirror.


As for women who didn’t bleed and were menopausal: they were often locked up. You think your period is just a pain, but given the amount of effort expended by men to keep bleeding women in their place, it’s obviously a superpower.


Daft menstrual taboos persist in certain countries and religions, where menstruating women have amazing power to make pickles go rotten (leading to a delightful Proctor & Gamble campaign called Touch the Pickle), pollute temples, make snakes materialise or sour buffalo milk. But we have no grounds to feel superior in our supposedly enlightened societies. 


How many women and girls ask for time off work for menstrual cramps, or admit that that’s why they are off sick? How many would admit to feeling appalling and weepy because of pre-menstrual tension? The only situation in which periods are talked about in the workplace – be it an office or an Olympic stadium – is in banter and jokes, and that is not funny.


This self-censorship is why women have put up with sanitary products being taxed as luxury items for years. It’s why it takes on average 10 years for women to be diagnosed with endometriosis, a gynaecological condition linked with painful periods, because either women and girls or GPs – or both – think painful periods are normal. (I was prescribed prescription-strength painkillers for years and never thought to question it; nor did a series of GPs.)


But things are better now, right? Bodyform’s recent ad Blood, showing women doing sport, fiercely, and bleeding to a soundtrack of thumping electronica, must mean that talking about periods and performance is now acceptable. 


Except the only blood they don’t show is the menstrual kind. All this positive period empowerment, and yet we’re still being shown blue liquids in most period advertising and treating an athlete’s statement of fact as a massive revelation.

可没有展示出来的一种流血方式就是月经。 尽管给女人月经正了名,可大多数经期广告中仍然使用蓝色的液体,我们还是把一个运动员的实话实说当做泄露天机。

Athletes, who must know their bodies and abilities forensically and intimately, may well be the best women to loudly talk about periods. So Fu deserves her bronze in the 100m backstroke, but I’d give her a gold medal too: not for admitting that she had a period, but for conveying that it was no big deal. And now, women, let’s get over ourselves and follow in her wake.









lovable especially in a childlike or naive way 萌宠的

例句:But long before Miss Richards, now 52, was tabloid fodder, she was an adorable child actress.(《华盛顿时报》7月26日)



deserving or inciting pity 惹人怜

例句:'I suppose every filmmaker has the naive, even pathetic dream that his film could be the one that finally stops a war, ' said Maoz.



liable to weep easily. 爱哭的

例句:Fans ripped up Durant jerseys and delivered weepy testimonials to the powerful bonds between a city and its star athlete.(《纽约时报》8月16日)



to be chummy with

Today we have an expression that can be used in a very friendly way, but it can also be used in a very negative way. Make sure YOU understand the difference.

口语栏目来自Let's master English

CNN | 中国女人为啥坐月子?

希拉里是怎样炼成的?| 金融时报




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