


8月20日,公共演讲世界冠军赛(Toastmasters International world champion of public speaking)在美国落下帷幕。这可是全世界最大的演讲比赛,历时6个月,吸引了来自100多个国家超过30000名选手参加!这竞争简直是:

冠军最终花落这位27岁的新加坡律师——Darren Tay↓↓

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一般来讲,参加演讲比赛大家都是西装革履,可是Darren Tay一上台,竟然是这样的画风 ↓↓


Darren Tay从自己上中学时遭到凌辱的经历讲起。同学Greg让他把内裤穿在外面,在校园里走,百般羞辱他:

'Hey, loser! How do you like your new school uniform? I think it looks great on you.' Those were the words of my high school bully, Greg Amberfield. Now, if you're all wondering if the underwear that Greg used was clean, I had the same question.



At age 14, when I went to school, my high school bully Greg, would stop me in my tracks during recess and would tell me, 'I'm gonna so get you outside. I'm gonna knock you in your teeth, punch you in the gut, and laugh at your sorry behind.' But he didn't quite use the word 'behind'. I just cleaned it up because this is a Toastmasters program.



Have you ever wondered why bullies always thought they need to tell you the exact sequence they're gonna bully you? My friends, whenever I heard those words, my hand would tremble. Have you ever felt so fearful that you could not eat or sleep? At age 16, Greg was six feet tall and weighed 240 pounds of what I can only presume to be biological insulation.



I tried everything I could. I tried buying a cake for Greg, hoping he would stop, only to have the cake on my face. I tried telling the teacher about it, only to have Greg torment me even more. I even tried taking up taekwondo and karate, only to break my wrist while I tried to hit a thin plank.



She said, 'The way to deal with bullies is not to hide or run; the way to deal with bullies is to outsmart and outlast.' It was like a light bulb in my mind that went 'Bing! I can do that'.


Darren于是做出了一个一劳永逸(once and for all)的决定:转学!


Several years later, after my encounter with Greg, I met a bigger bully, a better bully, a stronger bully. And this bully, no matter what I do, I could not get rid of it. This bully would echo negative words to me, telling me I’m a loser, telling me that I would never ever succeed. My self-esteem would be so damaged that some days, I would just want to lie in bed, not wanting to get up. Have you felt that way before?


Darren说,这个恶霸洞悉他的日常,并且无时无刻不在跟踪他(This bully knew my schedule so well and would stalk me 24/7)



My friends, as much as we try to deny it, we are our toughest and strongest bullies. We beat ourselves up, and put ourselves down. Have you ever felt that you are not good enough? I felt that way. At times, we are our worst enemies. And at this point in time, if you are wondering: How long is Darren going to have this underwear outside his pants? This is the world championship of public speaking grand finals. Isn't five minutes too long? If you felt that five minutes was long, how long have you been wearing your invisible underwear outside your pants? How long have you permitted your inner bully to take charge of your life? Five minutes isn't long.



I met Greg. I was shocked to meet him at a Toastmasters' meeting. Since when did the Toastmaster's logo turn from 'Where leaders are made' to 'Where bullies are made'? Greg, by the way, is now a counselor teaching teenagers to combat bullies.



'The best way to deal with inner bullies is not to run or hide; you cannot run away from the bully here. The best way to deal with it is to stand firm, face it and acknowledge its presence. When you do so, you are no longer identifying with it. You are stepping out and observing it. It's like instead of being out there in the storm, you are now in the house watching the storm. Your inner bully will weaken and fade.'



I'm not afraid any more. I'm in control because I'm acknowledging it, I'm stepping out of it, observing it, and watching it weaken and fade. My friends, let us all not run away from our inner bullies anymore. Let us all face our inner bullies, acknowledge its presence, and fight. Let us all be vulnerable together as a family, supporting one another, because we can all outsmart and outlast.


获得冠军以后,Darren接受了Business Insider的采访,总结了一些演讲的技巧。

他说在台上演讲,你得让观众舒服(get the audience comfortable first)

所以尽管年少时被凌辱是一件很伤心的事情,他还是决定有说有笑地来讲述。毕竟,当观众笑起来很放松的时候,他们更容易接受你接下来要讲的内容(when audience members laugh they are more open to your message)

Darren还说,演讲得有一个贯穿始终的主题(develop a message and let the message guide your speech)

有了主题以后,试着讲一个故事。“如果你能讲一个很有力的故事,你的信息会传递得更好。”(If you tell a very powerful story, it can help to bring a message across much better.)

此外,“好的演讲让观众觉得,你是在跟他们直接对话。”(Great speeches make audience members feel like the speaker is talking directly to them.)


除此之外,有效运用肢体语言(effectively use body language)也是很重要的。

Darren说,新手的手势常常要么离脸过近,显得自己很紧张,要么放得过低,让人分心。理想的手势位置应该是肚脐处(It's common for novice public speakers to have their gestures centered either too close to their face, which suggests nervousness, or too low, which is distracting. He said the ideal center is around the belly button.)





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